blob: 3b7ea2dc9f1bbf098fe6cf03fdffeb1bb934e5ab [file] [log] [blame]
M68000 Hi-Performance Microprocessor Division
M68060 Software Package
Production Release P1.00 -- October 10, 1994
M68060 Software Package Copyright © 1993, 1994 Motorola Inc. All rights reserved.
THE SOFTWARE is provided on an "AS IS" basis and without warranty.
To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law,
and any warranty against infringement with regard to the SOFTWARE
(INCLUDING ANY MODIFIED VERSIONS THEREOF) and any accompanying written materials.
To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law,
Motorola assumes no responsibility for the maintenance and support of the SOFTWARE.
You are hereby granted a copyright license to use, modify, and distribute the SOFTWARE
so long as this entire notice is retained without alteration in any modified and/or
redistributed versions, and that such modified versions are clearly identified as such.
No licenses are granted by implication, estoppel or otherwise under any patents
or trademarks of Motorola, Inc.
# lfptop.s:
# This file is appended to the top of the 060ILSP package
# and contains the entry points into the package. The user, in
# effect, branches to one of the branch table entries located here.
bra.l _facoss_
short 0x0000
bra.l _facosd_
short 0x0000
bra.l _facosx_
short 0x0000
bra.l _fasins_
short 0x0000
bra.l _fasind_
short 0x0000
bra.l _fasinx_
short 0x0000
bra.l _fatans_
short 0x0000
bra.l _fatand_
short 0x0000
bra.l _fatanx_
short 0x0000
bra.l _fatanhs_
short 0x0000
bra.l _fatanhd_
short 0x0000
bra.l _fatanhx_
short 0x0000
bra.l _fcoss_
short 0x0000
bra.l _fcosd_
short 0x0000
bra.l _fcosx_
short 0x0000
bra.l _fcoshs_
short 0x0000
bra.l _fcoshd_
short 0x0000
bra.l _fcoshx_
short 0x0000
bra.l _fetoxs_
short 0x0000
bra.l _fetoxd_
short 0x0000
bra.l _fetoxx_
short 0x0000
bra.l _fetoxm1s_
short 0x0000
bra.l _fetoxm1d_
short 0x0000
bra.l _fetoxm1x_
short 0x0000
bra.l _fgetexps_
short 0x0000
bra.l _fgetexpd_
short 0x0000
bra.l _fgetexpx_
short 0x0000
bra.l _fgetmans_
short 0x0000
bra.l _fgetmand_
short 0x0000
bra.l _fgetmanx_
short 0x0000
bra.l _flog10s_
short 0x0000
bra.l _flog10d_
short 0x0000
bra.l _flog10x_
short 0x0000
bra.l _flog2s_
short 0x0000
bra.l _flog2d_
short 0x0000
bra.l _flog2x_
short 0x0000
bra.l _flogns_
short 0x0000
bra.l _flognd_
short 0x0000
bra.l _flognx_
short 0x0000
bra.l _flognp1s_
short 0x0000
bra.l _flognp1d_
short 0x0000
bra.l _flognp1x_
short 0x0000
bra.l _fmods_
short 0x0000
bra.l _fmodd_
short 0x0000
bra.l _fmodx_
short 0x0000
bra.l _frems_
short 0x0000
bra.l _fremd_
short 0x0000
bra.l _fremx_
short 0x0000
bra.l _fscales_
short 0x0000
bra.l _fscaled_
short 0x0000
bra.l _fscalex_
short 0x0000
bra.l _fsins_
short 0x0000
bra.l _fsind_
short 0x0000
bra.l _fsinx_
short 0x0000
bra.l _fsincoss_
short 0x0000
bra.l _fsincosd_
short 0x0000
bra.l _fsincosx_
short 0x0000
bra.l _fsinhs_
short 0x0000
bra.l _fsinhd_
short 0x0000
bra.l _fsinhx_
short 0x0000
bra.l _ftans_
short 0x0000
bra.l _ftand_
short 0x0000
bra.l _ftanx_
short 0x0000
bra.l _ftanhs_
short 0x0000
bra.l _ftanhd_
short 0x0000
bra.l _ftanhx_
short 0x0000
bra.l _ftentoxs_
short 0x0000
bra.l _ftentoxd_
short 0x0000
bra.l _ftentoxx_
short 0x0000
bra.l _ftwotoxs_
short 0x0000
bra.l _ftwotoxd_
short 0x0000
bra.l _ftwotoxx_
short 0x0000
bra.l _fabss_
short 0x0000
bra.l _fabsd_
short 0x0000
bra.l _fabsx_
short 0x0000
bra.l _fadds_
short 0x0000
bra.l _faddd_
short 0x0000
bra.l _faddx_
short 0x0000
bra.l _fdivs_
short 0x0000
bra.l _fdivd_
short 0x0000
bra.l _fdivx_
short 0x0000
bra.l _fints_
short 0x0000
bra.l _fintd_
short 0x0000
bra.l _fintx_
short 0x0000
bra.l _fintrzs_
short 0x0000
bra.l _fintrzd_
short 0x0000
bra.l _fintrzx_
short 0x0000
bra.l _fmuls_
short 0x0000
bra.l _fmuld_
short 0x0000
bra.l _fmulx_
short 0x0000
bra.l _fnegs_
short 0x0000
bra.l _fnegd_
short 0x0000
bra.l _fnegx_
short 0x0000
bra.l _fsqrts_
short 0x0000
bra.l _fsqrtd_
short 0x0000
bra.l _fsqrtx_
short 0x0000
bra.l _fsubs_
short 0x0000
bra.l _fsubd_
short 0x0000
bra.l _fsubx_
short 0x0000
# leave room for future possible additions
align 0x400
# This file contains a set of define statements for constants
# in order to promote readability within the corecode itself.
set LOCAL_SIZE, 192 # stack frame size(bytes)
set LV, -LOCAL_SIZE # stack offset
set EXC_SR, 0x4 # stack status register
set EXC_PC, 0x6 # stack pc
set EXC_VOFF, 0xa # stacked vector offset
set EXC_EA, 0xc # stacked <ea>
set EXC_FP, 0x0 # frame pointer
set EXC_AREGS, -68 # offset of all address regs
set EXC_DREGS, -100 # offset of all data regs
set EXC_FPREGS, -36 # offset of all fp regs
set EXC_A7, EXC_AREGS+(7*4) # offset of saved a7
set OLD_A7, EXC_AREGS+(6*4) # extra copy of saved a7
set EXC_A6, EXC_AREGS+(6*4) # offset of saved a6
set EXC_A5, EXC_AREGS+(5*4)
set EXC_A4, EXC_AREGS+(4*4)
set EXC_A3, EXC_AREGS+(3*4)
set EXC_A2, EXC_AREGS+(2*4)
set EXC_A1, EXC_AREGS+(1*4)
set EXC_A0, EXC_AREGS+(0*4)
set EXC_D7, EXC_DREGS+(7*4)
set EXC_D6, EXC_DREGS+(6*4)
set EXC_D5, EXC_DREGS+(5*4)
set EXC_D4, EXC_DREGS+(4*4)
set EXC_D3, EXC_DREGS+(3*4)
set EXC_D2, EXC_DREGS+(2*4)
set EXC_D1, EXC_DREGS+(1*4)
set EXC_D0, EXC_DREGS+(0*4)
set EXC_FP0, EXC_FPREGS+(0*12) # offset of saved fp0
set EXC_FP1, EXC_FPREGS+(1*12) # offset of saved fp1
set EXC_FP2, EXC_FPREGS+(2*12) # offset of saved fp2 (not used)
set FP_SCR1, LV+80 # fp scratch 1
set FP_SCR1_EX, FP_SCR1+0
set FP_SCR1_SGN, FP_SCR1+2
set FP_SCR1_HI, FP_SCR1+4
set FP_SCR1_LO, FP_SCR1+8
set FP_SCR0, LV+68 # fp scratch 0
set FP_SCR0_EX, FP_SCR0+0
set FP_SCR0_SGN, FP_SCR0+2
set FP_SCR0_HI, FP_SCR0+4
set FP_SCR0_LO, FP_SCR0+8
set FP_DST, LV+56 # fp destination operand
set FP_SRC, LV+44 # fp source operand
set USER_FPIAR, LV+40 # FP instr address register
set USER_FPSR, LV+36 # FP status register
set FPSR_CC, USER_FPSR+0 # FPSR condition codes
set FPSR_QBYTE, USER_FPSR+1 # FPSR qoutient byte
set FPSR_EXCEPT, USER_FPSR+2 # FPSR exception status byte
set FPSR_AEXCEPT, USER_FPSR+3 # FPSR accrued exception byte
set USER_FPCR, LV+32 # FP control register
set FPCR_ENABLE, USER_FPCR+2 # FPCR exception enable
set FPCR_MODE, USER_FPCR+3 # FPCR rounding mode control
set L_SCR3, LV+28 # integer scratch 3
set L_SCR2, LV+24 # integer scratch 2
set L_SCR1, LV+20 # integer scratch 1
set STORE_FLG, LV+19 # flag: operand store (ie. not fcmp/ftst)
set EXC_TEMP2, LV+24 # temporary space
set EXC_TEMP, LV+16 # temporary space
set DTAG, LV+15 # destination operand type
set STAG, LV+14 # source operand type
set SPCOND_FLG, LV+10 # flag: special case (see below)
set EXC_CC, LV+8 # saved condition codes
set EXC_EXTWPTR, LV+4 # saved current PC (active)
set EXC_EXTWORD, LV+2 # saved extension word
set EXC_CMDREG, LV+2 # saved extension word
set EXC_OPWORD, LV+0 # saved operation word
# Helpful macros
set FTEMP, 0 # offsets within an
set FTEMP_EX, 0 # extended precision
set FTEMP_SGN, 2 # value saved in memory.
set FTEMP_HI, 4
set FTEMP_LO, 8
set FTEMP_GRS, 12
set LOCAL, 0 # offsets within an
set LOCAL_EX, 0 # extended precision
set LOCAL_SGN, 2 # value saved in memory.
set LOCAL_HI, 4
set LOCAL_LO, 8
set LOCAL_GRS, 12
set DST, 0 # offsets within an
set DST_EX, 0 # extended precision
set DST_HI, 4 # value saved in memory.
set DST_LO, 8
set SRC, 0 # offsets within an
set SRC_EX, 0 # extended precision
set SRC_HI, 4 # value saved in memory.
set SRC_LO, 8
set SGL_LO, 0x3f81 # min sgl prec exponent
set SGL_HI, 0x407e # max sgl prec exponent
set DBL_LO, 0x3c01 # min dbl prec exponent
set DBL_HI, 0x43fe # max dbl prec exponent
set EXT_LO, 0x0 # min ext prec exponent
set EXT_HI, 0x7ffe # max ext prec exponent
set EXT_BIAS, 0x3fff # extended precision bias
set SGL_BIAS, 0x007f # single precision bias
set DBL_BIAS, 0x03ff # double precision bias
set NORM, 0x00 # operand type for STAG/DTAG
set ZERO, 0x01 # operand type for STAG/DTAG
set INF, 0x02 # operand type for STAG/DTAG
set QNAN, 0x03 # operand type for STAG/DTAG
set DENORM, 0x04 # operand type for STAG/DTAG
set SNAN, 0x05 # operand type for STAG/DTAG
set UNNORM, 0x06 # operand type for STAG/DTAG
# FPSR/FPCR bits #
set neg_bit, 0x3 # negative result
set z_bit, 0x2 # zero result
set inf_bit, 0x1 # infinite result
set nan_bit, 0x0 # NAN result
set q_sn_bit, 0x7 # sign bit of quotient byte
set bsun_bit, 7 # branch on unordered
set snan_bit, 6 # signalling NAN
set operr_bit, 5 # operand error
set ovfl_bit, 4 # overflow
set unfl_bit, 3 # underflow
set dz_bit, 2 # divide by zero
set inex2_bit, 1 # inexact result 2
set inex1_bit, 0 # inexact result 1
set aiop_bit, 7 # accrued inexact operation bit
set aovfl_bit, 6 # accrued overflow bit
set aunfl_bit, 5 # accrued underflow bit
set adz_bit, 4 # accrued dz bit
set ainex_bit, 3 # accrued inexact bit
# FPSR individual bit masks #
set neg_mask, 0x08000000 # negative bit mask (lw)
set inf_mask, 0x02000000 # infinity bit mask (lw)
set z_mask, 0x04000000 # zero bit mask (lw)
set nan_mask, 0x01000000 # nan bit mask (lw)
set neg_bmask, 0x08 # negative bit mask (byte)
set inf_bmask, 0x02 # infinity bit mask (byte)
set z_bmask, 0x04 # zero bit mask (byte)
set nan_bmask, 0x01 # nan bit mask (byte)
set bsun_mask, 0x00008000 # bsun exception mask
set snan_mask, 0x00004000 # snan exception mask
set operr_mask, 0x00002000 # operr exception mask
set ovfl_mask, 0x00001000 # overflow exception mask
set unfl_mask, 0x00000800 # underflow exception mask
set dz_mask, 0x00000400 # dz exception mask
set inex2_mask, 0x00000200 # inex2 exception mask
set inex1_mask, 0x00000100 # inex1 exception mask
set aiop_mask, 0x00000080 # accrued illegal operation
set aovfl_mask, 0x00000040 # accrued overflow
set aunfl_mask, 0x00000020 # accrued underflow
set adz_mask, 0x00000010 # accrued divide by zero
set ainex_mask, 0x00000008 # accrued inexact
# FPSR combinations used in the FPSP #
set dzinf_mask, inf_mask+dz_mask+adz_mask
set opnan_mask, nan_mask+operr_mask+aiop_mask
set nzi_mask, 0x01ffffff #clears N, Z, and I
set unfinx_mask, unfl_mask+inex2_mask+aunfl_mask+ainex_mask
set unf2inx_mask, unfl_mask+inex2_mask+ainex_mask
set ovfinx_mask, ovfl_mask+inex2_mask+aovfl_mask+ainex_mask
set inx1a_mask, inex1_mask+ainex_mask
set inx2a_mask, inex2_mask+ainex_mask
set snaniop_mask, nan_mask+snan_mask+aiop_mask
set snaniop2_mask, snan_mask+aiop_mask
set naniop_mask, nan_mask+aiop_mask
set neginf_mask, neg_mask+inf_mask
set infaiop_mask, inf_mask+aiop_mask
set negz_mask, neg_mask+z_mask
set opaop_mask, operr_mask+aiop_mask
set unfl_inx_mask, unfl_mask+aunfl_mask+ainex_mask
set ovfl_inx_mask, ovfl_mask+aovfl_mask+ainex_mask
# misc. #
set rnd_stky_bit, 29 # stky bit pos in longword
set sign_bit, 0x7 # sign bit
set signan_bit, 0x6 # signalling nan bit
set sgl_thresh, 0x3f81 # minimum sgl exponent
set dbl_thresh, 0x3c01 # minimum dbl exponent
set x_mode, 0x0 # extended precision
set s_mode, 0x4 # single precision
set d_mode, 0x8 # double precision
set rn_mode, 0x0 # round-to-nearest
set rz_mode, 0x1 # round-to-zero
set rm_mode, 0x2 # round-tp-minus-infinity
set rp_mode, 0x3 # round-to-plus-infinity
set mantissalen, 64 # length of mantissa in bits
set BYTE, 1 # len(byte) == 1 byte
set WORD, 2 # len(word) == 2 bytes
set LONG, 4 # len(longword) == 2 bytes
set BSUN_VEC, 0xc0 # bsun vector offset
set INEX_VEC, 0xc4 # inexact vector offset
set DZ_VEC, 0xc8 # dz vector offset
set UNFL_VEC, 0xcc # unfl vector offset
set OPERR_VEC, 0xd0 # operr vector offset
set OVFL_VEC, 0xd4 # ovfl vector offset
set SNAN_VEC, 0xd8 # snan vector offset
# SPecial CONDition FLaGs #
set ftrapcc_flg, 0x01 # flag bit: ftrapcc exception
set fbsun_flg, 0x02 # flag bit: bsun exception
set mia7_flg, 0x04 # flag bit: (a7)+ <ea>
set mda7_flg, 0x08 # flag bit: -(a7) <ea>
set fmovm_flg, 0x40 # flag bit: fmovm instruction
set immed_flg, 0x80 # flag bit: &<data> <ea>
set ftrapcc_bit, 0x0
set fbsun_bit, 0x1
set mia7_bit, 0x2
set mda7_bit, 0x3
set immed_bit, 0x7
set FMUL_OP, 0x0 # fmul instr performed last
set FDIV_OP, 0x1 # fdiv performed last
set FADD_OP, 0x2 # fadd performed last
set FMOV_OP, 0x3 # fmov performed last
T1: long 0x40C62D38,0xD3D64634 # 16381 LOG2 LEAD
T2: long 0x3D6F90AE,0xB1E75CC7 # 16381 LOG2 TRAIL
PI: long 0x40000000,0xC90FDAA2,0x2168C235,0x00000000
PIBY2: long 0x3FFF0000,0xC90FDAA2,0x2168C235,0x00000000
long 0x3FE45F30,0x6DC9C883
global _fsins_
link %a6,&-LOCAL_SIZE
movm.l &0x0303,EXC_DREGS(%a6) # save d0-d1/a0-a1
fmovm.l %fpcr,%fpsr,USER_FPCR(%a6) # save ctrl regs
fmovm.x &0xc0,EXC_FP0(%a6) # save fp0/fp1
fmov.l &0x0,%fpcr # zero FPCR
# copy, convert, and tag input argument
fmov.s 0x8(%a6),%fp0 # load sgl input
fmov.x %fp0,FP_SRC(%a6)
lea FP_SRC(%a6),%a0
bsr.l tag # fetch operand type
mov.b %d0,STAG(%a6)
mov.b %d0,%d1
andi.l &0x00ff00ff,USER_FPSR(%a6)
clr.l %d0
mov.b FPCR_MODE(%a6),%d0 # pass rnd mode,prec
tst.b %d1
bne.b _L0_2s
bsr.l ssin # operand is a NORM
bra.b _L0_6s
cmpi.b %d1,&ZERO # is operand a ZERO?
bne.b _L0_3s # no
bsr.l src_zero # yes
bra.b _L0_6s
cmpi.b %d1,&INF # is operand an INF?
bne.b _L0_4s # no
bsr.l t_operr # yes
bra.b _L0_6s
cmpi.b %d1,&QNAN # is operand a QNAN?
bne.b _L0_5s # no
bsr.l src_qnan # yes
bra.b _L0_6s
bsr.l ssind # operand is a DENORM
# Result is now in FP0
movm.l EXC_DREGS(%a6),&0x0303 # restore d0-d1/a0-a1
fmovm.l USER_FPCR(%a6),%fpcr,%fpsr # restore ctrl regs
fmovm.x EXC_FP1(%a6),&0x40 # restore fp1
unlk %a6
global _fsind_
link %a6,&-LOCAL_SIZE
movm.l &0x0303,EXC_DREGS(%a6) # save d0-d1/a0-a1
fmovm.l %fpcr,%fpsr,USER_FPCR(%a6) # save ctrl regs
fmovm.x &0xc0,EXC_FP0(%a6) # save fp0/fp1
fmov.l &0x0,%fpcr # zero FPCR
# copy, convert, and tag input argument
fmov.d 0x8(%a6),%fp0 # load dbl input
fmov.x %fp0,FP_SRC(%a6)
lea FP_SRC(%a6),%a0
bsr.l tag # fetch operand type
mov.b %d0,STAG(%a6)
mov.b %d0,%d1
andi.l &0x00ff00ff,USER_FPSR(%a6)
clr.l %d0
mov.b FPCR_MODE(%a6),%d0 # pass rnd mode,prec
mov.b %d1,STAG(%a6)
tst.b %d1
bne.b _L0_2d
bsr.l ssin # operand is a NORM
bra.b _L0_6d
cmpi.b %d1,&ZERO # is operand a ZERO?
bne.b _L0_3d # no
bsr.l src_zero # yes
bra.b _L0_6d
cmpi.b %d1,&INF # is operand an INF?
bne.b _L0_4d # no
bsr.l t_operr # yes
bra.b _L0_6d
cmpi.b %d1,&QNAN # is operand a QNAN?
bne.b _L0_5d # no
bsr.l src_qnan # yes
bra.b _L0_6d
bsr.l ssind # operand is a DENORM
# Result is now in FP0
movm.l EXC_DREGS(%a6),&0x0303 # restore d0-d1/a0-a1
fmovm.l USER_FPCR(%a6),%fpcr,%fpsr # restore ctrl regs
fmovm.x EXC_FP1(%a6),&0x40 # restore fp1
unlk %a6
global _fsinx_
link %a6,&-LOCAL_SIZE
movm.l &0x0303,EXC_DREGS(%a6) # save d0-d1/a0-a1
fmovm.l %fpcr,%fpsr,USER_FPCR(%a6) # save ctrl regs
fmovm.x &0xc0,EXC_FP0(%a6) # save fp0/fp1
fmov.l &0x0,%fpcr # zero FPCR
# copy, convert, and tag input argument
lea FP_SRC(%a6),%a0
mov.l 0x8+0x0(%a6),0x0(%a0) # load ext input
mov.l 0x8+0x4(%a6),0x4(%a0)
mov.l 0x8+0x8(%a6),0x8(%a0)
bsr.l tag # fetch operand type
mov.b %d0,STAG(%a6)
mov.b %d0,%d1
andi.l &0x00ff00ff,USER_FPSR(%a6)
clr.l %d0
mov.b FPCR_MODE(%a6),%d0 # pass rnd mode,prec
tst.b %d1
bne.b _L0_2x
bsr.l ssin # operand is a NORM
bra.b _L0_6x
cmpi.b %d1,&ZERO # is operand a ZERO?
bne.b _L0_3x # no
bsr.l src_zero # yes
bra.b _L0_6x
cmpi.b %d1,&INF # is operand an INF?
bne.b _L0_4x # no
bsr.l t_operr # yes
bra.b _L0_6x
cmpi.b %d1,&QNAN # is operand a QNAN?
bne.b _L0_5x # no
bsr.l src_qnan # yes
bra.b _L0_6x
bsr.l ssind # operand is a DENORM
# Result is now in FP0
movm.l EXC_DREGS(%a6),&0x0303 # restore d0-d1/a0-a1
fmovm.l USER_FPCR(%a6),%fpcr,%fpsr # restore ctrl regs
fmovm.x EXC_FP1(%a6),&0x40 # restore fp1
unlk %a6
global _fcoss_
link %a6,&-LOCAL_SIZE
movm.l &0x0303,EXC_DREGS(%a6) # save d0-d1/a0-a1
fmovm.l %fpcr,%fpsr,USER_FPCR(%a6) # save ctrl regs
fmovm.x &0xc0,EXC_FP0(%a6) # save fp0/fp1
fmov.l &0x0,%fpcr # zero FPCR
# copy, convert, and tag input argument
fmov.s 0x8(%a6),%fp0 # load sgl input
fmov.x %fp0,FP_SRC(%a6)
lea FP_SRC(%a6),%a0
bsr.l tag # fetch operand type
mov.b %d0,STAG(%a6)
mov.b %d0,%d1
andi.l &0x00ff00ff,USER_FPSR(%a6)
clr.l %d0
mov.b FPCR_MODE(%a6),%d0 # pass rnd mode,prec
tst.b %d1
bne.b _L1_2s
bsr.l scos # operand is a NORM
bra.b _L1_6s
cmpi.b %d1,&ZERO # is operand a ZERO?
bne.b _L1_3s # no
bsr.l ld_pone # yes
bra.b _L1_6s
cmpi.b %d1,&INF # is operand an INF?
bne.b _L1_4s # no
bsr.l t_operr # yes
bra.b _L1_6s
cmpi.b %d1,&QNAN # is operand a QNAN?
bne.b _L1_5s # no
bsr.l src_qnan # yes
bra.b _L1_6s
bsr.l scosd # operand is a DENORM
# Result is now in FP0
movm.l EXC_DREGS(%a6),&0x0303 # restore d0-d1/a0-a1
fmovm.l USER_FPCR(%a6),%fpcr,%fpsr # restore ctrl regs
fmovm.x EXC_FP1(%a6),&0x40 # restore fp1
unlk %a6
global _fcosd_
link %a6,&-LOCAL_SIZE
movm.l &0x0303,EXC_DREGS(%a6) # save d0-d1/a0-a1
fmovm.l %fpcr,%fpsr,USER_FPCR(%a6) # save ctrl regs
fmovm.x &0xc0,EXC_FP0(%a6) # save fp0/fp1
fmov.l &0x0,%fpcr # zero FPCR
# copy, convert, and tag input argument
fmov.d 0x8(%a6),%fp0 # load dbl input
fmov.x %fp0,FP_SRC(%a6)
lea FP_SRC(%a6),%a0
bsr.l tag # fetch operand type
mov.b %d0,STAG(%a6)
mov.b %d0,%d1
andi.l &0x00ff00ff,USER_FPSR(%a6)
clr.l %d0
mov.b FPCR_MODE(%a6),%d0 # pass rnd mode,prec
mov.b %d1,STAG(%a6)
tst.b %d1
bne.b _L1_2d
bsr.l scos # operand is a NORM
bra.b _L1_6d
cmpi.b %d1,&ZERO # is operand a ZERO?
bne.b _L1_3d # no
bsr.l ld_pone # yes
bra.b _L1_6d
cmpi.b %d1,&INF # is operand an INF?
bne.b _L1_4d # no
bsr.l t_operr # yes
bra.b _L1_6d
cmpi.b %d1,&QNAN # is operand a QNAN?
bne.b _L1_5d # no
bsr.l src_qnan # yes
bra.b _L1_6d
bsr.l scosd # operand is a DENORM
# Result is now in FP0
movm.l EXC_DREGS(%a6),&0x0303 # restore d0-d1/a0-a1
fmovm.l USER_FPCR(%a6),%fpcr,%fpsr # restore ctrl regs
fmovm.x EXC_FP1(%a6),&0x40 # restore fp1
unlk %a6
global _fcosx_
link %a6,&-LOCAL_SIZE
movm.l &0x0303,EXC_DREGS(%a6) # save d0-d1/a0-a1
fmovm.l %fpcr,%fpsr,USER_FPCR(%a6) # save ctrl regs
fmovm.x &0xc0,EXC_FP0(%a6) # save fp0/fp1
fmov.l &0x0,%fpcr # zero FPCR
# copy, convert, and tag input argument
lea FP_SRC(%a6),%a0
mov.l 0x8+0x0(%a6),0x0(%a0) # load ext input
mov.l 0x8+0x4(%a6),0x4(%a0)
mov.l 0x8+0x8(%a6),0x8(%a0)
bsr.l tag # fetch operand type
mov.b %d0,STAG(%a6)
mov.b %d0,%d1
andi.l &0x00ff00ff,USER_FPSR(%a6)
clr.l %d0
mov.b FPCR_MODE(%a6),%d0 # pass rnd mode,prec
tst.b %d1
bne.b _L1_2x
bsr.l scos # operand is a NORM
bra.b _L1_6x
cmpi.b %d1,&ZERO # is operand a ZERO?
bne.b _L1_3x # no
bsr.l ld_pone # yes
bra.b _L1_6x
cmpi.b %d1,&INF # is operand an INF?
bne.b _L1_4x # no
bsr.l t_operr # yes
bra.b _L1_6x
cmpi.b %d1,&QNAN # is operand a QNAN?
bne.b _L1_5x # no
bsr.l src_qnan # yes
bra.b _L1_6x
bsr.l scosd # operand is a DENORM
# Result is now in FP0
movm.l EXC_DREGS(%a6),&0x0303 # restore d0-d1/a0-a1
fmovm.l USER_FPCR(%a6),%fpcr,%fpsr # restore ctrl regs
fmovm.x EXC_FP1(%a6),&0x40 # restore fp1
unlk %a6
global _fsinhs_
link %a6,&-LOCAL_SIZE
movm.l &0x0303,EXC_DREGS(%a6) # save d0-d1/a0-a1
fmovm.l %fpcr,%fpsr,USER_FPCR(%a6) # save ctrl regs
fmovm.x &0xc0,EXC_FP0(%a6) # save fp0/fp1
fmov.l &0x0,%fpcr # zero FPCR
# copy, convert, and tag input argument
fmov.s 0x8(%a6),%fp0 # load sgl input
fmov.x %fp0,FP_SRC(%a6)
lea FP_SRC(%a6),%a0
bsr.l tag # fetch operand type
mov.b %d0,STAG(%a6)
mov.b %d0,%d1
andi.l &0x00ff00ff,USER_FPSR(%a6)
clr.l %d0
mov.b FPCR_MODE(%a6),%d0 # pass rnd mode,prec
tst.b %d1
bne.b _L2_2s
bsr.l ssinh # operand is a NORM
bra.b _L2_6s
cmpi.b %d1,&ZERO # is operand a ZERO?
bne.b _L2_3s # no
bsr.l src_zero # yes
bra.b _L2_6s
cmpi.b %d1,&INF # is operand an INF?
bne.b _L2_4s # no
bsr.l src_inf # yes
bra.b _L2_6s
cmpi.b %d1,&QNAN # is operand a QNAN?
bne.b _L2_5s # no
bsr.l src_qnan # yes
bra.b _L2_6s
bsr.l ssinhd # operand is a DENORM
# Result is now in FP0
movm.l EXC_DREGS(%a6),&0x0303 # restore d0-d1/a0-a1
fmovm.l USER_FPCR(%a6),%fpcr,%fpsr # restore ctrl regs
fmovm.x EXC_FP1(%a6),&0x40 # restore fp1
unlk %a6
global _fsinhd_
link %a6,&-LOCAL_SIZE
movm.l &0x0303,EXC_DREGS(%a6) # save d0-d1/a0-a1
fmovm.l %fpcr,%fpsr,USER_FPCR(%a6) # save ctrl regs
fmovm.x &0xc0,EXC_FP0(%a6) # save fp0/fp1
fmov.l &0x0,%fpcr # zero FPCR
# copy, convert, and tag input argument
fmov.d 0x8(%a6),%fp0 # load dbl input
fmov.x %fp0,FP_SRC(%a6)
lea FP_SRC(%a6),%a0
bsr.l tag # fetch operand type
mov.b %d0,STAG(%a6)
mov.b %d0,%d1
andi.l &0x00ff00ff,USER_FPSR(%a6)
clr.l %d0
mov.b FPCR_MODE(%a6),%d0 # pass rnd mode,prec
mov.b %d1,STAG(%a6)
tst.b %d1
bne.b _L2_2d
bsr.l ssinh # operand is a NORM
bra.b _L2_6d
cmpi.b %d1,&ZERO # is operand a ZERO?
bne.b _L2_3d # no
bsr.l src_zero # yes
bra.b _L2_6d
cmpi.b %d1,&INF # is operand an INF?
bne.b _L2_4d # no
bsr.l src_inf # yes
bra.b _L2_6d
cmpi.b %d1,&QNAN # is operand a QNAN?
bne.b _L2_5d # no
bsr.l src_qnan # yes
bra.b _L2_6d
bsr.l ssinhd # operand is a DENORM
# Result is now in FP0
movm.l EXC_DREGS(%a6),&0x0303 # restore d0-d1/a0-a1
fmovm.l USER_FPCR(%a6),%fpcr,%fpsr # restore ctrl regs
fmovm.x EXC_FP1(%a6),&0x40 # restore fp1
unlk %a6
global _fsinhx_
link %a6,&-LOCAL_SIZE
movm.l &0x0303,EXC_DREGS(%a6) # save d0-d1/a0-a1
fmovm.l %fpcr,%fpsr,USER_FPCR(%a6) # save ctrl regs
fmovm.x &0xc0,EXC_FP0(%a6) # save fp0/fp1
fmov.l &0x0,%fpcr # zero FPCR
# copy, convert, and tag input argument
lea FP_SRC(%a6),%a0
mov.l 0x8+0x0(%a6),0x0(%a0) # load ext input
mov.l 0x8+0x4(%a6),0x4(%a0)
mov.l 0x8+0x8(%a6),0x8(%a0)
bsr.l tag # fetch operand type
mov.b %d0,STAG(%a6)
mov.b %d0,%d1
andi.l &0x00ff00ff,USER_FPSR(%a6)
clr.l %d0
mov.b FPCR_MODE(%a6),%d0 # pass rnd mode,prec
tst.b %d1
bne.b _L2_2x
bsr.l ssinh # operand is a NORM
bra.b _L2_6x
cmpi.b %d1,&ZERO # is operand a ZERO?
bne.b _L2_3x # no
bsr.l src_zero # yes
bra.b _L2_6x
cmpi.b %d1,&INF # is operand an INF?
bne.b _L2_4x # no
bsr.l src_inf # yes
bra.b _L2_6x
cmpi.b %d1,&QNAN # is operand a QNAN?
bne.b _L2_5x # no
bsr.l src_qnan # yes
bra.b _L2_6x
bsr.l ssinhd # operand is a DENORM
# Result is now in FP0
movm.l EXC_DREGS(%a6),&0x0303 # restore d0-d1/a0-a1
fmovm.l USER_FPCR(%a6),%fpcr,%fpsr # restore ctrl regs
fmovm.x EXC_FP1(%a6),&0x40 # restore fp1
unlk %a6
global _flognp1s_
link %a6,&-LOCAL_SIZE
movm.l &0x0303,EXC_DREGS(%a6) # save d0-d1/a0-a1
fmovm.l %fpcr,%fpsr,USER_FPCR(%a6) # save ctrl regs
fmovm.x &0xc0,EXC_FP0(%a6) # save fp0/fp1
fmov.l &0x0,%fpcr # zero FPCR
# copy, convert, and tag input argument
fmov.s 0x8(%a6),%fp0 # load sgl input
fmov.x %fp0,FP_SRC(%a6)
lea FP_SRC(%a6),%a0
bsr.l tag # fetch operand type
mov.b %d0,STAG(%a6)
mov.b %d0,%d1
andi.l &0x00ff00ff,USER_FPSR(%a6)
clr.l %d0
mov.b FPCR_MODE(%a6),%d0 # pass rnd mode,prec
tst.b %d1
bne.b _L3_2s
bsr.l slognp1 # operand is a NORM
bra.b _L3_6s
cmpi.b %d1,&ZERO # is operand a ZERO?
bne.b _L3_3s # no
bsr.l src_zero # yes
bra.b _L3_6s
cmpi.b %d1,&INF # is operand an INF?
bne.b _L3_4s # no
bsr.l sopr_inf # yes
bra.b _L3_6s
cmpi.b %d1,&QNAN # is operand a QNAN?
bne.b _L3_5s # no
bsr.l src_qnan # yes
bra.b _L3_6s
bsr.l slognp1d # operand is a DENORM
# Result is now in FP0
movm.l EXC_DREGS(%a6),&0x0303 # restore d0-d1/a0-a1
fmovm.l USER_FPCR(%a6),%fpcr,%fpsr # restore ctrl regs
fmovm.x EXC_FP1(%a6),&0x40 # restore fp1
unlk %a6
global _flognp1d_
link %a6,&-LOCAL_SIZE
movm.l &0x0303,EXC_DREGS(%a6) # save d0-d1/a0-a1
fmovm.l %fpcr,%fpsr,USER_FPCR(%a6) # save ctrl regs
fmovm.x &0xc0,EXC_FP0(%a6) # save fp0/fp1
fmov.l &0x0,%fpcr # zero FPCR
# copy, convert, and tag input argument
fmov.d 0x8(%a6),%fp0 # load dbl input
fmov.x %fp0,FP_SRC(%a6)
lea FP_SRC(%a6),%a0
bsr.l tag # fetch operand type
mov.b %d0,STAG(%a6)
mov.b %d0,%d1
andi.l &0x00ff00ff,USER_FPSR(%a6)
clr.l %d0
mov.b FPCR_MODE(%a6),%d0 # pass rnd mode,prec
mov.b %d1,STAG(%a6)
tst.b %d1
bne.b _L3_2d
bsr.l slognp1 # operand is a NORM
bra.b _L3_6d
cmpi.b %d1,&ZERO # is operand a ZERO?
bne.b _L3_3d # no
bsr.l src_zero # yes
bra.b _L3_6d
cmpi.b %d1,&INF # is operand an INF?
bne.b _L3_4d # no
bsr.l sopr_inf # yes
bra.b _L3_6d
cmpi.b %d1,&QNAN # is operand a QNAN?
bne.b _L3_5d # no
bsr.l src_qnan # yes
bra.b _L3_6d
bsr.l slognp1d # operand is a DENORM
# Result is now in FP0
movm.l EXC_DREGS(%a6),&0x0303 # restore d0-d1/a0-a1
fmovm.l USER_FPCR(%a6),%fpcr,%fpsr # restore ctrl regs
fmovm.x EXC_FP1(%a6),&0x40 # restore fp1
unlk %a6
global _flognp1x_
link %a6,&-LOCAL_SIZE
movm.l &0x0303,EXC_DREGS(%a6) # save d0-d1/a0-a1
fmovm.l %fpcr,%fpsr,USER_FPCR(%a6) # save ctrl regs
fmovm.x &0xc0,EXC_FP0(%a6) # save fp0/fp1
fmov.l &0x0,%fpcr # zero FPCR
# copy, convert, and tag input argument
lea FP_SRC(%a6),%a0
mov.l 0x8+0x0(%a6),0x0(%a0) # load ext input
mov.l 0x8+0x4(%a6),0x4(%a0)
mov.l 0x8+0x8(%a6),0x8(%a0)
bsr.l tag # fetch operand type
mov.b %d0,STAG(%a6)
mov.b %d0,%d1
andi.l &0x00ff00ff,USER_FPSR(%a6)
clr.l %d0
mov.b FPCR_MODE(%a6),%d0 # pass rnd mode,prec
tst.b %d1
bne.b _L3_2x
bsr.l slognp1 # operand is a NORM
bra.b _L3_6x
cmpi.b %d1,&ZERO # is operand a ZERO?
bne.b _L3_3x # no
bsr.l src_zero # yes
bra.b _L3_6x
cmpi.b %d1,&INF # is operand an INF?
bne.b _L3_4x # no
bsr.l sopr_inf # yes
bra.b _L3_6x
cmpi.b %d1,&QNAN # is operand a QNAN?
bne.b _L3_5x # no
bsr.l src_qnan # yes
bra.b _L3_6x
bsr.l slognp1d # operand is a DENORM
# Result is now in FP0
movm.l EXC_DREGS(%a6),&0x0303 # restore d0-d1/a0-a1
fmovm.l USER_FPCR(%a6),%fpcr,%fpsr # restore ctrl regs
fmovm.x EXC_FP1(%a6),&0x40 # restore fp1
unlk %a6
global _fetoxm1s_
link %a6,&-LOCAL_SIZE
movm.l &0x0303,EXC_DREGS(%a6) # save d0-d1/a0-a1
fmovm.l %fpcr,%fpsr,USER_FPCR(%a6) # save ctrl regs
fmovm.x &0xc0,EXC_FP0(%a6) # save fp0/fp1
fmov.l &0x0,%fpcr # zero FPCR
# copy, convert, and tag input argument
fmov.s 0x8(%a6),%fp0 # load sgl input
fmov.x %fp0,FP_SRC(%a6)
lea FP_SRC(%a6),%a0
bsr.l tag # fetch operand type
mov.b %d0,STAG(%a6)
mov.b %d0,%d1
andi.l &0x00ff00ff,USER_FPSR(%a6)
clr.l %d0
mov.b FPCR_MODE(%a6),%d0 # pass rnd mode,prec
tst.b %d1
bne.b _L4_2s
bsr.l setoxm1 # operand is a NORM
bra.b _L4_6s
cmpi.b %d1,&ZERO # is operand a ZERO?
bne.b _L4_3s # no
bsr.l src_zero # yes
bra.b _L4_6s
cmpi.b %d1,&INF # is operand an INF?
bne.b _L4_4s # no
bsr.l setoxm1i # yes
bra.b _L4_6s
cmpi.b %d1,&QNAN # is operand a QNAN?
bne.b _L4_5s # no
bsr.l src_qnan # yes
bra.b _L4_6s
bsr.l setoxm1d # operand is a DENORM
# Result is now in FP0
movm.l EXC_DREGS(%a6),&0x0303 # restore d0-d1/a0-a1
fmovm.l USER_FPCR(%a6),%fpcr,%fpsr # restore ctrl regs
fmovm.x EXC_FP1(%a6),&0x40 # restore fp1
unlk %a6
global _fetoxm1d_
link %a6,&-LOCAL_SIZE
movm.l &0x0303,EXC_DREGS(%a6) # save d0-d1/a0-a1
fmovm.l %fpcr,%fpsr,USER_FPCR(%a6) # save ctrl regs
fmovm.x &0xc0,EXC_FP0(%a6) # save fp0/fp1
fmov.l &0x0,%fpcr # zero FPCR
# copy, convert, and tag input argument
fmov.d 0x8(%a6),%fp0 # load dbl input
fmov.x %fp0,FP_SRC(%a6)
lea FP_SRC(%a6),%a0
bsr.l tag # fetch operand type
mov.b %d0,STAG(%a6)
mov.b %d0,%d1
andi.l &0x00ff00ff,USER_FPSR(%a6)
clr.l %d0
mov.b FPCR_MODE(%a6),%d0 # pass rnd mode,prec
mov.b %d1,STAG(%a6)
tst.b %d1
bne.b _L4_2d
bsr.l setoxm1 # operand is a NORM
bra.b _L4_6d
cmpi.b %d1,&ZERO # is operand a ZERO?
bne.b _L4_3d # no
bsr.l src_zero # yes
bra.b _L4_6d
cmpi.b %d1,&INF # is operand an INF?
bne.b _L4_4d # no
bsr.l setoxm1i # yes
bra.b _L4_6d
cmpi.b %d1,&QNAN # is operand a QNAN?
bne.b _L4_5d # no
bsr.l src_qnan # yes
bra.b _L4_6d
bsr.l setoxm1d # operand is a DENORM
# Result is now in FP0
movm.l EXC_DREGS(%a6),&0x0303 # restore d0-d1/a0-a1
fmovm.l USER_FPCR(%a6),%fpcr,%fpsr # restore ctrl regs
fmovm.x EXC_FP1(%a6),&0x40 # restore fp1
unlk %a6
global _fetoxm1x_
link %a6,&-LOCAL_SIZE
movm.l &0x0303,EXC_DREGS(%a6) # save d0-d1/a0-a1
fmovm.l %fpcr,%fpsr,USER_FPCR(%a6) # save ctrl regs
fmovm.x &0xc0,EXC_FP0(%a6) # save fp0/fp1
fmov.l &0x0,%fpcr # zero FPCR
# copy, convert, and tag input argument
lea FP_SRC(%a6),%a0
mov.l 0x8+0x0(%a6),0x0(%a0) # load ext input
mov.l 0x8+0x4(%a6),0x4(%a0)
mov.l 0x8+0x8(%a6),0x8(%a0)
bsr.l tag # fetch operand type
mov.b %d0,STAG(%a6)
mov.b %d0,%d1
andi.l &0x00ff00ff,USER_FPSR(%a6)
clr.l %d0
mov.b FPCR_MODE(%a6),%d0 # pass rnd mode,prec
tst.b %d1
bne.b _L4_2x
bsr.l setoxm1 # operand is a NORM
bra.b _L4_6x
cmpi.b %d1,&ZERO # is operand a ZERO?
bne.b _L4_3x # no
bsr.l src_zero # yes
bra.b _L4_6x
cmpi.b %d1,&INF # is operand an INF?
bne.b _L4_4x # no
bsr.l setoxm1i # yes
bra.b _L4_6x
cmpi.b %d1,&QNAN # is operand a QNAN?
bne.b _L4_5x # no
bsr.l src_qnan # yes
bra.b _L4_6x
bsr.l setoxm1d # operand is a DENORM
# Result is now in FP0
movm.l EXC_DREGS(%a6),&0x0303 # restore d0-d1/a0-a1
fmovm.l USER_FPCR(%a6),%fpcr,%fpsr # restore ctrl regs
fmovm.x EXC_FP1(%a6),&0x40 # restore fp1
unlk %a6
global _ftanhs_
link %a6,&-LOCAL_SIZE
movm.l &0x0303,EXC_DREGS(%a6) # save d0-d1/a0-a1
fmovm.l %fpcr,%fpsr,USER_FPCR(%a6) # save ctrl regs
fmovm.x &0xc0,EXC_FP0(%a6) # save fp0/fp1
fmov.l &0x0,%fpcr # zero FPCR
# copy, convert, and tag input argument
fmov.s 0x8(%a6),%fp0 # load sgl input
fmov.x %fp0,FP_SRC(%a6)
lea FP_SRC(%a6),%a0
bsr.l tag # fetch operand type
mov.b %d0,STAG(%a6)
mov.b %d0,%d1
andi.l &0x00ff00ff,USER_FPSR(%a6)
clr.l %d0
mov.b FPCR_MODE(%a6),%d0 # pass rnd mode,prec
tst.b %d1
bne.b _L5_2s
bsr.l stanh # operand is a NORM
bra.b _L5_6s
cmpi.b %d1,&ZERO # is operand a ZERO?
bne.b _L5_3s # no
bsr.l src_zero # yes
bra.b _L5_6s
cmpi.b %d1,&INF # is operand an INF?
bne.b _L5_4s # no
bsr.l src_one # yes
bra.b _L5_6s
cmpi.b %d1,&QNAN # is operand a QNAN?
bne.b _L5_5s # no
bsr.l src_qnan # yes
bra.b _L5_6s
bsr.l stanhd # operand is a DENORM
# Result is now in FP0
movm.l EXC_DREGS(%a6),&0x0303 # restore d0-d1/a0-a1
fmovm.l USER_FPCR(%a6),%fpcr,%fpsr # restore ctrl regs
fmovm.x EXC_FP1(%a6),&0x40 # restore fp1
unlk %a6
global _ftanhd_
link %a6,&-LOCAL_SIZE
movm.l &0x0303,EXC_DREGS(%a6) # save d0-d1/a0-a1
fmovm.l %fpcr,%fpsr,USER_FPCR(%a6) # save ctrl regs
fmovm.x &0xc0,EXC_FP0(%a6) # save fp0/fp1
fmov.l &0x0,%fpcr # zero FPCR
# copy, convert, and tag input argument
fmov.d 0x8(%a6),%fp0 # load dbl input
fmov.x %fp0,FP_SRC(%a6)
lea FP_SRC(%a6),%a0
bsr.l tag # fetch operand type
mov.b %d0,STAG(%a6)
mov.b %d0,%d1
andi.l &0x00ff00ff,USER_FPSR(%a6)
clr.l %d0
mov.b FPCR_MODE(%a6),%d0 # pass rnd mode,prec
mov.b %d1,STAG(%a6)
tst.b %d1
bne.b _L5_2d
bsr.l stanh # operand is a NORM
bra.b _L5_6d
cmpi.b %d1,&ZERO # is operand a ZERO?
bne.b _L5_3d # no
bsr.l src_zero # yes
bra.b _L5_6d
cmpi.b %d1,&INF # is operand an INF?
bne.b _L5_4d # no
bsr.l src_one # yes
bra.b _L5_6d
cmpi.b %d1,&QNAN # is operand a QNAN?
bne.b _L5_5d # no
bsr.l src_qnan # yes
bra.b _L5_6d
bsr.l stanhd # operand is a DENORM
# Result is now in FP0
movm.l EXC_DREGS(%a6),&0x0303 # restore d0-d1/a0-a1
fmovm.l USER_FPCR(%a6),%fpcr,%fpsr # restore ctrl regs
fmovm.x EXC_FP1(%a6),&0x40 # restore fp1
unlk %a6
global _ftanhx_
link %a6,&-LOCAL_SIZE
movm.l &0x0303,EXC_DREGS(%a6) # save d0-d1/a0-a1
fmovm.l %fpcr,%fpsr,USER_FPCR(%a6) # save ctrl regs
fmovm.x &0xc0,EXC_FP0(%a6) # save fp0/fp1
fmov.l &0x0,%fpcr # zero FPCR
# copy, convert, and tag input argument
lea FP_SRC(%a6),%a0
mov.l 0x8+0x0(%a6),0x0(%a0) # load ext input
mov.l 0x8+0x4(%a6),0x4(%a0)
mov.l 0x8+0x8(%a6),0x8(%a0)
bsr.l tag # fetch operand type
mov.b %d0,STAG(%a6)
mov.b %d0,%d1
andi.l &0x00ff00ff,USER_FPSR(%a6)
clr.l %d0
mov.b FPCR_MODE(%a6),%d0 # pass rnd mode,prec
tst.b %d1
bne.b _L5_2x
bsr.l stanh # operand is a NORM
bra.b _L5_6x
cmpi.b %d1,&ZERO # is operand a ZERO?
bne.b _L5_3x # no
bsr.l src_zero # yes
bra.b _L5_6x
cmpi.b %d1,&INF # is operand an INF?
bne.b _L5_4x # no
bsr.l src_one # yes
bra.b _L5_6x
cmpi.b %d1,&QNAN # is operand a QNAN?
bne.b _L5_5x # no
bsr.l src_qnan # yes
bra.b _L5_6x
bsr.l stanhd # operand is a DENORM
# Result is now in FP0
movm.l EXC_DREGS(%a6),&0x0303 # restore d0-d1/a0-a1
fmovm.l USER_FPCR(%a6),%fpcr,%fpsr # restore ctrl regs
fmovm.x EXC_FP1(%a6),&0x40 # restore fp1
unlk %a6
global _fatans_
link %a6,&-LOCAL_SIZE
movm.l &0x0303,EXC_DREGS(%a6) # save d0-d1/a0-a1
fmovm.l %fpcr,%fpsr,USER_FPCR(%a6) # save ctrl regs
fmovm.x &0xc0,EXC_FP0(%a6) # save fp0/fp1
fmov.l &0x0,%fpcr # zero FPCR
# copy, convert, and tag input argument
fmov.s 0x8(%a6),%fp0 # load sgl input
fmov.x %fp0,FP_SRC(%a6)
lea FP_SRC(%a6),%a0
bsr.l tag # fetch operand type
mov.b %d0,STAG(%a6)
mov.b %d0,%d1
andi.l &0x00ff00ff,USER_FPSR(%a6)
clr.l %d0
mov.b FPCR_MODE(%a6),%d0 # pass rnd mode,prec
tst.b %d1
bne.b _L6_2s
bsr.l satan # operand is a NORM
bra.b _L6_6s
cmpi.b %d1,&ZERO # is operand a ZERO?
bne.b _L6_3s # no
bsr.l src_zero # yes
bra.b _L6_6s
cmpi.b %d1,&INF # is operand an INF?
bne.b _L6_4s # no
bsr.l spi_2 # yes
bra.b _L6_6s
cmpi.b %d1,&QNAN # is operand a QNAN?
bne.b _L6_5s # no
bsr.l src_qnan # yes
bra.b _L6_6s
bsr.l satand # operand is a DENORM
# Result is now in FP0
movm.l EXC_DREGS(%a6),&0x0303 # restore d0-d1/a0-a1
fmovm.l USER_FPCR(%a6),%fpcr,%fpsr # restore ctrl regs
fmovm.x EXC_FP1(%a6),&0x40 # restore fp1
unlk %a6
global _fatand_
link %a6,&-LOCAL_SIZE
movm.l &0x0303,EXC_DREGS(%a6) # save d0-d1/a0-a1
fmovm.l %fpcr,%fpsr,USER_FPCR(%a6) # save ctrl regs
fmovm.x &0xc0,EXC_FP0(%a6) # save fp0/fp1
fmov.l &0x0,%fpcr # zero FPCR
# copy, convert, and tag input argument
fmov.d 0x8(%a6),%fp0 # load dbl input
fmov.x %fp0,FP_SRC(%a6)
lea FP_SRC(%a6),%a0
bsr.l tag # fetch operand type
mov.b %d0,STAG(%a6)
mov.b %d0,%d1
andi.l &0x00ff00ff,USER_FPSR(%a6)
clr.l %d0
mov.b FPCR_MODE(%a6),%d0 # pass rnd mode,prec
mov.b %d1,STAG(%a6)
tst.b %d1
bne.b _L6_2d
bsr.l satan # operand is a NORM
bra.b _L6_6d
cmpi.b %d1,&ZERO # is operand a ZERO?
bne.b _L6_3d # no
bsr.l src_zero # yes
bra.b _L6_6d
cmpi.b %d1,&INF # is operand an INF?
bne.b _L6_4d # no
bsr.l spi_2 # yes
bra.b _L6_6d
cmpi.b %d1,&QNAN # is operand a QNAN?
bne.b _L6_5d # no
bsr.l src_qnan # yes
bra.b _L6_6d
bsr.l satand # operand is a DENORM
# Result is now in FP0
movm.l EXC_DREGS(%a6),&0x0303 # restore d0-d1/a0-a1
fmovm.l USER_FPCR(%a6),%fpcr,%fpsr # restore ctrl regs
fmovm.x EXC_FP1(%a6),&0x40 # restore fp1
unlk %a6
global _fatanx_
link %a6,&-LOCAL_SIZE
movm.l &0x0303,EXC_DREGS(%a6) # save d0-d1/a0-a1
fmovm.l %fpcr,%fpsr,USER_FPCR(%a6) # save ctrl regs
fmovm.x &0xc0,EXC_FP0(%a6) # save fp0/fp1
fmov.l &0x0,%fpcr # zero FPCR
# copy, convert, and tag input argument
lea FP_SRC(%a6),%a0
mov.l 0x8+0x0(%a6),0x0(%a0) # load ext input
mov.l 0x8+0x4(%a6),0x4(%a0)
mov.l 0x8+0x8(%a6),0x8(%a0)
bsr.l tag # fetch operand type
mov.b %d0,STAG(%a6)
mov.b %d0,%d1
andi.l &0x00ff00ff,USER_FPSR(%a6)
clr.l %d0
mov.b FPCR_MODE(%a6),%d0 # pass rnd mode,prec
tst.b %d1
bne.b _L6_2x
bsr.l satan # operand is a NORM
bra.b _L6_6x
cmpi.b %d1,&ZERO # is operand a ZERO?
bne.b _L6_3x # no
bsr.l src_zero # yes
bra.b _L6_6x
cmpi.b %d1,&INF # is operand an INF?
bne.b _L6_4x # no
bsr.l spi_2 # yes
bra.b _L6_6x
cmpi.b %d1,&QNAN # is operand a QNAN?
bne.b _L6_5x # no
bsr.l src_qnan # yes
bra.b _L6_6x
bsr.l satand # operand is a DENORM
# Result is now in FP0
movm.l EXC_DREGS(%a6),&0x0303 # restore d0-d1/a0-a1
fmovm.l USER_FPCR(%a6),%fpcr,%fpsr # restore ctrl regs
fmovm.x EXC_FP1(%a6),&0x40 # restore fp1
unlk %a6
global _fasins_
link %a6,&-LOCAL_SIZE
movm.l &0x0303,EXC_DREGS(%a6) # save d0-d1/a0-a1
fmovm.l %fpcr,%fpsr,USER_FPCR(%a6) # save ctrl regs
fmovm.x &0xc0,EXC_FP0(%a6) # save fp0/fp1
fmov.l &0x0,%fpcr # zero FPCR
# copy, convert, and tag input argument
fmov.s 0x8(%a6),%fp0 # load sgl input
fmov.x %fp0,FP_SRC(%a6)
lea FP_SRC(%a6),%a0
bsr.l tag # fetch operand type
mov.b %d0,STAG(%a6)
mov.b %d0,%d1
andi.l &0x00ff00ff,USER_FPSR(%a6)
clr.l %d0
mov.b FPCR_MODE(%a6),%d0 # pass rnd mode,prec
tst.b %d1
bne.b _L7_2s
bsr.l sasin # operand is a NORM
bra.b _L7_6s
cmpi.b %d1,&ZERO # is operand a ZERO?
bne.b _L7_3s # no
bsr.l src_zero # yes
bra.b _L7_6s
cmpi.b %d1,&INF # is operand an INF?
bne.b _L7_4s # no
bsr.l t_operr # yes
bra.b _L7_6s
cmpi.b %d1,&QNAN # is operand a QNAN?
bne.b _L7_5s # no
bsr.l src_qnan # yes
bra.b _L7_6s
bsr.l sasind # operand is a DENORM
# Result is now in FP0
movm.l EXC_DREGS(%a6),&0x0303 # restore d0-d1/a0-a1
fmovm.l USER_FPCR(%a6),%fpcr,%fpsr # restore ctrl regs
fmovm.x EXC_FP1(%a6),&0x40 # restore fp1
unlk %a6
global _fasind_
link %a6,&-LOCAL_SIZE
movm.l &0x0303,EXC_DREGS(%a6) # save d0-d1/a0-a1
fmovm.l %fpcr,%fpsr,USER_FPCR(%a6) # save ctrl regs
fmovm.x &0xc0,EXC_FP0(%a6) # save fp0/fp1
fmov.l &0x0,%fpcr # zero FPCR
# copy, convert, and tag input argument
fmov.d 0x8(%a6),%fp0 # load dbl input
fmov.x %fp0,FP_SRC(%a6)
lea FP_SRC(%a6),%a0
bsr.l tag # fetch operand type
mov.b %d0,STAG(%a6)
mov.b %d0,%d1
andi.l &0x00ff00ff,USER_FPSR(%a6)
clr.l %d0
mov.b FPCR_MODE(%a6),%d0 # pass rnd mode,prec
mov.b %d1,STAG(%a6)
tst.b %d1
bne.b _L7_2d
bsr.l sasin # operand is a NORM
bra.b _L7_6d
cmpi.b %d1,&ZERO # is operand a ZERO?
bne.b _L7_3d # no
bsr.l src_zero # yes
bra.b _L7_6d
cmpi.b %d1,&INF # is operand an INF?
bne.b _L7_4d # no
bsr.l t_operr # yes
bra.b _L7_6d
cmpi.b %d1,&QNAN # is operand a QNAN?
bne.b _L7_5d # no
bsr.l src_qnan # yes
bra.b _L7_6d
bsr.l sasind # operand is a DENORM
# Result is now in FP0
movm.l EXC_DREGS(%a6),&0x0303 # restore d0-d1/a0-a1
fmovm.l USER_FPCR(%a6),%fpcr,%fpsr # restore ctrl regs
fmovm.x EXC_FP1(%a6),&0x40 # restore fp1
unlk %a6
global _fasinx_
link %a6,&-LOCAL_SIZE
movm.l &0x0303,EXC_DREGS(%a6) # save d0-d1/a0-a1
fmovm.l %fpcr,%fpsr,USER_FPCR(%a6) # save ctrl regs
fmovm.x &0xc0,EXC_FP0(%a6) # save fp0/fp1
fmov.l &0x0,%fpcr # zero FPCR
# copy, convert, and tag input argument
lea FP_SRC(%a6),%a0
mov.l 0x8+0x0(%a6),0x0(%a0) # load ext input
mov.l 0x8+0x4(%a6),0x4(%a0)
mov.l 0x8+0x8(%a6),0x8(%a0)
bsr.l tag # fetch operand type
mov.b %d0,STAG(%a6)
mov.b %d0,%d1
andi.l &0x00ff00ff,USER_FPSR(%a6)
clr.l %d0
mov.b FPCR_MODE(%a6),%d0 # pass rnd mode,prec
tst.b %d1
bne.b _L7_2x
bsr.l sasin # operand is a NORM
bra.b _L7_6x
cmpi.b %d1,&ZERO # is operand a ZERO?
bne.b _L7_3x # no
bsr.l src_zero # yes
bra.b _L7_6x
cmpi.b %d1,&INF # is operand an INF?
bne.b _L7_4x # no
bsr.l t_operr # yes
bra.b _L7_6x
cmpi.b %d1,&QNAN # is operand a QNAN?
bne.b _L7_5x # no
bsr.l src_qnan # yes
bra.b _L7_6x
bsr.l sasind # operand is a DENORM
# Result is now in FP0
movm.l EXC_DREGS(%a6),&0x0303 # restore d0-d1/a0-a1
fmovm.l USER_FPCR(%a6),%fpcr,%fpsr # restore ctrl regs
fmovm.x EXC_FP1(%a6),&0x40 # restore fp1
unlk %a6
global _fatanhs_
link %a6,&-LOCAL_SIZE
movm.l &0x0303,EXC_DREGS(%a6) # save d0-d1/a0-a1
fmovm.l %fpcr,%fpsr,USER_FPCR(%a6) # save ctrl regs
fmovm.x &0xc0,EXC_FP0(%a6) # save fp0/fp1
fmov.l &0x0,%fpcr # zero FPCR
# copy, convert, and tag input argument
fmov.s 0x8(%a6),%fp0 # load sgl input
fmov.x %fp0,FP_SRC(%a6)
lea FP_SRC(%a6),%a0
bsr.l tag # fetch operand type
mov.b %d0,STAG(%a6)
mov.b %d0,%d1
andi.l &0x00ff00ff,USER_FPSR(%a6)
clr.l %d0
mov.b FPCR_MODE(%a6),%d0 # pass rnd mode,prec
tst.b %d1
bne.b _L8_2s
bsr.l satanh # operand is a NORM
bra.b _L8_6s
cmpi.b %d1,&ZERO # is operand a ZERO?
bne.b _L8_3s # no
bsr.l src_zero # yes
bra.b _L8_6s
cmpi.b %d1,&INF # is operand an INF?
bne.b _L8_4s # no
bsr.l t_operr # yes
bra.b _L8_6s
cmpi.b %d1,&QNAN # is operand a QNAN?
bne.b _L8_5s # no
bsr.l src_qnan # yes
bra.b _L8_6s
bsr.l satanhd # operand is a DENORM
# Result is now in FP0
movm.l EXC_DREGS(%a6),&0x0303 # restore d0-d1/a0-a1
fmovm.l USER_FPCR(%a6),%fpcr,%fpsr # restore ctrl regs
fmovm.x EXC_FP1(%a6),&0x40 # restore fp1
unlk %a6
global _fatanhd_
link %a6,&-LOCAL_SIZE
movm.l &0x0303,EXC_DREGS(%a6) # save d0-d1/a0-a1
fmovm.l %fpcr,%fpsr,USER_FPCR(%a6) # save ctrl regs
fmovm.x &0xc0,EXC_FP0(%a6) # save fp0/fp1
fmov.l &0x0,%fpcr # zero FPCR
# copy, convert, and tag input argument
fmov.d 0x8(%a6),%fp0 # load dbl input
fmov.x %fp0,FP_SRC(%a6)
lea FP_SRC(%a6),%a0
bsr.l tag # fetch operand type
mov.b %d0,STAG(%a6)
mov.b %d0,%d1
andi.l &0x00ff00ff,USER_FPSR(%a6)
clr.l %d0
mov.b FPCR_MODE(%a6),%d0 # pass rnd mode,prec
mov.b %d1,STAG(%a6)
tst.b %d1
bne.b _L8_2d
bsr.l satanh # operand is a NORM
bra.b _L8_6d
cmpi.b %d1,&ZERO # is operand a ZERO?
bne.b _L8_3d # no
bsr.l src_zero # yes
bra.b _L8_6d
cmpi.b %d1,&INF # is operand an INF?
bne.b _L8_4d # no
bsr.l t_operr # yes
bra.b _L8_6d
cmpi.b %d1,&QNAN # is operand a QNAN?
bne.b _L8_5d # no
bsr.l src_qnan # yes
bra.b _L8_6d
bsr.l satanhd # operand is a DENORM
# Result is now in FP0
movm.l EXC_DREGS(%a6),&0x0303 # restore d0-d1/a0-a1
fmovm.l USER_FPCR(%a6),%fpcr,%fpsr # restore ctrl regs
fmovm.x EXC_FP1(%a6),&0x40 # restore fp1
unlk %a6
global _fatanhx_
link %a6,&-LOCAL_SIZE
movm.l &0x0303,EXC_DREGS(%a6) # save d0-d1/a0-a1
fmovm.l %fpcr,%fpsr,USER_FPCR(%a6) # save ctrl regs
fmovm.x &0xc0,EXC_FP0(%a6) # save fp0/fp1
fmov.l &0x0,%fpcr # zero FPCR
# copy, convert, and tag input argument
lea FP_SRC(%a6),%a0
mov.l 0x8+0x0(%a6),0x0(%a0) # load ext input
mov.l 0x8+0x4(%a6),0x4(%a0)
mov.l 0x8+0x8(%a6),0x8(%a0)
bsr.l tag # fetch operand type
mov.b %d0,STAG(%a6)
mov.b %d0,%d1
andi.l &0x00ff00ff,USER_FPSR(%a6)
clr.l %d0
mov.b FPCR_MODE(%a6),%d0 # pass rnd mode,prec
tst.b %d1
bne.b _L8_2x
bsr.l satanh # operand is a NORM
bra.b _L8_6x
cmpi.b %d1,&ZERO # is operand a ZERO?
bne.b _L8_3x # no
bsr.l src_zero # yes
bra.b _L8_6x
cmpi.b %d1,&INF # is operand an INF?
bne.b _L8_4x # no
bsr.l t_operr # yes
bra.b _L8_6x
cmpi.b %d1,&QNAN # is operand a QNAN?
bne.b _L8_5x # no
bsr.l src_qnan # yes
bra.b _L8_6x
bsr.l satanhd # operand is a DENORM
# Result is now in FP0
movm.l EXC_DREGS(%a6),&0x0303 # restore d0-d1/a0-a1
fmovm.l USER_FPCR(%a6),%fpcr,%fpsr # restore ctrl regs
fmovm.x EXC_FP1(%a6),&0x40 # restore fp1
unlk %a6
global _ftans_
link %a6,&-LOCAL_SIZE
movm.l &0x0303,EXC_DREGS(%a6) # save d0-d1/a0-a1
fmovm.l %fpcr,%fpsr,USER_FPCR(%a6) # save ctrl regs
fmovm.x &0xc0,EXC_FP0(%a6) # save fp0/fp1
fmov.l &0x0,%fpcr # zero FPCR
# copy, convert, and tag input argument
fmov.s 0x8(%a6),%fp0 # load sgl input
fmov.x %fp0,FP_SRC(%a6)
lea FP_SRC(%a6),%a0
bsr.l tag # fetch operand type
mov.b %d0,STAG(%a6)
mov.b %d0,%d1
andi.l &0x00ff00ff,USER_FPSR(%a6)
clr.l %d0
mov.b FPCR_MODE(%a6),%d0 # pass rnd mode,prec
tst.b %d1
bne.b _L9_2s
bsr.l stan # operand is a NORM
bra.b _L9_6s
cmpi.b %d1,&ZERO # is operand a ZERO?
bne.b _L9_3s # no
bsr.l src_zero # yes
bra.b _L9_6s
cmpi.b %d1,&INF # is operand an INF?
bne.b _L9_4s # no
bsr.l t_operr # yes
bra.b _L9_6s
cmpi.b %d1,&QNAN # is operand a QNAN?
bne.b _L9_5s # no
bsr.l src_qnan # yes
bra.b _L9_6s
bsr.l stand # operand is a DENORM
# Result is now in FP0
movm.l EXC_DREGS(%a6),&0x0303 # restore d0-d1/a0-a1
fmovm.l USER_FPCR(%a6),%fpcr,%fpsr # restore ctrl regs
fmovm.x EXC_FP1(%a6),&0x40 # restore fp1
unlk %a6
global _ftand_
link %a6,&-LOCAL_SIZE
movm.l &0x0303,EXC_DREGS(%a6) # save d0-d1/a0-a1
fmovm.l %fpcr,%fpsr,USER_FPCR(%a6) # save ctrl regs
fmovm.x &0xc0,EXC_FP0(%a6) # save fp0/fp1
fmov.l &0x0,%fpcr # zero FPCR
# copy, convert, and tag input argument
fmov.d 0x8(%a6),%fp0 # load dbl input
fmov.x %fp0,FP_SRC(%a6)
lea FP_SRC(%a6),%a0
bsr.l tag # fetch operand type
mov.b %d0,STAG(%a6)
mov.b %d0,%d1
andi.l &0x00ff00ff,USER_FPSR(%a6)
clr.l %d0
mov.b FPCR_MODE(%a6),%d0 # pass rnd mode,prec
mov.b %d1,STAG(%a6)
tst.b %d1
bne.b _L9_2d
bsr.l stan # operand is a NORM
bra.b _L9_6d
cmpi.b %d1,&ZERO # is operand a ZERO?
bne.b _L9_3d # no
bsr.l src_zero # yes
bra.b _L9_6d
cmpi.b %d1,&INF # is operand an INF?
bne.b _L9_4d # no
bsr.l t_operr # yes
bra.b _L9_6d
cmpi.b %d1,&QNAN # is operand a QNAN?
bne.b _L9_5d # no
bsr.l src_qnan # yes
bra.b _L9_6d
bsr.l stand # operand is a DENORM
# Result is now in FP0
movm.l EXC_DREGS(%a6),&0x0303 # restore d0-d1/a0-a1
fmovm.l USER_FPCR(%a6),%fpcr,%fpsr # restore ctrl regs
fmovm.x EXC_FP1(%a6),&0x40 # restore fp1
unlk %a6
global _ftanx_
link %a6,&-LOCAL_SIZE
movm.l &0x0303,EXC_DREGS(%a6) # save d0-d1/a0-a1
fmovm.l %fpcr,%fpsr,USER_FPCR(%a6) # save ctrl regs
fmovm.x &0xc0,EXC_FP0(%a6) # save fp0/fp1
fmov.l &0x0,%fpcr # zero FPCR
# copy, convert, and tag input argument
lea FP_SRC(%a6),%a0
mov.l 0x8+0x0(%a6),0x0(%a0) # load ext input
mov.l 0x8+0x4(%a6),0x4(%a0)
mov.l 0x8+0x8(%a6),0x8(%a0)
bsr.l tag # fetch operand type
mov.b %d0,STAG(%a6)
mov.b %d0,%d1
andi.l &0x00ff00ff,USER_FPSR(%a6)
clr.l %d0
mov.b FPCR_MODE(%a6),%d0 # pass rnd mode,prec
tst.b %d1
bne.b _L9_2x
bsr.l stan # operand is a NORM
bra.b _L9_6x
cmpi.b %d1,&ZERO # is operand a ZERO?
bne.b _L9_3x # no
bsr.l src_zero # yes
bra.b _L9_6x
cmpi.b %d1,&INF # is operand an INF?
bne.b _L9_4x # no
bsr.l t_operr # yes
bra.b _L9_6x
cmpi.b %d1,&QNAN # is operand a QNAN?
bne.b _L9_5x # no
bsr.l src_qnan # yes
bra.b _L9_6x
bsr.l stand # operand is a DENORM
# Result is now in FP0
movm.l EXC_DREGS(%a6),&0x0303 # restore d0-d1/a0-a1
fmovm.l USER_FPCR(%a6),%fpcr,%fpsr # restore ctrl regs
fmovm.x EXC_FP1(%a6),&0x40 # restore fp1
unlk %a6
global _fetoxs_
link %a6,&-LOCAL_SIZE
movm.l &0x0303,EXC_DREGS(%a6) # save d0-d1/a0-a1
fmovm.l %fpcr,%fpsr,USER_FPCR(%a6) # save ctrl regs
fmovm.x &0xc0,EXC_FP0(%a6) # save fp0/fp1
fmov.l &0x0,%fpcr # zero FPCR
# copy, convert, and tag input argument
fmov.s 0x8(%a6),%fp0 # load sgl input
fmov.x %fp0,FP_SRC(%a6)
lea FP_SRC(%a6),%a0
bsr.l tag # fetch operand type
mov.b %d0,STAG(%a6)
mov.b %d0,%d1
andi.l &0x00ff00ff,USER_FPSR(%a6)
clr.l %d0
mov.b FPCR_MODE(%a6),%d0 # pass rnd mode,prec
tst.b %d1
bne.b _L10_2s
bsr.l setox # operand is a NORM
bra.b _L10_6s
cmpi.b %d1,&ZERO # is operand a ZERO?
bne.b _L10_3s # no
bsr.l ld_pone # yes
bra.b _L10_6s
cmpi.b %d1,&INF # is operand an INF?
bne.b _L10_4s # no
bsr.l szr_inf # yes
bra.b _L10_6s
cmpi.b %d1,&QNAN # is operand a QNAN?
bne.b _L10_5s # no
bsr.l src_qnan # yes
bra.b _L10_6s
bsr.l setoxd # operand is a DENORM
# Result is now in FP0
movm.l EXC_DREGS(%a6),&0x0303 # restore d0-d1/a0-a1
fmovm.l USER_FPCR(%a6),%fpcr,%fpsr # restore ctrl regs
fmovm.x EXC_FP1(%a6),&0x40 # restore fp1
unlk %a6
global _fetoxd_
link %a6,&-LOCAL_SIZE
movm.l &0x0303,EXC_DREGS(%a6) # save d0-d1/a0-a1
fmovm.l %fpcr,%fpsr,USER_FPCR(%a6) # save ctrl regs
fmovm.x &0xc0,EXC_FP0(%a6) # save fp0/fp1
fmov.l &0x0,%fpcr # zero FPCR
# copy, convert, and tag input argument
fmov.d 0x8(%a6),%fp0 # load dbl input
fmov.x %fp0,FP_SRC(%a6)
lea FP_SRC(%a6),%a0
bsr.l tag # fetch operand type
mov.b %d0,STAG(%a6)
mov.b %d0,%d1
andi.l &0x00ff00ff,USER_FPSR(%a6)
clr.l %d0
mov.b FPCR_MODE(%a6),%d0 # pass rnd mode,prec
mov.b %d1,STAG(%a6)
tst.b %d1
bne.b _L10_2d
bsr.l setox # operand is a NORM
bra.b _L10_6d
cmpi.b %d1,&ZERO # is operand a ZERO?
bne.b _L10_3d # no
bsr.l ld_pone # yes
bra.b _L10_6d
cmpi.b %d1,&INF # is operand an INF?
bne.b _L10_4d # no
bsr.l szr_inf # yes
bra.b _L10_6d
cmpi.b %d1,&QNAN # is operand a QNAN?
bne.b _L10_5d # no
bsr.l src_qnan # yes
bra.b _L10_6d
bsr.l setoxd # operand is a DENORM
# Result is now in FP0
movm.l EXC_DREGS(%a6),&0x0303 # restore d0-d1/a0-a1
fmovm.l USER_FPCR(%a6),%fpcr,%fpsr # restore ctrl regs
fmovm.x EXC_FP1(%a6),&0x40 # restore fp1
unlk %a6
global _fetoxx_
link %a6,&-LOCAL_SIZE
movm.l &0x0303,EXC_DREGS(%a6) # save d0-d1/a0-a1
fmovm.l %fpcr,%fpsr,USER_FPCR(%a6) # save ctrl regs
fmovm.x &0xc0,EXC_FP0(%a6) # save fp0/fp1
fmov.l &0x0,%fpcr # zero FPCR
# copy, convert, and tag input argument
lea FP_SRC(%a6),%a0
mov.l 0x8+0x0(%a6),0x0(%a0) # load ext input
mov.l 0x8+0x4(%a6),0x4(%a0)
mov.l 0x8+0x8(%a6),0x8(%a0)
bsr.l tag # fetch operand type
mov.b %d0,STAG(%a6)
mov.b %d0,%d1
andi.l &0x00ff00ff,USER_FPSR(%a6)
clr.l %d0
mov.b FPCR_MODE(%a6),%d0 # pass rnd mode,prec
tst.b %d1
bne.b _L10_2x
bsr.l setox # operand is a NORM
bra.b _L10_6x
cmpi.b %d1,&ZERO # is operand a ZERO?
bne.b _L10_3x # no
bsr.l ld_pone # yes
bra.b _L10_6x
cmpi.b %d1,&INF # is operand an INF?
bne.b _L10_4x # no
bsr.l szr_inf # yes
bra.b _L10_6x
cmpi.b %d1,&QNAN # is operand a QNAN?
bne.b _L10_5x # no
bsr.l src_qnan # yes
bra.b _L10_6x
bsr.l setoxd # operand is a DENORM
# Result is now in FP0
movm.l EXC_DREGS(%a6),&0x0303 # restore d0-d1/a0-a1
fmovm.l USER_FPCR(%a6),%fpcr,%fpsr # restore ctrl regs
fmovm.x EXC_FP1(%a6),&0x40 # restore fp1
unlk %a6
global _ftwotoxs_
link %a6,&-LOCAL_SIZE
movm.l &0x0303,EXC_DREGS(%a6) # save d0-d1/a0-a1
fmovm.l %fpcr,%fpsr,USER_FPCR(%a6) # save ctrl regs
fmovm.x &0xc0,EXC_FP0(%a6) # save fp0/fp1
fmov.l &0x0,%fpcr # zero FPCR
# copy, convert, and tag input argument
fmov.s 0x8(%a6),%fp0 # load sgl input
fmov.x %fp0,FP_SRC(%a6)
lea FP_SRC(%a6),%a0
bsr.l tag # fetch operand type
mov.b %d0,STAG(%a6)
mov.b %d0,%d1
andi.l &0x00ff00ff,USER_FPSR(%a6)
clr.l %d0
mov.b FPCR_MODE(%a6),%d0 # pass rnd mode,prec
tst.b %d1
bne.b _L11_2s
bsr.l stwotox # operand is a NORM
bra.b _L11_6s
cmpi.b %d1,&ZERO # is operand a ZERO?
bne.b _L11_3s # no
bsr.l ld_pone # yes
bra.b _L11_6s
cmpi.b %d1,&INF # is operand an INF?
bne.b _L11_4s # no
bsr.l szr_inf # yes
bra.b _L11_6s
cmpi.b %d1,&QNAN # is operand a QNAN?
bne.b _L11_5s # no
bsr.l src_qnan # yes
bra.b _L11_6s
bsr.l stwotoxd # operand is a DENORM
# Result is now in FP0
movm.l EXC_DREGS(%a6),&0x0303 # restore d0-d1/a0-a1
fmovm.l USER_FPCR(%a6),%fpcr,%fpsr # restore ctrl regs
fmovm.x EXC_FP1(%a6),&0x40 # restore fp1
unlk %a6
global _ftwotoxd_
link %a6,&-LOCAL_SIZE
movm.l &0x0303,EXC_DREGS(%a6) # save d0-d1/a0-a1
fmovm.l %fpcr,%fpsr,USER_FPCR(%a6) # save ctrl regs
fmovm.x &0xc0,EXC_FP0(%a6) # save fp0/fp1
fmov.l &0x0,%fpcr # zero FPCR
# copy, convert, and tag input argument
fmov.d 0x8(%a6),%fp0 # load dbl input
fmov.x %fp0,FP_SRC(%a6)
lea FP_SRC(%a6),%a0
bsr.l tag # fetch operand type
mov.b %d0,STAG(%a6)
mov.b %d0,%d1
andi.l &0x00ff00ff,USER_FPSR(%a6)
clr.l %d0
mov.b FPCR_MODE(%a6),%d0 # pass rnd mode,prec
mov.b %d1,STAG(%a6)
tst.b %d1
bne.b _L11_2d
bsr.l stwotox # operand is a NORM
bra.b _L11_6d
cmpi.b %d1,&ZERO # is operand a ZERO?
bne.b _L11_3d # no
bsr.l ld_pone # yes
bra.b _L11_6d
cmpi.b %d1,&INF # is operand an INF?
bne.b _L11_4d # no
bsr.l szr_inf # yes
bra.b _L11_6d
cmpi.b %d1,&QNAN # is operand a QNAN?
bne.b _L11_5d # no
bsr.l src_qnan # yes
bra.b _L11_6d
bsr.l stwotoxd # operand is a DENORM
# Result is now in FP0
movm.l EXC_DREGS(%a6),&0x0303 # restore d0-d1/a0-a1
fmovm.l USER_FPCR(%a6),%fpcr,%fpsr # restore ctrl regs
fmovm.x EXC_FP1(%a6),&0x40 # restore fp1
unlk %a6
global _ftwotoxx_
link %a6,&-LOCAL_SIZE
movm.l &0x0303,EXC_DREGS(%a6) # save d0-d1/a0-a1
fmovm.l %fpcr,%fpsr,USER_FPCR(%a6) # save ctrl regs
fmovm.x &0xc0,EXC_FP0(%a6) # save fp0/fp1
fmov.l &0x0,%fpcr # zero FPCR
# copy, convert, and tag input argument
lea FP_SRC(%a6),%a0
mov.l 0x8+0x0(%a6),0x0(%a0) # load ext input
mov.l 0x8+0x4(%a6),0x4(%a0)
mov.l 0x8+0x8(%a6),0x8(%a0)
bsr.l tag # fetch operand type
mov.b %d0,STAG(%a6)
mov.b %d0,%d1
andi.l &0x00ff00ff,USER_FPSR(%a6)
clr.l %d0
mov.b FPCR_MODE(%a6),%d0 # pass rnd mode,prec
tst.b %d1
bne.b _L11_2x
bsr.l stwotox # operand is a NORM
bra.b _L11_6x
cmpi.b %d1,&ZERO # is operand a ZERO?
bne.b _L11_3x # no
bsr.l ld_pone # yes
bra.b _L11_6x
cmpi.b %d1,&INF # is operand an INF?
bne.b _L11_4x # no
bsr.l szr_inf # yes
bra.b _L11_6x
cmpi.b %d1,&QNAN # is operand a QNAN?
bne.b _L11_5x # no
bsr.l src_qnan # yes
bra.b _L11_6x
bsr.l stwotoxd # operand is a DENORM
# Result is now in FP0
movm.l EXC_DREGS(%a6),&0x0303 # restore d0-d1/a0-a1
fmovm.l USER_FPCR(%a6),%fpcr,%fpsr # restore ctrl regs
fmovm.x EXC_FP1(%a6),&0x40 # restore fp1
unlk %a6
global _ftentoxs_
link %a6,&-LOCAL_SIZE
movm.l &0x0303,EXC_DREGS(%a6) # save d0-d1/a0-a1
fmovm.l %fpcr,%fpsr,USER_FPCR(%a6) # save ctrl regs
fmovm.x &0xc0,EXC_FP0(%a6) # save fp0/fp1
fmov.l &0x0,%fpcr # zero FPCR
# copy, convert, and tag input argument
fmov.s 0x8(%a6),%fp0 # load sgl input
fmov.x %fp0,FP_SRC(%a6)
lea FP_SRC(%a6),%a0
bsr.l tag # fetch operand type
mov.b %d0,STAG(%a6)
mov.b %d0,%d1
andi.l &0x00ff00ff,USER_FPSR(%a6)
clr.l %d0
mov.b FPCR_MODE(%a6),%d0 # pass rnd mode,prec
tst.b %d1
bne.b _L12_2s
bsr.l stentox # operand is a NORM
bra.b _L12_6s
cmpi.b %d1,&ZERO # is operand a ZERO?
bne.b _L12_3s # no
bsr.l ld_pone # yes
bra.b _L12_6s
cmpi.b %d1,&INF # is operand an INF?
bne.b _L12_4s # no
bsr.l szr_inf # yes
bra.b _L12_6s
cmpi.b %d1,&QNAN # is operand a QNAN?
bne.b _L12_5s # no
bsr.l src_qnan # yes
bra.b _L12_6s
bsr.l stentoxd # operand is a DENORM
# Result is now in FP0
movm.l EXC_DREGS(%a6),&0x0303 # restore d0-d1/a0-a1
fmovm.l USER_FPCR(%a6),%fpcr,%fpsr # restore ctrl regs
fmovm.x EXC_FP1(%a6),&0x40 # restore fp1
unlk %a6
global _ftentoxd_
link %a6,&-LOCAL_SIZE
movm.l &0x0303,EXC_DREGS(%a6) # save d0-d1/a0-a1
fmovm.l %fpcr,%fpsr,USER_FPCR(%a6) # save ctrl regs
fmovm.x &0xc0,EXC_FP0(%a6) # save fp0/fp1
fmov.l &0x0,%fpcr # zero FPCR
# copy, convert, and tag input argument
fmov.d 0x8(%a6),%fp0 # load dbl input
fmov.x %fp0,FP_SRC(%a6)
lea FP_SRC(%a6),%a0
bsr.l tag # fetch operand type
mov.b %d0,STAG(%a6)
mov.b %d0,%d1
andi.l &0x00ff00ff,USER_FPSR(%a6)
clr.l %d0
mov.b FPCR_MODE(%a6),%d0 # pass rnd mode,prec
mov.b %d1,STAG(%a6)
tst.b %d1
bne.b _L12_2d
bsr.l stentox # operand is a NORM
bra.b _L12_6d
cmpi.b %d1,&ZERO # is operand a ZERO?
bne.b _L12_3d # no
bsr.l ld_pone # yes
bra.b _L12_6d
cmpi.b %d1,&INF # is operand an INF?
bne.b _L12_4d # no
bsr.l szr_inf # yes
bra.b _L12_6d
cmpi.b %d1,&QNAN # is operand a QNAN?
bne.b _L12_5d # no
bsr.l src_qnan # yes
bra.b _L12_6d
bsr.l stentoxd # operand is a DENORM
# Result is now in FP0
movm.l EXC_DREGS(%a6),&0x0303 # restore d0-d1/a0-a1
fmovm.l USER_FPCR(%a6),%fpcr,%fpsr # restore ctrl regs
fmovm.x EXC_FP1(%a6),&0x40 # restore fp1
unlk %a6
global _ftentoxx_
link %a6,&-LOCAL_SIZE
movm.l &0x0303,EXC_DREGS(%a6) # save d0-d1/a0-a1
fmovm.l %fpcr,%fpsr,USER_FPCR(%a6) # save ctrl regs
fmovm.x &0xc0,EXC_FP0(%a6) # save fp0/fp1
fmov.l &0x0,%fpcr # zero FPCR
# copy, convert, and tag input argument
lea FP_SRC(%a6),%a0
mov.l 0x8+0x0(%a6),0x0(%a0) # load ext input
mov.l 0x8+0x4(%a6),0x4(%a0)
mov.l 0x8+0x8(%a6),0x8(%a0)
bsr.l tag # fetch operand type
mov.b %d0,STAG(%a6)
mov.b %d0,%d1
andi.l &0x00ff00ff,USER_FPSR(%a6)
clr.l %d0
mov.b FPCR_MODE(%a6),%d0 # pass rnd mode,prec
tst.b %d1
bne.b _L12_2x
bsr.l stentox # operand is a NORM
bra.b _L12_6x
cmpi.b %d1,&ZERO # is operand a ZERO?
bne.b _L12_3x # no
bsr.l ld_pone # yes
bra.b _L12_6x
cmpi.b %d1,&INF # is operand an INF?
bne.b _L12_4x # no
bsr.l szr_inf # yes
bra.b _L12_6x
cmpi.b %d1,&QNAN # is operand a QNAN?
bne.b _L12_5x # no
bsr.l src_qnan # yes
bra.b _L12_6x
bsr.l stentoxd # operand is a DENORM
# Result is now in FP0
movm.l EXC_DREGS(%a6),&0x0303 # restore d0-d1/a0-a1
fmovm.l USER_FPCR(%a6),%fpcr,%fpsr # restore ctrl regs
fmovm.x EXC_FP1(%a6),&0x40 # restore fp1
unlk %a6
global _flogns_
link %a6,&-LOCAL_SIZE
movm.l &0x0303,EXC_DREGS(%a6) # save d0-d1/a0-a1
fmovm.l %fpcr,%fpsr,USER_FPCR(%a6) # save ctrl regs
fmovm.x &0xc0,EXC_FP0(%a6) # save fp0/fp1
fmov.l &0x0,%fpcr # zero FPCR
# copy, convert, and tag input argument
fmov.s 0x8(%a6),%fp0 # load sgl input
fmov.x %fp0,FP_SRC(%a6)
lea FP_SRC(%a6),%a0
bsr.l tag # fetch operand type
mov.b %d0,STAG(%a6)
mov.b %d0,%d1
andi.l &0x00ff00ff,USER_FPSR(%a6)
clr.l %d0
mov.b FPCR_MODE(%a6),%d0 # pass rnd mode,prec
tst.b %d1
bne.b _L13_2s
bsr.l slogn # operand is a NORM
bra.b _L13_6s
cmpi.b %d1,&ZERO # is operand a ZERO?
bne.b _L13_3s # no
bsr.l t_dz2 # yes
bra.b _L13_6s
cmpi.b %d1,&INF # is operand an INF?
bne.b _L13_4s # no
bsr.l sopr_inf # yes
bra.b _L13_6s
cmpi.b %d1,&QNAN # is operand a QNAN?
bne.b _L13_5s # no
bsr.l src_qnan # yes
bra.b _L13_6s
bsr.l slognd # operand is a DENORM
# Result is now in FP0
movm.l EXC_DREGS(%a6),&0x0303 # restore d0-d1/a0-a1
fmovm.l USER_FPCR(%a6),%fpcr,%fpsr # restore ctrl regs
fmovm.x EXC_FP1(%a6),&0x40 # restore fp1
unlk %a6
global _flognd_
link %a6,&-LOCAL_SIZE
movm.l &0x0303,EXC_DREGS(%a6) # save d0-d1/a0-a1
fmovm.l %fpcr,%fpsr,USER_FPCR(%a6) # save ctrl regs
fmovm.x &0xc0,EXC_FP0(%a6) # save fp0/fp1
fmov.l &0x0,%fpcr # zero FPCR
# copy, convert, and tag input argument
fmov.d 0x8(%a6),%fp0 # load dbl input
fmov.x %fp0,FP_SRC(%a6)
lea FP_SRC(%a6),%a0
bsr.l tag # fetch operand type
mov.b %d0,STAG(%a6)
mov.b %d0,%d1
andi.l &0x00ff00ff,USER_FPSR(%a6)
clr.l %d0
mov.b FPCR_MODE(%a6),%d0 # pass rnd mode,prec
mov.b %d1,STAG(%a6)
tst.b %d1
bne.b _L13_2d
bsr.l slogn # operand is a NORM
bra.b _L13_6d
cmpi.b %d1,&ZERO # is operand a ZERO?
bne.b _L13_3d # no
bsr.l t_dz2 # yes
bra.b _L13_6d
cmpi.b %d1,&INF # is operand an INF?
bne.b _L13_4d # no
bsr.l sopr_inf # yes
bra.b _L13_6d
cmpi.b %d1,&QNAN # is operand a QNAN?
bne.b _L13_5d # no
bsr.l src_qnan # yes
bra.b _L13_6d
bsr.l slognd # operand is a DENORM
# Result is now in FP0
movm.l EXC_DREGS(%a6),&0x0303 # restore d0-d1/a0-a1
fmovm.l USER_FPCR(%a6),%fpcr,%fpsr # restore ctrl regs
fmovm.x EXC_FP1(%a6),&0x40 # restore fp1
unlk %a6
global _flognx_
link %a6,&-LOCAL_SIZE
movm.l &0x0303,EXC_DREGS(%a6) # save d0-d1/a0-a1
fmovm.l %fpcr,%fpsr,USER_FPCR(%a6) # save ctrl regs
fmovm.x &0xc0,EXC_FP0(%a6) # save fp0/fp1
fmov.l &0x0,%fpcr # zero FPCR
# copy, convert, and tag input argument
lea FP_SRC(%a6),%a0
mov.l 0x8+0x0(%a6),0x0(%a0) # load ext input
mov.l 0x8+0x4(%a6),0x4(%a0)
mov.l 0x8+0x8(%a6),0x8(%a0)
bsr.l tag # fetch operand type
mov.b %d0,STAG(%a6)
mov.b %d0,%d1
andi.l &0x00ff00ff,USER_FPSR(%a6)
clr.l %d0
mov.b FPCR_MODE(%a6),%d0 # pass rnd mode,prec
tst.b %d1
bne.b _L13_2x
bsr.l slogn # operand is a NORM
bra.b _L13_6x
cmpi.b %d1,&ZERO # is operand a ZERO?
bne.b _L13_3x # no
bsr.l t_dz2 # yes
bra.b _L13_6x
cmpi.b %d1,&INF # is operand an INF?
bne.b _L13_4x # no
bsr.l sopr_inf # yes
bra.b _L13_6x
cmpi.b %d1,&QNAN # is operand a QNAN?
bne.b _L13_5x # no
bsr.l src_qnan # yes
bra.b _L13_6x
bsr.l slognd # operand is a DENORM
# Result is now in FP0
movm.l EXC_DREGS(%a6),&0x0303 # restore d0-d1/a0-a1
fmovm.l USER_FPCR(%a6),%fpcr,%fpsr # restore ctrl regs
fmovm.x EXC_FP1(%a6),&0x40 # restore fp1
unlk %a6
global _flog10s_
link %a6,&-LOCAL_SIZE
movm.l &0x0303,EXC_DREGS(%a6) # save d0-d1/a0-a1
fmovm.l %fpcr,%fpsr,USER_FPCR(%a6) # save ctrl regs
fmovm.x &0xc0,EXC_FP0(%a6) # save fp0/fp1
fmov.l &0x0,%fpcr # zero FPCR
# copy, convert, and tag input argument
fmov.s 0x8(%a6),%fp0 # load sgl input
fmov.x %fp0,FP_SRC(%a6)
lea FP_SRC(%a6),%a0
bsr.l tag # fetch operand type
mov.b %d0,STAG(%a6)
mov.b %d0,%d1
andi.l &0x00ff00ff,USER_FPSR(%a6)
clr.l %d0
mov.b FPCR_MODE(%a6),%d0 # pass rnd mode,prec
tst.b %d1
bne.b _L14_2s
bsr.l slog10 # operand is a NORM
bra.b _L14_6s
cmpi.b %d1,&ZERO # is operand a ZERO?
bne.b _L14_3s # no
bsr.l t_dz2 # yes
bra.b _L14_6s
cmpi.b %d1,&INF # is operand an INF?
bne.b _L14_4s # no
bsr.l sopr_inf # yes
bra.b _L14_6s
cmpi.b %d1,&QNAN # is operand a QNAN?
bne.b _L14_5s # no
bsr.l src_qnan # yes
bra.b _L14_6s
bsr.l slog10d # operand is a DENORM
# Result is now in FP0
movm.l EXC_DREGS(%a6),&0x0303 # restore d0-d1/a0-a1
fmovm.l USER_FPCR(%a6),%fpcr,%fpsr # restore ctrl regs
fmovm.x EXC_FP1(%a6),&0x40 # restore fp1
unlk %a6
global _flog10d_
link %a6,&-LOCAL_SIZE
movm.l &0x0303,EXC_DREGS(%a6) # save d0-d1/a0-a1
fmovm.l %fpcr,%fpsr,USER_FPCR(%a6) # save ctrl regs
fmovm.x &0xc0,EXC_FP0(%a6) # save fp0/fp1
fmov.l &0x0,%fpcr # zero FPCR
# copy, convert, and tag input argument
fmov.d 0x8(%a6),%fp0 # load dbl input
fmov.x %fp0,FP_SRC(%a6)
lea FP_SRC(%a6),%a0
bsr.l tag # fetch operand type
mov.b %d0,STAG(%a6)
mov.b %d0,%d1
andi.l &0x00ff00ff,USER_FPSR(%a6)
clr.l %d0
mov.b FPCR_MODE(%a6),%d0 # pass rnd mode,prec
mov.b %d1,STAG(%a6)
tst.b %d1
bne.b _L14_2d
bsr.l slog10 # operand is a NORM
bra.b _L14_6d
cmpi.b %d1,&ZERO # is operand a ZERO?
bne.b _L14_3d # no
bsr.l t_dz2 # yes
bra.b _L14_6d
cmpi.b %d1,&INF # is operand an INF?
bne.b _L14_4d # no
bsr.l sopr_inf # yes
bra.b _L14_6d
cmpi.b %d1,&QNAN # is operand a QNAN?
bne.b _L14_5d # no
bsr.l src_qnan # yes
bra.b _L14_6d
bsr.l slog10d # operand is a DENORM
# Result is now in FP0
movm.l EXC_DREGS(%a6),&0x0303 # restore d0-d1/a0-a1
fmovm.l USER_FPCR(%a6),%fpcr,%fpsr # restore ctrl regs
fmovm.x EXC_FP1(%a6),&0x40 # restore fp1
unlk %a6
global _flog10x_
link %a6,&-LOCAL_SIZE
movm.l &0x0303,EXC_DREGS(%a6) # save d0-d1/a0-a1
fmovm.l %fpcr,%fpsr,USER_FPCR(%a6) # save ctrl regs
fmovm.x &0xc0,EXC_FP0(%a6) # save fp0/fp1
fmov.l &0x0,%fpcr # zero FPCR
# copy, convert, and tag input argument
lea FP_SRC(%a6),%a0
mov.l 0x8+0x0(%a6),0x0(%a0) # load ext input
mov.l 0x8+0x4(%a6),0x4(%a0)
mov.l 0x8+0x8(%a6),0x8(%a0)
bsr.l tag # fetch operand type
mov.b %d0,STAG(%a6)
mov.b %d0,%d1
andi.l &0x00ff00ff,USER_FPSR(%a6)
clr.l %d0
mov.b FPCR_MODE(%a6),%d0 # pass rnd mode,prec
tst.b %d1
bne.b _L14_2x
bsr.l slog10 # operand is a NORM
bra.b _L14_6x
cmpi.b %d1,&ZERO # is operand a ZERO?
bne.b _L14_3x # no
bsr.l t_dz2 # yes
bra.b _L14_6x
cmpi.b %d1,&INF # is operand an INF?
bne.b _L14_4x # no
bsr.l sopr_inf # yes
bra.b _L14_6x
cmpi.b %d1,&QNAN # is operand a QNAN?
bne.b _L14_5x # no
bsr.l src_qnan # yes
bra.b _L14_6x
bsr.l slog10d # operand is a DENORM
# Result is now in FP0
movm.l EXC_DREGS(%a6),&0x0303 # restore d0-d1/a0-a1
fmovm.l USER_FPCR(%a6),%fpcr,%fpsr # restore ctrl regs
fmovm.x EXC_FP1(%a6),&0x40 # restore fp1
unlk %a6
global _flog2s_
link %a6,&-LOCAL_SIZE
movm.l &0x0303,EXC_DREGS(%a6) # save d0-d1/a0-a1
fmovm.l %fpcr,%fpsr,USER_FPCR(%a6) # save ctrl regs
fmovm.x &0xc0,EXC_FP0(%a6) # save fp0/fp1
fmov.l &0x0,%fpcr # zero FPCR
# copy, convert, and tag input argument
fmov.s 0x8(%a6),%fp0 # load sgl input
fmov.x %fp0,FP_SRC(%a6)
lea FP_SRC(%a6),%a0
bsr.l tag # fetch operand type
mov.b %d0,STAG(%a6)
mov.b %d0,%d1
andi.l &0x00ff00ff,USER_FPSR(%a6)
clr.l %d0
mov.b FPCR_MODE(%a6),%d0 # pass rnd mode,prec
tst.b %d1
bne.b _L15_2s
bsr.l slog2 # operand is a NORM
bra.b _L15_6s
cmpi.b %d1,&ZERO # is operand a ZERO?
bne.b _L15_3s # no
bsr.l t_dz2 # yes
bra.b _L15_6s
cmpi.b %d1,&INF # is operand an INF?
bne.b _L15_4s # no
bsr.l sopr_inf # yes
bra.b _L15_6s
cmpi.b %d1,&QNAN # is operand a QNAN?
bne.b _L15_5s # no
bsr.l src_qnan # yes
bra.b _L15_6s
bsr.l slog2d # operand is a DENORM
# Result is now in FP0
movm.l EXC_DREGS(%a6),&0x0303 # restore d0-d1/a0-a1
fmovm.l USER_FPCR(%a6),%fpcr,%fpsr # restore ctrl regs
fmovm.x EXC_FP1(%a6),&0x40 # restore fp1
unlk %a6
global _flog2d_
link %a6,&-LOCAL_SIZE
movm.l &0x0303,EXC_DREGS(%a6) # save d0-d1/a0-a1
fmovm.l %fpcr,%fpsr,USER_FPCR(%a6) # save ctrl regs
fmovm.x &0xc0,EXC_FP0(%a6) # save fp0/fp1
fmov.l &0x0,%fpcr # zero FPCR
# copy, convert, and tag input argument
fmov.d 0x8(%a6),%fp0 # load dbl input
fmov.x %fp0,FP_SRC(%a6)
lea FP_SRC(%a6),%a0
bsr.l tag # fetch operand type
mov.b %d0,STAG(%a6)
mov.b %d0,%d1
andi.l &0x00ff00ff,USER_FPSR(%a6)
clr.l %d0
mov.b FPCR_MODE(%a6),%d0 # pass rnd mode,prec
mov.b %d1,STAG(%a6)
tst.b %d1
bne.b _L15_2d
bsr.l slog2 # operand is a NORM
bra.b _L15_6d
cmpi.b %d1,&ZERO # is operand a ZERO?
bne.b _L15_3d # no
bsr.l t_dz2 # yes
bra.b _L15_6d
cmpi.b %d1,&INF # is operand an INF?
bne.b _L15_4d # no
bsr.l sopr_inf # yes
bra.b _L15_6d
cmpi.b %d1,&QNAN # is operand a QNAN?
bne.b _L15_5d # no
bsr.l src_qnan # yes
bra.b _L15_6d
bsr.l slog2d # operand is a DENORM
# Result is now in FP0
movm.l EXC_DREGS(%a6),&0x0303 # restore d0-d1/a0-a1
fmovm.l USER_FPCR(%a6),%fpcr,%fpsr # restore ctrl regs
fmovm.x EXC_FP1(%a6),&0x40 # restore fp1
unlk %a6
global _flog2x_
link %a6,&-LOCAL_SIZE
movm.l &0x0303,EXC_DREGS(%a6) # save d0-d1/a0-a1
fmovm.l %fpcr,%fpsr,USER_FPCR(%a6) # save ctrl regs
fmovm.x &0xc0,EXC_FP0(%a6) # save fp0/fp1
fmov.l &0x0,%fpcr # zero FPCR
# copy, convert, and tag input argument
lea FP_SRC(%a6),%a0
mov.l 0x8+0x0(%a6),0x0(%a0) # load ext input
mov.l 0x8+0x4(%a6),0x4(%a0)
mov.l 0x8+0x8(%a6),0x8(%a0)
bsr.l tag # fetch operand type
mov.b %d0,STAG(%a6)
mov.b %d0,%d1
andi.l &0x00ff00ff,USER_FPSR(%a6)
clr.l %d0
mov.b FPCR_MODE(%a6),%d0 # pass rnd mode,prec
tst.b %d1
bne.b _L15_2x
bsr.l slog2 # operand is a NORM
bra.b _L15_6x
cmpi.b %d1,&ZERO # is operand a ZERO?
bne.b _L15_3x # no
bsr.l t_dz2 # yes
bra.b _L15_6x
cmpi.b %d1,&INF # is operand an INF?
bne.b _L15_4x # no
bsr.l sopr_inf # yes
bra.b _L15_6x
cmpi.b %d1,&QNAN # is operand a QNAN?
bne.b _L15_5x # no
bsr.l src_qnan # yes
bra.b _L15_6x
bsr.l slog2d # operand is a DENORM
# Result is now in FP0
movm.l EXC_DREGS(%a6),&0x0303 # restore d0-d1/a0-a1
fmovm.l USER_FPCR(%a6),%fpcr,%fpsr # restore ctrl regs
fmovm.x EXC_FP1(%a6),&0x40 # restore fp1
unlk %a6
global _fcoshs_
link %a6,&-LOCAL_SIZE
movm.l &0x0303,EXC_DREGS(%a6) # save d0-d1/a0-a1
fmovm.l %fpcr,%fpsr,USER_FPCR(%a6) # save ctrl regs
fmovm.x &0xc0,EXC_FP0(%a6) # save fp0/fp1
fmov.l &0x0,%fpcr # zero FPCR
# copy, convert, and tag input argument
fmov.s 0x8(%a6),%fp0 # load sgl input
fmov.x %fp0,FP_SRC(%a6)
lea FP_SRC(%a6),%a0
bsr.l tag # fetch operand type
mov.b %d0,STAG(%a6)
mov.b %d0,%d1
andi.l &0x00ff00ff,USER_FPSR(%a6)
clr.l %d0
mov.b FPCR_MODE(%a6),%d0 # pass rnd mode,prec
tst.b %d1
bne.b _L16_2s
bsr.l scosh # operand is a NORM
bra.b _L16_6s
cmpi.b %d1,&ZERO # is operand a ZERO?
bne.b _L16_3s # no
bsr.l ld_pone # yes
bra.b _L16_6s
cmpi.b %d1,&INF # is operand an INF?
bne.b _L16_4s # no
bsr.l ld_pinf # yes
bra.b _L16_6s
cmpi.b %d1,&QNAN # is operand a QNAN?
bne.b _L16_5s # no
bsr.l src_qnan # yes
bra.b _L16_6s
bsr.l scoshd # operand is a DENORM
# Result is now in FP0
movm.l EXC_DREGS(%a6),&0x0303 # restore d0-d1/a0-a1
fmovm.l USER_FPCR(%a6),%fpcr,%fpsr # restore ctrl regs
fmovm.x EXC_FP1(%a6),&0x40 # restore fp1
unlk %a6
global _fcoshd_
link %a6,&-LOCAL_SIZE
movm.l &0x0303,EXC_DREGS(%a6) # save d0-d1/a0-a1
fmovm.l %fpcr,%fpsr,USER_FPCR(%a6) # save ctrl regs
fmovm.x &0xc0,EXC_FP0(%a6) # save fp0/fp1
fmov.l &0x0,%fpcr # zero FPCR
# copy, convert, and tag input argument
fmov.d 0x8(%a6),%fp0 # load dbl input
fmov.x %fp0,FP_SRC(%a6)
lea FP_SRC(%a6),%a0
bsr.l tag # fetch operand type
mov.b %d0,STAG(%a6)
mov.b %d0,%d1
andi.l &0x00ff00ff,USER_FPSR(%a6)
clr.l %d0
mov.b FPCR_MODE(%a6),%d0 # pass rnd mode,prec
mov.b %d1,STAG(%a6)
tst.b %d1
bne.b _L16_2d
bsr.l scosh # operand is a NORM
bra.b _L16_6d
cmpi.b %d1,&ZERO # is operand a ZERO?
bne.b _L16_3d # no
bsr.l ld_pone # yes
bra.b _L16_6d
cmpi.b %d1,&INF # is operand an INF?
bne.b _L16_4d # no
bsr.l ld_pinf # yes
bra.b _L16_6d
cmpi.b %d1,&QNAN # is operand a QNAN?
bne.b _L16_5d # no
bsr.l src_qnan # yes
bra.b _L16_6d
bsr.l scoshd # operand is a DENORM
# Result is now in FP0
movm.l EXC_DREGS(%a6),&0x0303 # restore d0-d1/a0-a1
fmovm.l USER_FPCR(%a6),%fpcr,%fpsr # restore ctrl regs
fmovm.x EXC_FP1(%a6),&0x40 # restore fp1
unlk %a6
global _fcoshx_
link %a6,&-LOCAL_SIZE
movm.l &0x0303,EXC_DREGS(%a6) # save d0-d1/a0-a1
fmovm.l %fpcr,%fpsr,USER_FPCR(%a6) # save ctrl regs
fmovm.x &0xc0,EXC_FP0(%a6) # save fp0/fp1
fmov.l &0x0,%fpcr # zero FPCR
# copy, convert, and tag input argument
lea FP_SRC(%a6),%a0
mov.l 0x8+0x0(%a6),0x0(%a0) # load ext input
mov.l 0x8+0x4(%a6),0x4(%a0)
mov.l 0x8+0x8(%a6),0x8(%a0)
bsr.l tag # fetch operand type
mov.b %d0,STAG(%a6)
mov.b %d0,%d1
andi.l &0x00ff00ff,USER_FPSR(%a6)
clr.l %d0
mov.b FPCR_MODE(%a6),%d0 # pass rnd mode,prec
tst.b %d1
bne.b _L16_2x
bsr.l scosh # operand is a NORM
bra.b _L16_6x
cmpi.b %d1,&ZERO # is operand a ZERO?
bne.b _L16_3x # no
bsr.l ld_pone # yes
bra.b _L16_6x
cmpi.b %d1,&INF # is operand an INF?
bne.b _L16_4x # no
bsr.l ld_pinf # yes
bra.b _L16_6x
cmpi.b %d1,&QNAN # is operand a QNAN?
bne.b _L16_5x # no
bsr.l src_qnan # yes
bra.b _L16_6x
bsr.l scoshd # operand is a DENORM
# Result is now in FP0
movm.l EXC_DREGS(%a6),&0x0303 # restore d0-d1/a0-a1
fmovm.l USER_FPCR(%a6),%fpcr,%fpsr # restore ctrl regs
fmovm.x EXC_FP1(%a6),&0x40 # restore fp1
unlk %a6
global _facoss_
link %a6,&-LOCAL_SIZE
movm.l &0x0303,EXC_DREGS(%a6) # save d0-d1/a0-a1
fmovm.l %fpcr,%fpsr,USER_FPCR(%a6) # save ctrl regs
fmovm.x &0xc0,EXC_FP0(%a6) # save fp0/fp1
fmov.l &0x0,%fpcr # zero FPCR
# copy, convert, and tag input argument
fmov.s 0x8(%a6),%fp0 # load sgl input
fmov.x %fp0,FP_SRC(%a6)
lea FP_SRC(%a6),%a0
bsr.l tag # fetch operand type
mov.b %d0,STAG(%a6)
mov.b %d0,%d1
andi.l &0x00ff00ff,USER_FPSR(%a6)
clr.l %d0
mov.b FPCR_MODE(%a6),%d0 # pass rnd mode,prec
tst.b %d1
bne.b _L17_2s
bsr.l sacos # operand is a NORM
bra.b _L17_6s
cmpi.b %d1,&ZERO # is operand a ZERO?
bne.b _L17_3s # no
bsr.l ld_ppi2 # yes
bra.b _L17_6s
cmpi.b %d1,&INF # is operand an INF?
bne.b _L17_4s # no
bsr.l t_operr # yes
bra.b _L17_6s
cmpi.b %d1,&QNAN # is operand a QNAN?
bne.b _L17_5s # no
bsr.l src_qnan # yes
bra.b _L17_6s
bsr.l sacosd # operand is a DENORM
# Result is now in FP0
movm.l EXC_DREGS(%a6),&0x0303 # restore d0-d1/a0-a1
fmovm.l USER_FPCR(%a6),%fpcr,%fpsr # restore ctrl regs
fmovm.x EXC_FP1(%a6),&0x40 # restore fp1
unlk %a6
global _facosd_
link %a6,&-LOCAL_SIZE
movm.l &0x0303,EXC_DREGS(%a6) # save d0-d1/a0-a1
fmovm.l %fpcr,%fpsr,USER_FPCR(%a6) # save ctrl regs
fmovm.x &0xc0,EXC_FP0(%a6) # save fp0/fp1
fmov.l &0x0,%fpcr # zero FPCR
# copy, convert, and tag input argument
fmov.d 0x8(%a6),%fp0 # load dbl input
fmov.x %fp0,FP_SRC(%a6)
lea FP_SRC(%a6),%a0
bsr.l tag # fetch operand type
mov.b %d0,STAG(%a6)
mov.b %d0,%d1
andi.l &0x00ff00ff,USER_FPSR(%a6)
clr.l %d0
mov.b FPCR_MODE(%a6),%d0 # pass rnd mode,prec
mov.b %d1,STAG(%a6)
tst.b %d1
bne.b _L17_2d
bsr.l sacos # operand is a NORM
bra.b _L17_6d
cmpi.b %d1,&ZERO # is operand a ZERO?
bne.b _L17_3d # no
bsr.l ld_ppi2 # yes
bra.b _L17_6d
cmpi.b %d1,&INF # is operand an INF?
bne.b _L17_4d # no
bsr.l t_operr # yes
bra.b _L17_6d
cmpi.b %d1,&QNAN # is operand a QNAN?
bne.b _L17_5d # no
bsr.l src_qnan # yes
bra.b _L17_6d
bsr.l sacosd # operand is a DENORM
# Result is now in FP0
movm.l EXC_DREGS(%a6),&0x0303 # restore d0-d1/a0-a1
fmovm.l USER_FPCR(%a6),%fpcr,%fpsr # restore ctrl regs
fmovm.x EXC_FP1(%a6),&0x40 # restore fp1
unlk %a6
global _facosx_
link %a6,&-LOCAL_SIZE
movm.l &0x0303,EXC_DREGS(%a6) # save d0-d1/a0-a1
fmovm.l %fpcr,%fpsr,USER_FPCR(%a6) # save ctrl regs
fmovm.x &0xc0,EXC_FP0(%a6) # save fp0/fp1
fmov.l &0x0,%fpcr # zero FPCR
# copy, convert, and tag input argument
lea FP_SRC(%a6),%a0
mov.l 0x8+0x0(%a6),0x0(%a0) # load ext input
mov.l 0x8+0x4(%a6),0x4(%a0)
mov.l 0x8+0x8(%a6),0x8(%a0)
bsr.l tag # fetch operand type
mov.b %d0,STAG(%a6)
mov.b %d0,%d1
andi.l &0x00ff00ff,USER_FPSR(%a6)
clr.l %d0
mov.b FPCR_MODE(%a6),%d0 # pass rnd mode,prec
tst.b %d1
bne.b _L17_2x
bsr.l sacos # operand is a NORM
bra.b _L17_6x
cmpi.b %d1,&ZERO # is operand a ZERO?
bne.b _L17_3x # no
bsr.l ld_ppi2 # yes
bra.b _L17_6x
cmpi.b %d1,&INF # is operand an INF?
bne.b _L17_4x # no
bsr.l t_operr # yes
bra.b _L17_6x
cmpi.b %d1,&QNAN # is operand a QNAN?
bne.b _L17_5x # no
bsr.l src_qnan # yes
bra.b _L17_6x
bsr.l sacosd # operand is a DENORM
# Result is now in FP0
movm.l EXC_DREGS(%a6),&0x0303 # restore d0-d1/a0-a1
fmovm.l USER_FPCR(%a6),%fpcr,%fpsr # restore ctrl regs
fmovm.x EXC_FP1(%a6),&0x40 # restore fp1
unlk %a6
global _fgetexps_
link %a6,&-LOCAL_SIZE
movm.l &0x0303,EXC_DREGS(%a6) # save d0-d1/a0-a1
fmovm.l %fpcr,%fpsr,USER_FPCR(%a6) # save ctrl regs
fmovm.x &0xc0,EXC_FP0(%a6) # save fp0/fp1
fmov.l &0x0,%fpcr # zero FPCR
# copy, convert, and tag input argument
fmov.s 0x8(%a6),%fp0 # load sgl input
fmov.x %fp0,FP_SRC(%a6)
lea FP_SRC(%a6),%a0
bsr.l tag # fetch operand type
mov.b %d0,STAG(%a6)
mov.b %d0,%d1
andi.l &0x00ff00ff,USER_FPSR(%a6)
clr.l %d0
mov.b FPCR_MODE(%a6),%d0 # pass rnd mode,prec
tst.b %d1
bne.b _L18_2s
bsr.l sgetexp # operand is a NORM
bra.b _L18_6s