blob: 5091cec961199f88a98112249edec3169820511e [file] [log] [blame]
// -*- mode:doc; -*-
// vim: set syntax=asciidoc:
=== Configurable packages
Some foundational packages like Busybox and uClibc can be configured
with or without certain features. When writing Buildroot code that
uses such packages, contributors may assume that the options enabled
in the Buildroot-provided configurations are enabled. For example,
+package/busybox/busybox.config+ sets
meant for use with Busybox init may use +start-stop-daemon+ with long
form options.
People who use custom configurations that disable such default options
are responsible for making sure that any relevant scripts/packages
still work, and if not, adapting them accordingly. To follow the
Busybox example above, disabling long form options will require
replacing init scripts that use them (in an overlay).