ARM: dts: am3517-evm: Add User LEDs and Pushbutton

There are some LED's attached to the GPIO expander, and
there are is a bank of switches attached to the GPIO expander.
This patch associates the LED and the switches to it.

Signed-off-by: Derald D. Woods <>
Signed-off-by: Adam Ford <>
Signed-off-by: Tony Lindgren <>
diff --git a/arch/arm/boot/dts/am3517-evm.dts b/arch/arm/boot/dts/am3517-evm.dts
index e5cc930..98aadb0 100644
--- a/arch/arm/boot/dts/am3517-evm.dts
+++ b/arch/arm/boot/dts/am3517-evm.dts
@@ -9,6 +9,8 @@
 #include "am3517.dtsi"
 #include "am3517-som.dtsi"
+#include <dt-bindings/input/input.h>
 / {
 	model = "TI AM3517 EVM (AM3517/05 TMDSEVM3517)";
 	compatible = "ti,am3517-evm", "ti,am3517", "ti,omap3";
@@ -29,6 +31,96 @@
                 regulator-max-microvolt = <3300000>;
+	gpio-keys {
+		compatible = "gpio-keys-polled";
+		poll-interval = <100>;
+		user_pb {
+			label = "User Push Button";
+			linux,code = <BTN_0>;
+			gpios = <&tca6416 5 GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW>;
+		};
+		user_sw_1 {
+			label = "User Switch 1";
+			linux,code = <BTN_1>;
+			gpios = <&tca6416 8 GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW>;
+		};
+		user_sw_2 {
+			label = "User Switch 2";
+			linux,code = <BTN_2>;
+			gpios = <&tca6416 9 GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW>;
+		};
+		user_sw_3 {
+			label = "User Switch 3";
+			linux,code = <BTN_3>;
+			gpios = <&tca6416 10 GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW>;
+		};
+		user_sw_4 {
+			label = "User Switch 4";
+			linux,code = <BTN_4>;
+			gpios = <&tca6416 11 GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW>;
+		};
+		user_sw_5 {
+			label = "User Switch 5";
+			linux,code = <BTN_5>;
+			gpios = <&tca6416 12 GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW>;
+		};
+		user_sw_6 {
+			label = "User Switch 6";
+			linux,code = <BTN_6>;
+			gpios = <&tca6416 13 GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW>;
+		};
+		user_sw_7 {
+			label = "User Switch 7";
+			linux,code = <BTN_7>;
+			gpios = <&tca6416 14 GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW>;
+		};
+		user_sw_8 {
+			label = "User Switch 8";
+			linux,code = <BTN_8>;
+			gpios = <&tca6416 15 GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW>;
+		};
+	};
+	gpio-leds {
+		compatible = "gpio-leds";
+		pinctrl-names = "default";
+		pinctrl-0 = <&leds_pins>;
+		user_led_1 {
+			label = "am3517evm:green:user_led_1";
+			gpios = <&tca6416 7 GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW>;
+			default-state = "on";
+		};
+		user_led_2 {
+			label = "am3517evm:green:user_led_2";
+			gpios = <&tca6416 6 GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW>;
+			default-state = "on";
+		};
+		user_led_3 {
+			label = "am3517evm:green:user_led_3";
+			gpios = <&gpio1 11 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>;
+			linux,default-trigger = "mmc0"; /* SD/MMC card activity */
+		};
+		user_led_4 {
+			label = "am3517evm:green:user_led_4";
+			gpios = <&gpio1 31 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>;
+			linux,default-trigger = "heartbeat";
+		};
+	};
 	lcd0: display@0 {
 		compatible = "panel-dpi";
 		label = "15";
@@ -138,6 +230,13 @@
 &omap3_pmx_core {
+	leds_pins: pinmux_leds_pins {
+		pinctrl-single,pins = <
+			OMAP3_WKUP_IOPAD(0x2a24, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | MUX_MODE4)	/* jtag_emu0.gpio_11 */
+			OMAP3_WKUP_IOPAD(0x2a26, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | MUX_MODE4)	/* jtag_emu1.gpio_31 */
+		>;
+	};
 	mmc1_pins: pinmux_mmc1_pins {
 		pinctrl-single,pins = <
 			OMAP3_CORE1_IOPAD(0x2144, PIN_INPUT_PULLUP | MUX_MODE0)	/* sdmmc1_clk.sdmmc1_clk */