Merge "fix(spmd): error macro to use correct print format" into integration
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+   measured_boot_poc
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+Interaction between Measured Boot and an fTPM (PoC)
+Measured Boot is the process of cryptographically measuring the code and
+critical data used at boot time, for example using a TPM, so that the
+security state can be attested later.
+The current implementation of the driver included in Trusted Firmware-A
+(TF-A) stores the measurements into a `TGC event log`_ in secure
+memory. No other means of recording measurements (such as a discrete TPM) is
+supported right now.
+The driver also provides mechanisms to pass the Event Log to normal world if
+This manual provides instructions to build a proof of concept (PoC) with the
+sole intention of showing how Measured Boot can be used in conjunction with
+a firmware TPM (fTPM) service implemented on top of OP-TEE.
+.. note::
+   The instructions given in this document are meant to be used to build
+   a PoC to show how Measured Boot on TF-A can interact with a third
+   party (f)TPM service and they try to be as general as possible. Different
+   platforms might have different needs and configurations (e.g. different
+   SHA algorithms) and they might also use different types of TPM services
+   (or even a different type of service to provide the attestation)
+   and therefore the instuctions given here might not apply in such scenarios.
+The PoC is built on top of the `OP-TEE Toolkit`_, which has support to build
+TF-A with support for Measured Boot enabled (and run it on a Foundation Model)
+since commit cf56848.
+The aforementioned toolkit builds a set of images that contain all the components
+needed to test that the Event Log was properly created. One of these images will
+contain a third party fTPM service which in turn will be used to process the
+Event Log.
+The reason to choose OP-TEE Toolkit to build our PoC around it is mostly
+for convenience. As the fTPM service used is an OP-TEE TA, it was easy to add
+build support for it to the toolkit and then build the PoC around it.
+The most relevant components installed in the image that are closely related to
+Measured Boot/fTPM functionality are:
+   - **OP-TEE**: As stated earlier, the fTPM service used in this PoC is built as an
+     OP-TEE TA and therefore we need to include the OP-TEE OS image.
+     Support to interfacing with Measured Boot was added to version 3.9.0 of
+     OP-TEE by implementing the ``PTA_SYSTEM_GET_TPM_EVENT_LOG`` syscall, which
+     allows the former to pass a copy of the Event Log to any TA requesting it.
+     OP-TEE knows the location of the Event Log by reading the DTB bindings
+     received from TF-A. Visit :ref:`DTB binding for Event Log properties`
+     for more details on this.
+   - **fTPM Service**: We use a third party fTPM service in order to validate
+     the Measured Boot functionality. The chosen fTPM service is a sample
+     implementation for Aarch32 architecture included on the `ms-tpm-20-ref`_
+     reference implementation from Microsoft. The service was updated in order
+     to extend the Measured Boot Event Log at boot up and it uses the
+     aforementioned ``PTA_SYSTEM_GET_TPM_EVENT_LOG`` call to retrieve a copy
+     of the former.
+   .. note::
+      Arm does not provide an fTPM implementation. The fTPM service used here
+      is a third party one which has been updated to support Measured Boot
+      service as provided by TF-A. As such, it is beyond the scope of this
+      manual to test and verify the correctness of the output generated by the
+      fTPM service.
+   - **TPM Kernel module**: In order to interact with the fTPM service, we need
+     a kernel module to forward the request from user space to the secure world.
+   - `tpm2-tools`_: This is a set of tools that allow to interact with the
+     fTPM service. We use this in order to read the PCRs with the measurements.
+Building the PoC for the Arm FVP platform
+As mentioned before, this PoC is based on the OP-TEE Toolkit with some
+extensions to enable Measured Boot and an fTPM service. Therefore, we can rely
+on the instructions to build the original OP-TEE Toolkit. As a general rule,
+the following steps should suffice:
+(1) Start by following the `Get and build the solution`_ instructions to build
+    the OP-TEE toolkit. On step 3, you need to get the manifest for FVP
+    platform from the main branch:
+    .. code:: shell
+       $ repo init -u -m fvp.xml
+    Then proceed synching the repos as stated in step 3. Continue following
+    the instructions and stop before step 5.
+(2) Next you should obtain the `Armv8-A Foundation Platform (For Linux Hosts Only)`_.
+    The binary should be untar'ed to the root of the repo tree, i.e., like
+    this: ``<fvp-project>/Foundation_Platformpkg``. In the end, after cloning
+    all source code, getting the toolchains and "installing"
+    Foundation_Platformpkg, you should have a folder structure that looks like
+    this:
+    .. code:: shell
+       $ ls -la
+       total 80
+       drwxrwxr-x 20 tf-a_user tf-a_user 4096 Jul  1 12:16 .
+       drwxr-xr-x 23 tf-a_user tf-a_user 4096 Jul  1 10:40 ..
+       drwxrwxr-x 12 tf-a_user tf-a_user 4096 Jul  1 10:45 build
+       drwxrwxr-x 16 tf-a_user tf-a_user 4096 Jul  1 12:16 buildroot
+       drwxrwxr-x 51 tf-a_user tf-a_user 4096 Jul  1 10:45 edk2
+       drwxrwxr-x  6 tf-a_user tf-a_user 4096 Jul  1 12:14 edk2-platforms
+       drwxr-xr-x  7 tf-a_user tf-a_user 4096 Jul  1 10:52 Foundation_Platformpkg
+       drwxrwxr-x 17 tf-a_user tf-a_user 4096 Jul  2 10:40 grub
+       drwxrwxr-x 25 tf-a_user tf-a_user 4096 Jul  2 10:39 linux
+       drwxrwxr-x 15 tf-a_user tf-a_user 4096 Jul  1 10:45 mbedtls
+       drwxrwxr-x  6 tf-a_user tf-a_user 4096 Jul  1 10:45 ms-tpm-20-ref
+       drwxrwxr-x  8 tf-a_user tf-a_user 4096 Jul  1 10:45 optee_client
+       drwxrwxr-x 10 tf-a_user tf-a_user 4096 Jul  1 10:45 optee_examples
+       drwxrwxr-x 12 tf-a_user tf-a_user 4096 Jul  1 12:13 optee_os
+       drwxrwxr-x  8 tf-a_user tf-a_user 4096 Jul  1 10:45 optee_test
+       drwxrwxr-x  7 tf-a_user tf-a_user 4096 Jul  1 10:45 .repo
+       drwxrwxr-x  4 tf-a_user tf-a_user 4096 Jul  1 12:12 toolchains
+       drwxrwxr-x 21 tf-a_user tf-a_user 4096 Jul  1 12:15 trusted-firmware-a
+(3) Now enter into ``ms-tpm-20-ref`` and get its dependencies:
+   .. code:: shell
+      $ cd ms-tpm-20-ref
+      $ git submodule init
+      $ git submodule update
+      Submodule path 'external/wolfssl': checked out '9c87f979a7f1d3a6d786b260653d566c1d31a1c4'
+(4) Now, you should be able to continue with step 5 in "`Get and build the solution`_"
+    instructions. In order to enable support for Measured Boot, you need to
+    set the ``MEASURED_BOOT`` build option:
+    .. code:: shell
+       $ MEASURED_BOOT=y make -j `nproc`
+    .. note::
+       The build process will likely take a long time. It is strongly recommended to
+       pass the ``-j`` option to make to run the process faster.
+   After this step, you should be ready to run the image.
+Running and using the PoC on the Armv8-A Foundation AEM FVP
+With everything built, you can now run the image:
+.. code:: shell
+   $ make run-only
+.. note::
+   Using ``make run`` will build and run the image and it can be used instead
+   of simply ``make``. However, once the image is built, it is recommended to
+   use ``make run-only`` to avoid re-running all the building rules, which
+   would take time.
+When FVP is launched, two terminal windows will appear. ``FVP terminal_0``
+is the userspace terminal whereas ``FVP terminal_1`` is the counterpart for
+the secure world (where TAs will print their logs, for instance).
+Log into the image shell with user ``root``, no password will be required.
+Then we can issue the ``ftpm`` command, which is an alias that
+(1) loads the ftpm kernel module and
+(2) calls ``tpm2_pcrread``, which will access the fTPM service to read the
+    PCRs.
+When loading the ftpm kernel module, the fTPM TA is loaded into the secure
+world. This TA then requests a copy of the Event Log generated during the
+booting process so it can retrieve all the entries on the log and record them
+first thing.
+.. note::
+   For this PoC, nothing loaded after BL33 and NT_FW_CONFIG is recorded
+   in the Event Log.
+The secure world terminal should show the debug logs for the fTPM service,
+including all the measurements available in the Event Log as they are being
+.. code:: shell
+	M/TA: Preparing to extend the following TPM Event Log:
+	M/TA: TCG_EfiSpecIDEvent:
+	M/TA:   PCRIndex           : 0
+	M/TA:   EventType          : 3
+	M/TA:   Digest             : 00
+	M/TA: 			   : 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
+	M/TA: 			   : 00 00 00
+	M/TA:   EventSize          : 33
+	M/TA:   Signature          : Spec ID Event03
+	M/TA:   PlatformClass      : 0
+	M/TA:   SpecVersion        : 2.0.2
+	M/TA:   UintnSize          : 1
+	M/TA:   NumberOfAlgorithms : 1
+	M/TA:   DigestSizes        :
+	M/TA:     #0 AlgorithmId   : SHA256
+	M/TA:        DigestSize    : 32
+	M/TA:   VendorInfoSize     : 0
+	M/TA: PCR_Event2:
+	M/TA:   PCRIndex           : 0
+	M/TA:   EventType          : 3
+	M/TA:   Digests Count      : 1
+	M/TA:     #0 AlgorithmId   : SHA256
+	M/TA:        Digest        : 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
+	M/TA: 			   : 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
+	M/TA:   EventSize          : 17
+	M/TA:   Signature          : StartupLocality
+	M/TA:   StartupLocality    : 0
+	M/TA: PCR_Event2:
+	M/TA:   PCRIndex           : 0
+	M/TA:   EventType          : 1
+	M/TA:   Digests Count      : 1
+	M/TA:     #0 AlgorithmId   : SHA256
+	M/TA:        Digest        : 58 26 32 6e 64 45 64 da 45 de 35 db 96 fd ed 63
+	M/TA: 			   : 2a 6a d4 0d aa 94 b0 b1 55 e4 72 e7 1f 0a e0 d5
+	M/TA:   EventSize          : 5
+	M/TA:   Event              : BL_2
+	M/TA: PCR_Event2:
+	M/TA:   PCRIndex           : 0
+	M/TA:   EventType          : 1
+	M/TA:   Digests Count      : 1
+	M/TA:     #0 AlgorithmId   : SHA256
+	M/TA:        Digest        : cf f9 7d a3 5c 73 ac cb 7b a0 25 80 6a 6e 50 a5
+	M/TA: 			   : 6b 2e d2 8c c9 36 92 7d 46 c5 b9 c3 a4 6c 51 7c
+	M/TA:   EventSize          : 6
+	M/TA:   Event              : BL_31
+	M/TA: PCR_Event2:
+	M/TA:   PCRIndex           : 0
+	M/TA:   EventType          : 1
+	M/TA:   Digests Count      : 1
+	M/TA:     #0 AlgorithmId   : SHA256
+	M/TA:        Digest        : 23 b0 a3 5d 54 d9 43 1a 5c b9 89 63 1c da 06 c2
+	M/TA: 			   : e5 de e7 7e 99 17 52 12 7d f7 45 ca 4f 4a 39 c0
+	M/TA:   EventSize          : 10
+	M/TA:   Event              : HW_CONFIG
+	M/TA: PCR_Event2:
+	M/TA:   PCRIndex           : 0
+	M/TA:   EventType          : 1
+	M/TA:   Digests Count      : 1
+	M/TA:     #0 AlgorithmId   : SHA256
+	M/TA:        Digest        : 4e e4 8e 5a e6 50 ed e0 b5 a3 54 8a 1f d6 0e 8a
+	M/TA: 			   : ea 0e 71 75 0e a4 3f 82 76 ce af cd 7c b0 91 e0
+	M/TA:   EventSize          : 14
+	M/TA:   Event              : SOC_FW_CONFIG
+	M/TA: PCR_Event2:
+	M/TA:   PCRIndex           : 0
+	M/TA:   EventType          : 1
+	M/TA:   Digests Count      : 1
+	M/TA:     #0 AlgorithmId   : SHA256
+	M/TA:        Digest        : 01 b0 80 47 a1 ce 86 cd df 89 d2 1f 2e fc 6c 22
+	M/TA: 			   : f8 19 ec 6e 1e ec 73 ba 5a be d0 96 e3 5f 6d 75
+	M/TA:   EventSize          : 6
+	M/TA:   Event              : BL_32
+	M/TA: PCR_Event2:
+	M/TA:   PCRIndex           : 0
+	M/TA:   EventType          : 1
+	M/TA:   Digests Count      : 1
+	M/TA:     #0 AlgorithmId   : SHA256
+	M/TA:        Digest        : 5d c6 ef 35 5a 90 81 b4 37 e6 3b 52 da 92 ab 8e
+	M/TA: 			   : d9 6e 93 98 2d 40 87 96 1b 5a a7 ee f1 f4 40 63
+	M/TA:   EventSize          : 18
+	M/TA:   Event              : BL32_EXTRA1_IMAGE
+	M/TA: PCR_Event2:
+	M/TA:   PCRIndex           : 0
+	M/TA:   EventType          : 1
+	M/TA:   Digests Count      : 1
+	M/TA:     #0 AlgorithmId   : SHA256
+	M/TA:        Digest        : 39 b7 13 b9 93 db 32 2f 1b 48 30 eb 2c f2 5c 25
+	M/TA: 			   : 00 0f 38 dc 8e c8 02 cd 79 f2 48 d2 2c 25 ab e2
+	M/TA:   EventSize          : 6
+	M/TA:   Event              : BL_33
+	M/TA: PCR_Event2:
+	M/TA:   PCRIndex           : 0
+	M/TA:   EventType          : 1
+	M/TA:   Digests Count      : 1
+	M/TA:     #0 AlgorithmId   : SHA256
+	M/TA:        Digest        : 25 10 60 5d d4 bc 9d 82 7a 16 9f 8a cc 47 95 a6
+	M/TA: 			   : fd ca a0 c1 2b c9 99 8f 51 20 ff c6 ed 74 68 5a
+	M/TA:   EventSize          : 13
+	M/TA:   Event              : NT_FW_CONFIG
+These logs correspond to the measurements stored by TF-A during the measured
+boot process and therefore, they should match the logs dumped by the former
+during the boot up process. These can be seen on the terminal_0:
+.. code:: shell
+	NOTICE:  Booting Trusted Firmware
+	NOTICE:  BL1: v2.5(release):v2.5
+	NOTICE:  BL1: Built : 10:41:20, Jul  2 2021
+	NOTICE:  BL1: Booting BL2
+	NOTICE:  BL2: v2.5(release):v2.5
+	NOTICE:  BL2: Built : 10:41:20, Jul  2 2021
+	NOTICE:  TCG_EfiSpecIDEvent:
+	NOTICE:    PCRIndex           : 0
+	NOTICE:    EventType          : 3
+	NOTICE:    Digest             : 00
+	NOTICE:  		      : 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
+	NOTICE:  		      : 00 00 00
+	NOTICE:    EventSize          : 33
+	NOTICE:    Signature          : Spec ID Event03
+	NOTICE:    PlatformClass      : 0
+	NOTICE:    SpecVersion        : 2.0.2
+	NOTICE:    UintnSize          : 1
+	NOTICE:    NumberOfAlgorithms : 1
+	NOTICE:    DigestSizes        :
+	NOTICE:      #0 AlgorithmId   : SHA256
+	NOTICE:         DigestSize    : 32
+	NOTICE:    VendorInfoSize     : 0
+	NOTICE:  PCR_Event2:
+	NOTICE:    PCRIndex           : 0
+	NOTICE:    EventType          : 3
+	NOTICE:    Digests Count      : 1
+	NOTICE:      #0 AlgorithmId   : SHA256
+	NOTICE:         Digest        : 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
+	NOTICE:  		      : 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
+	NOTICE:    EventSize          : 17
+	NOTICE:    Signature          : StartupLocality
+	NOTICE:    StartupLocality    : 0
+	NOTICE:  PCR_Event2:
+	NOTICE:    PCRIndex           : 0
+	NOTICE:    EventType          : 1
+	NOTICE:    Digests Count      : 1
+	NOTICE:      #0 AlgorithmId   : SHA256
+	NOTICE:         Digest        : 58 26 32 6e 64 45 64 da 45 de 35 db 96 fd ed 63
+	NOTICE:  		      : 2a 6a d4 0d aa 94 b0 b1 55 e4 72 e7 1f 0a e0 d5
+	NOTICE:    EventSize          : 5
+	NOTICE:    Event              : BL_2
+	NOTICE:  PCR_Event2:
+	NOTICE:    PCRIndex           : 0
+	NOTICE:    EventType          : 1
+	NOTICE:    Digests Count      : 1
+	NOTICE:      #0 AlgorithmId   : SHA256
+	NOTICE:         Digest        : cf f9 7d a3 5c 73 ac cb 7b a0 25 80 6a 6e 50 a5
+	NOTICE:  		      : 6b 2e d2 8c c9 36 92 7d 46 c5 b9 c3 a4 6c 51 7c
+	NOTICE:    EventSize          : 6
+	NOTICE:    Event              : BL_31
+	NOTICE:  PCR_Event2:
+	NOTICE:    PCRIndex           : 0
+	NOTICE:    EventType          : 1
+	NOTICE:    Digests Count      : 1
+	NOTICE:      #0 AlgorithmId   : SHA256
+	NOTICE:         Digest        : 23 b0 a3 5d 54 d9 43 1a 5c b9 89 63 1c da 06 c2
+	NOTICE:  		      : e5 de e7 7e 99 17 52 12 7d f7 45 ca 4f 4a 39 c0
+	NOTICE:    EventSize          : 10
+	NOTICE:    Event              : HW_CONFIG
+	NOTICE:  PCR_Event2:
+	NOTICE:    PCRIndex           : 0
+	NOTICE:    EventType          : 1
+	NOTICE:    Digests Count      : 1
+	NOTICE:      #0 AlgorithmId   : SHA256
+	NOTICE:         Digest        : 4e e4 8e 5a e6 50 ed e0 b5 a3 54 8a 1f d6 0e 8a
+	NOTICE:  		      : ea 0e 71 75 0e a4 3f 82 76 ce af cd 7c b0 91 e0
+	NOTICE:    EventSize          : 14
+	NOTICE:    Event              : SOC_FW_CONFIG
+	NOTICE:  PCR_Event2:
+	NOTICE:    PCRIndex           : 0
+	NOTICE:    EventType          : 1
+	NOTICE:    Digests Count      : 1
+	NOTICE:      #0 AlgorithmId   : SHA256
+	NOTICE:         Digest        : 01 b0 80 47 a1 ce 86 cd df 89 d2 1f 2e fc 6c 22
+	NOTICE:  		      : f8 19 ec 6e 1e ec 73 ba 5a be d0 96 e3 5f 6d 75
+	NOTICE:    EventSize          : 6
+	NOTICE:    Event              : BL_32
+	NOTICE:  PCR_Event2:
+	NOTICE:    PCRIndex           : 0
+	NOTICE:    EventType          : 1
+	NOTICE:    Digests Count      : 1
+	NOTICE:      #0 AlgorithmId   : SHA256
+	NOTICE:         Digest        : 5d c6 ef 35 5a 90 81 b4 37 e6 3b 52 da 92 ab 8e
+	NOTICE:  		      : d9 6e 93 98 2d 40 87 96 1b 5a a7 ee f1 f4 40 63
+	NOTICE:    EventSize          : 18
+	NOTICE:    Event              : BL32_EXTRA1_IMAGE
+	NOTICE:  PCR_Event2:
+	NOTICE:    PCRIndex           : 0
+	NOTICE:    EventType          : 1
+	NOTICE:    Digests Count      : 1
+	NOTICE:      #0 AlgorithmId   : SHA256
+	NOTICE:         Digest        : 39 b7 13 b9 93 db 32 2f 1b 48 30 eb 2c f2 5c 25
+	NOTICE:  		      : 00 0f 38 dc 8e c8 02 cd 79 f2 48 d2 2c 25 ab e2
+	NOTICE:    EventSize          : 6
+	NOTICE:    Event              : BL_33
+	NOTICE:  PCR_Event2:
+	NOTICE:    PCRIndex           : 0
+	NOTICE:    EventType          : 1
+	NOTICE:    Digests Count      : 1
+	NOTICE:      #0 AlgorithmId   : SHA256
+	NOTICE:         Digest        : 25 10 60 5d d4 bc 9d 82 7a 16 9f 8a cc 47 95 a6
+	NOTICE:  		      : fd ca a0 c1 2b c9 99 8f 51 20 ff c6 ed 74 68 5a
+	NOTICE:    EventSize          : 13
+	NOTICE:    Event              : NT_FW_CONFIG
+	NOTICE:  BL1: Booting BL31
+	NOTICE:  BL31: v2.5(release):v2.5
+	NOTICE:  BL31: Built : 10:41:20, Jul  2 2021
+Following up with the fTPM startup process, we can see that all the
+measurements in the Event Log are extended and recorded in the appropriate PCR:
+.. code:: shell
+	M/TA: TPM2_PCR_EXTEND_COMMAND returned value:
+	M/TA: 	ret_tag = 0x8002, size = 0x00000013, rc = 0x00000000
+	M/TA: TPM2_PCR_EXTEND_COMMAND returned value:
+	M/TA: 	ret_tag = 0x8002, size = 0x00000013, rc = 0x00000000
+	M/TA: TPM2_PCR_EXTEND_COMMAND returned value:
+	M/TA: 	ret_tag = 0x8002, size = 0x00000013, rc = 0x00000000
+	M/TA: TPM2_PCR_EXTEND_COMMAND returned value:
+	M/TA: 	ret_tag = 0x8002, size = 0x00000013, rc = 0x00000000
+	M/TA: TPM2_PCR_EXTEND_COMMAND returned value:
+	M/TA: 	ret_tag = 0x8002, size = 0x00000013, rc = 0x00000000
+	M/TA: TPM2_PCR_EXTEND_COMMAND returned value:
+	M/TA: 	ret_tag = 0x8002, size = 0x00000013, rc = 0x00000000
+	M/TA: TPM2_PCR_EXTEND_COMMAND returned value:
+	M/TA: 	ret_tag = 0x8002, size = 0x00000013, rc = 0x00000000
+	M/TA: TPM2_PCR_EXTEND_COMMAND returned value:
+	M/TA: 	ret_tag = 0x8002, size = 0x00000013, rc = 0x00000000
+	M/TA: TPM2_PCR_EXTEND_COMMAND returned value:
+	M/TA: 	ret_tag = 0x8002, size = 0x00000013, rc = 0x00000000
+	M/TA: 9 Event logs processed
+After the fTPM TA is loaded, the call to ``insmod`` issued by the ``ftpm``
+alias to load the ftpm kernel module returns, and then the TPM PCRs are read
+by means of ``tpm_pcrread`` command. Note that we are only interested in the
+SHA256 logs here, as this is the algorithm we used on TF-A for the measurements
+(see the field ``AlgorithmId`` on the logs above):
+.. code:: shell
+	sha256:
+	0 : 0xA6EB3A7417B8CFA9EBA2E7C22AD5A4C03CDB8F3FBDD7667F9C3EF2EA285A8C9F
+	1 : 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
+	2 : 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
+	3 : 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
+	4 : 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
+	5 : 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
+	6 : 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
+	7 : 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
+	8 : 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
+	9 : 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
+	10: 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
+	11: 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
+	12: 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
+	13: 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
+	14: 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
+	15: 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
+	16: 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
+	23: 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
+In this PoC we are only interested in PCR0, which must be non-null. This is
+because the boot process records all the images in this PCR (see field ``PCRIndex``
+on the Event Log above). The rest of the records must be 0 at this point.
+.. note::
+   The fTPM service used has support only for 16 PCRs, therefore the content
+   of PCRs above 15 can be ignored.
+.. note::
+   As stated earlier, Arm does not provide an fTPM implementation and therefore
+   we do not validate here if the content of PCR0 is correct or not. For this
+   PoC, we are only focused on the fact that the event log could be passed to a third
+   party fTPM and its records were properly extended.
+Fine-tuning the fTPM TA
+As stated earlier, the OP-TEE Toolkit includes support to build a third party fTPM
+service. The build options for this service are tailored for the PoC and defined in
+the build environment variable ``FTPM_FLAGS`` (see ``<toolkit_home>/build/``)
+but they can be modified if needed to better adapt it to a specific scenario.
+The most relevant options for Measured Boot support are:
+   - **CFG_TA_DEBUG**: Enables debug logs in the Terminal_1 console.
+   - **CFG_TEE_TA_LOG_LEVEL**: Defines the log level used for the debug messages.
+   - **CFG_TA_MEASURED_BOOT**: Enables support for measured boot on the fTPM.
+   - **CFG_TA_EVENT_LOG_SIZE**: Defines the size, in bytes, of the larger event log that
+     the fTPM is able to store, as this buffer is allocated at build time. This must be at
+     least the same as the size of the event log generated by TF-A. If this build option
+     is not defined, the fTPM falls back to a default value of 1024 bytes, which is enough
+     for this PoC, so this variable is not defined in FTPM_FLAGS.
+*Copyright (c) 2021, Arm Limited. All rights reserved.*
+.. _OP-TEE Toolkit:
+.. _ms-tpm-20-ref:
+.. _Get and build the solution:
+.. _Armv8-A Foundation Platform (For Linux Hosts Only):
+.. _tpm2-tools:
+.. _TGC event log: