blob: efb515fca5b3d8ed0ab72b52fc13d57e2f12b9ee [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# We want to catch any unexpected failure, and exit immediately
set -e
# Download helper for hg, to be called from the download wrapper script
# Options:
# -q Be quiet.
# -o FILE Generate archive in FILE.
# -u URI Clone from repository at URI.
# -c CSET Use changeset (or revision) CSET.
# -n NAME Use basename NAME.
# Environment:
# HG : the hg command to call
while getopts "${BR_BACKEND_DL_GETOPTS}" OPT; do
case "${OPT}" in
q) verbose=-q;;
o) output="${OPTARG}";;
u) uri="${OPTARG}";;
c) cset="${OPTARG}";;
n) basename="${OPTARG}";;
:) printf "option '%s' expects a mandatory argument\n" "${OPTARG}"; exit 1;;
\?) printf "unknown option '%s'\n" "${OPTARG}" >&2; exit 1;;
shift $((OPTIND-1)) # Get rid of our options
# Caller needs to single-quote its arguments to prevent them from
# being expanded a second time (in case there are spaces in them)
_hg() {
eval ${HG} "${@}"
_hg clone ${verbose} "${@}" --noupdate "'${uri}'" "'${basename}'"
_hg archive ${verbose} --repository "'${basename}'" --type tgz \
--prefix "'${basename}'" --rev "'${cset}'" \
- >"${output}"