media: ccs: Add the generator for CCS register definitions and limits

Add register definitions of the MIPI CCS 1.1 standard.

The CCS driver makes extended use of device's capability registers that
are dependent on CCS version. This involves having an in-memory data
structure for limit and capability information, creating that data
structure and accessing it.

The register definitions as well as the definitions of this data structure
are generated from a text file using a Perl script. Add the generator
script to make it easy to update the generated files.

Signed-off-by: Sakari Ailus <>
Signed-off-by: Mauro Carvalho Chehab <>
diff --git a/Documentation/driver-api/media/drivers/ccs/ccs-regs.txt b/Documentation/driver-api/media/drivers/ccs/ccs-regs.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..93f0131
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Documentation/driver-api/media/drivers/ccs/ccs-regs.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,1041 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2019--2020 Intel Corporation
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only OR BSD-3-Clause
+# register				rflags
+# - f	field	LSB	MSB		rflags
+# - e	enum	value			# after a field
+# - e	enum	value	[LSB	MSB]
+# - b	bool	bit
+# - l	arg	name	min	max	elsize	[discontig...]
+# rflags
+#	8, 16, 32	register bits (default is 8)
+#	v1.1		defined in version 1.1
+#	f		formula
+#	float_ireal	iReal or IEEE 754; 32 bits
+#	ireal		unsigned iReal
+# general status registers
+module_model_id				0x0000	16
+module_revision_number_major		0x0002	8
+frame_count				0x0005	8
+pixel_order				0x0006	8
+- e	GRBG				0
+- e	RGGB				1
+- e	BGGR				2
+- e	GBRG				3
+MIPI_CCS_version			0x0007	8
+- e	v1_0				0x10
+- e	v1_1				0x11
+- f	major				4	7
+- f	minor				0	3
+data_pedestal				0x0008	16
+module_manufacturer_id			0x000e	16
+module_revision_number_minor		0x0010	8
+module_date_year			0x0012	8
+module_date_month			0x0013	8
+module_date_day				0x0014	8
+module_date_phase			0x0015	8
+- f					0	2
+- e	ts				0
+- e	es				1
+- e	cs				2
+- e	mp				3
+sensor_model_id				0x0016	16
+sensor_revision_number			0x0018	8
+sensor_firmware_version			0x001a	8
+serial_number				0x001c	32
+sensor_manufacturer_id			0x0020	16
+sensor_revision_number_16		0x0022	16
+# frame format description registers
+frame_format_model_type			0x0040	8
+- e	2-byte				1
+- e	4-byte				2
+frame_format_model_subtype		0x0041	8
+- f	rows				0	3
+- f	columns				4	7
+frame_format_descriptor(n)		0x0042	16	f
+- l	n				0	14	2
+- f	pixels				0	11
+- f	pcode				12	15
+- e	embedded			1
+- e	dummy_pixel			2
+- e	black_pixel			3
+- e	dark_pixel			4
+- e	visible_pixel			5
+- e	manuf_specific_0		8
+- e	manuf_specific_1		9
+- e	manuf_specific_2		10
+- e	manuf_specific_3		11
+- e	manuf_specific_4		12
+- e	manuf_specific_5		13
+- e	manuf_specific_6		14
+frame_format_descriptor_4(n)		0x0060	32	f
+- l	n				0	7	4
+- f	pixels				0	15
+- f	pcode				28	31
+- e	embedded			1
+- e	dummy_pixel			2
+- e	black_pixel			3
+- e	dark_pixel			4
+- e	visible_pixel			5
+- e	manuf_specific_0		8
+- e	manuf_specific_1		9
+- e	manuf_specific_2		10
+- e	manuf_specific_3		11
+- e	manuf_specific_4		12
+- e	manuf_specific_5		13
+- e	manuf_specific_6		14
+# analog gain description registers
+analog_gain_capability			0x0080	16
+- e	global				0
+- e	alternate_global		2
+analog_gain_code_min			0x0084	16
+analog_gain_code_max			0x0086	16
+analog_gain_code_step			0x0088	16
+analog_gain_type			0x008a	16
+analog_gain_m0				0x008c	16
+analog_gain_c0				0x008e	16
+analog_gain_m1				0x0090	16
+analog_gain_c1				0x0092	16
+analog_linear_gain_min			0x0094	16	v1.1
+analog_linear_gain_max			0x0096	16	v1.1
+analog_linear_gain_step_size		0x0098	16	v1.1
+analog_exponential_gain_min		0x009a	16	v1.1
+analog_exponential_gain_max		0x009c	16	v1.1
+analog_exponential_gain_step_size	0x009e	16	v1.1
+# data format description registers
+data_format_model_type			0x00c0	8
+- e	normal				1
+- e	extended			2
+data_format_model_subtype		0x00c1	8
+- f	rows				0	3
+- f	columns				4	7
+data_format_descriptor(n)		0x00c2	16	f
+- l	n				0	15	2
+- f	compressed			0	7
+- f	uncompressed			8	15
+# general set-up registers
+mode_select				0x0100	8
+- e	software_standby		0
+- e	streaming			1
+image_orientation			0x0101	8
+- b	horizontal_mirror		0
+- b	vertical_flip			1
+software_reset				0x0103	8
+- e	off				0
+- e	on				1
+grouped_parameter_hold			0x0104	8
+mask_corrupted_frames			0x0105	8
+- e	allow				0
+- e	mask				1
+fast_standby_ctrl			0x0106	8
+- e	complete_frames			0
+- e	frame_truncation		1
+CCI_address_ctrl			0x0107	8
+2nd_CCI_if_ctrl				0x0108	8
+- b	enable				0
+- b	ack				1
+2nd_CCI_address_ctrl			0x0109	8
+CSI_channel_identifier			0x0110	8
+CSI_signaling_mode			0x0111	8
+- e	csi_2_dphy			2
+- e	csi_2_cphy			3
+CSI_data_format				0x0112	16
+CSI_lane_mode				0x0114	8
+DPCM_Frame_DT				0x011d	8
+Bottom_embedded_data_DT			0x011e	8
+Bottom_embedded_data_VC			0x011f	8
+gain_mode				0x0120	8
+- e	global				0
+- e	alternate			1
+ADC_bit_depth				0x0121	8
+emb_data_ctrl				0x0122	v1.1
+- b	raw8_packing_for_raw16		0
+- b	raw10_packing_for_raw20		1
+- b 	raw12_packing_for_raw24		2
+GPIO_TRIG_mode				0x0130	8
+extclk_frequency_mhz			0x0136	16	ireal
+temp_sensor_ctrl			0x0138	8
+- b	enable				0
+temp_sensor_mode			0x0139	8
+temp_sensor_output			0x013a	8
+# integration time registers
+fine_integration_time			0x0200	16
+coarse_integration_time			0x0202	16
+# analog gain registers
+analog_gain_code_global			0x0204	16
+analog_linear_gain_global		0x0206	16	v1.1
+analog_exponential_gain_global		0x0208	16	v1.1
+# digital gain registers
+digital_gain_global			0x020e	16
+# hdr control registers
+Short_analog_gain_global		0x0216	16
+Short_digital_gain_global		0x0218	16
+HDR_mode				0x0220	8
+- b	enabled				0
+- b	separate_analog_gain		1
+- b	upscaling			2
+- b	reset_sync			3
+- b	timing_mode			4
+- b	exposure_ctrl_direct		5
+- b	separate_digital_gain		6
+HDR_resolution_reduction		0x0221	8
+- f	row				0	3
+- f	column				4	7
+Exposure_ratio				0x0222	8
+HDR_internal_bit_depth			0x0223	8
+Direct_short_integration_time		0x0224	16
+Short_analog_linear_gain_global		0x0226	16	v1.1
+Short_analog_exponential_gain_global	0x0228	16	v1.1
+# clock set-up registers
+vt_pix_clk_div				0x0300	16
+vt_sys_clk_div				0x0302	16
+pre_pll_clk_div				0x0304	16
+#vt_pre_pll_clk_div			0x0304	16
+pll_multiplier				0x0306	16
+#vt_pll_multiplier			0x0306	16
+op_pix_clk_div				0x0308	16
+op_sys_clk_div				0x030a	16
+op_pre_pll_clk_div			0x030c	16
+op_pll_multiplier			0x031e	16
+pll_mode				0x0310	8
+- f					0	0
+- e	single				0
+- e	dual				1
+op_pix_clk_div_rev			0x0312	16	v1.1
+op_sys_clk_div_rev			0x0314	16	v1.1
+# frame timing registers
+frame_length_lines			0x0340	16
+line_length_pck				0x0342	16
+# image size registers
+x_addr_start				0x0344	16
+y_addr_start				0x0346	16
+x_addr_end				0x0348	16
+y_addr_end				0x034a	16
+x_output_size				0x034c	16
+y_output_size				0x034e	16
+# timing mode registers
+Frame_length_ctrl			0x0350	8
+- b	automatic			0
+Timing_mode_ctrl			0x0352	8
+- b	manual_readout			0
+- b	delayed_exposure		1
+Start_readout_rs			0x0353	8
+- b	manual_readout_start		0
+Frame_margin				0x0354	16
+# sub-sampling registers
+x_even_inc				0x0380	16
+x_odd_inc				0x0382	16
+y_even_inc				0x0384	16
+y_odd_inc				0x0386	16
+# monochrome readout registers
+monochrome_en				0x0390		v1.1
+- e	enabled				0
+# image scaling registers
+Scaling_mode				0x0400	16
+- e	no_scaling			0
+- e	horizontal			1
+scale_m					0x0404	16
+scale_n					0x0406	16
+digital_crop_x_offset			0x0408	16
+digital_crop_y_offset			0x040a	16
+digital_crop_image_width		0x040c	16
+digital_crop_image_height		0x040e	16
+# image compression registers
+compression_mode			0x0500	16
+- e	none				0
+- e	dpcm_pcm_simple			1
+# test pattern registers
+test_pattern_mode			0x0600	16
+- e	none				0
+- e	solid_color			1
+- e	color_bars			2
+- e	fade_to_grey			3
+- e	pn9				4
+- e	color_tile			5
+test_data_red				0x0602	16
+test_data_greenR			0x0604	16
+test_data_blue				0x0606	16
+test_data_greenB			0x0608	16
+value_step_size_smooth			0x060a	8
+value_step_size_quantised		0x060b	8
+# phy configuration registers
+tclk_post				0x0800	8
+ths_prepare				0x0801	8
+ths_zero_min				0x0802	8
+ths_trail				0x0803	8
+tclk_trail_min				0x0804	8
+tclk_prepare				0x0805	8
+tclk_zero				0x0806	8
+tlpx					0x0807	8
+phy_ctrl				0x0808	8
+- e	auto				0
+- e	UI				1
+- e	manual				2
+tclk_post_ex				0x080a	16
+ths_prepare_ex				0x080c	16
+ths_zero_min_ex				0x080e	16
+ths_trail_ex				0x0810	16
+tclk_trail_min_ex			0x0812	16
+tclk_prepare_ex				0x0814	16
+tclk_zero_ex				0x0816	16
+tlpx_ex					0x0818	16
+# link rate register
+requested_link_rate			0x0820	32	u16.16
+# equalization control registers
+DPHY_equalization_mode			0x0824	8	v1.1
+- b eq2					0
+PHY_equalization_ctrl			0x0825	8	v1.1
+- b enable				0
+# d-phy preamble control registers
+DPHY_preamble_ctrl			0x0826	8	v1.1
+- b	enable				0
+DPHY_preamble_length			0x0826	8	v1.1
+# d-phy spread spectrum control registers
+PHY_SSC_ctrl				0x0828	8	v1.1
+- b	enable				0
+# manual lp control register
+manual_LP_ctrl				0x0829	8	v1.1
+- b	enable				0
+# additional phy configuration registers
+twakeup					0x082a		v1.1
+tinit					0x082b		v1.1
+ths_exit				0x082c		v1.1
+ths_exit_ex				0x082e	16	v1.1
+# phy calibration configuration registers
+PHY_periodic_calibration_ctrl		0x0830	8
+- b	frame_blanking			0
+PHY_periodic_calibration_interval	0x0831	8
+PHY_init_calibration_ctrl		0x0832	8
+- b	stream_start			0
+DPHY_calibration_mode			0x0833	8	v1.1
+- b	also_alternate			0
+CPHY_calibration_mode			0x0834	8	v1.1
+- e	format_1			0
+- e	format_2			1
+- e	format_3			2
+t3_calpreamble_length			0x0835	8	v1.1
+t3_calpreamble_length_per		0x0836	8	v1.1
+t3_calaltseq_length			0x0837	8	v1.1
+t3_calaltseq_length_per			0x0838	8	v1.1
+FM2_init_seed				0x083a	16	v1.1
+t3_caludefseq_length			0x083c	16	v1.1
+t3_caludefseq_length_per		0x083e	16	v1.1
+# c-phy manual control registers
+TGR_Preamble_Length			0x0841	8
+- b	preamable_prog_seq		7
+- f	begin_preamble_length		0	5
+TGR_Post_Length				0x0842	8
+- f	post_length			0	4
+TGR_Preamble_Prog_Sequence(n2)		0x0843
+- l	n2				0	6	1
+- f	symbol_n_1			3	5
+- f	symbol_n			0	2
+t3_prepare				0x084e	16
+t3_lpx					0x0850	16
+# alps control register
+ALPS_ctrl				0x085a	8
+- b	lvlp_dphy			0
+- b	lvlp_cphy			1
+- b	alp_cphy			2
+# lrte control registers
+TX_REG_CSI_EPD_EN_SSP_cphy		0x0860	16
+TX_REG_CSI_EPD_OP_SLP_cphy		0x0862	16
+TX_REG_CSI_EPD_EN_SSP_dphy		0x0864	16
+TX_REG_CSI_EPD_OP_SLP_dphy		0x0866	16
+TX_REG_CSI_EPD_MISC_OPTION_cphy		0x0868		v1.1
+TX_REG_CSI_EPD_MISC_OPTION_dphy		0x0869		v1.1
+# scrambling control registers
+Scrambling_ctrl				0x0870
+- b	enabled				0
+- f					2	3
+- e 	1_seed_cphy			0
+- e	4_seed_cphy			3
+lane_seed_value(seed, lane)		0x0872	16
+- l	seed				0	3	0x10
+- l	lane				0	7	0x2
+# usl control registers
+TX_USL_REV_ENTRY			0x08c0	16	v1.1
+TX_USL_REV_Clock_Counter		0x08c2	16	v1.1
+TX_USL_REV_LP_Counter			0x08c4	16	v1.1
+TX_USL_REV_Frame_Counter		0x08c6	16	v1.1
+TX_USL_REV_Chronological_Timer		0x08c8	16	v1.1
+TX_USL_FWD_ENTRY			0x08ca	16	v1.1
+TX_USL_GPIO				0x08cc	16	v1.1
+TX_USL_Operation			0x08ce	16	v1.1
+- b	reset				0
+TX_USL_ALP_ctrl				0x08d0	16	v1.1
+- b	clock_pause			0
+TX_USL_APP_BTA_ACK_TIMEOUT		0x08d2	16	v1.1
+TX_USL_SNS_BTA_ACK_TIMEOUT		0x08d2	16	v1.1
+USL_Clock_Mode_d_ctrl			0x08d2		v1.1
+- b	cont_clock_standby		0
+- b	cont_clock_vblank		1
+- b	cont_clock_hblank		2
+# binning configuration registers
+binning_mode				0x0900	8
+binning_type				0x0901	8
+binning_weighting			0x0902	8
+# data transfer interface registers
+data_transfer_if_1_ctrl			0x0a00	8
+- b	enable				0
+- b	write				1
+- b	clear_error			2
+data_transfer_if_1_status		0x0a01	8
+- b	read_if_ready			0
+- b	write_if_ready			1
+- b	data_corrupted			2
+- b	improper_if_usage		3
+data_transfer_if_1_page_select		0x0a02	8
+data_transfer_if_1_data(p)		0x0a04	8	f
+- l	p				0	63	1
+# image processing and sensor correction configuration registers
+shading_correction_en			0x0b00	8
+- b	enable				0
+luminance_correction_level		0x0b01	8
+green_imbalance_filter_en		0x0b02	8
+- b	enable				0
+mapped_defect_correct_en		0x0b05	8
+- b	enable				0
+single_defect_correct_en		0x0b06	8
+- b	enable				0
+dynamic_couplet_correct_en		0x0b08	8
+- b	enable				0
+combined_defect_correct_en		0x0b0a	8
+- b	enable				0
+module_specific_correction_en		0x0b0c	8
+- b	enable				0
+dynamic_triplet_defect_correct_en	0x0b13	8
+- b	enable				0
+NF_ctrl					0x0b15	8
+- b	luma				0
+- b	chroma				1
+- b	combined			2
+# optical black pixel readout registers
+OB_readout_control			0x0b30	8
+- b	enable				0
+- b	interleaving			1
+OB_virtual_channel			0x0b31	8
+OB_DT					0x0b32	8
+OB_data_format				0x0b33	8
+# color temperature feedback registers
+color_temperature			0x0b8c	16
+absolute_gain_greenr			0x0b8e	16
+absolute_gain_red			0x0b90	16
+absolute_gain_blue			0x0b92	16
+absolute_gain_greenb			0x0b94	16
+# cfa conversion registers
+CFA_conversion_ctrl			0x0ba0		v1.1
+- b	bayer_conversion_enable		0
+# flash strobe and sa strobe control registers
+flash_strobe_adjustment			0x0c12	8
+flash_strobe_start_point		0x0c14	16
+tflash_strobe_delay_rs_ctrl		0x0c16	16
+tflash_strobe_width_high_rs_ctrl	0x0c18	16
+flash_mode_rs				0x0c1a	8
+- b	continuous			0
+- b	truncate			1
+- b	async				3
+flash_trigger_rs			0x0c1b	8
+flash_status				0x0c1c	8
+- b	retimed				0
+sa_strobe_mode				0x0c1d	8
+- b	continuous			0
+- b	truncate			1
+- b	async				3
+- b	adjust_edge			4
+sa_strobe_start_point			0x0c1e	16
+tsa_strobe_delay_ctrl			0x0c20	16
+tsa_strobe_width_ctrl			0x0c22	16
+sa_strobe_trigger			0x0c24	8
+sa_strobe_status			0x0c25	8
+- b	retimed				0
+tSA_strobe_re_delay_ctrl		0x0c30	16
+tSA_strobe_fe_delay_ctrl		0x0c32	16
+# pdaf control registers
+PDAF_ctrl				0x0d00	16
+- b 	enable				0
+- b	processed			1
+- b	interleaved			2
+- b	visible_pdaf_correction		3
+PDAF_VC					0x0d02	8
+PDAF_DT					0x0d03	8
+pd_x_addr_start				0x0d04	16
+pd_y_addr_start				0x0d06	16
+pd_x_addr_end				0x0d08	16
+pd_y_addr_end				0x0d0a	16
+# bracketing interface configuration registers
+bracketing_LUT_ctrl			0x0e00	8
+bracketing_LUT_mode			0x0e01	8
+- b	continue_streaming		0
+- b	loop_mode			1
+bracketing_LUT_entry_ctrl		0x0e02	8
+bracketing_LUT_frame(n)			0x0e10	v1.1	f
+- l	n				0	0xef	1
+# integration time and gain parameter limit registers
+integration_time_capability		0x1000	16
+- b	fine				0
+coarse_integration_time_min		0x1004	16
+coarse_integration_time_max_margin	0x1006	16
+fine_integration_time_min		0x1008	16
+fine_integration_time_max_margin	0x100a	16
+# digital gain parameter limit registers
+digital_gain_capability			0x1081
+- e	none				0
+- e	global				2
+digital_gain_min			0x1084	16
+digital_gain_max			0x1086	16
+digital_gain_step_size			0x1088	16
+# data pedestal capability registers
+Pedestal_capability			0x10e0	8	v1.1
+# adc capability registers
+ADC_capability				0x10f0	8
+- b	bit_depth_ctrl			0
+ADC_bit_depth_capability		0x10f4	32	v1.1
+# video timing parameter limit registers
+min_ext_clk_freq_mhz			0x1100	32	float_ireal
+max_ext_clk_freq_mhz			0x1104	32	float_ireal
+min_pre_pll_clk_div			0x1108	16
+# min_vt_pre_pll_clk_div			0x1108	16
+max_pre_pll_clk_div			0x110a	16
+# max_vt_pre_pll_clk_div			0x110a	16
+min_pll_ip_clk_freq_mhz			0x110c	32	float_ireal
+# min_vt_pll_ip_clk_freq_mhz		0x110c	32	float_ireal
+max_pll_ip_clk_freq_mhz			0x1110	32	float_ireal
+# max_vt_pll_ip_clk_freq_mhz		0x1110	32	float_ireal
+min_pll_multiplier			0x1114	16
+# min_vt_pll_multiplier			0x1114	16
+max_pll_multiplier			0x1116	16
+# max_vt_pll_multiplier			0x1116	16
+min_pll_op_clk_freq_mhz			0x1118	32	float_ireal
+max_pll_op_clk_freq_mhz			0x111c	32	float_ireal
+# video timing set-up capability registers
+min_vt_sys_clk_div			0x1120	16
+max_vt_sys_clk_div			0x1122	16
+min_vt_sys_clk_freq_mhz			0x1124	32	float_ireal
+max_vt_sys_clk_freq_mhz			0x1128	32	float_ireal
+min_vt_pix_clk_freq_mhz			0x112c	32	float_ireal
+max_vt_pix_clk_freq_mhz			0x1130	32	float_ireal
+min_vt_pix_clk_div			0x1134	16
+max_vt_pix_clk_div			0x1136	16
+clock_calculation			0x1138
+- b	lane_speed			0
+- b	link_decoupled			1
+- b	dual_pll_op_sys_ddr		2
+- b	dual_pll_op_pix_ddr		3
+num_of_vt_lanes				0x1139
+num_of_op_lanes				0x113a
+op_bits_per_lane			0x113b	8	v1.1
+# frame timing parameter limits
+min_frame_length_lines			0x1140	16
+max_frame_length_lines			0x1142	16
+min_line_length_pck			0x1144	16
+max_line_length_pck			0x1146	16
+min_line_blanking_pck			0x1148	16
+min_frame_blanking_lines		0x114a	16
+min_line_length_pck_step_size		0x114c
+timing_mode_capability			0x114d
+- b	auto_frame_length		0
+- b	rolling_shutter_manual_readout	2
+- b	delayed_exposure_start		3
+- b	manual_exposure_embedded_data	4
+frame_margin_max_value			0x114e	16
+frame_margin_min_value			0x1150
+gain_delay_type				0x1151
+- e	fixed				0
+- e	variable			1
+# output clock set-up capability registers
+min_op_sys_clk_div			0x1160	16
+max_op_sys_clk_div			0x1162	16
+min_op_sys_clk_freq_mhz			0x1164	32	float_ireal
+max_op_sys_clk_freq_mhz			0x1168	32	float_ireal
+min_op_pix_clk_div			0x116c	16
+max_op_pix_clk_div			0x116e	16
+min_op_pix_clk_freq_mhz			0x1170	32	float_ireal
+max_op_pix_clk_freq_mhz			0x1174	32	float_ireal
+# image size parameter limit registers
+x_addr_min				0x1180	16
+y_addr_min				0x1182	16
+x_addr_max				0x1184	16
+y_addr_max				0x1186	16
+min_x_output_size			0x1188	16
+min_y_output_size			0x118a	16
+max_x_output_size			0x118c	16
+max_y_output_size			0x118e	16
+x_addr_start_div_constant		0x1190		v1.1
+y_addr_start_div_constant		0x1191		v1.1
+x_addr_end_div_constant			0x1192		v1.1
+y_addr_end_div_constant			0x1193		v1.1
+x_size_div				0x1194		v1.1
+y_size_div				0x1195		v1.1
+x_output_div				0x1196		v1.1
+y_output_div				0x1197		v1.1
+non_flexible_resolution_support		0x1198		v1.1
+- b	new_pix_addr			0
+- b	new_output_res			1
+- b	output_crop_no_pad		2
+- b	output_size_lane_dep		3
+min_op_pre_pll_clk_div			0x11a0	16
+max_op_pre_pll_clk_div			0x11a2	16
+min_op_pll_ip_clk_freq_mhz		0x11a4	32	float_ireal
+max_op_pll_ip_clk_freq_mhz		0x11a8	32	float_ireal
+min_op_pll_multiplier			0x11ac	16
+max_op_pll_multiplier			0x11ae	16
+min_op_pll_op_clk_freq_mhz		0x11b0	32	float_ireal
+max_op_pll_op_clk_freq_mhz		0x11b4	32	float_ireal
+clock_tree_pll_capability		0x11b8	8
+- b	dual_pll			0
+- b	single_pll			1
+- b	ext_divider			2
+- b	flexible_op_pix_clk_div		3
+clock_capa_type_capability		0x11b9	v1.1
+- b	ireal				0
+# sub-sampling parameters limit registers
+min_even_inc				0x11c0	16
+min_odd_inc				0x11c2	16
+max_even_inc				0x11c4	16
+max_odd_inc				0x11c6	16
+aux_subsamp_capability			0x11c8		v1.1
+- b	factor_power_of_2		1
+aux_subsamp_mono_capability		0x11c9		v1.1
+- b	factor_power_of_2		1
+monochrome_capability			0x11ca		v1.1
+- e	inc_odd				0
+- e	inc_even			1
+pixel_readout_capability		0x11cb		v1.1
+- e	bayer				0
+- e	monochrome			1
+- e	bayer_and_mono			2
+min_even_inc_mono			0x11cc	16	v1.1
+max_even_inc_mono			0x11ce	16	v1.1
+min_odd_inc_mono			0x11d0	16	v1.1
+max_odd_inc_mono			0x11d2	16	v1.1
+min_even_inc_bc2			0x11d4	16	v1.1
+max_even_inc_bc2			0x11d6	16	v1.1
+min_odd_inc_bc2				0x11d8	16	v1.1
+max_odd_inc_bc2				0x11da	16	v1.1
+min_even_inc_mono_bc2			0x11dc	16	v1.1
+max_even_inc_mono_bc2			0x11de	16	v1.1
+min_odd_inc_mono_bc2			0x11f0	16	v1.1
+max_odd_inc_mono_bc2			0x11f2	16	v1.1
+# image scaling limit parameters
+scaling_capability			0x1200	16
+- e	none				0
+- e	horizontal			1
+- e	reserved			2
+scaler_m_min				0x1204	16
+scaler_m_max				0x1206	16
+scaler_n_min				0x1208	16
+scaler_n_max				0x120a	16
+digital_crop_capability			0x120e
+- e	none				0
+- e	input_crop			1
+# hdr limit registers
+hdr_capability_1			0x1210
+- b	2x2_binning			0
+- b	combined_analog_gain		1
+- b	separate_analog_gain		2
+- b	upscaling			3
+- b	reset_sync			4
+- b	direct_short_exp_timing		5
+- b	direct_short_exp_synthesis	6
+min_hdr_bit_depth			0x1211
+hdr_resolution_sub_types		0x1212
+hdr_resolution_sub_type(n)		0x1213
+- l	n				0	1	1
+- f	row				0	3
+- f	column				4	7
+hdr_capability_2			0x121b
+- b	combined_digital_gain		0
+- b	separate_digital_gain		1
+- b	timing_mode			3
+- b	synthesis_mode			4
+max_hdr_bit_depth			0x121c
+# usl capability register
+usl_support_capability			0x1230		v1.1
+- b	clock_tree			0
+- b	rev_clock_tree			1
+- b	rev_clock_calc			2
+usl_clock_mode_d_capability		0x1231		v1.1
+- b	cont_clock_standby		0
+- b	cont_clock_vblank		1
+- b	cont_clock_hblank		2
+- b	noncont_clock_standby		3
+- b	noncont_clock_vblank		4
+- b	noncont_clock_hblank		5
+min_op_sys_clk_div_rev			0x1234		v1.1
+max_op_sys_clk_div_rev			0x1236		v1.1
+min_op_pix_clk_div_rev			0x1238		v1.1
+max_op_pix_clk_div_rev			0x123a		v1.1
+min_op_sys_clk_freq_rev_mhz		0x123c	32	v1.1	float_ireal
+max_op_sys_clk_freq_rev_mhz		0x1240	32	v1.1	float_ireal
+min_op_pix_clk_freq_rev_mhz		0x1244	32	v1.1	float_ireal
+max_op_pix_clk_freq_rev_mhz		0x1248	32	v1.1	float_ireal
+max_bitrate_rev_d_mode_mbps		0x124c	32	v1.1	ireal
+max_symrate_rev_c_mode_msps		0x1250	32	v1.1	ireal
+# image compression capability registers
+compression_capability			0x1300
+- b	dpcm_pcm_simple			0
+# test mode capability registers
+test_mode_capability			0x1310	16
+- b	solid_color			0
+- b	color_bars			1
+- b	fade_to_grey			2
+- b	pn9				3
+- b	color_tile			5
+pn9_data_format1			0x1312
+pn9_data_format2			0x1313
+pn9_data_format3			0x1314
+pn9_data_format4			0x1315
+pn9_misc_capability			0x1316
+- f	num_pixels			0	2
+- b	compression			3
+test_pattern_capability			0x1317	v1.1
+- b	no_repeat			1
+pattern_size_div_m1			0x1318	v1.1
+# fifo capability registers
+fifo_support_capability			0x1502
+- e	none				0
+- e	derating			1
+- e	derating_overrating		2
+# csi-2 capability registers
+phy_ctrl_capability			0x1600
+- b	auto_phy_ctl			0
+- b	ui_phy_ctl			1
+- b	dphy_time_ui_reg_1_ctl		2
+- b	dphy_time_ui_reg_2_ctl		3
+- b	dphy_time_ctl			4
+- b	dphy_ext_time_ui_reg_1_ctl	5
+- b	dphy_ext_time_ui_reg_2_ctl	6
+- b	dphy_ext_time_ctl		7
+csi_dphy_lane_mode_capability		0x1601
+- b	1_lane				0
+- b	2_lane				1
+- b	3_lane				2
+- b	4_lane				3
+- b	5_lane				4
+- b	6_lane				5
+- b	7_lane				6
+- b	8_lane				7
+csi_signaling_mode_capability		0x1602
+- b	csi_dphy			2
+- b	csi_cphy			3
+fast_standby_capability			0x1603
+- e	no_frame_truncation		0
+- e	frame_truncation		1
+csi_address_control_capability		0x1604
+- b	cci_addr_change			0
+- b	2nd_cci_addr			1
+- b	sw_changeable_2nd_cci_addr	2
+data_type_capability			0x1605
+- b	dpcm_programmable		0
+- b	bottom_embedded_dt_programmable	1
+- b	bottom_embedded_vc_programmable	2
+- b	ext_vc_range			3
+csi_cphy_lane_mode_capability		0x1606
+- b	1_lane				0
+- b	2_lane				1
+- b	3_lane				2
+- b	4_lane				3
+- b	5_lane				4
+- b	6_lane				5
+- b	7_lane				6
+- b	8_lane				7
+emb_data_capability			0x1607	v1.1
+- b	two_bytes_per_raw16		0
+- b	two_bytes_per_raw20		1
+- b	two_bytes_per_raw24		2
+- b	no_one_byte_per_raw16		3
+- b	no_one_byte_per_raw20		4
+- b	no_one_byte_per_raw24		5
+max_per_lane_bitrate_lane_d_mode_mbps(n)	0x1608	32	ireal
+- l	n				0	7	4	4,0x32
+temp_sensor_capability			0x1618
+- b	supported			0
+- b	CCS_format			1
+- b	reset_0x80			2
+max_per_lane_bitrate_lane_c_mode_mbps(n)	0x161a	32	ireal
+- l	n				0	7	4	4,0x30
+dphy_equalization_capability		0x162b
+- b	equalization_ctrl		0
+- b	eq1				1
+- b	eq2				2
+cphy_equalization_capability		0x162c
+- b	equalization_ctrl		0
+dphy_preamble_capability		0x162d
+- b	preamble_seq_ctrl		0
+dphy_ssc_capability			0x162e
+- b	supported			0
+cphy_calibration_capability		0x162f
+- b	manual				0
+- b	manual_streaming		1
+- b	format_1_ctrl			2
+- b	format_2_ctrl			3
+- b	format_3_ctrl			4
+dphy_calibration_capability		0x1630
+- b	manual				0
+- b	manual_streaming		1
+- b	alternate_seq			2
+phy_ctrl_capability_2			0x1631
+- b	tgr_length			0
+- b	tgr_preamble_prog_seq		1
+- b	extra_cphy_manual_timing	2
+- b	clock_based_manual_cdphy	3
+- b	clock_based_manual_dphy		4
+- b	clock_based_manual_cphy		5
+- b	manual_lp_dphy			6
+- b	manual_lp_cphy			7
+lrte_cphy_capability			0x1632
+- b	pdq_short			0
+- b	spacer_short			1
+- b	pdq_long			2
+- b	spacer_long			3
+- b	spacer_no_pdq			4
+lrte_dphy_capability			0x1633
+- b	pdq_short_opt1			0
+- b	spacer_short_opt1		1
+- b	pdq_long_opt1			2
+- b	spacer_long_opt1		3
+- b	spacer_short_opt2		4
+- b	spacer_long_opt2		5
+- b	spacer_no_pdq_opt1		6
+- b	spacer_variable_opt2		7
+alps_capability_dphy			0x1634
+- e	lvlp_not_supported		0	0x3
+- e	lvlp_supported			1	0x3
+- e 	controllable_lvlp		2	0x3
+alps_capability_cphy			0x1635
+- e	lvlp_not_supported		0	0x3
+- e	lvlp_supported			1	0x3
+- e 	controllable_lvlp		2	0x3
+- e	alp_not_supported		0xc	0xc
+- e	alp_supported			0xd	0xc
+- e 	controllable_alp		0xe	0xc
+scrambling_capability			0x1636
+- b	scrambling_supported		0
+- f	max_seeds_per_lane_c		1	2
+- e	1				0
+- e	4				3
+- f	num_seed_regs			3	5
+- e	0				0
+- e	1				1
+- e	4				4
+- b	num_seed_per_lane		6
+dphy_manual_constant			0x1637
+cphy_manual_constant			0x1638
+CSI2_interface_capability_misc		0x1639	v1.1
+- b	eotp_short_pkt_opt2		0
+PHY_ctrl_capability_3			0x165c	v1.1
+- b	dphy_timing_not_multiple	0
+- b	dphy_min_timing_value_1		1
+- b	twakeup_supported		2
+- b	tinit_supported			3
+- b	ths_exit_supported		4
+- b	cphy_timing_not_multiple	5
+- b	cphy_min_timing_value_1		6
+dphy_sf					0x165d	v1.1
+cphy_sf					0x165e	v1.1
+- f	twakeup				0	3
+- f	tinit				4	7
+dphy_limits_1				0x165f	v1.1
+- f	ths_prepare			0	3
+- f	ths_zero			4	7
+dphy_limits_2				0x1660	v1.1
+- f	ths_trail			0	3
+- f	tclk_trail_min			4	7
+dphy_limits_3				0x1661	v1.1
+- f	tclk_prepare			0	3
+- f	tclk_zero			4	7
+dphy_limits_4				0x1662	v1.1
+- f	tclk_post			0	3
+- f	tlpx				4	7
+dphy_limits_5				0x1663	v1.1
+- f	ths_exit			0	3
+- f	twakeup				4	7
+dphy_limits_6				0x1664	v1.1
+- f	tinit				0	3
+cphy_limits_1				0x1665	v1.1
+- f	t3_prepare_max			0	3
+- f	t3_lpx_max			4	7
+cphy_limits_2				0x1666	v1.1
+- f	ths_exit_max			0	3
+- f	twakeup_max			4	7
+cphy_limits_3				0x1667	v1.1
+- f	tinit_max			0	3
+# binning capability registers
+min_frame_length_lines_bin		0x1700	16
+max_frame_length_lines_bin		0x1702	16
+min_line_length_pck_bin			0x1704	16
+max_line_length_pck_bin			0x1706	16
+min_line_blanking_pck_bin		0x1708	16
+fine_integration_time_min_bin		0x170a	16
+fine_integration_time_max_margin_bin	0x170c	16
+binning_capability			0x1710
+- e	unsupported			0
+- e	binning_then_subsampling	1
+- e	subsampling_then_binning	2
+binning_weighting_capability		0x1711
+- b	averaged			0
+- b	summed				1
+- b	bayer_corrected			2
+- b	module_specific_weight		3
+binning_sub_types			0x1712
+binning_sub_type(n)			0x1713
+- l	n				0	63	1
+- f	row				0	3
+- f	column				4	7
+binning_weighting_mono_capability	0x1771	v1.1
+- b	averaged			0
+- b	summed				1
+- b	bayer_corrected			2
+- b	module_specific_weight		3
+binning_sub_types_mono			0x1772	v1.1
+binning_sub_type_mono(n)		0x1773	v1.1	f
+- l	n				0	63	1
+# data transfer interface capability registers
+data_transfer_if_capability		0x1800
+- b	supported			0
+- b	polling				2
+# sensor correction capability registers
+shading_correction_capability		0x1900
+- b	color_shading			0
+- b	luminance_correction		1
+green_imbalance_capability		0x1901
+- b	supported			0
+module_specific_correction_capability	0x1903
+defect_correction_capability		0x1904	16
+- b	mapped_defect			0
+- b	dynamic_couplet			2
+- b	dynamic_single			5
+- b	combined_dynamic		8
+defect_correction_capability_2		0x1906	16
+- b	dynamic_triplet			3
+nf_capability				0x1908
+- b	luma				0
+- b	chroma				1
+- b	combined			2
+# optical black readout capability registers
+ob_readout_capability			0x1980
+- b	controllable_readout		0
+- b	visible_pixel_readout		1
+- b	different_vc_readout		2
+- b	different_dt_readout		3
+- b	prog_data_format		4
+# color feedback capability registers
+color_feedback_capability		0x1987
+- b	kelvin				0
+- b	awb_gain			1
+# cfa pattern capability registers
+CFA_pattern_capability			0x1990	v1.1
+- e	bayer				0
+- e	monochrome			1
+- e	4x4_quad_bayer			2
+- e	vendor_specific			3
+CFA_pattern_conversion_capability	0x1991	v1.1
+- b	bayer				0
+# timer capability registers
+flash_mode_capability			0x1a02
+- b	single_strobe			0
+sa_strobe_mode_capability		0x1a03
+- b	fixed_width			0
+- b	edge_ctrl			1
+# soft reset capability registers
+reset_max_delay				0x1a10	v1.1
+reset_min_time				0x1a11	v1.1
+# pdaf capability registers
+pdaf_capability_1			0x1b80
+- b	supported			0
+- b	processed_bottom_embedded	1
+- b	processed_interleaved		2
+- b	raw_bottom_embedded		3
+- b	raw_interleaved			4
+- b	visible_pdaf_correction		5
+- b	vc_interleaving			6
+- b	dt_interleaving			7
+pdaf_capability_2			0x1b81
+- b	ROI				0
+- b	after_digital_crop		1
+- b	ctrl_retimed			2
+# bracketing interface capability registers
+bracketing_lut_capability_1		0x1c00
+- b	coarse_integration		0
+- b	global_analog_gain		1
+- b	flash				4
+- b	global_digital_gain		5
+- b	alternate_global_analog_gain	6
+bracketing_lut_capability_2		0x1c01
+- b	single_bracketing_mode		0
+- b	looped_bracketing_mode		1
+bracketing_lut_size			0x1c02
diff --git a/Documentation/driver-api/media/drivers/ccs/mk-ccs-regs b/Documentation/driver-api/media/drivers/ccs/mk-ccs-regs
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..3d6a2a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Documentation/driver-api/media/drivers/ccs/mk-ccs-regs
@@ -0,0 +1,433 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only OR BSD-3-Clause
+# Copyright (C) 2019--2020 Intel Corporation
+use Getopt::Long qw(:config no_ignore_case);
+use File::Basename;
+my $ccsregs = "ccs-regs.txt";
+my $header;
+my $regarray;
+my $limitc;
+my $limith;
+my $kernel;
+my $help;
+GetOptions("ccsregs|c=s" => \$ccsregs,
+	   "header|e=s" => \$header,
+	   "regarray|r=s" => \$regarray,
+	   "limitc|l=s" => \$limitc,
+	   "limith|L=s" => \$limith,
+	   "kernel|k" => \$kernel,
+	   "help|h" => \$help) or die "can't parse options";
+$help = 1 if ! defined $header || ! defined $limitc || ! defined $limith;
+if (defined $help) {
+	print <<EOH
+$0 - Create CCS register definitions for C
+usage: $0 -c ccs-regs.txt -e header -r regarray -l limit-c -L limit-header [-k]
+	-c ccs register file
+	-e header file name
+	-r register description array file name
+	-l limit and capability array file name
+	-L limit and capability header file name
+	-k generate files for kernel space consumption
+	  ;
+	exit 0;
+my $lh_hdr = ! defined $kernel
+	? '#include "ccs-os.h"' . "\n"
+	: "#include <linux/bits.h>\n#include <linux/types.h>\n";
+my $uint32_t = ! defined $kernel ? 'uint32_t' : 'u32';
+my $uint16_t = ! defined $kernel ? 'uint16_t' : 'u16';
+open(my $R, "< $ccsregs") or die "can't open $ccsregs";
+open(my $H, "> $header") or die "can't open $header";
+my $A;
+if (defined $regarray) {
+	open($A, "> $regarray") or die "can't open $regarray";
+open(my $LC, "> $limitc") or die "can't open $limitc";
+open(my $LH, "> $limith") or die "can't open $limith";
+my %this;
+sub is_limit_reg($) {
+	my $addr = hex $_[0];
+	return 0 if $addr < 0x40; # weed out status registers
+	return 0 if $addr >= 0x100 && $addr < 0xfff; # weed out configuration registers
+	return 1;
+my $uc_header = basename uc $header;
+$uc_header =~ s/[^A-Z0-9]/_/g;
+my $copyright = "/* Copyright (C) 2019--2020 Intel Corporation */\n";
+my $license = "SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only OR BSD-3-Clause";
+for my $fh ($A, $LC) {
+	print $fh "// $license\n$copyright\n" if defined $fh;
+for my $fh ($H, $LH) {
+	print $fh "/* $license */\n$copyright\n";
+sub bit_def($) {
+	my $bit = shift @_;
+	return "BIT($bit)" if defined $kernel;
+	return "(1U << $bit)" if $bit =~ /^[a-zA-Z0-9_]+$/;
+	return "(1U << ($bit))";
+print $H <<EOF
+#ifndef __${uc_header}__
+#define __${uc_header}__
+  ;
+print $H "#include <linux/bits.h>\n\n" if defined $kernel;
+print $H <<EOF
+#define CCS_FL_BASE		16
+  ;
+print $H "#define CCS_FL_16BIT		" . bit_def("CCS_FL_BASE") . "\n";
+print $H "#define CCS_FL_32BIT		" . bit_def("CCS_FL_BASE + 1") . "\n";
+print $H "#define CCS_FL_FLOAT_IREAL	" . bit_def("CCS_FL_BASE + 2") . "\n";
+print $H "#define CCS_FL_IREAL		" . bit_def("CCS_FL_BASE + 3") . "\n";
+print $H <<EOF
+#define CCS_R_ADDR(r)		((r) & 0xffff)
+  ;
+print $A <<EOF
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "ccs-extra.h"
+#include "ccs-regs.h"
+	if defined $A;
+my $uc_limith = basename uc $limith;
+$uc_limith =~ s/[^A-Z0-9]/_/g;
+print $LH <<EOF
+#ifndef __${uc_limith}__
+#define __${uc_limith}__
+struct ccs_limit {
+	$uint32_t reg;
+	$uint16_t size;
+	$uint16_t flags;
+	const char *name;
+  ;
+print $LH "#define CCS_L_FL_SAME_REG	" . bit_def(0) . "\n\n";
+print $LH <<EOF
+extern const struct ccs_limit ccs_limits[];
+  ;
+print $LC <<EOF
+#include "ccs-limits.h"
+#include "ccs-regs.h"
+const struct ccs_limit ccs_limits[] = {
+  ;
+my $limitcount = 0;
+my $argdescs;
+my $reglist = "const struct ccs_reg_desc ccs_reg_desc[] = {\n";
+sub name_split($$) {
+	my ($name, $addr) = @_;
+	my $args;
+	$name =~ /([^\(]+?)(\(.*)/;
+	($name, $args) = ($1, $2);
+	$args = [split /,\s*/, $args];
+	foreach my $t (@$args) {
+		$t =~ s/[\(\)]//g;
+		$t =~ s/\//\\\//g;
+	}
+	return ($name, $addr, $args);
+sub tabconv($) {
+	$_ = shift;
+	my @l = split "\n", $_;
+	map {
+		s/ {8,8}/\t/g;
+		s/\t\K +//;
+	} @l;
+	return (join "\n", @l) . "\n";
+sub elem_size(@) {
+	my @flags = @_;
+	return 2 if grep /^16$/, @flags;
+	return 4 if grep /^32$/, @flags;
+	return 1;
+sub arr_size($) {
+	my $this = $_[0];
+	my $size = $this->{elsize};
+	my $h = $this->{argparams};
+	foreach my $arg (@{$this->{args}}) {
+		my $apref = $h->{$arg};
+		$size *= $apref->{max} - $apref->{min} + 1;
+	}
+	return $size;
+sub print_args($$$) {
+	my ($this, $postfix, $is_same_reg) = @_;
+	my ($args, $argparams, $name) =
+	  ($this->{args}, $this->{argparams}, $this->{name});
+	my $varname = "ccs_reg_arg_" . (lc $name) . $postfix;
+	my @mins;
+	my @sorted_args = @{$this->{sorted_args}};
+	my $lim_arg;
+	my $size = arr_size($this);
+	$argdescs .= "static const struct ccs_reg_arg " . $varname . "[] = {\n";
+	foreach my $sorted_arg (@sorted_args) {
+		push @mins, $argparams->{$sorted_arg}->{min};
+	}
+	foreach my $sorted_arg (@sorted_args) {
+		my $h = $argparams->{$sorted_arg};
+		$argdescs .= "\t{ \"$sorted_arg\", $h->{min}, $h->{max}, $h->{elsize} },\n";
+		$lim_arg .= defined $lim_arg ? ", $h->{min}" : "$h->{min}";
+	}
+	$argdescs .= "};\n\n";
+	$reglist .= "\t{ CCS_R_" . (uc $name) . "(" . (join ",", (@mins)) .
+	  "), $size, sizeof($varname) / sizeof(*$varname)," .
+	    " \"" . (lc $name) . "\", $varname },\n";
+	print $LC tabconv sprintf "\t{ CCS_R_" . (uc $name) . "($lim_arg), " .
+	  $size . ", " . ($is_same_reg ? "CCS_L_FL_SAME_REG" : "0") .
+	    ", \"$name" . (defined $this->{discontig} ? " $lim_arg" : "") . "\" },\n"
+	      if is_limit_reg $this->{base_addr};
+my $hdr_data;
+while (<$R>) {
+	chop;
+	s/^\s*//;
+	next if /^[#;]/ || /^$/;
+	if (s/^-\s*//) {
+		if (s/^b\s*//) {
+			my ($bit, $addr) = split /\t+/;
+			$bit = uc $bit;
+			$hdr_data .= sprintf "#define %-62s %s", "CCS_" . (uc ${this{name}}) ."_$bit", bit_def($addr) . "\n";
+		} elsif (s/^f\s*//) {
+			s/[,\.-]/_/g;
+			my @a = split /\s+/;
+			my ($msb, $lsb, $this_field) = reverse @a;
+		        @a = ( { "name" => "SHIFT", "addr" => $lsb, "fmt" => "%uU", },
+			       { "name" => "MASK", "addr" => (1 << ($msb + 1)) - 1 - ((1 << $lsb) - 1), "fmt" => "0x%" . join(".", ($this{"elsize"} >> 2) x 2) . "x" } );
+			$this{"field"} = $this_field;
+			foreach my $ar (@a) {
+				#print $ar->{fmt}."\n";
+				$hdr_data .= sprintf "#define %-62s " . $ar->{"fmt"} . "\n", "CCS_" . (uc $this{"name"}) . (defined $this_field ? "_" . uc $this_field : "") . "_" . $ar->{"name"}, $ar->{"addr"} . "\n";
+			}
+		} elsif (s/^e\s*//) {
+			s/[,\.-]/_/g;
+			my ($enum, $addr) = split /\s+/;
+			$enum = uc $enum;
+			$hdr_data .= sprintf "#define %-62s %s", "CCS_" . (uc ${this{name}}) . (defined $this{"field"} ? "_" . uc $this{"field"} : "") ."_$enum", $addr . ($addr =~ /0x/i ? "" : "U") . "\n";
+		} elsif (s/^l\s*//) {
+			my ($arg, $min, $max, $elsize, @discontig) = split /\s+/;
+			my $size;
+			foreach my $num ($min, $max) {
+				$num = hex $num if $num =~ /0x/i;
+			}
+			$hdr_data .= sprintf "#define %-62s %s", "CCS_LIM_" . (uc ${this{name}} . "_MIN_$arg"), $min . ($min =~ /0x/i ? "" : "U") . "\n";
+			$hdr_data .= sprintf "#define %-62s %s", "CCS_LIM_" . (uc ${this{name}} . "_MAX_$arg"), $max . ($max =~ /0x/i ? "" : "U") . "\n";
+			my $h = $this{argparams};
+			$h->{$arg} = { "min" => $min,
+				       "max" => $max,
+				       "elsize" => $elsize =~ /^0x/ ? hex $elsize : $elsize,
+				       "discontig" => \@discontig };
+			$this{discontig} = $arg if @discontig;
+			next if $#{$this{args}} + 1 != scalar keys %{$this{argparams}};
+			my $reg_formula = "($this{addr}";
+			my $lim_formula;
+			foreach my $arg (@{$this{args}}) {
+				my $d = $h->{$arg}->{discontig};
+				my $times = $h->{$arg}->{elsize} != 1 ?
+				  " * " . $h->{$arg}->{elsize} : "";
+				if (@$d) {
+					my ($lim, $offset) = split /,/, $d->[0];
+					$reg_formula .= " + (($arg) < $lim ? ($arg)$times : $offset + (($arg) - $lim)$times)";
+				} else {
+					$reg_formula .= " + ($arg)$times";
+				}
+				$lim_formula .= (defined $lim_formula ? " + " : "") . "($arg)$times";
+			}
+			$reg_formula .= ")\n";
+			$lim_formula =~ s/^\(([a-z0-9]+)\)$/$1/i;
+			print $H tabconv sprintf("#define %-62s %s", "CCS_R_" . (uc $this{name}) .
+			  $this{arglist}, $reg_formula);
+			print $H tabconv $hdr_data;
+			undef $hdr_data;
+			# Sort arguments in descending order by size
+			@{$this{sorted_args}} = sort {
+				$h->{$a}->{elsize} <= $h->{$b}->{elsize}
+			} @{$this{args}};
+			if (defined $this{discontig}) {
+				my $da = $this{argparams}->{$this{discontig}};
+				my ($first_discontig) = split /,/, $da->{discontig}->[0];
+				my $max = $da->{max};
+				$da->{max} = $first_discontig - 1;
+				print_args(\%this, "", 0);
+				$da->{min} = $da->{max} + 1;
+				$da->{max} = $max;
+				print_args(\%this, $first_discontig, 1);
+			} else {
+				print_args(\%this, "", 0);
+			}
+			next unless is_limit_reg $this{base_addr};
+			print $LH tabconv sprintf "#define %-63s%s\n",
+			  "CCS_L_" . (uc $this{name}) . "_OFFSET(" .
+			    (join ", ", @{$this{args}}) . ")", "($lim_formula)";
+		}
+		if (! @{$this{args}}) {
+			print $H tabconv($hdr_data);
+			undef $hdr_data;
+		}
+		next;
+	}
+	my ($name, $addr, @flags) = split /\t+/, $_;
+	my $args = [];
+	my $sp;
+	($name, $addr, $args) = name_split($name, $addr) if /\(.*\)/;
+	$name =~ s/[,\.-]/_/g;
+	my $flagstring = "";
+	my $size = elem_size(@flags);
+	$flagstring .= "| CCS_FL_16BIT " if $size eq "2";
+	$flagstring .= "| CCS_FL_32BIT " if $size eq "4";
+	$flagstring .= "| CCS_FL_FLOAT_IREAL " if grep /^float_ireal$/, @flags;
+	$flagstring .= "| CCS_FL_IREAL " if grep /^ireal$/, @flags;
+	$flagstring =~ s/^\| //;
+	$flagstring =~ s/ $//;
+	$flagstring = "($flagstring)" if $flagstring =~ /\|/;
+	my $base_addr = $addr;
+	$addr = "($addr | $flagstring)" if $flagstring ne "";
+	my $arglist = @$args ? "(" . (join ", ", @$args) . ")" : "";
+	$hdr_data .= sprintf "#define %-62s %s\n", "CCS_R_" . (uc $name), $addr
+	  if !@$args;
+	$name =~ s/\(.*//;
+	%this = ( name => $name,
+		  addr => $addr,
+		  base_addr => $base_addr,
+		  argparams => {},
+		  args => $args,
+		  arglist => $arglist,
+		  elsize => $size,
+		);
+	if (!@$args) {
+		$reglist .= "\t{ CCS_R_" . (uc $name) . ", 1,  0, \"" . (lc $name) . "\", NULL },\n";
+		print $H tabconv $hdr_data;
+		undef $hdr_data;
+		print $LC tabconv sprintf "\t{ CCS_R_" . (uc $name) . ", " .
+		  $this{elsize} . ", 0, \"$name\" },\n"
+		    if is_limit_reg $this{base_addr};
+	}
+	print $LH tabconv sprintf "#define %-63s%s\n",
+	  "CCS_L_" . (uc $this{name}), $limitcount++
+	    if is_limit_reg $this{base_addr};
+if (defined $A) {
+	print $A $argdescs, $reglist;
+	print $A "\t{ 0 }\n";
+	print $A "};\n";
+print $H "\n#endif /* __${uc_header}__ */\n";
+print $LH tabconv sprintf "#define %-63s%s\n", "CCS_L_LAST", $limitcount;
+print $LH "\n#endif /* __${uc_limith}__ */\n";
+print $LC "\t{ 0 } /* Guardian */\n";
+print $LC "};\n";
+close($A) if defined $A;
index a223929..0864fe0f 100644
@@ -16108,6 +16108,7 @@
 S:	Maintained
 F:	Documentation/devicetree/bindings/media/i2c/nokia,smia.txt
+F:	Documentation/driver-api/media/drivers/ccs/
 F:	drivers/media/i2c/smiapp-pll.c
 F:	drivers/media/i2c/smiapp-pll.h
 F:	drivers/media/i2c/smiapp/