rust: macros: improve `#[vtable]` documentation

Traits marked with `#[vtable]` need to provide default implementations
for optional functions. The C side represents these with `NULL` in the
vtable, so the default functions are never actually called. We do not
want to replicate the default behavior from C in Rust, because that is
not maintainable. Therefore we should use `build_error` in those default
implementations. The error message for that is provided at

Signed-off-by: Benno Lossin <>
Reviewed-by: Martin Rodriguez Reboredo <>
Reviewed-by: Andreas Hindborg <>
Reviewed-by: Alice Ryhl <>
Reviewed-by: Finn Behrens <>
[ Wrapped paragraph to 80 as requested and capitalized sentence. ]
Signed-off-by: Miguel Ojeda <>
diff --git a/rust/kernel/ b/rust/kernel/
index 032b645..376280b 100644
--- a/rust/kernel/
+++ b/rust/kernel/
@@ -335,3 +335,7 @@ pub(crate) fn from_result<T, F>(f: F) -> T
         Err(e) => T::from(e.to_errno() as i16),
+/// Error message for calling a default function of a [`#[vtable]`](macros::vtable) trait.
+pub const VTABLE_DEFAULT_ERROR: &str =
+    "This function must not be called, see the #[vtable] documentation.";
diff --git a/rust/macros/ b/rust/macros/
index 125f5ea..d18a3e7 100644
--- a/rust/macros/
+++ b/rust/macros/
@@ -87,27 +87,49 @@ pub fn module(ts: TokenStream) -> TokenStream {
 /// implementation could just return `Error::EINVAL`); Linux typically use C
 /// `NULL` pointers to represent these functions.
-/// This attribute is intended to close the gap. Traits can be declared and
-/// implemented with the `#[vtable]` attribute, and a `HAS_*` associated constant
-/// will be generated for each method in the trait, indicating if the implementor
-/// has overridden a method.
+/// This attribute closes that gap. A trait can be annotated with the
+/// `#[vtable]` attribute. Implementers of the trait will then also have to
+/// annotate the trait with `#[vtable]`. This attribute generates a `HAS_*`
+/// associated constant bool for each method in the trait that is set to true if
+/// the implementer has overridden the associated method.
-/// This attribute is not needed if all methods are required.
+/// For a trait method to be optional, it must have a default implementation.
+/// This is also the case for traits annotated with `#[vtable]`, but in this
+/// case the default implementation will never be executed. The reason for this
+/// is that the functions will be called through function pointers installed in
+/// C side vtables. When an optional method is not implemented on a `#[vtable]`
+/// trait, a NULL entry is installed in the vtable. Thus the default
+/// implementation is never called. Since these traits are not designed to be
+/// used on the Rust side, it should not be possible to call the default
+/// implementation. This is done to ensure that we call the vtable methods
+/// through the C vtable, and not through the Rust vtable. Therefore, the
+/// default implementation should call `kernel::build_error`, which prevents
+/// calls to this function at compile time:
+/// ```compile_fail
+/// # use kernel::error::VTABLE_DEFAULT_ERROR;
+/// kernel::build_error(VTABLE_DEFAULT_ERROR)
+/// ```
+/// Note that you might need to import [`kernel::error::VTABLE_DEFAULT_ERROR`].
+/// This macro should not be used when all functions are required.
 /// # Examples
 /// ```ignore
+/// use kernel::error::VTABLE_DEFAULT_ERROR;
 /// use kernel::prelude::*;
 /// // Declares a `#[vtable]` trait
 /// #[vtable]
 /// pub trait Operations: Send + Sync + Sized {
 ///     fn foo(&self) -> Result<()> {
-///         Err(EINVAL)
+///         kernel::build_error(VTABLE_DEFAULT_ERROR)
 ///     }
 ///     fn bar(&self) -> Result<()> {
-///         Err(EINVAL)
+///         kernel::build_error(VTABLE_DEFAULT_ERROR)
 ///     }
 /// }
@@ -125,6 +147,8 @@ pub fn module(ts: TokenStream) -> TokenStream {
 /// assert_eq!(<Foo as Operations>::HAS_FOO, true);
 /// assert_eq!(<Foo as Operations>::HAS_BAR, false);
 /// ```
+/// [`kernel::error::VTABLE_DEFAULT_ERROR`]: ../kernel/error/constant.VTABLE_DEFAULT_ERROR.html
 pub fn vtable(attr: TokenStream, ts: TokenStream) -> TokenStream {
     vtable::vtable(attr, ts)