blob: 0b1146d0c997a216c589bb21d86d91f4d0f6841c [file] [log] [blame]
/* SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT */
* Copyright © 2014-2021 Intel Corporation
#include <linux/types.h>
#include <linux/build_bug.h>
#include "guc_messages_abi.h"
* DOC: CT Buffer
* Circular buffer used to send `CTB Message`_
* DOC: CTB Descriptor
* +---+-------+--------------------------------------------------------------+
* | | Bits | Description |
* +===+=======+==============================================================+
* | 0 | 31:0 | **HEAD** - offset (in dwords) to the last dword that was |
* | | | read from the `CT Buffer`_. |
* | | | It can only be updated by the receiver. |
* +---+-------+--------------------------------------------------------------+
* | 1 | 31:0 | **TAIL** - offset (in dwords) to the last dword that was |
* | | | written to the `CT Buffer`_. |
* | | | It can only be updated by the sender. |
* +---+-------+--------------------------------------------------------------+
* | 2 | 31:0 | **STATUS** - status of the CTB |
* | | | |
* | | | - _`GUC_CTB_STATUS_NO_ERROR` = 0 (normal operation) |
* | | | - _`GUC_CTB_STATUS_OVERFLOW` = 1 (head/tail too large) |
* | | | - _`GUC_CTB_STATUS_UNDERFLOW` = 2 (truncated message) |
* | | | - _`GUC_CTB_STATUS_MISMATCH` = 4 (head/tail modified) |
* +---+-------+--------------------------------------------------------------+
* |...| | RESERVED = MBZ |
* +---+-------+--------------------------------------------------------------+
* | 15| 31:0 | RESERVED = MBZ |
* +---+-------+--------------------------------------------------------------+
struct guc_ct_buffer_desc {
u32 head;
u32 tail;
u32 status;
#define GUC_CTB_STATUS_OVERFLOW (1 << 0)
#define GUC_CTB_STATUS_MISMATCH (1 << 2)
u32 reserved[13];
} __packed;
static_assert(sizeof(struct guc_ct_buffer_desc) == 64);
* DOC: CTB Message
* +---+-------+--------------------------------------------------------------+
* | | Bits | Description |
* +===+=======+==============================================================+
* | 0 | 31:16 | **FENCE** - message identifier |
* | +-------+--------------------------------------------------------------+
* | | 15:12 | **FORMAT** - format of the CTB message |
* | | | - _`GUC_CTB_FORMAT_HXG` = 0 - see `CTB HXG Message`_ |
* | +-------+--------------------------------------------------------------+
* | | 11:8 | **RESERVED** |
* | +-------+--------------------------------------------------------------+
* | | 7:0 | **NUM_DWORDS** - length of the CTB message (w/o header) |
* +---+-------+--------------------------------------------------------------+
* | 1 | 31:0 | optional (depends on FORMAT) |
* +---+-------+ |
* |...| | |
* +---+-------+ |
* | n | 31:0 | |
* +---+-------+--------------------------------------------------------------+
#define GUC_CTB_HDR_LEN 1u
#define GUC_CTB_MSG_MAX_LEN 256u
#define GUC_CTB_MSG_0_FENCE (0xffffu << 16)
#define GUC_CTB_MSG_0_FORMAT (0xfu << 12)
#define GUC_CTB_MSG_0_RESERVED (0xfu << 8)
#define GUC_CTB_MSG_0_NUM_DWORDS (0xffu << 0)
* DOC: CTB HXG Message
* +---+-------+--------------------------------------------------------------+
* | | Bits | Description |
* +===+=======+==============================================================+
* | 0 | 31:16 | FENCE |
* | +-------+--------------------------------------------------------------+
* | | 15:12 | FORMAT = GUC_CTB_FORMAT_HXG_ |
* | +-------+--------------------------------------------------------------+
* | | 11:8 | RESERVED = MBZ |
* | +-------+--------------------------------------------------------------+
* | | 7:0 | NUM_DWORDS = length (in dwords) of the embedded HXG message |
* +---+-------+--------------------------------------------------------------+
* | 1 | 31:0 | |
* +---+-------+ |
* |...| | [Embedded `HXG Message`_] |
* +---+-------+ |
* | n | 31:0 | |
* +---+-------+--------------------------------------------------------------+
* DOC: CTB based communication
* The CTB (command transport buffer) communication between Host and GuC
* is based on u32 data stream written to the shared buffer. One buffer can
* be used to transmit data only in one direction (one-directional channel).
* Current status of the each buffer is maintained in the `CTB Descriptor`_.
* Each message in data stream is encoded as `CTB HXG Message`_.