blob: a8889799bfade6ac9188b25a2a8b10a1a0ad76aa [file] [log] [blame]
set -e
if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then
echo "Usage $0 TEST_CASE [QEMU_ARGS]"
exit 2
if [ ! -f config.mak ]; then
echo "run './configure --target-efi && make' first. See ./configure -h"
exit 2
source config.mak
: "${EFI_SRC:=$(realpath "$(dirname "$0")/../")}"
: "${EFI_UEFI:=/usr/share/ovmf/OVMF.fd}"
: "${EFI_TEST:=efi-tests}"
: "${EFI_SMP:=1}"
: "${EFI_CASE:=$(basename $1 .efi)}"
if [ ! -f "$EFI_UEFI" ]; then
echo "UEFI firmware not found: $EFI_UEFI"
echo "Please install the UEFI firmware to this path"
echo "Or specify the correct path with the env variable EFI_UEFI"
exit 2
# Remove the TEST_CASE from $@
shift 1
# Prepare EFI boot file system
# - Copy .efi file to host dir $EFI_TEST/$EFI_CASE/EFI/BOOT/BOOTX64.EFI
# This host dir will be loaded by QEMU as a FAT32 image
# - UEFI firmware by default loads the file EFI/BOOT/BOOTX64.EFI
mkdir -p "$EFI_CASE_DIR"
if [ "$EFI_CASE" != "_NO_FILE_4Uhere_" ]; then
# Run test case with 256MiB QEMU memory. QEMU default memory size is 128MiB.
# After UEFI boot up and we call `LibMemoryMap()`, the largest consecutive
# memory region is ~42MiB. Although this is sufficient for many test cases to
# run in UEFI, some test cases, e.g. `x86/pmu.c`, require more free memory. A
# simple fix is to increase the QEMU default memory size to 256MiB so that
# UEFI's largest allocatable memory region is large enough.
# Also, pass in an EFI-specific smp count (i.e., `-smp 1`) as the last argument
# to x86/run. This `smp` flag overrides any previous `smp` flags (e.g.,
# `-smp 4`). This is necessary because KVM-Unit-Tests do not currently support
# SMP under UEFI. This last flag should be removed when this issue is resolved.
"$TEST_DIR/run" \
-drive file="$EFI_UEFI",format=raw,if=pflash,readonly=on \
-drive file.dir="$EFI_TEST/$EFI_CASE/",file.driver=vvfat,,format=raw,if=virtio \
-net none \
-nographic \
-m 256 \
"$@" \
-smp "$EFI_SMP"