blob: 09ce3d1100f07195765d0e77e1587d57b7c905e5 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# We want to catch any unexpected failure, and exit immediately
set -e
# Download helper for cp, to be called from the download wrapper script
# Call it as:
# .../cp [-q] OUT_FILE SRC_FILE
# Environment:
# LOCALFILES: the cp command to call
# 'cp' usually does not print anything on its stdout, whereas the
# other download backends, even if not verbose, at least print some
# progress information.
# Make 'cp' verbose by default, so it behaves a bit like the others.
while getopts :q OPT; do
case "${OPT}" in
q) verbose=;;
\?) printf "unknown option '%s'\n" "${OPTARG}" >&2; exit 1;;
shift $((OPTIND-1))
# Caller needs to single-quote its arguments to prevent them from
# being expanded a second time (in case there are spaces in them)
_localfiles() {
eval ${LOCALFILES} "${@}"
_localfiles ${verbose} "'${source}'" "'${output}'"