blob: 046082a4b3ccbee334d898efe588db0b6a5fe418 [file] [log] [blame]
* This work is licensed under the terms of the GNU LGPL, version 2.
* This is a simple allocator that provides contiguous physical addresses
* with page granularity.
#include "libcflat.h"
#include "alloc.h"
#include "alloc_phys.h"
#include "alloc_page.h"
#include "bitops.h"
#include "list.h"
#include <asm/page.h>
#include <asm/io.h>
#include <asm/spinlock.h>
#include <asm/memory_areas.h>
#define IS_ALIGNED_ORDER(x,order) IS_ALIGNED((x),BIT_ULL(order))
#define PFN(x) ((uintptr_t)(x) >> PAGE_SHIFT)
#define MAX_AREAS 6
#define ORDER_MASK 0x3f
#define ALLOC_MASK 0x40
struct mem_area {
/* Physical frame number of the first usable frame in the area */
uintptr_t base;
/* Physical frame number of the first frame outside the area */
uintptr_t top;
/* Combination ALLOC_MASK and order */
u8 *page_states;
/* One freelist for each possible block size, up to NLISTS */
struct linked_list freelists[NLISTS];
static struct mem_area areas[MAX_AREAS];
static unsigned int areas_mask;
static struct spinlock lock;
bool page_alloc_initialized(void)
return areas_mask != 0;
static inline bool area_or_metadata_contains(struct mem_area *a, uintptr_t pfn)
return (pfn >= PFN(a->page_states)) && (pfn < a->top);
static inline bool area_contains(struct mem_area *a, uintptr_t pfn)
return (pfn >= a->base) && (pfn < a->top);
* Splits the free block starting at addr into 2 blocks of half the size.
* The function depends on the following assumptions:
* - The allocator must have been initialized
* - the block must be within the memory area
* - all pages in the block must be free and not special
* - the pointer must point to the start of the block
* - all pages in the block must have the same block size.
* - the block size must be greater than 0
* - the block size must be smaller than the maximum allowed
* - the block must be in a free list
* - the function is called with the lock held
static void split(struct mem_area *a, void *addr)
uintptr_t pfn = PFN(addr);
struct linked_list *p;
uintptr_t i, idx;
u8 order;
assert(a && area_contains(a, pfn));
idx = pfn - a->base;
order = a->page_states[idx];
assert(!(order & ~ORDER_MASK) && order && (order < NLISTS));
assert(IS_ALIGNED_ORDER(pfn, order));
assert(area_contains(a, pfn + BIT(order) - 1));
/* Remove the block from its free list */
p = list_remove(addr);
/* update the block size for each page in the block */
for (i = 0; i < BIT(order); i++) {
assert(a->page_states[idx + i] == order);
a->page_states[idx + i] = order - 1;
/* add the first half block to the appropriate free list */
list_add(a->freelists + order, p);
/* add the second half block to the appropriate free list */
list_add(a->freelists + order, (void *)((pfn + BIT(order)) * PAGE_SIZE));
* Returns a block whose alignment and size are at least the parameter values.
* If there is not enough free memory, NULL is returned.
* Both parameters must be not larger than the largest allowed order
static void *page_memalign_order(struct mem_area *a, u8 al, u8 sz)
struct linked_list *p, *res = NULL;
u8 order;
assert((al < NLISTS) && (sz < NLISTS));
/* we need the bigger of the two as starting point */
order = sz > al ? sz : al;
/* search all free lists for some memory */
for ( ; order < NLISTS; order++) {
p = a->freelists[order].next;
if (!is_list_empty(p))
/* out of memory */
if (order >= NLISTS)
return NULL;
* the block is bigger than what we need because either there were
* no smaller blocks, or the smaller blocks were not aligned to our
* needs; therefore we split the block until we reach the needed size
for (; order > sz; order--)
split(a, p);
res = list_remove(p);
memset(a->page_states + (PFN(res) - a->base), ALLOC_MASK | order, BIT(order));
return res;
* Try to merge two blocks into a bigger one.
* Returns true in case of a successful merge.
* Merging will succeed only if both blocks have the same block size and are
* both free.
* The function depends on the following assumptions:
* - the first parameter is strictly smaller than the second
* - the parameters must point each to the start of their block
* - the two parameters point to adjacent blocks
* - the two blocks are both in a free list
* - all of the pages of the two blocks must be free
* - all of the pages of the two blocks must have the same block size
* - the function is called with the lock held
static bool coalesce(struct mem_area *a, u8 order, uintptr_t pfn, uintptr_t pfn2)
uintptr_t first, second, i;
struct linked_list *li;
assert(IS_ALIGNED_ORDER(pfn, order) && IS_ALIGNED_ORDER(pfn2, order));
assert(pfn2 == pfn + BIT(order));
/* attempting to coalesce two blocks that belong to different areas */
if (!area_contains(a, pfn) || !area_contains(a, pfn2 + BIT(order) - 1))
return false;
first = pfn - a->base;
second = pfn2 - a->base;
/* the two blocks have different sizes, cannot coalesce */
if ((a->page_states[first] != order) || (a->page_states[second] != order))
return false;
/* we can coalesce, remove both blocks from their freelists */
li = list_remove((void *)(pfn2 << PAGE_SHIFT));
li = list_remove((void *)(pfn << PAGE_SHIFT));
/* check the metadata entries and update with the new size */
for (i = 0; i < (2ull << order); i++) {
assert(a->page_states[first + i] == order);
a->page_states[first + i] = order + 1;
/* finally add the newly coalesced block to the appropriate freelist */
list_add(a->freelists + order + 1, li);
return true;
* Free a block of memory.
* The parameter can be NULL, in which case nothing happens.
* The function depends on the following assumptions:
* - the parameter is page aligned
* - the parameter belongs to an existing memory area
* - the parameter points to the beginning of the block
* - the size of the block is less than the maximum allowed
* - the block is completely contained in its memory area
* - all pages in the block have the same block size
* - no pages in the memory block were already free
* - no pages in the memory block are special
static void _free_pages(void *mem)
uintptr_t pfn2, pfn = PFN(mem);
struct mem_area *a = NULL;
uintptr_t i, p;
u8 order;
if (!mem)
assert(IS_ALIGNED((uintptr_t)mem, PAGE_SIZE));
/* find which area this pointer belongs to*/
for (i = 0; !a && (i < MAX_AREAS); i++) {
if ((areas_mask & BIT(i)) && area_contains(areas + i, pfn))
a = areas + i;
assert_msg(a, "memory does not belong to any area: %p", mem);
p = pfn - a->base;
order = a->page_states[p] & ORDER_MASK;
/* ensure that the first page is allocated and not special */
assert(a->page_states[p] == (order | ALLOC_MASK));
/* ensure that the order has a sane value */
assert(order < NLISTS);
/* ensure that the block is aligned properly for its size */
assert(IS_ALIGNED_ORDER(pfn, order));
/* ensure that the area can contain the whole block */
assert(area_contains(a, pfn + BIT(order) - 1));
for (i = 0; i < BIT(order); i++) {
/* check that all pages of the block have consistent metadata */
assert(a->page_states[p + i] == (ALLOC_MASK | order));
/* set the page as free */
a->page_states[p + i] &= ~ALLOC_MASK;
/* provisionally add the block to the appropriate free list */
list_add(a->freelists + order, mem);
/* try to coalesce the block with neighbouring blocks if possible */
do {
* get the order again since it might have changed after
* coalescing in a previous iteration
order = a->page_states[p] & ORDER_MASK;
* let's consider this block and the next one if this block
* is aligned to the next size, otherwise let's consider the
* previous block and this one
if (!IS_ALIGNED_ORDER(pfn, order + 1))
pfn = pfn - BIT(order);
pfn2 = pfn + BIT(order);
/* repeat as long as we manage to coalesce something */
} while (coalesce(a, order, pfn, pfn2));
void free_pages(void *mem)
static void *page_memalign_order_area(unsigned area, u8 ord, u8 al)
void *res = NULL;
int i;
area &= areas_mask;
for (i = 0; !res && (i < MAX_AREAS); i++)
if (area & BIT(i))
res = page_memalign_order(areas + i, ord, al);
return res;
* Allocates (1 << order) physically contiguous and naturally aligned pages.
* Returns NULL if the allocation was not possible.
void *alloc_pages_area(unsigned int area, unsigned int order)
return page_memalign_order_area(area, order, order);
void *alloc_pages(unsigned int order)
return alloc_pages_area(AREA_ANY, order);
* Allocates (1 << order) physically contiguous aligned pages.
* Returns NULL if the allocation was not possible.
void *memalign_pages_area(unsigned int area, size_t alignment, size_t size)
alignment = get_order(PAGE_ALIGN(alignment) >> PAGE_SHIFT);
size = get_order(PAGE_ALIGN(size) >> PAGE_SHIFT);
assert(alignment < NLISTS);
assert(size < NLISTS);
return page_memalign_order_area(area, size, alignment);
void *memalign_pages(size_t alignment, size_t size)
return memalign_pages_area(AREA_ANY, alignment, size);
* Allocates one page
void *alloc_page()
return alloc_pages(0);
static struct alloc_ops page_alloc_ops = {
.memalign = memalign_pages,
.free = free_pages,
.align_min = PAGE_SIZE,
* Enables the page allocator.
* Prerequisites:
* - at least one memory area has been initialized
void page_alloc_ops_enable(void)
alloc_ops = &page_alloc_ops;
* Adds a new memory area to the pool of available memory.
* Prerequisites:
* - the lock is held
* - start and top are page frame numbers
* - start is smaller than top
* - top does not fall outside of addressable memory
* - there is at least one more slot free for memory areas
* - if a specific memory area number has been indicated, it needs to be free
* - the memory area to add does not overlap with existing areas
* - the memory area to add has at least 5 pages available
static void _page_alloc_init_area(u8 n, uintptr_t start_pfn, uintptr_t top_pfn)
size_t table_size, npages, i;
struct mem_area *a;
u8 order = 0;
/* the number must be within the allowed range */
assert(n < MAX_AREAS);
/* the new area number must be unused */
assert(!(areas_mask & BIT(n)));
/* other basic sanity checks */
assert(top_pfn > start_pfn);
assert(top_pfn - start_pfn > 4);
assert(top_pfn < BIT_ULL(sizeof(void *) * 8 - PAGE_SHIFT));
/* calculate the size of the metadata table in pages */
table_size = (top_pfn - start_pfn + PAGE_SIZE) / (PAGE_SIZE + 1);
/* fill in the values of the new area */
a = areas + n;
a->page_states = (void *)(start_pfn << PAGE_SHIFT);
a->base = start_pfn + table_size;
a->top = top_pfn;
npages = top_pfn - a->base;
assert((a->base - start_pfn) * PAGE_SIZE >= npages);
/* check that the new area does not overlap with any existing areas */
for (i = 0; i < MAX_AREAS; i++) {
if (!(areas_mask & BIT(i)))
assert(!area_or_metadata_contains(areas + i, start_pfn));
assert(!area_or_metadata_contains(areas + i, top_pfn - 1));
assert(!area_or_metadata_contains(a, PFN(areas[i].page_states)));
assert(!area_or_metadata_contains(a, areas[i].top - 1));
/* initialize all freelists for the new area */
for (i = 0; i < NLISTS; i++)
a->freelists[i].next = a->freelists[i].prev = a->freelists + i;
/* initialize the metadata for the available memory */
for (i = a->base; i < a->top; i += 1ull << order) {
/* search which order to start from */
while (i + BIT(order) > a->top) {
* we need both loops, one for the start and the other for
* the end of the block, in case it spans a power of two
* boundary
while (IS_ALIGNED_ORDER(i, order + 1) && (i + BIT(order + 1) <= a->top))
assert(order < NLISTS);
/* initialize the metadata and add to the freelist */
memset(a->page_states + (i - a->base), order, BIT(order));
list_add(a->freelists + order, (void *)(i << PAGE_SHIFT));
/* finally mark the area as present */
areas_mask |= BIT(n);
static void __page_alloc_init_area(u8 n, uintptr_t cutoff, uintptr_t base_pfn, uintptr_t *top_pfn)
if (*top_pfn > cutoff) {
if (base_pfn >= cutoff) {
_page_alloc_init_area(n, base_pfn, *top_pfn);
*top_pfn = 0;
} else {
_page_alloc_init_area(n, cutoff, *top_pfn);
*top_pfn = cutoff;
* Adds a new memory area to the pool of available memory.
* Prerequisites:
* see _page_alloc_init_area
void page_alloc_init_area(u8 n, uintptr_t base_pfn, uintptr_t top_pfn)
if (n != AREA_ANY_NUMBER) {
__page_alloc_init_area(n, 0, base_pfn, &top_pfn);
__page_alloc_init_area(AREA_HIGH_NUMBER, AREA_HIGH_PFN), base_pfn, &top_pfn);
__page_alloc_init_area(AREA_NORMAL_NUMBER, AREA_NORMAL_PFN, base_pfn, &top_pfn);
__page_alloc_init_area(AREA_LOW_NUMBER, AREA_LOW_PFN, base_pfn, &top_pfn);
__page_alloc_init_area(AREA_LOWEST_NUMBER, AREA_LOWEST_PFN, base_pfn, &top_pfn);