boot/ti-k3-r5-loader: install tiboot3.bin and sysfw.itb to BINARIES_DIR

With binman support enabled, u-boot for k3 r5 core (ti-k3-r5-loader)
install different target image (tiboot3*.bin) depending on the K3
SoC boot ROM:

- General Purpose devices (gp)
- High Security - Field Securable devices (hs-fs)
- High Security - Security Enforcing devices (hs)

An additional firmware binary is required on certain TI K3 devices such
as AM65 and J721e due to the "Split binary" boot flow [1]:

- Split binary with a combined firmware: (eg: AM65)
- Combined binary with a combined firmware: (eg: AM64)
- Split binary with a split firmware: (eg: J721E)
- Combined binary with a split firmware: (eg: AM62)

K3 SoC using Split Binary Boot Flow also requires sysfw-*.itb file
to boot (eg: am65, j721e). Only tiboot3*.bin is needed for other
boot flow.

From [1]:
"It's important to rename the generated tiboot3.bin and sysfw.itb
to match exactly tiboot3.bin and sysfw.itb as ROM and the wakeup
UBoot SPL will only look for and load the files with these names."

See the (not exhaustive) list of all tiboot3*.bin and sysfw*.itb file
variant found in meta-ti:

  meta-ti-bsp/conf/machine/beaglebone-ai64-k3r5.conf:UBOOT_IMAGE = "tiboot3-${MAINMACHINE}-${PV}-${PR}.${UBOOT_SUFFIX}"
  meta-ti-bsp/conf/machine/beaglebone-ai64-k3r5.conf:UBOOT_SYMLINK = "tiboot3-${MAINMACHINE}.${UBOOT_SUFFIX}"
  meta-ti-bsp/conf/machine/include/ += "tiboot3-am62ax-hs-fs-evm.bin"
  meta-ti-bsp/conf/machine/include/ += "tiboot3-am62ax-gp-evm.bin"
  meta-ti-bsp/conf/machine/include/ += "tiboot3-am62ax-hs-evm.bin"
  meta-ti-bsp/conf/machine/include/ += "tiboot3-am62px-hs-fs-evm.bin"
  meta-ti-bsp/conf/machine/include/ += "tiboot3-am62x-hs-fs-evm.bin"
  meta-ti-bsp/conf/machine/include/ += "tiboot3-am62x-gp-evm.bin"
  meta-ti-bsp/conf/machine/include/ += "tiboot3-am62x-hs-evm.bin"
  meta-ti-bsp/conf/machine/include/ += "tiboot3-am64x_sr2-hs-fs-evm.bin"
  meta-ti-bsp/conf/machine/include/ += "tiboot3-am64x-gp-evm.bin"
  meta-ti-bsp/conf/machine/include/ += "tiboot3-am64x_sr2-hs-evm.bin"
  meta-ti-bsp/conf/machine/include/ += "tiboot3-am65x_sr2-gp-evm.bin"
  meta-ti-bsp/conf/machine/include/ += "tiboot3-am65x_sr2-hs-evm.bin"
  meta-ti-bsp/conf/machine/include/ += "tiboot3-j7200-gp-evm.bin"
  meta-ti-bsp/conf/machine/include/ += "tiboot3-j7200_sr2-hs-fs-evm.bin"
  meta-ti-bsp/conf/machine/include/ += "tiboot3-j7200_sr2-hs-evm.bin"
  meta-ti-bsp/conf/machine/include/ += "tiboot3-j721e-gp-evm.bin"
  meta-ti-bsp/conf/machine/include/ += "tiboot3-j721e_sr2-hs-fs-evm.bin"
  meta-ti-bsp/conf/machine/include/ += "tiboot3-j721e_sr1_1-hs-evm.bin"
  meta-ti-bsp/conf/machine/include/ += "tiboot3-j721s2-gp-evm.bin"
  meta-ti-bsp/conf/machine/include/ += "tiboot3-j721s2-hs-fs-evm.bin"
  meta-ti-bsp/conf/machine/include/ += "tiboot3-j722s-hs-fs-evm.bin"
  meta-ti-bsp/conf/machine/include/ += "tiboot3-j784s4-gp-evm.bin"
  meta-ti-bsp/conf/machine/include/ += "tiboot3-j784s4-hs-fs-evm.bin"
  meta-ti-bsp/conf/machine/include/ = "tiboot3-${SYSFW_SOC}-${SYSFW_SUFFIX}-${SYSFW_CONFIG}.${SPL_SUFFIX}"

  meta-ti-bsp/conf/machine/include/ += "sysfw.itb"
  meta-ti-bsp/conf/machine/include/ += "sysfw-am65x_sr2-gp-evm.itb"
  meta-ti-bsp/conf/machine/include/ += "sysfw-am65x_sr2-hs-evm.itb"
  meta-ti-bsp/conf/machine/include/ += "sysfw.itb"
  meta-ti-bsp/conf/machine/include/ += "sysfw-j721e-gp-evm.itb"
  meta-ti-bsp/conf/machine/include/ += "sysfw-j721e_sr2-hs-fs-evm.itb"
  meta-ti-bsp/conf/machine/include/ += "sysfw-j721e_sr1_1-hs-evm.itb"

This firmware list can also be verified with the firmware name used in
the u-boot devicetree k3-*-binman.dtsi files.

On the SK-AM62B-P1, three tiboot3 binaries are built, one for each boot
ROM variant:


A tiboot3.bin symlink is provided as default choice:

  tiboot3.bin -> tiboot3-am62x-hs-fs-evm.bin

On this board, the tiboot3.bin symlink links to the hs-fs variant
but it not always de case for all TI K3 devices.
(ex: J721e use gp variant by default).

The tiboot3.bin symlink links the -gp, -hs-fs, -hs tiboot3 binary
according to where "symlink = "tiboot3.bin";" line is located in

As reported by Michael Walle [2], such firmware name can also be
customized by a SBC vendor [3], so we can't always be sure which
firmware to use.

If required, let the user provide a custom tiboot3 or sysfw firmware
name from the defconfig. Otherwise use the default firmware choice
by copying tiboot3.bin and sysfw.itb symlinks.


Reviewed-by: Arnout Vandecappelle <>
Signed-off-by: Dario Binacchi <>
Signed-off-by: Romain Naour <>
2 files changed