[DCCP]: Simplified conditions due to use of enum:8 states

This reaps the benefit of the earlier patch, which changed the type of
CCID 3 states to use enums, in that many conditions are now simplified
and the number of possible (unexpected) values is greatly reduced.

In a few instances, this also allowed to simplify pre-conditions; where
care has been taken to retain logical equivalence.

[DCCP]: Introduce a consistent BUG/WARN message scheme

This refines the existing set of DCCP messages so that
 * BUG(), BUG_ON(), WARN_ON() have meaningful DCCP-specific counterparts
 * DCCP_CRIT (for severe warnings) is not rate-limited
 * DCCP_WARN() is introduced as rate-limited wrapper

Using these allows a faster and cleaner transition to their original
counterparts once the code has matured into a full DCCP implementation.

Signed-off-by: Gerrit Renker <gerrit@erg.abdn.ac.uk>
Signed-off-by: Arnaldo Carvalho de Melo <acme@mandriva.com>
diff --git a/net/dccp/input.c b/net/dccp/input.c
index 97ccdc3..7371a2f 100644
--- a/net/dccp/input.c
+++ b/net/dccp/input.c
@@ -128,21 +128,18 @@
 			dp->dccps_gar = DCCP_SKB_CB(skb)->dccpd_ack_seq;
 	} else {
-		LIMIT_NETDEBUG(KERN_WARNING "DCCP: Step 6 failed for %s packet, "
-					    "(LSWL(%llu) <= P.seqno(%llu) <= S.SWH(%llu)) and "
-					    "(P.ackno %s or LAWL(%llu) <= P.ackno(%llu) <= S.AWH(%llu), "
-					    "sending SYNC...\n",
-			       dccp_packet_name(dh->dccph_type),
-			       (unsigned long long) lswl,
-			       (unsigned long long)
-			       DCCP_SKB_CB(skb)->dccpd_seq,
-			       (unsigned long long) dp->dccps_swh,
-			       (DCCP_SKB_CB(skb)->dccpd_ack_seq ==
+		DCCP_WARN("DCCP: Step 6 failed for %s packet, "
+			  "(LSWL(%llu) <= P.seqno(%llu) <= S.SWH(%llu)) and "
+			  "(P.ackno %s or LAWL(%llu) <= P.ackno(%llu) <= S.AWH(%llu), "
+			  "sending SYNC...\n",  dccp_packet_name(dh->dccph_type),
+			  (unsigned long long) lswl,
+			  (unsigned long long) DCCP_SKB_CB(skb)->dccpd_seq,
+			  (unsigned long long) dp->dccps_swh,
+			  (DCCP_SKB_CB(skb)->dccpd_ack_seq ==
 			        DCCP_PKT_WITHOUT_ACK_SEQ) ? "doesn't exist" : "exists",
-			       (unsigned long long) lawl,
-			       (unsigned long long)
-			       DCCP_SKB_CB(skb)->dccpd_ack_seq,
-			       (unsigned long long) dp->dccps_awh);
+			  (unsigned long long) lawl,
+			  (unsigned long long) DCCP_SKB_CB(skb)->dccpd_ack_seq,
+			  (unsigned long long) dp->dccps_awh);
 		dccp_send_sync(sk, DCCP_SKB_CB(skb)->dccpd_seq, DCCP_PKT_SYNC);
 		return -1;