devlink: add parser error drop packet traps

Add parser error drop packet traps, so that capable device driver could
register them with devlink. The new packet trap group holds any drops of
packets which were marked by the device as erroneous during header
parsing. Add documentation for every added packet trap and packet trap

Signed-off-by: Ioana Ciornei <>
Signed-off-by: David S. Miller <>
diff --git a/Documentation/networking/devlink/devlink-trap.rst b/Documentation/networking/devlink/devlink-trap.rst
index 7a79835..ef719ce 100644
--- a/Documentation/networking/devlink/devlink-trap.rst
+++ b/Documentation/networking/devlink/devlink-trap.rst
@@ -409,6 +409,73 @@
      - ``drop``
      - Traps packets dropped due to the RED (Random Early Detection) algorithm
        (i.e., early drops)
+   * - ``vxlan_parsing``
+     - ``drop``
+     - Traps packets dropped due to an error in the VXLAN header parsing which
+       might be because of packet truncation or the I flag is not set.
+   * - ``llc_snap_parsing``
+     - ``drop``
+     - Traps packets dropped due to an error in the LLC+SNAP header parsing
+   * - ``vlan_parsing``
+     - ``drop``
+     - Traps packets dropped due to an error in the VLAN header parsing. Could
+       include unexpected packet truncation.
+   * - ``pppoe_ppp_parsing``
+     - ``drop``
+     - Traps packets dropped due to an error in the PPPoE+PPP header parsing.
+       This could include finding a session ID of 0xFFFF (which is reserved and
+       not for use), a PPPoE length which is larger than the frame received or
+       any common error on this type of header
+   * - ``mpls_parsing``
+     - ``drop``
+     - Traps packets dropped due to an error in the MPLS header parsing which
+       could include unexpected header truncation
+   * - ``arp_parsing``
+     - ``drop``
+     - Traps packets dropped due to an error in the ARP header parsing
+   * - ``ip_1_parsing``
+     - ``drop``
+     - Traps packets dropped due to an error in the first IP header parsing.
+       This packet trap could include packets which do not pass an IP checksum
+       check, a header length check (a minimum of 20 bytes), which might suffer
+       from packet truncation thus the total length field exceeds the received
+       packet length etc
+   * - ``ip_n_parsing``
+     - ``drop``
+     - Traps packets dropped due to an error in the parsing of the last IP
+       header (the inner one in case of an IP over IP tunnel). The same common
+       error checking is performed here as for the ip_1_parsing trap
+   * - ``gre_parsing``
+     - ``drop``
+     - Traps packets dropped due to an error in the GRE header parsing
+   * - ``udp_parsing``
+     - ``drop``
+     - Traps packets dropped due to an error in the UDP header parsing.
+       This packet trap could include checksum errorrs, an improper UDP
+       length detected (smaller than 8 bytes) or detection of header
+       truncation.
+   * - ``tcp_parsing``
+     - ``drop``
+     - Traps packets dropped due to an error in the TCP header parsing.
+       This could include TCP checksum errors, improper combination of SYN, FIN
+       and/or RESET etc.
+   * - ``ipsec_parsing``
+     - ``drop``
+     - Traps packets dropped due to an error in the IPSEC header parsing
+   * - ``sctp_parsing``
+     - ``drop``
+     - Traps packets dropped due to an error in the SCTP header parsing.
+       This would mean that port number 0 was used or that the header is
+       truncated.
+   * - ``dccp_parsing``
+     - ``drop``
+     - Traps packets dropped due to an error in the DCCP header parsing
+   * - ``gtp_parsing``
+     - ``drop``
+     - Traps packets dropped due to an error in the GTP header parsing
+   * - ``esp_parsing``
+     - ``drop``
+     - Traps packets dropped due to an error in the ESP header parsing
 Driver-specific Packet Traps
@@ -509,6 +576,9 @@
    * - ``acl_trap``
      - Contains packet traps for packets that were trapped (logged) by the
        device during ACL processing
+   * - ``parser_error_drops``
+     - Contains packet traps for packets that were marked by the device during
+       parsing as erroneous
 Packet Trap Policers