1. f59d734 bind: don't test if the binary exists in the init script by Carlos Santos · 7 years ago
  2. 0f75b26 package: Replace 'echo -n' by 'printf' by Maxime Hadjinlian · 9 years ago
  3. 5f617ff sysv init scripts: fix == bashism by André Erdmann · 10 years ago
  4. 46b10b0 bind: security bump to version 9.9.5 by Gustavo Zacarias · 11 years ago
  5. 98463e6 bind: security bump to version 9.6-ESV-R9-P1 by Gustavo Zacarias · 12 years ago[Renamed (98%) from package/bind/bind.sysvinit]
  6. cb7b678 664: bind package update: akvadrako writes: by Eric Andersen · 19 years ago
  7. e507951 add new package bind per case 0000507 by David Anders · 19 years ago