| // -*- mode:doc; -*- |
| // vim: set syntax=asciidoc: |
| |
| = The Buildroot user manual |
| :toc: |
| |
| Buildroot {sys:echo $BR2_VERSION} manual generated on {localdate} |
| {localtime} from git revision {sys:git rev-parse --short HEAD} |
| |
| The Buildroot manual is written by the Buildroot developers. |
| It is licensed under the GNU General Public License, version 2. Refer to the |
| http://git.buildroot.org/buildroot/tree/COPYING?id={sys:git rev-parse HEAD}[COPYING] |
| file in the Buildroot sources for the full text of this license. |
| |
| Copyright (C) The Buildroot developers <buildroot@buildroot.org> |
| |
| image::logo.png[] |
| |
| = Getting started |
| |
| include::introduction.adoc[] |
| |
| include::prerequisite.adoc[] |
| |
| include::getting.adoc[] |
| |
| include::quickstart.adoc[] |
| |
| include::resources.adoc[] |
| |
| = User guide |
| |
| include::configure.adoc[] |
| |
| include::configure-other-components.adoc[] |
| |
| include::common-usage.adoc[] |
| |
| include::customize.adoc[] |
| |
| include::integration.adoc[] |
| |
| include::faq-troubleshooting.adoc[] |
| |
| include::known-issues.adoc[] |
| |
| include::legal-notice.adoc[] |
| |
| include::beyond-buildroot.adoc[] |
| |
| = Developer guide |
| |
| include::how-buildroot-works.adoc[] |
| |
| include::writing-rules.adoc[] |
| |
| include::adding-board-support.adoc[] |
| |
| include::adding-packages.adoc[] |
| |
| include::patch-policy.adoc[] |
| |
| include::download-infra.adoc[] |
| |
| include::debugging-buildroot.adoc[] |
| |
| include::contribute.adoc[] |
| |
| include::developers.adoc[] |
| |
| include::release-engineering.adoc[] |
| |
| = Appendix |
| |
| include::appendix.adoc[] |