blob: 069965680b2bd1212d38cbbc4f28d9f002752220 [file] [log] [blame]
# Syntax:
# N: Firstname Lastname <email>
# F: file pattern or directory
# F: file pattern or directory
# The "F" entries can be:
# - A directory, in which case all patches touching any file in this
# directory or its subdirectories will be CC'ed to the developer.
# - A pattern, in which case the pattern will be expanded, and then
# all files/directories (and their subdirectories) will be
# considered when matching against a patch
# Notes:
# - When a developer adds an "arch/<arch>" file to its list
# of files, he is considered a developer of this architecture. He
# will receive e-mail notifications about build failures occuring on
# this architecture. Not more than one e-mail per day is sent.
# - When a developer adds a directory that contains one or several
# packages, this developer will be notified when build failures
# occur. Not more than one e-mail per day is sent.
# - When a developer adds an "package/pkg-<infra>.mk" file to its list
# of files, he is considered interested by this package
# infrastructure, and will be CC'ed on all patches that add or
# modify packages that use this infrastructure.
N: Adam Duskett <>
F: package/depot-tools/
F: package/dmenu-wayland/
F: package/fcft/
F: package/foot/
F: package/flutter-engine/
F: package/flutter-packages/
F: package/flutter-packages/flutter-adaptive-scaffold-example/
F: package/flutter-packages/flutter-animations-example/
F: package/flutter-packages/flutter-go-router-example/
F: package/flutter-packages/flutter-image-example/
F: package/flutter-packages/flutter-markdown-example/
F: package/flutter-packages/flutter-rfw-local-example/
F: package/flutter-pi/
F: package/flutter-sdk-bin/
F: package/ivi-homescreen/
F: package/libutempter/
F: package/tllist/
F: support/testing/tests/package/
N: Adam Heinrich <>
F: package/jack1/
N: Adrian Perez de Castro <>
F: package/brotli/
F: package/bubblewrap/
F: package/cage/
F: package/cog/
F: package/libavif/
F: package/libdex/
F: package/libepoxy/
F: package/libmanette/
F: package/libpsl/
F: package/libwpe/
F: package/sysprof/
F: package/webkitgtk/
F: package/wlroots/
F: package/woff2/
F: package/wpebackend-fdo/
F: package/wpewebkit/
F: package/xdg-dbus-proxy/
N: Adrien Gallouët <>
F: package/bird/
F: package/glorytun/
N: Alejandro González <>
F: package/qprint/
F: package/watchdog/
N: Aleksander Morgado <>
F: package/libmbim/
F: package/libqmi/
F: package/modem-manager/
N: Alessandro Partesotti <>
F: package/oatpp/
N: Alex Michel <>
F: package/libzenoh-c/
F: package/libzenoh-pico/
F: package/network-manager-openvpn/
N: Alex Suykov <>
F: board/chromebook/snow/
F: configs/chromebook_snow_defconfig
F: package/vboot-utils/
N: Alexander Clouter <>
F: package/odhcp6c/
N: Alexander Dahl <>
F: package/fastd/
F: package/libuecc/
F: package/siproxd/
F: package/putty/
N: Alexander Egorenkov <>
F: package/makedumpfile/
F: package/multipath-tools/
N: Alexander Egorenkov <>
F: arch/
F: board/qemu/s390x/
F: configs/qemu_s390x_defconfig
F: package/s390-tools/
N: Alexander Kurz <>
F: package/minimodem/
N: Alexander Lukichev <>
F: package/openpgm/
N: Aleksandr Makarov <>
F: package/libest/
N: Alexander Mukhin <>
F: package/tinyproxy/
F: package/zfs/
N: Alexander Sverdlin <>
F: package/mini-snmpd/
N: Alexander Varnin <>
F: package/liblog4c-localtime/
N: Alexandre Belloni <>
F: package/tz/
N: Alexandre Esse <>
F: package/kvazaar/
F: package/v4l2loopback/
N: Alexey Brodkin <>
F: board/cubietech/cubieboard2/
F: configs/cubieboard2_defconfig
N: Alexey Lukyanchuk <>
F: package/zabbix/
N: Alistair Francis <>
F: board/sifive/
F: boot/opensbi/
F: configs/hifive_unleashed_defconfig
F: package/libspdm/
F: package/xen/
N: Alvaro G. M <>
F: package/dcron/
F: package/libxmlrpc/
F: package/python-docopt/
N: Anand Gadiyar <>
F: board/ti/am62x-sk/
F: board/ti/am64x-sk/
F: boot/ti-k3-boot-firmware/
F: boot/ti-k3-r5-loader/
F: configs/ti_am62x_sk_defconfig
F: configs/ti_am64x_sk_defconfig
N: André Zwing <>
F: package/libkrb5/
F: package/p7zip/
F: package/wine/
N: Andreas Klinger <>
F: package/ply/
N: Andreas Naumann <>
F: package/evemu/
F: package/libevdev/
F: package/
F: package/qt5/qt5opcua/
F: package/qt6/qt6opcua/
N: Andreas Ziegler <>
F: package/mpd/
N: Andrey Smirnov <>
F: package/python-decorator/
F: package/python-ipython-genutils/
F: package/python-pickleshare/
F: package/python-scandir/
F: package/python-simplegeneric/
F: package/python-systemd/
F: package/python-traitlets/
F: package/zstd/
N: Andrey Yurovsky <>
F: package/rauc/
N: Angelo Compagnucci <>
F: board/sipeed/lichee_rv/
F: board/sipeed/lichee_rv_dock/
F: configs/sipeed_lichee_rv*
F: package/apparmor/
F: package/corkscrew/
F: package/cups/
F: package/cups-filters/
F: package/cutekeyboard/
F: package/fail2ban/
F: package/grep/
F: package/gtkiostream/
F: package/htpdate/
F: package/i2c-tools/
F: package/jq/
F: package/libapparmor/
F: package/libb64/
F: package/libdill/
F: package/mender/
F: package/mender-artifact/
F: package/mono/
F: package/mono-gtksharp3/
F: package/monolite/
F: package/openjpeg/
F: package/python-can/
F: package/python-minimalmodbus/
F: package/python-pillow/
F: package/python-pydal/
F: package/python-spidev/
F: package/python-web2py/
F: package/qt5/qt5coap/
F: package/qt5/qt5knx/
F: package/qt5/qt5mqtt/
F: package/rtl8723ds/
F: package/rtl8723ds-bt/
F: package/sam-ba/
F: package/sshguard/
F: package/sunwait/
F: package/sysdig/
N: Andy Shevchenko <>
F: package/fb-test-app/
N: Anisse Astier <>
F: package/go/
F: package/nghttp2/
F: package/
N: Anthony Viallard <>
F: package/gnuplot/
N: Antoine Tenart <>
F: package/libselinux/
F: package/refpolicy/
F: support/testing/tests/core/test_selinux/
F: support/testing/tests/core/
F: support/testing/tests/init/test_systemd_selinux/
F: support/testing/tests/init/
N: Antony Pavlov <>
F: package/lsscsi/
N: ARC Maintainers <>
F: arch/
F: board/synopsys/
F: configs/snps_arc700_axs101_defconfig
F: configs/snps_archs38_axs103_defconfig
F: configs/snps_archs38_haps_defconfig
F: configs/snps_archs38_hsdk_defconfig
N: Arnaud Aujon <>
F: package/espeak/
N: Arnout Vandecappelle <>
F: package/arp-scan/
F: package/dehydrated/
F: package/dracut/
F: package/freescale-imx/firmware-imx/
F: package/freescale-imx/imx-lib/
F: package/libpagekite/
F: package/lua-bit32/
F: package/owfs/
F: package/python-bottle/
F: package/sqlcipher/
F: package/stress/
N: Asaf Kahlon <>
F: package/collectd/
F: package/libfuse3/
F: package/libuv/
F: package/python*
F: package/snmpclitools/
F: package/spdlog/
F: package/uftp/
F: package/uftrace/
F: package/uvw/
F: package/zeromq/
N: Ash Charles <>
F: package/pru-software-support/
F: package/ti-cgt-pru/
N: Assaf Inbal <>
F: package/lbase64/
F: package/luabitop/
F: package/luaexpatutils/
F: package/luaposix/
F: package/luasec/
F: package/lua-ev/
F: package/orbit/
N: Attila Wagner <>
F: package/python-canopen/
N: Bagas Sanjaya <>
F: package/git/
N: Bartosz Bilas <>
F: board/stmicroelectronics/stm32mp157a-dk1/
F: configs/stm32mp157a_dk1_defconfig
F: package/cegui/
F: package/log4qt/
F: package/python-esptool/
F: package/python-pyaes/
F: package/ttyd/
F: package/qt5/qt5scxml/
F: package/qt5/qt5webview/
N: Baruch Siach <>
F: board/solidrun/clearfog_gt_8k/
F: configs/solidrun_clearfog_gt_8k_defconfig
F: package/18xx-ti-utils/
F: package/cpuburn-arm/
F: package/daemon/
F: package/dropbear/
F: package/ebtables/
F: package/i2c-tools/
F: package/libcurl/
F: package/libpcap/
F: package/sexpect/
F: package/socat/
F: package/strace/
F: package/tcpdump/
F: package/ti-uim/
F: package/uhubctl/
N: Ben Boeckel <>
F: package/taskd/
N: Benjamin Kamath <>
F: package/lapack/
N: Bernd Kuhls <>
F: package/alsa-lib/
F: package/alsa-utils/
F: package/apache/
F: package/apg/
F: package/apr/
F: package/apr-util/
F: package/bcg729/
F: package/bento4/
F: package/bitcoin/
F: package/clamav/
F: package/dav1d/
F: package/dht/
F: package/dnsmasq/
F: package/dovecot/
F: package/dovecot-pigeonhole/
F: package/dtv-scan-tables/
F: package/ethtool/
F: package/eudev/
F: package/exim/
F: package/fetchmail/
F: package/ffmpeg/
F: package/flac/
F: package/flatbuffers/
F: package/freeswitch/
F: package/freeswitch-mod-bcg729/
F: package/freetype/
F: package/fstrcmp/
F: package/ghostscript/
F: package/giflib/
F: package/gkrellm/
F: package/gpsd/
F: package/gptfdisk/
F: package/hddtemp/
F: package/hdparm/
F: package/igt-gpu-tools/
F: package/intel-gmmlib/
F: package/intel-mediadriver/
F: package/intel-mediasdk/
F: package/intel-microcode/
F: package/intel-vpl-gpu-rt/
F: package/jsoncpp/
F: package/kodi*
F: package/lame/
F: package/lcms2/
F: package/leafnode2/
F: package/libaacs/
F: package/libass/
F: package/libbdplus/
F: package/libbluray/
F: package/libbroadvoice/
F: package/libcap/
F: package/libcdio/
F: package/libcec/
F: package/libcodec2/
F: package/libcrossguid/
F: package/libde265/
F: package/libdecor/
F: package/libdeflate/
F: package/libdisplay-info/
F: package/libdrm/
F: package/libdvbcsa/
F: package/libdvdcss/
F: package/libdvdnav/
F: package/libdvdread/
F: package/libebur128/
F: package/libfreeglut/
F: package/libfribidi/
F: package/libg7221/
F: package/libglew/
F: package/libglfw/
F: package/libglu/
F: package/libhdhomerun/
F: package/libheif/
F: package/libilbc/
F: package/libldns/
F: package/libmicrohttpd/
F: package/libminiupnpc/
F: package/libmspack/
F: package/libnatpmp/
F: package/libnpth/
F: package/libogg/
F: package/libopenh264/
F: package/libpciaccess/
F: package/libplatform/
F: package/libpng/
F: package/libsidplay2/
F: package/libsilk/
F: package/libsndfile/
F: package/libsoundtouch/
F: package/libudfread/
F: package/libunibreak/
F: package/liburiparser/
F: package/libutp/
F: package/libuv/
F: package/libva/
F: package/libva-intel-driver/
F: package/libva-utils/
F: package/libvorbis/
F: package/libvpl/
F: package/libvpx/
F: package/libyuv/
F: package/linux-firmware/
F: package/mc/
F: package/mesa3d/
F: package/minidlna/
F: package/mjpg-streamer/
F: package/mpg123/
F: package/ntp/
F: package/nut/
F: package/openconnect/
F: package/openvpn/
F: package/opus/
F: package/pciutils/
F: package/perl-crypt-openssl-guess/
F: package/perl-crypt-openssl-random/
F: package/perl-crypt-openssl-rsa/
F: package/perl-digest-sha1/
F: package/perl-encode-detect/
F: package/perl-encode-locale/
F: package/perl-file-listing/
F: package/perl-html-parser/
F: package/perl-html-tagset/
F: package/perl-http-cookies/
F: package/perl-http-daemon/
F: package/perl-http-date/
F: package/perl-http-message/
F: package/perl-http-negotiate/
F: package/perl-io-html/
F: package/perl-lwp-mediatypes/
F: package/perl-mail-dkim/
F: package/perl-mailtools/
F: package/perl-netaddr-ip/
F: package/perl-net-dns/
F: package/perl-net-http/
F: package/perl-timedate/
F: package/perl-uri/
F: package/perl-www-robotrules/
F: package/php/
F: package/pngquant/
F: package/pppd/
F: package/privoxy/
F: package/pure-ftpd/
F: package/python-couchdb/
F: package/python-cssutils/
F: package/python-glslang/
F: package/python-mako/
F: package/python-mwclient/
F: package/python-mwscrape/
F: package/python-mwscrape2slob/
F: package/python-oauthlib/
F: package/python-pyicu/
F: package/python-pylru/
F: package/python-requests-oauthlib/
F: package/python-slob/
F: package/rrdtool/
F: package/rsync/
F: package/rtmpdump/
F: package/samba4/
F: package/sofia-sip/
F: package/spandsp/
F: package/sqlite/
F: package/stellarium/
F: package/taglib/
F: package/tinyxml2/
F: package/tor/
F: package/transmission/
F: package/tvheadend/
F: package/unixodbc/
F: package/vlc/
F: package/wget/
F: package/wireless-regdb/
F: package/wireless_tools/
F: package/x264/
F: package/x265/
F: package/xmrig/
F: package/ytree/
F: package/znc/
F: support/testing/tests/package/
N: Biagio Montaruli <>
F: board/acmesystems/
F: configs/acmesystems_*
N: Bilal Wasim <>
F: board/chromebook/elm/
F: configs/chromebook_elm_defconfig
N: Boerge Struempfel <>
F: package/libgpiod2/
N: Bogdan Radulescu <>
F: package/iftop/
F: package/ncdu/
N: Brandon Maier <>
F: board/freescale/ls1046a-frwy/
F: configs/ls1046a-frwy_defconfig
F: package/atftp/
F: package/bats-assert/
F: package/bats-file/
F: package/bats-support/
F: package/mtd/
F: package/python-pysensors/
F: package/qoriq-fm-ucode/
F: package/unifdef/
F: package/vmtouch/
F: support/testing/tests/package/
F: support/testing/tests/package/
N: Brock Williams <>
F: package/pdmenu/
N: Bryan Brattlof <>
F: board/ti/
F: board/beagleboard/beagleplay/
F: boot/ti-k3-boot-firmware/
F: boot/ti-k3-r5-loader/
F: configs/beagleplay_defconfig
F: configs/ti_am62ax_sk_defconfig
F: configs/ti_am62x_sk_defconfig
F: configs/ti_am64x_sk_defconfig
N: Carlo Caione <>
F: package/jailhouse/
F: package/sunxi-boards/
N: Carsten Schoenert <>
F: package/dvbsnoop/
F: package/libdvbsi/
F: package/libsvg/
F: package/libsvg-cairo/
N: Cédric Chépied <>
F: package/znc/
N: Cédric Le Goater <>
F: board/aspeed/
F: board/qemu/ppc-bamboo/
F: board/qemu/ppc64le-powernv8/readme.txt
F: configs/aspeed*
F: configs/qemu_ppc_bamboo_defconfig
F: configs/qemu_ppc64le_powernv8_defconfig
N: Charles Hardin <>
F: package/alsa-plugins/
N: Changming Huang <>
F: package/qoriq-cadence-dp-firmware/
N: Chris Dimich <>
F: package/freescale-imx/imx-vpu-hantro-daemon/
N: Chris Packham <>
F: package/coremark/
F: package/coremark-pro/
F: package/gstreamer1/gst1-shark/
F: package/micropython/
F: package/syslog-ng/
N: Christian Kellermann <>
F: package/python-pylibftdi/
N: Christian Stewart <>
F: package/balena-engine/
F: package/batman-adv/
F: package/catatonit/
F: package/cni-plugins/
F: package/conmon/
F: package/containerd/
F: package/crun/
F: package/delve/
F: package/docker-cli/
F: package/docker-compose/
F: package/docker-engine/
F: package/embiggen-disk/
F: package/fuse-overlayfs/
F: package/go/
F: package/gocryptfs/
F: package/mbpfan/
F: package/moby-buildkit/
F: package/mosh/
F: package/nerdctl/
F: package/
F: package/rtl8821au/
F: package/rtl8821cu/
F: package/runc/
F: package/tini/
F: support/testing/tests/package/
N: Christophe Priouzeau <>
F: board/stmicroelectronics/stm32f429-disco/
F: board/stmicroelectronics/stm32f469-disco/
F: configs/stm32f429_disco_xip_defconfig
F: configs/stm32f469_disco_sd_defconfig
F: configs/stm32f469_disco_xip_defconfig
N: Christophe Vu-Brugier <>
F: package/drbd-utils/
F: package/iotop/
F: package/python-configshell-fb/
F: package/python-rtslib-fb/
F: package/python-urwid/
F: package/targetcli-fb/
N: Christopher McCrory <>
F: package/perl-appconfig/
F: package/perl-astro-suntime/
F: package/perl-class-load/
F: package/perl-class-std/
F: package/perl-class-std-fast/
F: package/perl-data-dump/
F: package/perl-data-optlist/
F: package/perl-data-uuid/
F: package/perl-date-manip/
F: package/perl-dbd-mysql/
F: package/perl-dbi/
F: package/perl-device-serialport/
F: package/perl-dist-checkconflicts/
F: package/perl-file-slurp/
F: package/perl-io-interface/
F: package/perl-io-socket-multicast/
F: package/perl-json-maybexs/
F: package/perl-mime-tools/
F: package/perl-module-implementation/
F: package/perl-module-runtime/
F: package/perl-number-bytes-human/
F: package/perl-package-stash/
F: package/perl-params-util/
F: package/perl-sub-install/
F: package/perl-sys-cpu/
F: package/perl-sys-meminfo/
F: package/perl-sys-mmap/
F: package/perl-time-parsedate/
F: package/perl-x10/
N: Clayton Shotwell <>
F: package/audit/
F: package/checkpolicy/
F: package/cpio/
F: package/libcgroup/
F: package/libee/
F: package/libestr/
F: package/liblogging/
F: package/libselinux/
F: package/libsemanage/
F: package/libsepol/
F: package/policycoreutils/
N: Clément Péron <>
F: board/beelink/gs1/
F: configs/beelink_gs1_defconfig
N: Colin Foster <>
F: package/python-tftpy/
F: package/rauc-hawkbit-updater/
F: support/testing/tests/package/
F: support/testing/tests/package/
N: Corentin Guillevic <>
F: package/libloki/
N: Cyril Bur <>
F: arch/
F: package/kvm-unit-tests
N: Dagg Stompler <>
F: board/hardkernel/odroidc2/
F: configs/odroidc2_defconfig
F: package/meson-tools/
F: package/odroidc2-firmware/
N: Daniel J. Leach <>
F: package/dacapo/
N: Daniel Lang <>
F: package/atkmm/
F: package/atkmm2_28/
F: package/cairomm/
F: package/cairomm1_14/
F: package/dbus-cxx/
F: package/glibmm/
F: package/glibmm2_66/
F: package/gtkmm3/
F: package/libsigc/
F: package/libsigc2/
F: package/llvm-project/
F: package/paho-mqtt-cpp/
F: package/pangomm/
F: package/pangomm2_46/
F: package/sam-ba/
N: Damien Lanson <>
F: package/libvdpau/
F: package/log4cpp/
N: Damien Le Moal <>
F: package/python-kflash/
F: board/canaan/
F: configs/canaan_kd233_defconfig
F: board/sipeed/
F: configs/sipeed_maix_bit_defconfig
F: configs/sipeed_maix_bit_sdcard_defconfig
F: configs/sipeed_maixduino_defconfig
F: configs/sipeed_maixduino_sdcard_defconfig
F: configs/sipeed_maix_dock_defconfig
F: configs/sipeed_maix_dock_sdcard_defconfig
F: configs/sipeed_maix_go_defconfig
F: configs/sipeed_maix_go_sdcard_defconfig
N: Daniel Nicoletti <>
F: package/cutelyst/
N: Daniel Price <>
F: package/nodejs/
F: package/redis/
N: Daniel Sangue <>
F: package/libftdi1/
N: Danilo Bargen <>
F: board/pcengines/apu2/
F: configs/pcengines_apu2_defconfig
F: package/tealdeer/
N: Danomi Manchego <>
F: package/cjson/
F: package/jq/
F: package/libwebsockets/
F: package/ljsyscall/
F: package/lua-cjson/
F: package/luaexpat/
F: package/xinetd/
N: Dario Binacchi <>
F: board/bsh/
F: board/stmicroelectronics/stm32f769-disco/
F: configs/imx6ulz_bsh_smm_m2_defconfig
F: configs/imx8mn_bsh_smm_s2_defconfig
F: configs/imx8mn_bsh_smm_s2_pro_defconfig
F: configs/stm32f769_disco_sd_defconfig
F: package/armadillo/
F: package/babeld/
F: package/sscep/
F: package/uuu/
N: Dario Binacchi <>
F: package/uboot-bootcount/
F: package/libmnl/
N: David Bender <>
F: package/benejson/
F: package/freeradius-client/
F: package/openldap/
N: David du Colombier <>
F: package/x264/
N: David GOUARIN <>
F: package/freeradius-server/
F: package/librelp/
F: package/libtalloc/
N: David Lechner <>
F: board/lego/ev3/
F: configs/lego_ev3_defconfig
F: linux/
F: package/brickd/
F: package/ev3dev-linux-drivers/
N: David Pierret <>
F: package/bat/
N: Davide Viti <>
F: package/flann/
F: package/python-paho-mqtt/
F: package/qhull/
F: package/tcllib/
N: Denis Bodor <>
F: package/libstrophe/
N: Dick Olsson <>
F: board/aarch64-efi/
F: board/pc/
F: board/qemu/aarch64-sbsa/
F: boot/arm-trusted-firmware/
F: boot/edk2/
F: configs/qemu_aarch64_sbsa_defconfig
F: package/bearssl/
F: package/bitcoin/
F: package/edk2-platforms/
F: package/execline/
F: package/mdevd/
F: package/s6-dns/
F: package/s6-linux-init/
F: package/s6-linux-utils/
F: package/s6-networking/
F: package/s6-portable-utils/
F: package/s6-rc/
F: package/s6/
F: package/skalibs/
F: support/testing/tests/boot/
N: Dimitar Tomov <>
F: package/wolftpm/
N: Dimitrios Siganos <>
F: package/wireless-regdb/
N: Dmitry Chestnykh <>
F: board/qemu/sparc-ss10/
F: configs/qemu_sparc_ss10_defconfig
F: package/uclibc-ng-test/
N: Dominik Faessler <>
F: package/logsurfer/
N: Dominik Michael Rauh <>
F: package/gdal/
N: Doug Kehn <>
F: package/nss-pam-ldapd/
F: package/sp-oops-extract/
F: package/unscd/
N: Dushara Jayasinghe <>
F: package/prosody/
N: Edgar Bonet <>
F: board/acmesystems/acqua-a5/
F: configs/acmesystems_acqua_a5_256mb_defconfig
F: configs/acmesystems_acqua_a5_512mb_defconfig
N: Eero Aaltonen <>
F: package/docopt-cpp/
N: Eloi Bail <>
F: package/bayer2rgb-neon/
F: package/gstreamer1/gst1-plugins-bayer2rgb-neon/
N: Eric Le Bihan <>
F: docs/manual/adding-packages-meson.adoc
F: package/adwaita-icon-theme/
F: package/darkhttpd/
F: package/eudev/
F: package/execline/
F: package/hicolor-icon-theme/
F: package/jemalloc/
F: package/mdevd/
F: package/meson/
F: package/ninja/
F: package/
F: package/rust-bin/
F: package/rust/
F: package/s6/
F: package/s6-dns/
F: package/s6-linux-init/
F: package/s6-linux-utils/
F: package/s6-networking/
F: package/s6-portable-utils/
F: package/s6-rc/
F: package/skalibs/
F: package/smack/
F: package/xvisor/
N: Eric Limpens <>
F: package/pifmrds/
F: package/ympd/
N: Erico Nunes <>
F: board/aarch64-efi/
F: configs/aarch64_efi_defconfig
F: package/acpica/
F: package/acpitool/
F: package/efibootmgr/
F: package/efivar/
F: package/fwts/
F: package/spi-tools/
F: package/xdotool/
F: configs/pc_x86_64_*
N: Erik Larsson <>
F: package/imx-mkimage/
N: Erik Stromdahl <>
F: package/mxsldr/
N: Ernesto L. Williams Jr <>
F: package/szip/
N: Esben Haabendal <>
F: package/python-kiwisolver/
N: Etienne Carriere <>
F: boot/optee-os/
F: package/optee-client/
F: package/optee-examples/
F: package/optee-test/
N: Eugen Hristev <>
F: board/atmel/readme.txt
F: board/microchip/sama7g5ek/
F: configs/microchip_sama7g5ek*
N: Eugene Tarassov <>
F: package/tcf-agent/
N: Ezequiel Garcia <>
F: board/ci20/
F: configs/ci20_defconfig
F: arch/
F: package/fio/
F: package/iptraf-ng/
F: package/jimtcl/
F: package/mimic/
F: package/nodm/
F: package/openbox/
F: package/supertuxkart/
N: Fabio Estevam <>
F: board/warp7/
F: configs/freescale_imx*
F: configs/imx23evk_defconfig
F: configs/imx6-sabre*
F: configs/imx6slevk_defconfig
F: configs/imx6sx-sdb_defconfig
F: configs/imx6ulevk_defconfig
F: configs/imx6ullevk_defconfig
F: configs/imx6ulpico_defconfig
F: configs/imx7d-sdb_defconfig
F: configs/imx7dpico_defconfig
F: configs/imx8mqevk_defconfig
F: configs/mx51evk_defconfig
F: configs/mx53loco_defconfig
F: configs/mx6cubox_defconfig
F: configs/mx6sx_udoo_neo_defconfig
F: configs/mx6udoo_defconfig
F: configs/wandboard_defconfig
F: configs/warp7_defconfig
F: package/atest/
F: package/crucible/
F: package/kmscube/
N: Fabio Porcedda <>
F: package/netsurf-buildsystem/
N: Fabio Urquiza <>
F: package/bitcoin/
N: Fabrice Fontaine <>
F: package/domoticz/
F: package/libmediaart/
F: package/libmaxminddb/
F: package/openzwave/
N: Fabrice Fontaine <>
F: package/bearssl/
F: package/belle-sip/
F: package/belr/
F: package/boinc/
F: package/cairo/
F: package/daq3/
F: package/duktape/
F: package/expat/
F: package/flatbuffers/
F: package/freeipmi/
F: package/gdk-pixbuf-xlib/
F: package/gerbera/
F: package/gtksourceview/
F: package/gssdp/
F: package/gupnp/
F: package/gupnp-dlna/
F: package/gupnp-tools/
F: package/haproxy/
F: package/hiredis/
F: package/i2pd/
F: package/igd2-for-linux/
F: package/json-c/
F: package/ksmbd-tools/
F: package/lcms2/
F: package/lftp/
F: package/libcap-ng/
F: package/libcdio-paranoia/
F: package/libcgicc/
F: package/libconfig/
F: package/libcue/
F: package/libebml/
F: package/libgee/
F: package/libglib2/
F: package/libgtk2/
F: package/libgtk3/
F: package/libhtp/
F: package/libidn/
F: package/libidn2/
F: package/libjpeg/
F: package/liblockfile/
F: package/libmatroska/
F: package/libmd/
F: package/libmpdclient/
F: package/libnetfilter_conntrack/
F: package/libnetfilter_queue/
F: package/libnpupnp/
F: package/liboping/
F: package/libpfm4/
F: package/libraw/
F: package/libraw1394/
F: package/libroxml/
F: package/librsvg/
F: package/librsync/
F: package/libsoup/
F: package/libsoxr/
F: package/libupnp/
F: package/liburing/
F: package/libv4l/
F: package/libxslt/
F: package/mbedtls/
F: package/minissdpd/
F: package/minizip/
F: package/minizip-zlib/
F: package/mongodb/
F: package/motion/
F: package/mutt/
F: package/ncmpc/
F: package/oniguruma/
F: package/opencv4/
F: package/oprofile/
F: package/pcmanfm/
F: package/perl-extutils-pkgconfig/
F: package/python-backcall/
F: package/python-jedi/
F: package/python-parso/
F: package/python-yatl/
F: package/rocksdb/
F: package/rtl_433/
F: package/rygel/
F: package/safeclib/
F: package/snort3/
F: package/suricata/
F: package/tinycbor/
F: package/tinydtls/
F: package/whois/
F: package/x11r7/xlib_libXpresent/
F: package/zeek/
N: Fabrice Goucem <>
F: board/freescale/imx6ullevk/
F: configs/freescale_imx6ullevk_defconfig
N: Falco Hyfing <>
F: package/python-pymodbus/
N: Fiona Klute <>
F: package/python-pyasynchat/
F: package/python-pyasyncore/
N: Flávio Tapajós <>
F: configs/asus_tinker-s_rk3288_defconfig
F: board/asus/tinker-s/
F: package/python-paho-mqtt/
F: package/python-sqlalchemy/
F: package/rsyslog/
N: Florian Fainelli <>
F: package/cpulimit/
N: Floris Bos <>
F: package/ipmitool/
F: package/odhcploc/
N: Francis Laniel <>
F: package/falcosecurity-libs
F: package/pahole/
F: package/sysdig/
F: package/tbb/
N: Francisco Gonzalez <>
F: package/ser2net/
N: Francois Dugast <>
F: board/sipeed/licheepi_nano/
F: board/visionfive2/
F: configs/sipeed_licheepi_nano_defconfig
F: configs/visionfive2_defconfig
N: Francois Perrad <>
F: board/freescale/ls1028ardb/
F: board/olimex/a20_olinuxino
F: board/olimex/imx233_olinuxino/
F: board/olimex/stmp1_olinuxino/
F: configs/ls1028ardb_defconfig
F: configs/olimex_a20_olinuxino_*
F: configs/olimex_imx233_olinuxino_defconfig
F: configs/olimex_stmp157_olinuxino_lime_defconfig
F: package/4th/
F: package/cgilua/
F: package/chipmunk/
F: package/cog/
F: package/collectl/
F: package/copas/
F: package/coxpcall/
F: package/dado/
F: package/ficl/
F: package/graphene/
F: package/janet/
F: package/libgtk4/
F: package/libtomcrypt/
F: package/libtommath/
F: package/libwpe/
F: package/linenoise/
F: package/ljlinenoise/
F: package/lua-inotify/
F: package/lmdb/
F: package/lpeg/
F: package/lpty/
F: package/lrandom/
F: package/lsqlite3/
F: package/lua*
F: package/lzlib/
F: package/moarvm/
F: package/mstpd/
F: package/netsurf/
F: package/perl*
F: package/
F: package/
F: package/quickjs/
F: package/rings/
F: package/tekui/
F: package/wpebackend-fdo/
F: package/wpewebkit/
F: package/wsapi/
F: package/wsapi-fcgi/
F: package/wsapi-xavante/
F: package/xavante/
F: support/testing/tests/package/test_lua*
F: utils/scancpan
N: Frank Hunleth <>
F: package/am335x-pru-package/
F: package/libconfuse/
F: package/libdmtx/
F: package/libsodium/
F: package/php-amqp/
F: package/python-cherrypy/
F: package/sane-backends/
F: package/upx/
F: package/zxing-cpp/
N: Frank Vanbever <>
F: package/libmodsecurity/
F: package/nginx-modsecurity/
N: Gao Xiang <>
F: package/erofs-utils/
N: Gary Bisson <>
F: board/boundarydevices/
F: configs/nitrogen*
F: package/freescale-imx/
F: package/gstreamer1/gst1-imx/
F: package/libimxvpuapi/
F: package/mfgtools/
F: package/sshpass/
N: Geoff Levand <>
F: package/flannel/
N: Geoffrey Ragot <>
F: package/python-pyyaml/
N: Gero Schwaericke <>
F: board/cubietech/cubieboard1/
F: configs/cubieboard1_defconfig
N: Gilles Talis <>
F: board/freescale/imx8mmevk/
F: board/friendlyarm/nanopi-r2s/
F: configs/freescale_imx8mmevk_defconfig
F: configs/friendlyarm_nanopi_r2s_defconfig
F: package/cctz/
F: package/clpeak/
F: package/faad2/
F: package/fdk-aac/
F: package/hawktracer/
F: package/httping/
F: package/iozone/
F: package/leptonica/
F: package/libeXosip2/
F: package/libolm/
F: package/libosip2/
F: package/ocrad/
F: package/opencl-clhpp/
F: package/opusfile/
F: package/restclient-cpp/
F: package/tesseract-ocr/
F: package/webp/
F: package/xapian/
N: Giulio Benetti <>
F: board/bananapi/bananapi-m2-ultra/
F: board/freescale/imx6ullevk/
F: board/freescale/imxrt1050evk/
F: board/mangopi/mq1rdw2/
F: board/olimex/a*
F: board/pine64/rockpro64
F: configs/amarula_vyasa_rk3288_defconfig
F: configs/asus_tinker_rk3288_defconfig
F: configs/bananapi_m2_berry_defconfig
F: configs/bananapi_m2_ultra_defconfig
F: configs/freescale_imx6ullevk_defconfig
F: configs/imx6ullevk_defconfig
F: configs/imxrt1050-evk_defconfig
F: configs/mangopi_mq1rdw2_defconfig
F: configs/olimex_a*
F: configs/rockpro64_defconfig
F: package/at/
F: package/binutils/
F: package/cryptsetup/
F: package/erlang-jiffy/
F: package/esp-hosted/
F: package/gcc/
F: package/harfbuzz/
F: package/libblockdev/
F: package/libfuse3/
F: package/libnspr/
F: package/libnss/
F: package/libnvme/
F: package/libtraceevent/
F: package/libtracefs
F: package/linux-tools/
F: package/mali-driver/
F: package/minicom/
F: package/mongoose/
F: package/mmc-utils/
F: package/nfs-utils/
F: package/python-libconf/
F: package/python-uvloop/
F: package/qt5/
F: package/rockchip-mali/
F: package/rtl8188eu/
F: package/rtl8189es/
F: package/rtl8192eu/
F: package/rtl8723bu/
F: package/rtl8723ds/
F: package/rtl8812au-aircrack-ng/
F: package/rtl8821au/
F: package/rtl8821cu/
F: package/sunxi-mali-utgard/
F: package/sunxi-mali-utgard-driver/
F: package/sunxi-tools/
F: package/swugenerator/
F: package/swupdate/
F: package/trace-cmd/
F: package/udisks/
F: package/wilc-driver/
F: toolchain/
N: Graeme Smecher <>
F: package/python-orjson/
N: Gregory Dymarek <>
F: package/ding-libs/
F: package/gengetopt/
F: package/janus-gateway/
F: package/libnice/
F: package/libsrtp/
F: package/libwebsock/
F: package/sofia-sip/
N: Grzegorz Blach <>
F: fs/f2fs/
F: package/bluez5_utils-headers/
F: package/f2fs-tools/
F: package/graphicsmagick/
F: package/pigpio/
F: package/python-aioblescan/
F: package/python-bluezero/
F: package/python-crontab/
F: package/python-falcon/
F: package/python-ifaddr/
F: package/python-hiredis/
F: package/python-mimeparse/
F: package/python-pigpio/
F: package/python-pyjwt/
F: package/python-redis/
F: package/python-rpi-ws281x/
F: package/python-wtforms/
F: package/rpi-rgb-led-matrix/
N: Guillaume William Brs <>
F: package/libnids/
F: package/libxcrypt/
F: package/liquid-dsp/
F: package/mbw/
F: package/pixiewps/
F: package/python-beniget/
F: package/python-gast/
F: package/python-pybind/
F: package/python-pythran/
F: package/python-scipy/
F: package/reaver/
F: support/testing/tests/package/br2-external/python-pybind
F: support/testing/tests/package/
F: support/testing/tests/package/
F: support/testing/tests/package/
F: support/testing/tests/package/
N: Gustavo Heinz <>
F: package/python-m2crypto/
N: Gwenhael Goavec-Merou <>
F: board/terasic/de10nano_cyclone5/
F: configs/terasic_de10nano_cyclone5_defconfig
F: package/gnuradio/
F: package/gqrx/
F: package/gr-osmosdr/
F: package/librtlsdr/
F: package/libusbgx/
F: package/matio/
F: package/python-cheetah/
F: package/python-markdown/
F: package/python-remi/
F: package/python-sip/
F: package/uhd/
F: package/volk/
N: Heiko Thiery <>
F: board/kontron/bl-imx8mm/
F: board/kontron/smarc-sal28/
F: board/kontron/pitx-imx8m/
F: configs/kontron_bl_imx8mm_defconfig
F: configs/kontron_smarc_sal28_defconfig
F: configs/kontron_pitx_imx8m_defconfig
F: package/altera-stapl/
F: package/blake3/
F: package/ipmitool/
F: package/libnetconf2/
F: package/libyang/
F: package/linuxptp/
F: package/netopeer2/
F: package/python-yamllint/
F: package/rauc/
F: package/sysrepo/
F: support/testing/tests/package/
F: support/testing/tests/package/
N: Hervé Codina <>
F: package/alchemy/
F: package/dtbocfg/
F: package/libdbi/
F: package/libdbi-drivers/
F: package/libfutils/
F: package/libshdata/
F: package/lua-augeas/
F: package/modsecurity2/
F: package/php-apcu/
F: package/php-lua/
F: package/php-pam/
F: package/php-pecl-dbus/
F: package/ulog/
F: support/testing/tests/package/
F: support/testing/tests/package/
F: support/testing/tests/package/
F: support/testing/tests/package/
F: support/testing/tests/package/
F: support/testing/tests/package/
F: support/testing/tests/package/
N: Hiroshi Kawashima <>
F: package/gauche/
F: package/gmrender-resurrect/
F: package/squeezelite/
N: Horatiu Vultur <>
F: package/cfm/
F: package/easyframes/
F: package/mrp/
N: Ian Haylock <>
F: package/python-rpi-gpio/
N: Ibai Erkiaga <>
F: package/binutils-bare-metal/
F: package/gcc-bare-metal/
F: package/newlib-bare-metal/
F: toolchain/toolchain-bare-metal-buildroot/
N: Ignacy Gawędzki <>
F: package/angularjs/
N: Ilias Apalodimas <>
F: package/keepalived/
N: Ilya Averyanov <>
F: package/exempi/
N: Ismael Luceno <>
F: package/axel/
F: package/mawk/
N: J. Neuschäfer <>
F: package/tipidee
N: Jagan Teki <>
F: board/amarula/
F: board/asus/
F: board/bananapi/
F: board/engicam/
F: board/olimex/a33_olinuxino/
F: board/olimex/a64-olinuxino/
F: board/orangepi/orangepi-lite2/
F: board/orangepi/orangepi-one-plus
F: board/orangepi/orangepi-zero-plus2/
F: board/pine64/
F: configs/amarula_vyasa_rk3288_defconfig
F: configs/asus_tinker_rk3288_defconfig
F: configs/engicam_imx6qdl_icore_defconfig
F: configs/engicam_imx6qdl_icore_qt5_defconfig
F: configs/engicam_imx6qdl_icore_rqs_defconfig
F: configs/engicam_imx6ul_geam_defconfig
F: configs/engicam_imx6ul_isiot_defconfig
F: configs/olimex_a33_olinuxino_defconfig
F: configs/olimex_a64_olinuxino_defconfig
F: configs/orangepi_lite2_defconfig
F: configs/orangepi_one_plus_defconfig
F: configs/orangepi_zero_plus2_defconfig
F: configs/pine64_defconfig
F: configs/pine64_sopine_defconfig
F: package/python-scipy/
F: support/testing/tests/package/
F: support/testing/tests/package/
N: James Hilliard <>
F: package/apcupsd/
F: package/bpftool/
F: package/cloudflared/
F: package/exfatprogs/
F: package/fwupd/
F: package/fwupd-efi/
F: package/fxdiv/
F: package/gensio/
F: package/lua-std-debug/
F: package/lua-std-normalize/
F: package/libjcat/
F: package/libucontext/
F: package/lilv/
F: package/lv2/
F: package/neon-2-sse/
F: package/pipewire/
F: package/python*
F: package/rtl8192eu/
F: package/serd/
F: package/sord/
F: package/sratom/
F: package/stb/
F: package/zchunk/
F: support/testing/tests/package/
F: support/testing/tests/package/
N: James Knight <>
F: package/atkmm/
F: package/cairomm/
F: package/glibmm/
F: package/gtkmm3/
F: package/libpqxx/
F: package/pangomm/
F: package/rpm/
F: package/swaybg/
F: package/yad/
N: Jamie Gibbons <>
F: board/beagleboard/beaglev_fire/
F: board/microchip/mpfs_icicle/
F: configs/beaglev_fire_defconfig
F: configs/microchip_mpfs_icicle_defconfig
F: package/microchip-hss-payload-generator/
N: Jan Havran <>
F: board/pine64/pinecube/
F: configs/pine64_pinecube_defconfig
N: Jan Heylen <>
F: package/opentracing-cpp/
N: Jan Kraval <>
F: board/orangepi/orangepi-lite
F: configs/orangepi_lite_defconfig
N: Jan Kundrát <>
F: configs/solidrun_clearfog_defconfig
F: board/solidrun/clearfog/
F: package/libnetconf2/
F: package/libyang/
F: package/sysrepo/
N: Jan Pedersen <>
F: package/zip/
N: Jared Bents <>
F: package/libvirt/
N: Jarkko Sakkinen <>
F: package/libtpms/
F: package/quota/
F: package/swtpm/
N: Jason Pruitt <>
F: package/librtlsdr/
N: Javad Rahimi <>
F: board/orangepi/orangepi-pc2
F: configs/orangepi_pc2_defconfig
N: Jean Burgat <>
F: package/openfpgaloader/
N: Jens Kleintje <>
F: package/gcnano-binaries/
N: Jens Rosenboom <>
F: package/sl/
N: Jens Zettelmeyer <>
F: package/batctl/
N: Jeremy Rosen <>
F: package/fxload/
N: Jérôme Oufella <>
F: package/libdri2/
F: package/qt-webkit-kiosk/
N: Jérôme Pouiller <>
F: package/apitrace/
F: package/freescale-imx/gpu-amd-bin-mx51/
F: package/freescale-imx/libz160/
F: package/lxc/
F: package/strongswan/
F: package/wmctrl/
F: package/x11r7/xdriver_xf86-video-imx/
N: Jesse Taube <>
F: board/freescale/imxrt1050evk/
F: configs/imxrt1050-evk_defconfig
N: Jesse Van Gavere <>
F: package/qt6/
N: Jianhui Zhao <>
F: package/libuhttpd/
F: package/libuwsc/
F: package/rtty/
N: Joachim Wiberg <>
F: configs/globalscale_espressobin_defconfig
F: board/globalscale/espressobin/
F: package/inadyn/
F: package/libconfuse/
F: package/libite/
F: package/libnet/
F: package/libteam/
F: package/libuev/
F: package/mg/
F: package/mdnsd/
F: package/mini-snmpd/
F: package/mrouted/
F: package/netcalc/
F: package/pimd/
F: package/redir/
F: package/smcroute/
F: package/ssdp-responder/
F: package/sysklogd/
F: package/uredir/
F: package/watchdogd/
N: Jochen Baltes <>
F: package/altera-stapl
N: Joel Carlson <>
F: package/c-capnproto/
F: package/capnproto/
F: package/cmocka/
F: package/flatcc/
F: package/libcorrect/
N: Joel Stanley <>
F: package/pdbg/
F: board/qemu/ppc64le-pseries/
F: configs/qemu_ppc64le_pseries_defconfig
F: board/qemu/ppc-mac99/
F: configs/qemu_ppc_mac99_defconfig
F: board/aspeed/
F: configs/aspeed*
N: Johan Derycke <>
F: package/python-libconfig/
N: Johan Oudinet <>
F: package/ejabberd/
F: package/erlang-base64url/
F: package/erlang-eimp/
F: package/erlang-goldrush/
F: package/erlang-idna/
F: package/erlang-jiffy/
F: package/erlang-jose/
F: package/erlang-lager/
F: package/erlang-p1-acme/
F: package/erlang-p1-cache-tab/
F: package/erlang-p1-mqtree/
F: package/erlang-p1-oauth2/
F: package/erlang-p1-pkix/
F: package/erlang-p1-sip/
F: package/erlang-p1-stringprep/
F: package/erlang-p1-stun/
F: package/erlang-p1-tls/
F: package/erlang-p1-utils/
F: package/erlang-p1-xml/
F: package/erlang-p1-xmpp/
F: package/erlang-p1-yaml/
F: package/erlang-p1-yconf/
F: package/erlang-p1-zlib/
F: package/forge/
F: package/nginx-dav-ext/
F: package/vis-network/
F: package/vuejs/
N: John Stile <>
F: package/dhcpcd/
N: John Faith <>
F: package/python-inflection/
F: package/sdbusplus/
N: Jon Ringle <>
F: package/mbpoll/
N: Jon Henrik Bjørnstad <>
F: package/qbee-agent/
N: Jonathan Ben Avraham <>
F: arch/
F: package/autofs/
F: package/dawgdic/
F: package/libphidget/
F: package/phidgetwebservice/
F: package/rapidxml/
F: package/sphinxbase/
N: Joris Offouga <>
F: package/python-colorlog/
F: package/python-simplelogging/
N: Joris Lijssens <>
F: package/emlog/
F: package/libcoap/
F: package/libnet/
F: package/libuio/
F: package/netsniff-ng/
F: package/rabbitmq-c/
N: José Luis Salvador Rufo <>
F: package/zfs/
F: support/testing/tests/package/
N: Joseph Kogut <>
F: package/at-spi2-core/
F: package/earlyoom/
F: package/gconf/
F: package/libnss/
F: package/llvm-project/clang/
F: package/llvm-project/lld/
F: package/llvm-project/llvm/
F: package/python-cython/
F: package/python-pycups/
F: package/python-raven/
F: package/python-schedule/
F: package/python-sentry-sdk/
F: package/python-websockets/
F: package/python-xlib/
F: package/sentry-cli/
F: package/sentry-native/
F: package/unclutter-xfixes/
N: Joshua Henderson <>
F: package/qt5/qt5wayland/
N: Jugurtha BELKALEM <>
F: package/bcc/
F: package/python-aiofiles/
F: package/python-crayons/
F: package/python-cycler/
F: package/python-matplotlib/
F: package/python-opcua-asyncio/
F: package/python-piexif/
N: Juha Rantanen <>
F: package/acsccid/
N: Julian Scheel <>
F: package/bitstream/
F: package/cbootimage/
F: package/cryptopp/
F: package/dvblast/
F: package/tegrarcm/
N: Julien Boibessot <>
F: board/armadeus/
F: configs/armadeus*
F: package/abootimg/
F: package/gpm/
F: package/lbreakout2/
F: package/libcddb/
F: package/libmodbus/
F: package/ltris/
F: package/opentyrian/
N: Julien Corjon <>
F: package/qt5/
N: Julien Grossholtz <>
F: board/raspberrypi/
F: board/technologic/ts7680/
F: configs/raspberrypizero2w_defconfig
F: configs/ts7680_defconfig
F: package/paho-mqtt-c
N: Julien Olivain <>
F: board/qemu/riscv64-virt-efi/
F: board/spike/
F: board/technexion/imx8mmpico/
F: configs/imx8mmpico_defconfig
F: configs/qemu_riscv64_virt_efi_defconfig
F: configs/spike_riscv32_defconfig
F: configs/spike_riscv64_defconfig
F: package/fluid-soundfont/
F: package/fluidsynth/
F: package/glslsandbox-player/
F: package/gnupg2/
F: package/highway/
F: package/kexec/
F: package/libjxl/
F: package/libopenmpt/
F: package/mokutil/
F: package/octave/
F: package/ola/
F: package/openblas/
F: package/opencsd/
F: package/openmpi/
F: package/perftest/
F: package/ptm2human/
F: package/python-distro/
F: package/python-gnupg/
F: package/python-hkdf/
F: package/python-hwdata/
F: package/python-magic-wormhole/
F: package/python-magic-wormhole-mailbox-server/
F: package/python-magic-wormhole-transit-relay/
F: package/python-midiutil/
F: package/python-ml-dtypes/
F: package/python-pyalsa/
F: package/python-spake2/
F: package/rdma-core/
F: package/riscv-isa-sim/
F: package/swipl/
F: package/tig/
F: package/tinycompress/
F: package/z3/
F: package/zynaddsubfx/
F: support/testing/tests/boot/
F: support/testing/tests/boot/test_optee_os/
F: support/testing/tests/fs/
F: support/testing/tests/fs/test_btrfs/
F: support/testing/tests/package/
F: support/testing/tests/package/
F: support/testing/tests/package/
F: support/testing/tests/package/
F: support/testing/tests/package/
F: support/testing/tests/package/
F: support/testing/tests/package/
F: support/testing/tests/package/
F: support/testing/tests/package/
F: support/testing/tests/package/
F: support/testing/tests/package/
F: support/testing/tests/package/
F: support/testing/tests/package/test_acpica/
F: support/testing/tests/package/
F: support/testing/tests/package/
F: support/testing/tests/package/
F: support/testing/tests/package/
F: support/testing/tests/package/
F: support/testing/tests/package/test_bcc/
F: support/testing/tests/package/
F: support/testing/tests/package/
F: support/testing/tests/package/
F: support/testing/tests/package/test_btrfs_progs/
F: support/testing/tests/package/
F: support/testing/tests/package/
F: support/testing/tests/package/
F: support/testing/tests/package/
F: support/testing/tests/package/test_cryptsetup/
F: support/testing/tests/package/
F: support/testing/tests/package/test_ddrescue/
F: support/testing/tests/package/
F: support/testing/tests/package/
F: support/testing/tests/package/
F: support/testing/tests/package/
F: support/testing/tests/package/test_ethtool/
F: support/testing/tests/package/
F: support/testing/tests/package/test_file/
F: support/testing/tests/package/
F: support/testing/tests/package/test_fluidsynth/
F: support/testing/tests/package/
F: support/testing/tests/package/
F: support/testing/tests/package/
F: support/testing/tests/package/
F: support/testing/tests/package/test_ghostscript/
F: support/testing/tests/package/
F: support/testing/tests/package/test_glslsandbox_player/
F: support/testing/tests/package/
F: support/testing/tests/package/
F: support/testing/tests/package/test_gnuplot/
F: support/testing/tests/package/
F: support/testing/tests/package/test_gnuradio/
F: support/testing/tests/package/
F: support/testing/tests/package/test_gpsd/
F: support/testing/tests/package/
F: support/testing/tests/package/
F: support/testing/tests/package/
F: support/testing/tests/package/
F: support/testing/tests/package/
F: support/testing/tests/package/
F: support/testing/tests/package/
F: support/testing/tests/package/
F: support/testing/tests/package/
F: support/testing/tests/package/
F: support/testing/tests/package/test_jq/
F: support/testing/tests/package/
F: support/testing/tests/package/test_kexec/
F: support/testing/tests/package/
F: support/testing/tests/package/test_kmod/
F: support/testing/tests/package/
F: support/testing/tests/package/test_kmscube/
F: support/testing/tests/package/
F: support/testing/tests/package/
F: support/testing/tests/package/
F: support/testing/tests/package/test_libcamera/
F: support/testing/tests/package/
F: support/testing/tests/package/
F: support/testing/tests/package/
F: support/testing/tests/package/test_links/
F: support/testing/tests/package/
F: support/testing/tests/package/
F: support/testing/tests/package/
F: support/testing/tests/package/
F: support/testing/tests/package/
F: support/testing/tests/package/
F: support/testing/tests/package/
F: support/testing/tests/package/
F: support/testing/tests/package/
F: support/testing/tests/package/test_make/
F: support/testing/tests/package/
F: support/testing/tests/package/
F: support/testing/tests/package/
F: support/testing/tests/package/test_mdadm/
F: support/testing/tests/package/
F: support/testing/tests/package/test_micropython/
F: support/testing/tests/package/
F: support/testing/tests/package/
F: support/testing/tests/package/
F: support/testing/tests/package/
F: support/testing/tests/package/
F: support/testing/tests/package/
F: support/testing/tests/package/test_netsnmp/
F: support/testing/tests/package/
F: support/testing/tests/package/test_nftables/
F: support/testing/tests/package/
F: support/testing/tests/package/
F: support/testing/tests/package/
F: support/testing/tests/package/test_ntp/
F: support/testing/tests/package/
F: support/testing/tests/package/test_numactl/
F: support/testing/tests/package/
F: support/testing/tests/package/
F: support/testing/tests/package/test_ola/
F: support/testing/tests/package/
F: support/testing/tests/package/
F: support/testing/tests/package/
F: support/testing/tests/package/
F: support/testing/tests/package/
F: support/testing/tests/package/
F: support/testing/tests/package/
F: support/testing/tests/package/
F: support/testing/tests/package/
F: support/testing/tests/package/
F: support/testing/tests/package/
F: support/testing/tests/package/
F: support/testing/tests/package/
F: support/testing/tests/package/
F: support/testing/tests/package/
F: support/testing/tests/package/
F: support/testing/tests/package/
F: support/testing/tests/package/test_rdma_core/
F: support/testing/tests/package/
F: support/testing/tests/package/
F: support/testing/tests/package/
F: support/testing/tests/package/
F: support/testing/tests/package/
F: support/testing/tests/package/
F: support/testing/tests/package/
F: support/testing/tests/package/
F: support/testing/tests/package/
F: support/testing/tests/package/test_swipl/
F: support/testing/tests/package/
F: support/testing/tests/package/test_tcl/
F: support/testing/tests/package/
F: support/testing/tests/package/
F: support/testing/tests/package/
F: support/testing/tests/package/
F: support/testing/tests/package/test_trace_cmd/
F: support/testing/tests/package/
F: support/testing/tests/package/test_usbutils/
F: support/testing/tests/package/
F: support/testing/tests/package/
F: support/testing/tests/package/test_weston/
F: support/testing/tests/package/
F: support/testing/tests/package/
F: support/testing/tests/package/test_xfsprogs/
F: support/testing/tests/package/
F: support/testing/tests/package/
F: support/testing/tests/package/test_z3/
F: support/testing/tests/package/
F: support/testing/tests/package/
F: support/testing/tests/package/
N: Julien Viard de Galbert <>
F: package/dieharder/
F: package/easy-rsa/
N: Justin Maggard <>
F: package/dtach/
N: Kadambini Nema <>
F: package/ustreamer/
N: Kamel Bouhara <>
F: package/libodb-boost/
F: package/libodb-mysql/
F: package/libqb/
F: package/usbguard/
N: Karoly Kasza <>
F: package/irqbalance/
F: package/openvmtools/
N: Kelvin Cheung <>
F: package/cpuload/
F: package/bwm-ng/
F: package/ramsmp/
N: Kieran Bingham <>
F: package/libcamera/
N: Kilian Zinnecker <>
F: board/avnet/rzboard_v2l/
F: board/radxa/rock5b/
F: configs/avnet_rzboard_v2l_defconfig
F: configs/rock5b_defconfig
F: package/rockchip-rkbin/
N: Klaus Heinrich Kiwi <>
F: package/wqy-zenhei/
N: Koen Martens <>
F: package/capnproto/
F: package/linuxconsoletools/
N: Kory Maincent <>
F: board/octavo/osd32mp1-brk/
F: board/octavo/osd32mp1-red/
F: configs/octavo_osd32mp1_brk_defconfig
F: configs/octavo_osd32mp1_red_defconfig
N: Kris Bahnsen <>
F: package/wilc-firmware/
F: package/wilc-driver/
N: Kurt Van Dijck <>
F: package/bcusdk/
F: package/libpthsem/
F: package/nilfs-utils/
N: Laurent Cans <>
F: package/aircrack-ng/
N: Laurent Charpentier <>
F: package/open-lldp/
N: Laurent Vivier <>
F: package/petitboot/
N: Lee Jones <>
F: boot/afboot-stm32/
N: Leon Anavi <>
F: board/olimex/a10_olinuxino
F: configs/olimex_a10_olinuxino_lime_defconfig
N: Leonid Yuriev <>
F: package/libmdbx/
N: Lionel Flandrin <>
F: package/python-babel/
F: package/python-daemonize/
F: package/python-flask/
F: package/python-flask-babel/
F: package/python-gunicorn/
F: support/testing/tests/package/
F: support/testing/tests/package/
N: Lionel Orry <>
F: package/mongrel2/
N: Lothar Felten <>
F: board/bananapi/bananapi-m2-ultra/
F: board/beagleboard/beaglebone/
F: configs/bananapi_m2_ultra_defconfig
F: configs/beaglebone_defconfig
F: configs/beaglebone_qt5_defconfig
F: package/ti-sgx-demos/
F: package/ti-sgx-km/
F: package/ti-sgx-um/
N: Louis Aussedat <>
F: package/mfoc
F: package/libpam-nfc
F: package/python-dnspython/
F: package/python-future/
F: package/python-huepy/
F: package/python-tqdm/
F: package/rtl8189es/
N: Louis-Paul Cordier <>
F: package/intel-gmmlib/
F: package/intel-mediadriver/
F: package/intel-mediasdk/
N: Luca Ceresoli <>
F: board/olimex/a20_olinuxino/
F: board/zynq/
F: board/zynqmp/
F: configs/olimex_a20_olinuxino_*
F: configs/zynq_microzed_defconfig
F: configs/zynq_zed_defconfig
F: configs/zynq_zc706_defconfig
F: configs/zynqmp_zcu106_defconfig
F: package/agentpp/
F: package/exim/
F: package/libpjsip/
F: package/linux-tools/
F: package/qpid-proton/
F: package/rtl8188eu/
F: package/snmppp/
F: package/stm32flash/
F: package/unzip/
F: support/legal-info/
N: Lucas De Marchi <>
F: package/fswebcam/
N: Lubomir Rintel <>
F: board/olpc/
F: configs/olpc_xo1_defconfig
F: configs/olpc_xo175_defconfig
N: Ludovic Desroches <>
F: board/atmel/
F: board/microchip/
F: configs/at91*
F: configs/atmel_*
F: configs/microchip_*
F: package/fb-test-app/
F: package/python-json-schema-validator/
F: package/python-keyring/
F: package/python-simplejson/
F: package/python-versiontools/
F: package/wilc-firmware/
N: Ludwig Kormann <>
F: board/in-circuit/
F: configs/icnova*
N: Mahyar Koshkouei <>
F: package/ffmpeg/
F: package/mpv/
F: package/rpi-firmware/
F: package/rpi-userland/
N: Marcin Bis <>
F: package/bluez5_utils/
F: package/cc-tool/
F: package/ecryptfs-utils/
N: Marcin Niestroj <>
F: board/grinn/
F: board/orangepi/orangepi-zero-plus/
F: board/orangepi/orangepi-zero3/
F: configs/grinn_*
F: configs/orangepi_zero_plus_defconfig
F: configs/orangepi_zero3_defconfig
F: package/argparse/
F: package/dt-utils/
F: package/easydbus/
F: package/gitlab-runner/
F: package/lua-flu/
F: package/lua-stdlib/
F: package/luaossl/
F: package/murata-cyw-fw/
F: package/netdata/
F: package/python-ansicolors/
F: package/python-bleak/
F: package/python-dbus-fast/
F: package/python-dbus-next/
F: package/python-iniconfig/
F: package/python-intelhex/
F: package/python-packaging/
F: package/python-pluggy/
F: package/python-pytest/
F: package/python-pytest-asyncio/
F: package/python-typing-extensions/
F: package/python-xmodem/
F: package/rs485conf/
F: package/turbolua/
F: support/testing/tests/package/
F: support/testing/tests/package/
F: support/testing/tests/package/
F: support/testing/tests/package/
F: support/testing/tests/package/
F: support/testing/tests/package/
F: support/testing/tests/package/
F: support/testing/tests/package/
N: Marcus Folkesson <>
F: package/criu/
F: package/libcamera/
F: package/libcamera-apps/
F: package/libostree/
F: package/libselinux/
F: package/libsemanage/
F: package/libsepol/
F: package/selinux-python/
F: support/testing/tests/package/
F: support/testing/tests/package/
F: utils/config
F: utils/diffconfig
N: Marcus Hoffmann <>
F: package/nethogs/
F: package/pico-sdk/
F: package/picotool/
F: package/python-jc/
F: package/python-ruamel-yaml-clib/
F: support/testing/tests/package/
F: support/testing/tests/package/
F: support/testing/tests/package/
F: support/testing/tests/package/
N: Marek Belisko <>
F: package/libatasmart/
F: package/polkit/
F: package/sg3_utils/
F: package/udisks/
N: Mario Lang <>
F: package/brltty/
F: package/lynx/
N: Mario Rugiero <>
F: package/ratpoison/
N: Mark Corbin <>
F: arch/
F: arch/
F: board/qemu/riscv32-virt/
F: board/qemu/riscv64-virt/
F: configs/qemu_riscv32_virt_defconfig
F: configs/qemu_riscv64_virt_defconfig
N: Marleen Vos <>
F: board/stmicroelectronics/common/stm32mp157/
F: configs/avenger96_defconfig
F: configs/stm32mp157a_dk1_defconfig
F: configs/stm32mp157c_dk2_defconfig
N: Martin Bark <>
F: board/raspberrypi/
F: configs/raspberrypi3_defconfig
F: package/brcmfmac_sdio-firmware-rpi/
F: package/ca-certificates/
F: package/connman/
F: package/nodejs/
F: package/rpi-firmware/
F: package/tzdata/
F: package/zic/
N: Martin Hundebøll <>
F: package/python-apispec/
F: package/python-flask-smorest/
F: package/python-marshmallow/
F: package/python-marshmallow-sqlalchemy/
F: package/python-webargs/
N: Martin Kepplinger <>
F: package/tslib/
F: package/x11r7/xdriver_xf86-input-tslib/
F: package/x11vnc/
N: Martin Povišer <>
F: package/python-construct/
F: support/testing/tests/package/
F: support/testing/tests/package/
N: Masahiro Yamada <>
F: board/arm/foundation-v8/
F: configs/arm_foundationv8_defconfig
N: Matt Flax <>
F: package/gtkiostream/
N: Matt Silva <>
F: package/rlwrap/
N: Mauro Condarelli <>
F: package/mc/
F: package/python-autobahn/
F: package/python-cbor/
F: package/python-characteristic/
F: package/python-click/
F: package/python-lmdb/
F: package/python-mistune/
F: package/python-netaddr/
F: package/python-pygments/
F: package/python-pynacl/
F: package/python-pytrie/
F: package/python-service-identity/
F: package/python-setproctitle/
F: package/python-shutilwhich/
F: package/python-treq/
F: package/python-txaio/
F: package/python-ujson/
F: package/python-wsaccel/
N: Maksim Kiselev <>
F: package/ledmon/
N: Max Filippov <>
F: arch/
N: Maxim Kochetkov <>
F: package/libgeos/
F: package/libosmium/
F: package/osm2pgsql/
F: package/postgis/
F: package/postgresql/
F: package/protozero/
F: package/timescaledb/
N: Maxime Chevallier <>
F: package/libtraceevent/
F: package/libtracefs
F: package/linux-tools/
N: Michael Durrant <>
F: board/arcturus/
F: configs/arcturus_ucp1020_defconfig
F: configs/arcturus_ucls1012a_defconfig
N: Michael Fischer <>
F: package/gnuplot/
F: package/sdl2/
N: Michael Nosthoff <>
F: package/boost/
F: package/catch2/
F: package/fmt/
F: package/grpc/
F: package/gtest/
F: package/json-for-modern-cpp/
F: package/libabseil-cpp/
F: package/networkd-dispatcher/
F: package/protobuf/
F: package/re2/
F: package/spdlog/
F: package/sqlitecpp/
N: Michael Trimarchi <>
F: board/bsh/
F: configs/imx6ulz_bsh_smm_m2_defconfig
F: configs/imx8mn_bsh_smm_s2_defconfig
F: configs/imx8mn_bsh_smm_s2_pro_defconfig
F: package/python-spidev/
N: Michael Vetter <>
F: package/jasper/
F: package/libstrophe/
N: Michael Walle <>
F: board/kontron/smarc-sal28/
F: configs/kontron_smarc_sal28_defconfig
F: package/libavl/
F: package/rcw-smarc-sal28/
N: Michał Łyszczek <>
F: board/altera/socrates_cyclone5/
F: board/pine64/rock64
F: configs/rock64_defconfig
F: configs/socrates_cyclone5_defconfig
F: package/netifrc/
F: package/openrc/
F: package/skeleton-init-openrc/
N: Michel Stempin <>
F: board/sipeed/licheepi_zero/
F: configs/sipeed_licheepi_zero_defconfig
N: Mika Westerberg <>
F: package/tbtools/
N: Mike Frampton <>
F: package/qcom-db410c-firmware/
N: Mikhail Boiko <>
F: package/libfribidi/
N: Mircea Gliga <>
F: package/mbuffer/
N: Murat Demirten <>
F: package/jpeg-turbo/
F: package/libgeotiff/
N: Nasser Afshin <>
F: package/python-pycrate/
N: Nathaniel Roach <>
F: package/bandwidthd/
F: package/libgudev/
N: Neal Frager <>
F: board/versal/
F: board/xilinx/
F: board/zynq/
F: board/zynqmp/
F: boot/xilinx-prebuilt/
F: configs/versal_vck190_defconfig
F: configs/versal_vpk180_defconfig
F: configs/zynq_zc702_defconfig
F: configs/zynq_zc706_defconfig
F: configs/zynqmp_kria_kd240_defconfig
F: configs/zynqmp_kria_kr260_defconfig
F: configs/zynqmp_kria_kv260_defconfig
F: configs/zynqmp_zcu102_defconfig
F: configs/zynqmp_zcu104_defconfig
F: configs/zynqmp_zcu106_defconfig
F: package/binutils-bare-metal/
F: package/bootgen/
F: package/gcc-bare-metal/
F: package/newlib-bare-metal/
F: toolchain/toolchain-bare-metal-buildroot/
N: Nicola Di Lieto <>
F: package/uacme/
N: Nicholas Sielicki <>
F: board/intel/galileo/
F: configs/galileo_defconfig
N: Nicolas Carrier <>
F: package/bmap-tools/
F: package/composer/
F: package/libdbi/
F: package/libdbi-drivers/
F: package/lua-augeas/
F: package/modsecurity2/
F: package/php-apcu/
F: package/php-lua/
F: package/php-pam/
F: package/php-pecl-dbus/
F: package/php-xdebug/
F: package/python-augeas/
F: package/python-flask-expects-json/
F: package/python-git/
F: package/python-unittest-xml-reporting/
F: support/testing/tests/package/
F: support/testing/tests/package/
F: support/testing/tests/package/
F: support/testing/tests/package/
F: support/testing/tests/package/
F: support/testing/tests/package/
F: support/testing/tests/package/
F: support/testing/tests/package/
F: support/testing/tests/package/
F: support/testing/tests/package/
F: support/testing/tests/package/
F: support/testing/tests/package/
F: support/testing/tests/package/
F: support/testing/tests/package/
F: support/testing/tests/package/
N: Nicolas Cavallari <>
F: package/libgit2/
N: Nicolas Serafini <>
F: package/exiv2/
F: package/ofono/
N: Niklas Cassel <>
F: configs/qemu_riscv64_nommu_virt_defconfig
N: Nikolay Dimitrov <>
F: board/embest/riotboard/
F: configs/riotboard_defconfig
N: Nimai Mahajan <>
F: package/libucl/
N: Noé Rubinstein <>
F: package/tpm-tools/
F: package/trousers/
N: Norbert Lange <>
F: package/dbus-broker/
F: package/systemd/
F: package/tcf-agent/
N: Yu Chien Peter Lin <>
F: board/andes
F: configs/andes_ae350_45_defconfig
F: package/kmon/
N: Olaf Rempel <>
F: package/ctorrent/
N: Oleksandr Zhadan <>
F: board/arcturus/
F: configs/arcturus_ucp1020_defconfig
F: configs/arcturus_ucls1012a_defconfig
N: Oli Vogt <>
F: package/python-django/
F: package/python-flup/
N: Olivier Matz <>
F: package/python-pyelftools/
N: Olivier Schonken <>
F: package/cups/
F: package/cups-filters/
F: package/ijs/
F: package/poppler/
F: package/qpdf/
F: package/openjpeg/
N: Olivier Singla <>
F: package/shellinabox/
N: Parnell Springmeyer <>
F: package/scrypt/
N: Pascal de Bruijn <>
F: package/libargon2/
F: package/linux-tools/S10hyperv
F: package/linux-tools/hyperv*.service
F: package/linux-tools/
N: Pascal Huerst <>
F: package/google-breakpad/
N: Patrick Gerber <>