greybus: svc: add AP power measurements debugfs support

This change adds the AP Power Monitor functions to
read out all the rails power information monitored by
the SVC.

Testing Done:
- $ cat /d/greybus/1-svc/pwrmon/*/*
  and validate the output with the svc stub power
  monitor functions
- $ tree /d/greybus/1-svc/pwrmon
  | | | |---pwrmon
  | | | | |---DUMMY_RAIL_1
  | | | | | |---current_now
  | | | | | |---power_now
  | | | | | |---voltage_now
  | | | | |---DUMMY_RAIL_2
  | | | | | |---current_now
  | | | | | |---power_now
  | | | | | |---voltage_now
  | | | | |---DUMMY_RAIL_3
  | | | | | |---current_now
  | | | | | |---power_now
  | | | | | |---voltage_now
  | | | | |---DUMMY_RAIL_4
  | | | | | |---current_now
  | | | | | |---power_now
  | | | | | |---voltage_now

Signed-off-by: David Lin <>
Reviewed-by: Viresh Kumar <>
Signed-off-by: Greg Kroah-Hartman <>
3 files changed
tree: a2d69392373817433895285b75a24c308e655d41
  1. drivers/