UPSTREAM: inet: Add IP_LOCAL_PORT_RANGE socket option

Users who want to share a single public IP address for outgoing connections
between several hosts traditionally reach for SNAT. However, SNAT requires
state keeping on the node(s) performing the NAT.

A stateless alternative exists, where a single IP address used for egress
can be shared between several hosts by partitioning the available ephemeral
port range. In such a setup:

1. Each host gets assigned a disjoint range of ephemeral ports.
2. Applications open connections from the host-assigned port range.
3. Return traffic gets routed to the host based on both, the destination IP
   and the destination port.

An application which wants to open an outgoing connection (connect) from a
given port range today can choose between two solutions:

1. Manually pick the source port by bind()'ing to it before connect()'ing
   the socket.

   This approach has a couple of downsides:

   a) Search for a free port has to be implemented in the user-space. If
      the chosen 4-tuple happens to be busy, the application needs to retry
      from a different local port number.

      Detecting if 4-tuple is busy can be either easy (TCP) or hard
      (UDP). In TCP case, the application simply has to check if connect()
      returned an error (EADDRNOTAVAIL). That is assuming that the local
      port sharing was enabled (REUSEADDR) by all the sockets.

        # Assume desired local port range is 60_000-60_511
        s = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM)
        s.setsockopt(SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, 1)
        s.bind(("", 60_000))
        s.connect(("", 53))
        # Fails only if -> is busy
        # Application must retry with another local port

      In case of UDP, the network stack allows binding more than one socket
      to the same 4-tuple, when local port sharing is enabled
      (REUSEADDR). Hence detecting the conflict is much harder and involves
      querying sock_diag and toggling the REUSEADDR flag [1].

   b) For TCP, bind()-ing to a port within the ephemeral port range means
      that no connecting sockets, that is those which leave it to the
      network stack to find a free local port at connect() time, can use
      the this port.

      IOW, the bind hash bucket tb->fastreuse will be 0 or 1, and the port
      will be skipped during the free port search at connect() time.

2. Isolate the app in a dedicated netns and use the use the per-netns
   ip_local_port_range sysctl to adjust the ephemeral port range bounds.

   The per-netns setting affects all sockets, so this approach can be used
   only if:

   - there is just one egress IP address, or
   - the desired egress port range is the same for all egress IP addresses
     used by the application.

   For TCP, this approach avoids the downsides of (1). Free port search and
   4-tuple conflict detection is done by the network stack:

     system("sysctl -w net.ipv4.ip_local_port_range='60000 60511'")

     s = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM)
     s.setsockopt(SOL_IP, IP_BIND_ADDRESS_NO_PORT, 1)
     s.bind(("", 0))
     s.connect(("", 53))
     # Fails if all 4-tuples -> are busy

  For UDP this approach has limited applicability. Setting the
  IP_BIND_ADDRESS_NO_PORT socket option does not result in local source
  port being shared with other connected UDP sockets.

  Hence relying on the network stack to find a free source port, limits the
  number of outgoing UDP flows from a single IP address down to the number
  of available ephemeral ports.

To put it another way, partitioning the ephemeral port range between hosts
using the existing Linux networking API is cumbersome.

To address this use case, add a new socket option at the SOL_IP level,
named IP_LOCAL_PORT_RANGE. The new option can be used to clamp down the
ephemeral port range for each socket individually.

The option can be used only to narrow down the per-netns local port
range. If the per-socket range lies outside of the per-netns range, the
latter takes precedence.

UAPI-wise, the low and high range bounds are passed to the kernel as a pair
of u16 values in host byte order packed into a u32. This avoids pointer

  PORT_LO = 40_000
  PORT_HI = 40_511

  s = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM)
  v = struct.pack("I", PORT_HI << 16 | PORT_LO)
  s.setsockopt(SOL_IP, IP_LOCAL_PORT_RANGE, v)
  s.bind(("", 0))
  # Local address between ("", 40_000) and ("", 40_511),
  # if there is a free port. EADDRINUSE otherwise.


Reviewed-by: Marek Majkowski <>
Reviewed-by: Kuniyuki Iwashima <>
Change-Id: I06e1860472cd2f90bf030076be0c87b9b775a3df
Signed-off-by: Jakub Sitnicki <>
Reviewed-by: Eric Dumazet <>
Signed-off-by: Jakub Kicinski <>
(cherry picked from commit 91d0b78c5177f3e42a4d8738af8ac19c3a90d002)
Signed-off-by: Greg Kroah-Hartman <>
8 files changed
tree: d479aca989f76cf6b48d27781c1f15df53b285a0
  1. android/
  2. arch/
  3. block/
  4. certs/
  5. crypto/
  6. Documentation/
  7. drivers/
  8. fs/
  9. include/
  10. init/
  11. io_uring/
  12. ipc/
  13. kernel/
  14. lib/
  16. mm/
  17. net/
  18. rust/
  19. samples/
  20. scripts/
  21. security/
  22. sound/
  23. tools/
  24. usr/
  25. virt/
  26. .clang-format
  27. .cocciconfig
  28. .get_maintainer.ignore
  29. .gitattributes
  30. .gitignore
  31. .mailmap
  32. .rustfmt.toml
  33. BUILD.bazel
  34. build.config.aarch64
  35. build.config.allmodconfig
  36. build.config.allmodconfig.aarch64
  37. build.config.allmodconfig.arm
  38. build.config.allmodconfig.x86_64
  39. build.config.amlogic
  40. build.config.arm
  41. build.config.common
  42. build.config.constants
  43. build.config.db845c
  44. build.config.gki
  45. build.config.gki-debug.aarch64
  46. build.config.gki-debug.x86_64
  47. build.config.gki.aarch64
  48. build.config.gki.aarch64.16k
  49. build.config.gki.aarch64.fips140
  50. build.config.gki.riscv64
  51. build.config.gki.x86_64
  52. build.config.gki_kasan
  53. build.config.gki_kasan.aarch64
  54. build.config.gki_kasan.x86_64
  55. build.config.gki_kprobes
  56. build.config.gki_kprobes.aarch64
  57. build.config.gki_kprobes.x86_64
  58. build.config.khwasan
  59. build.config.riscv64
  60. build.config.rockpi4
  61. build.config.x86_64
  64. Kbuild
  65. Kconfig
  66. Kconfig.ext
  68. Makefile
  69. modules.bzl
  70. OWNERS
  71. OWNERS_DrNo
  72. README

How do I submit patches to Android Common Kernels

  1. BEST: Make all of your changes to upstream Linux. If appropriate, backport to the stable releases. These patches will be merged automatically in the corresponding common kernels. If the patch is already in upstream Linux, post a backport of the patch that conforms to the patch requirements below.

    • Do not send patches upstream that contain only symbol exports. To be considered for upstream Linux, additions of EXPORT_SYMBOL_GPL() require an in-tree modular driver that uses the symbol -- so include the new driver or changes to an existing driver in the same patchset as the export.
    • When sending patches upstream, the commit message must contain a clear case for why the patch is needed and beneficial to the community. Enabling out-of-tree drivers or functionality is not not a persuasive case.
  2. LESS GOOD: Develop your patches out-of-tree (from an upstream Linux point-of-view). Unless these are fixing an Android-specific bug, these are very unlikely to be accepted unless they have been coordinated with If you want to proceed, post a patch that conforms to the patch requirements below.

Common Kernel patch requirements

  • All patches must conform to the Linux kernel coding standards and pass scripts/
  • Patches shall not break gki_defconfig or allmodconfig builds for arm, arm64, x86, x86_64 architectures (see
  • If the patch is not merged from an upstream branch, the subject must be tagged with the type of patch: UPSTREAM:, BACKPORT:, FROMGIT:, FROMLIST:, or ANDROID:.
  • All patches must have a Change-Id: tag (see
  • If an Android bug has been assigned, there must be a Bug: tag.
  • All patches must have a Signed-off-by: tag by the author and the submitter

Additional requirements are listed below based on patch type

Requirements for backports from mainline Linux: UPSTREAM:, BACKPORT:

  • If the patch is a cherry-pick from Linux mainline with no changes at all
    • tag the patch subject with UPSTREAM:.
    • add upstream commit information with a (cherry picked from commit ...) line
    • Example:
      • if the upstream commit message is
        important patch from upstream

        This is the detailed description of the important patch

        Signed-off-by: Fred Jones <>
  • then Joe Smith would upload the patch for the common kernel as
        UPSTREAM: important patch from upstream

        This is the detailed description of the important patch

        Signed-off-by: Fred Jones <>

        Bug: 135791357
        Change-Id: I4caaaa566ea080fa148c5e768bb1a0b6f7201c01
        (cherry picked from commit c31e73121f4c1ec41143423ac6ce3ce6dafdcec1)
        Signed-off-by: Joe Smith <>
  • If the patch requires any changes from the upstream version, tag the patch with BACKPORT: instead of UPSTREAM:.
    • use the same tags as UPSTREAM:
    • add comments about the changes under the (cherry picked from commit ...) line
    • Example:
        BACKPORT: important patch from upstream

        This is the detailed description of the important patch

        Signed-off-by: Fred Jones <>

        Bug: 135791357
        Change-Id: I4caaaa566ea080fa148c5e768bb1a0b6f7201c01
        (cherry picked from commit c31e73121f4c1ec41143423ac6ce3ce6dafdcec1)
        [joe: Resolved minor conflict in drivers/foo/bar.c ]
        Signed-off-by: Joe Smith <>

Requirements for other backports: FROMGIT:, FROMLIST:,

  • If the patch has been merged into an upstream maintainer tree, but has not yet been merged into Linux mainline
    • tag the patch subject with FROMGIT:
    • add info on where the patch came from as (cherry picked from commit <sha1> <repo> <branch>). This must be a stable maintainer branch (not rebased, so don't use linux-next for example).
    • if changes were required, use BACKPORT: FROMGIT:
    • Example:
      • if the commit message in the maintainer tree is
        important patch from upstream

        This is the detailed description of the important patch

        Signed-off-by: Fred Jones <>
  • then Joe Smith would upload the patch for the common kernel as
        FROMGIT: important patch from upstream

        This is the detailed description of the important patch

        Signed-off-by: Fred Jones <>

        Bug: 135791357
        (cherry picked from commit 878a2fd9de10b03d11d2f622250285c7e63deace test-branch)
        Change-Id: I4caaaa566ea080fa148c5e768bb1a0b6f7201c01
        Signed-off-by: Joe Smith <>
  • If the patch has been submitted to LKML, but not accepted into any maintainer tree
    • tag the patch subject with FROMLIST:
    • add a Link: tag with a link to the submittal on
    • add a Bug: tag with the Android bug (required for patches not accepted into a maintainer tree)
    • if changes were required, use BACKPORT: FROMLIST:
    • Example:
        FROMLIST: important patch from upstream

        This is the detailed description of the important patch

        Signed-off-by: Fred Jones <>

        Bug: 135791357
        Change-Id: I4caaaa566ea080fa148c5e768bb1a0b6f7201c01
        Signed-off-by: Joe Smith <>

Requirements for Android-specific patches: ANDROID:

  • If the patch is fixing a bug to Android-specific code
    • tag the patch subject with ANDROID:
    • add a Fixes: tag that cites the patch with the bug
    • Example:
        ANDROID: fix android-specific bug in foobar.c

        This is the detailed description of the important fix

        Fixes: 1234abcd2468 ("foobar: add cool feature")
        Change-Id: I4caaaa566ea080fa148c5e768bb1a0b6f7201c01
        Signed-off-by: Joe Smith <>
  • If the patch is a new feature
    • tag the patch subject with ANDROID:
    • add a Bug: tag with the Android bug (required for android-specific features)