blob: 07013b2b8748ff4aa22e3a04f4af3787be281838 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
# unittest configuration
# [unittest_name]
# file = <name>.elf # Name of the elf file to be used.
# extra_params = -append <params...> # Additional parameters used.
# groups = <group_name1> <group_name2> ... # Used to identify test cases
# # with run_tests -g ...
# # Specify group_name=nodefault
# # to have test not run by default
# accel = kvm|tcg # Optionally specify if test must run with
# # kvm or tcg. If not specified, then kvm will
# # be used when available.
# timeout = <duration> # Optionally specify a timeout.
# check = <path>=<value> # check a file for a particular value before running
# # a test. The check line can contain multiple files
# # to check separated by a space but each check
# # parameter needs to be of the form <path>=<value>
file = selftest.elf
groups = selftest
extra_params = -append 'test 123'
file = intercept.elf
file = emulator.elf
file = sieve.elf
groups = selftest
# can take fairly long when KVM is nested inside z/VM
timeout = 600
file = sthyi.elf
file = skey.elf
file = diag10.elf
file = diag308.elf
file = pfmf.elf
file = cmm.elf
file = vector.elf
file = gs.elf
file = iep.elf
file = cpumodel.elf
file = diag288.elf
extra_params=-device diag288,id=watchdog0 --watchdog-action inject-nmi
file = stsi.elf
file = smp.elf
extra_params =-smp 2
file = sclp.elf
extra_params = -m 1G
file = sclp.elf
extra_params = -m 3G