| What: /sys/bus/iio/devices/iio:deviceX |
| KernelVersion: 2.6.35 |
| Contact: linux-iio@vger.kernel.org |
| Description: |
| Hardware chip or device accessed by one communication port. |
| Corresponds to a grouping of sensor channels. X is the IIO |
| index of the device. |
| |
| What: /sys/bus/iio/devices/triggerX |
| KernelVersion: 2.6.35 |
| Contact: linux-iio@vger.kernel.org |
| Description: |
| An event driven driver of data capture to an in kernel buffer. |
| May be provided by a device driver that also has an IIO device |
| based on hardware generated events (e.g. data ready) or |
| provided by a separate driver for other hardware (e.g. |
| periodic timer, GPIO or high resolution timer). |
| Contains trigger type specific elements. These do not |
| generalize well and hence are not documented in this file. |
| X is the IIO index of the trigger. |
| |
| What: /sys/bus/iio/devices/iio:deviceX/buffer |
| KernelVersion: 2.6.35 |
| Contact: linux-iio@vger.kernel.org |
| Description: |
| Directory of attributes relating to the buffer for the device. |
| |
| What: /sys/bus/iio/devices/iio:deviceX/name |
| KernelVersion: 2.6.35 |
| Contact: linux-iio@vger.kernel.org |
| Description: |
| Description of the physical chip / device for device X. |
| Typically a part number. |
| |
| What: /sys/bus/iio/devices/iio:deviceX/sampling_frequency |
| What: /sys/bus/iio/devices/iio:deviceX/buffer/sampling_frequency |
| What: /sys/bus/iio/devices/triggerX/sampling_frequency |
| KernelVersion: 2.6.35 |
| Contact: linux-iio@vger.kernel.org |
| Description: |
| Some devices have internal clocks. This parameter sets the |
| resulting sampling frequency. In many devices this |
| parameter has an effect on input filters etc. rather than |
| simply controlling when the input is sampled. As this |
| effects data ready triggers, hardware buffers and the sysfs |
| direct access interfaces, it may be found in any of the |
| relevant directories. If it effects all of the above |
| then it is to be found in the base device directory. |
| |
| What: /sys/bus/iio/devices/iio:deviceX/sampling_frequency_available |
| What: /sys/.../iio:deviceX/buffer/sampling_frequency_available |
| What: /sys/bus/iio/devices/triggerX/sampling_frequency_available |
| KernelVersion: 2.6.35 |
| Contact: linux-iio@vger.kernel.org |
| Description: |
| When the internal sampling clock can only take a small |
| discrete set of values, this file lists those available. |
| |
| What: /sys/bus/iio/devices/iio:deviceX/oversampling_ratio |
| KernelVersion: 2.6.38 |
| Contact: linux-iio@vger.kernel.org |
| Description: |
| Hardware dependent ADC oversampling. Controls the sampling ratio |
| of the digital filter if available. |
| |
| What: /sys/bus/iio/devices/iio:deviceX/oversampling_ratio_available |
| KernelVersion: 2.6.38 |
| Contact: linux-iio@vger.kernel.org |
| Description: |
| Hardware dependent values supported by the oversampling filter. |
| |
| What: /sys/bus/iio/devices/iio:deviceX/in_voltageY_raw |
| What: /sys/bus/iio/devices/iio:deviceX/in_voltageY_supply_raw |
| KernelVersion: 2.6.35 |
| Contact: linux-iio@vger.kernel.org |
| Description: |
| Raw (unscaled no bias removal etc.) voltage measurement from |
| channel Y. In special cases where the channel does not |
| correspond to externally available input one of the named |
| versions may be used. The number must always be specified and |
| unique to allow association with event codes. Units after |
| application of scale and offset are millivolts. |
| |
| What: /sys/bus/iio/devices/iio:deviceX/in_voltageY-voltageZ_raw |
| KernelVersion: 2.6.35 |
| Contact: linux-iio@vger.kernel.org |
| Description: |
| Raw (unscaled) differential voltage measurement equivalent to |
| channel Y - channel Z where these channel numbers apply to the |
| physically equivalent inputs when non differential readings are |
| separately available. In differential only parts, then all that |
| is required is a consistent labeling. Units after application |
| of scale and offset are millivolts. |
| |
| What: /sys/bus/iio/devices/iio:deviceX/in_currentY_raw |
| What: /sys/bus/iio/devices/iio:deviceX/in_currentY_supply_raw |
| KernelVersion: 3.17 |
| Contact: linux-iio@vger.kernel.org |
| Description: |
| Raw (unscaled no bias removal etc.) current measurement from |
| channel Y. In special cases where the channel does not |
| correspond to externally available input one of the named |
| versions may be used. The number must always be specified and |
| unique to allow association with event codes. Units after |
| application of scale and offset are milliamps. |
| |
| What: /sys/bus/iio/devices/iio:deviceX/in_capacitanceY_raw |
| KernelVersion: 3.2 |
| Contact: linux-iio@vger.kernel.org |
| Description: |
| Raw capacitance measurement from channel Y. Units after |
| application of scale and offset are nanofarads. |
| |
| What: /sys/.../iio:deviceX/in_capacitanceY-in_capacitanceZ_raw |
| KernelVersion: 3.2 |
| Contact: linux-iio@vger.kernel.org |
| Description: |
| Raw differential capacitance measurement equivalent to |
| channel Y - channel Z where these channel numbers apply to the |
| physically equivalent inputs when non differential readings are |
| separately available. In differential only parts, then all that |
| is required is a consistent labeling. Units after application |
| of scale and offset are nanofarads. |
| |
| What: /sys/bus/iio/devices/iio:deviceX/in_temp_raw |
| What: /sys/bus/iio/devices/iio:deviceX/in_tempX_raw |
| What: /sys/bus/iio/devices/iio:deviceX/in_temp_x_raw |
| What: /sys/bus/iio/devices/iio:deviceX/in_temp_y_raw |
| What: /sys/bus/iio/devices/iio:deviceX/in_temp_ambient_raw |
| What: /sys/bus/iio/devices/iio:deviceX/in_temp_object_raw |
| KernelVersion: 2.6.35 |
| Contact: linux-iio@vger.kernel.org |
| Description: |
| Raw (unscaled no bias removal etc.) temperature measurement. |
| If an axis is specified it generally means that the temperature |
| sensor is associated with one part of a compound device (e.g. |
| a gyroscope axis). The ambient and object modifiers distinguish |
| between ambient (reference) and distant temperature for contact- |
| less measurements. Units after application of scale and offset |
| are milli degrees Celsius. |
| |
| What: /sys/bus/iio/devices/iio:deviceX/in_tempX_input |
| KernelVersion: 2.6.38 |
| Contact: linux-iio@vger.kernel.org |
| Description: |
| Scaled temperature measurement in milli degrees Celsius. |
| |
| What: /sys/bus/iio/devices/iio:deviceX/in_accel_x_raw |
| What: /sys/bus/iio/devices/iio:deviceX/in_accel_y_raw |
| What: /sys/bus/iio/devices/iio:deviceX/in_accel_z_raw |
| KernelVersion: 2.6.35 |
| Contact: linux-iio@vger.kernel.org |
| Description: |
| Acceleration in direction x, y or z (may be arbitrarily assigned |
| but should match other such assignments on device). |
| Has all of the equivalent parameters as per voltageY. Units |
| after application of scale and offset are m/s^2. |
| |
| What: /sys/bus/iio/devices/iio:deviceX/in_anglvel_x_raw |
| What: /sys/bus/iio/devices/iio:deviceX/in_anglvel_y_raw |
| What: /sys/bus/iio/devices/iio:deviceX/in_anglvel_z_raw |
| KernelVersion: 2.6.35 |
| Contact: linux-iio@vger.kernel.org |
| Description: |
| Angular velocity about axis x, y or z (may be arbitrarily |
| assigned). Has all the equivalent parameters as per voltageY. |
| Units after application of scale and offset are radians per |
| second. |
| |
| What: /sys/bus/iio/devices/iio:deviceX/in_incli_x_raw |
| What: /sys/bus/iio/devices/iio:deviceX/in_incli_y_raw |
| What: /sys/bus/iio/devices/iio:deviceX/in_incli_z_raw |
| KernelVersion: 2.6.35 |
| Contact: linux-iio@vger.kernel.org |
| Description: |
| Inclination raw reading about axis x, y or z (may be |
| arbitrarily assigned). Data converted by application of offset |
| and scale to degrees. |
| |
| What: /sys/bus/iio/devices/iio:deviceX/in_magn_x_raw |
| What: /sys/bus/iio/devices/iio:deviceX/in_magn_y_raw |
| What: /sys/bus/iio/devices/iio:deviceX/in_magn_z_raw |
| KernelVersion: 2.6.35 |
| Contact: linux-iio@vger.kernel.org |
| Description: |
| Magnetic field along axis x, y or z (may be arbitrarily |
| assigned). Data converted by application of offset |
| then scale to Gauss. |
| |
| What: /sys/bus/iio/devices/iio:deviceX/in_accel_x_peak_raw |
| What: /sys/bus/iio/devices/iio:deviceX/in_accel_y_peak_raw |
| What: /sys/bus/iio/devices/iio:deviceX/in_accel_z_peak_raw |
| KernelVersion: 2.6.36 |
| Contact: linux-iio@vger.kernel.org |
| Description: |
| Highest value since some reset condition. These |
| attributes allow access to this and are otherwise |
| the direct equivalent of the <type>Y[_name]_raw attributes. |
| |
| What: /sys/bus/iio/devices/iio:deviceX/in_accel_xyz_squared_peak_raw |
| KernelVersion: 2.6.36 |
| Contact: linux-iio@vger.kernel.org |
| Description: |
| A computed peak value based on the sum squared magnitude of |
| the underlying value in the specified directions. |
| |
| What: /sys/bus/iio/devices/iio:deviceX/in_pressureY_raw |
| What: /sys/bus/iio/devices/iio:deviceX/in_pressure_raw |
| KernelVersion: 3.8 |
| Contact: linux-iio@vger.kernel.org |
| Description: |
| Raw pressure measurement from channel Y. Units after |
| application of scale and offset are kilopascal. |
| |
| What: /sys/bus/iio/devices/iio:deviceX/in_pressureY_input |
| What: /sys/bus/iio/devices/iio:deviceX/in_pressure_input |
| KernelVersion: 3.8 |
| Contact: linux-iio@vger.kernel.org |
| Description: |
| Scaled pressure measurement from channel Y, in kilopascal. |
| |
| What: /sys/bus/iio/devices/iio:deviceX/in_humidityrelative_raw |
| KernelVersion: 3.14 |
| Contact: linux-iio@vger.kernel.org |
| Description: |
| Raw humidity measurement of air. Units after application of |
| scale and offset are milli percent. |
| |
| What: /sys/bus/iio/devices/iio:deviceX/in_humidityrelative_input |
| KernelVersion: 3.14 |
| Contact: linux-iio@vger.kernel.org |
| Description: |
| Scaled humidity measurement in milli percent. |
| |
| What: /sys/bus/iio/devices/iio:deviceX/in_X_mean_raw |
| KernelVersion: 3.5 |
| Contact: linux-iio@vger.kernel.org |
| Description: |
| Averaged raw measurement from channel X. The number of values |
| used for averaging is device specific. The converting rules for |
| normal raw values also applies to the averaged raw values. |
| |
| What: /sys/bus/iio/devices/iio:deviceX/in_accel_offset |
| What: /sys/bus/iio/devices/iio:deviceX/in_accel_x_offset |
| What: /sys/bus/iio/devices/iio:deviceX/in_accel_y_offset |
| What: /sys/bus/iio/devices/iio:deviceX/in_accel_z_offset |
| What: /sys/bus/iio/devices/iio:deviceX/in_voltageY_offset |
| What: /sys/bus/iio/devices/iio:deviceX/in_voltage_offset |
| What: /sys/bus/iio/devices/iio:deviceX/in_currentY_offset |
| What: /sys/bus/iio/devices/iio:deviceX/in_current_offset |
| What: /sys/bus/iio/devices/iio:deviceX/in_tempY_offset |
| What: /sys/bus/iio/devices/iio:deviceX/in_temp_offset |
| What: /sys/bus/iio/devices/iio:deviceX/in_pressureY_offset |
| What: /sys/bus/iio/devices/iio:deviceX/in_pressure_offset |
| What: /sys/bus/iio/devices/iio:deviceX/in_humidityrelative_offset |
| KernelVersion: 2.6.35 |
| Contact: linux-iio@vger.kernel.org |
| Description: |
| If known for a device, offset to be added to <type>[Y]_raw prior |
| to scaling by <type>[Y]_scale in order to obtain value in the |
| <type> units as specified in <type>[Y]_raw documentation. |
| Not present if the offset is always 0 or unknown. If Y or |
| axis <x|y|z> is not present, then the offset applies to all |
| in channels of <type>. |
| May be writable if a variable offset can be applied on the |
| device. Note that this is different to calibbias which |
| is for devices (or drivers) that apply offsets to compensate |
| for variation between different instances of the part, typically |
| adjusted by using some hardware supported calibration procedure. |
| Calibbias is applied internally, offset is applied in userspace |
| to the _raw output. |
| |
| What: /sys/bus/iio/devices/iio:deviceX/in_voltageY_scale |
| What: /sys/bus/iio/devices/iio:deviceX/in_voltageY_supply_scale |
| What: /sys/bus/iio/devices/iio:deviceX/in_voltage_scale |
| What: /sys/bus/iio/devices/iio:deviceX/in_voltage-voltage_scale |
| What: /sys/bus/iio/devices/iio:deviceX/out_voltageY_scale |
| What: /sys/bus/iio/devices/iio:deviceX/out_altvoltageY_scale |
| What: /sys/bus/iio/devices/iio:deviceX/in_currentY_scale |
| What: /sys/bus/iio/devices/iio:deviceX/in_currentY_supply_scale |
| What: /sys/bus/iio/devices/iio:deviceX/in_current_scale |
| What: /sys/bus/iio/devices/iio:deviceX/in_accel_scale |
| What: /sys/bus/iio/devices/iio:deviceX/in_accel_peak_scale |
| What: /sys/bus/iio/devices/iio:deviceX/in_anglvel_scale |
| What: /sys/bus/iio/devices/iio:deviceX/in_energy_scale |
| What: /sys/bus/iio/devices/iio:deviceX/in_distance_scale |
| What: /sys/bus/iio/devices/iio:deviceX/in_magn_scale |
| What: /sys/bus/iio/devices/iio:deviceX/in_magn_x_scale |
| What: /sys/bus/iio/devices/iio:deviceX/in_magn_y_scale |
| What: /sys/bus/iio/devices/iio:deviceX/in_magn_z_scale |
| What: /sys/bus/iio/devices/iio:deviceX/in_rot_from_north_magnetic_scale |
| What: /sys/bus/iio/devices/iio:deviceX/in_rot_from_north_true_scale |
| What: /sys/bus/iio/devices/iio:deviceX/in_rot_from_north_magnetic_tilt_comp_scale |
| What: /sys/bus/iio/devices/iio:deviceX/in_rot_from_north_true_tilt_comp_scale |
| What: /sys/bus/iio/devices/iio:deviceX/in_pressureY_scale |
| What: /sys/bus/iio/devices/iio:deviceX/in_pressure_scale |
| What: /sys/bus/iio/devices/iio:deviceX/in_humidityrelative_scale |
| What: /sys/bus/iio/devices/iio:deviceX/in_velocity_sqrt(x^2+y^2+z^2)_scale |
| KernelVersion: 2.6.35 |
| Contact: linux-iio@vger.kernel.org |
| Description: |
| If known for a device, scale to be applied to <type>Y[_name]_raw |
| post addition of <type>[Y][_name]_offset in order to obtain the |
| measured value in <type> units as specified in |
| <type>[Y][_name]_raw documentation. If shared across all in |
| channels then Y and <x|y|z> are not present and the value is |
| called <type>[Y][_name]_scale. The peak modifier means this |
| value is applied to <type>Y[_name]_peak_raw values. |
| |
| What: /sys/bus/iio/devices/iio:deviceX/in_accel_x_calibbias |
| What: /sys/bus/iio/devices/iio:deviceX/in_accel_y_calibbias |
| What: /sys/bus/iio/devices/iio:deviceX/in_accel_z_calibbias |
| What: /sys/bus/iio/devices/iio:deviceX/in_anglvel_x_calibbias |
| What: /sys/bus/iio/devices/iio:deviceX/in_anglvel_y_calibbias |
| What: /sys/bus/iio/devices/iio:deviceX/in_anglvel_z_calibbias |
| What: /sys/bus/iio/devices/iio:deviceX/in_illuminance0_calibbias |
| What: /sys/bus/iio/devices/iio:deviceX/in_proximity0_calibbias |
| What: /sys/bus/iio/devices/iio:deviceX/in_pressureY_calibbias |
| What: /sys/bus/iio/devices/iio:deviceX/in_pressure_calibbias |
| KernelVersion: 2.6.35 |
| Contact: linux-iio@vger.kernel.org |
| Description: |
| Hardware applied calibration offset (assumed to fix production |
| inaccuracies). |
| |
| What /sys/bus/iio/devices/iio:deviceX/in_voltageY_calibscale |
| What /sys/bus/iio/devices/iio:deviceX/in_voltageY_supply_calibscale |
| What /sys/bus/iio/devices/iio:deviceX/in_voltage_calibscale |
| What /sys/bus/iio/devices/iio:deviceX/in_accel_x_calibscale |
| What /sys/bus/iio/devices/iio:deviceX/in_accel_y_calibscale |
| What /sys/bus/iio/devices/iio:deviceX/in_accel_z_calibscale |
| What /sys/bus/iio/devices/iio:deviceX/in_anglvel_x_calibscale |
| What /sys/bus/iio/devices/iio:deviceX/in_anglvel_y_calibscale |
| What /sys/bus/iio/devices/iio:deviceX/in_anglvel_z_calibscale |
| what /sys/bus/iio/devices/iio:deviceX/in_illuminance0_calibscale |
| what /sys/bus/iio/devices/iio:deviceX/in_proximity0_calibscale |
| What: /sys/bus/iio/devices/iio:deviceX/in_pressureY_calibscale |
| What: /sys/bus/iio/devices/iio:deviceX/in_pressure_calibscale |
| KernelVersion: 2.6.35 |
| Contact: linux-iio@vger.kernel.org |
| Description: |
| Hardware applied calibration scale factor (assumed to fix |
| production inaccuracies). If shared across all channels, |
| <type>_calibscale is used. |
| |
| What: /sys/bus/iio/devices/iio:deviceX/in_steps_calibheight |
| KernelVersion: 3.19 |
| Contact: linux-iio@vger.kernel.org |
| Description: |
| Height of the user (in centimeters) used by some pedometers |
| to compute the stride length, distance, speed and activity |
| type. |
| |
| What: /sys/bus/iio/devices/iio:deviceX/in_energy_calibweight |
| KernelVersion: 3.20 |
| Contact: linux-iio@vger.kernel.org |
| Description: |
| Weight of the user (in kg). It is needed by some pedometers |
| to compute the calories burnt by the user. |
| |
| What: /sys/bus/iio/devices/iio:deviceX/in_accel_scale_available |
| What: /sys/.../iio:deviceX/in_voltageX_scale_available |
| What: /sys/.../iio:deviceX/in_voltage-voltage_scale_available |
| What: /sys/.../iio:deviceX/out_voltageX_scale_available |
| What: /sys/.../iio:deviceX/out_altvoltageX_scale_available |
| What: /sys/.../iio:deviceX/in_capacitance_scale_available |
| What: /sys/.../iio:deviceX/in_pressure_scale_available |
| What: /sys/.../iio:deviceX/in_pressureY_scale_available |
| KernelVersion: 2.6.35 |
| Contact: linux-iio@vger.kernel.org |
| Description: |
| If a discrete set of scale values is available, they |
| are listed in this attribute. |
| |
| What /sys/bus/iio/devices/iio:deviceX/out_voltageY_hardwaregain |
| What: /sys/bus/iio/devices/iio:deviceX/in_intensity_red_hardwaregain |
| What: /sys/bus/iio/devices/iio:deviceX/in_intensity_green_hardwaregain |
| What: /sys/bus/iio/devices/iio:deviceX/in_intensity_blue_hardwaregain |
| What: /sys/bus/iio/devices/iio:deviceX/in_intensity_clear_hardwaregain |
| KernelVersion: 2.6.35 |
| Contact: linux-iio@vger.kernel.org |
| Description: |
| Hardware applied gain factor. If shared across all channels, |
| <type>_hardwaregain is used. |
| |
| What: /sys/.../in_accel_filter_low_pass_3db_frequency |
| What: /sys/.../in_magn_filter_low_pass_3db_frequency |
| What: /sys/.../in_anglvel_filter_low_pass_3db_frequency |
| KernelVersion: 3.2 |
| Contact: linux-iio@vger.kernel.org |
| Description: |
| If a known or controllable low pass filter is applied |
| to the underlying data channel, then this parameter |
| gives the 3dB frequency of the filter in Hz. |
| |
| What: /sys/bus/iio/devices/iio:deviceX/out_voltageY_raw |
| What: /sys/bus/iio/devices/iio:deviceX/out_altvoltageY_raw |
| KernelVersion: 2.6.37 |
| Contact: linux-iio@vger.kernel.org |
| Description: |
| Raw (unscaled, no bias etc.) output voltage for |
| channel Y. The number must always be specified and |
| unique if the output corresponds to a single channel. |
| While DAC like devices typically use out_voltage, |
| a continuous frequency generating device, such as |
| a DDS or PLL should use out_altvoltage. |
| |
| What: /sys/bus/iio/devices/iio:deviceX/out_voltageY&Z_raw |
| What: /sys/bus/iio/devices/iio:deviceX/out_altvoltageY&Z_raw |
| KernelVersion: 2.6.37 |
| Contact: linux-iio@vger.kernel.org |
| Description: |
| Raw (unscaled, no bias etc.) output voltage for an aggregate of |
| channel Y, channel Z, etc. This interface is available in cases |
| where a single output sets the value for multiple channels |
| simultaneously. |
| |
| What: /sys/bus/iio/devices/iio:deviceX/out_voltageY_powerdown_mode |
| What: /sys/bus/iio/devices/iio:deviceX/out_voltage_powerdown_mode |
| What: /sys/bus/iio/devices/iio:deviceX/out_altvoltageY_powerdown_mode |
| What: /sys/bus/iio/devices/iio:deviceX/out_altvoltage_powerdown_mode |
| KernelVersion: 2.6.38 |
| Contact: linux-iio@vger.kernel.org |
| Description: |
| Specifies the output powerdown mode. |
| DAC output stage is disconnected from the amplifier and |
| 1kohm_to_gnd: connected to ground via an 1kOhm resistor, |
| 6kohm_to_gnd: connected to ground via a 6kOhm resistor, |
| 20kohm_to_gnd: connected to ground via a 20kOhm resistor, |
| 100kohm_to_gnd: connected to ground via an 100kOhm resistor, |
| 500kohm_to_gnd: connected to ground via a 500kOhm resistor, |
| three_state: left floating. |
| For a list of available output power down options read |
| outX_powerdown_mode_available. If Y is not present the |
| mode is shared across all outputs. |
| |
| What: /sys/.../iio:deviceX/out_votlageY_powerdown_mode_available |
| What: /sys/.../iio:deviceX/out_voltage_powerdown_mode_available |
| What: /sys/.../iio:deviceX/out_altvotlageY_powerdown_mode_available |
| What: /sys/.../iio:deviceX/out_altvoltage_powerdown_mode_available |
| KernelVersion: 2.6.38 |
| Contact: linux-iio@vger.kernel.org |
| Description: |
| Lists all available output power down modes. |
| If Y is not present the mode is shared across all outputs. |
| |
| What: /sys/bus/iio/devices/iio:deviceX/out_voltageY_powerdown |
| What: /sys/bus/iio/devices/iio:deviceX/out_voltage_powerdown |
| What: /sys/bus/iio/devices/iio:deviceX/out_altvoltageY_powerdown |
| What: /sys/bus/iio/devices/iio:deviceX/out_altvoltage_powerdown |
| KernelVersion: 2.6.38 |
| Contact: linux-iio@vger.kernel.org |
| Description: |
| Writing 1 causes output Y to enter the power down mode specified |
| by the corresponding outY_powerdown_mode. DAC output stage is |
| disconnected from the amplifier. Clearing returns to normal |
| operation. Y may be suppressed if all outputs are controlled |
| together. |
| |
| What: /sys/bus/iio/devices/iio:deviceX/out_altvoltageY_frequency |
| KernelVersion: 3.4.0 |
| Contact: linux-iio@vger.kernel.org |
| Description: |
| Output frequency for channel Y in Hz. The number must always be |
| specified and unique if the output corresponds to a single |
| channel. |
| |
| What: /sys/bus/iio/devices/iio:deviceX/out_altvoltageY_phase |
| KernelVersion: 3.4.0 |
| Contact: linux-iio@vger.kernel.org |
| Description: |
| Phase in radians of one frequency/clock output Y |
| (out_altvoltageY) relative to another frequency/clock output |
| (out_altvoltageZ) of the device X. The number must always be |
| specified and unique if the output corresponds to a single |
| channel. |
| |
| What: /sys/bus/iio/devices/iio:deviceX/events |
| KernelVersion: 2.6.35 |
| Contact: linux-iio@vger.kernel.org |
| Description: |
| Configuration of which hardware generated events are passed up |
| to user-space. |
| |
| What: /sys/.../iio:deviceX/events/in_accel_x_thresh_rising_en |
| What: /sys/.../iio:deviceX/events/in_accel_x_thresh_falling_en |
| What: /sys/.../iio:deviceX/events/in_accel_y_thresh_rising_en |
| What: /sys/.../iio:deviceX/events/in_accel_y_thresh_falling_en |
| What: /sys/.../iio:deviceX/events/in_accel_z_thresh_rising_en |
| What: /sys/.../iio:deviceX/events/in_accel_z_thresh_falling_en |
| What: /sys/.../iio:deviceX/events/in_anglvel_x_thresh_rising_en |
| What: /sys/.../iio:deviceX/events/in_anglvel_x_thresh_falling_en |
| What: /sys/.../iio:deviceX/events/in_anglvel_y_thresh_rising_en |
| What: /sys/.../iio:deviceX/events/in_anglvel_y_thresh_falling_en |
| What: /sys/.../iio:deviceX/events/in_anglvel_z_thresh_rising_en |
| What: /sys/.../iio:deviceX/events/in_anglvel_z_thresh_falling_en |
| What: /sys/.../iio:deviceX/events/in_magn_x_thresh_rising_en |
| What: /sys/.../iio:deviceX/events/in_magn_x_thresh_falling_en |
| What: /sys/.../iio:deviceX/events/in_magn_y_thresh_rising_en |
| What: /sys/.../iio:deviceX/events/in_magn_y_thresh_falling_en |
| What: /sys/.../iio:deviceX/events/in_magn_z_thresh_rising_en |
| What: /sys/.../iio:deviceX/events/in_magn_z_thresh_falling_en |
| What: /sys/.../iio:deviceX/events/in_rot_from_north_magnetic_thresh_rising_en |
| What: /sys/.../iio:deviceX/events/in_rot_from_north_magnetic_thresh_falling_en |
| What: /sys/.../iio:deviceX/events/in_rot_from_north_true_thresh_rising_en |
| What: /sys/.../iio:deviceX/events/in_rot_from_north_true_thresh_falling_en |
| What: /sys/.../iio:deviceX/events/in_rot_from_north_magnetic_tilt_comp_thresh_rising_en |
| What: /sys/.../iio:deviceX/events/in_rot_from_north_magnetic_tilt_comp_thresh_falling_en |
| What: /sys/.../iio:deviceX/events/in_rot_from_north_true_tilt_comp_thresh_rising_en |
| What: /sys/.../iio:deviceX/events/in_rot_from_north_true_tilt_comp_thresh_falling_en |
| What: /sys/.../iio:deviceX/events/in_voltageY_supply_thresh_rising_en |
| What: /sys/.../iio:deviceX/events/in_voltageY_supply_thresh_falling_en |
| What: /sys/.../iio:deviceX/events/in_voltageY_thresh_rising_en |
| What: /sys/.../iio:deviceX/events/in_voltageY_thresh_falling_en |
| What: /sys/.../iio:deviceX/events/in_tempY_thresh_rising_en |
| What: /sys/.../iio:deviceX/events/in_tempY_thresh_falling_en |
| KernelVersion: 2.6.37 |
| Contact: linux-iio@vger.kernel.org |
| Description: |
| Event generated when channel passes a threshold in the specified |
| (_rising|_falling) direction. If the direction is not specified, |
| then either the device will report an event which ever direction |
| a single threshold value is passed in (e.g. |
| <type>[Y][_name]_<raw|input>_thresh_value) or |
| <type>[Y][_name]_<raw|input>_thresh_rising_value and |
| <type>[Y][_name]_<raw|input>_thresh_falling_value may take |
| different values, but the device can only enable both thresholds |
| or neither. |
| Note the driver will assume the last p events requested are |
| to be enabled where p is how many it supports (which may vary |
| depending on the exact set requested. So if you want to be |
| sure you have set what you think you have, check the contents of |
| these attributes after everything is configured. Drivers may |
| have to buffer any parameters so that they are consistent when |
| a given event type is enabled at a future point (and not those for |
| whatever event was previously enabled). |
| |
| What: /sys/.../iio:deviceX/events/in_accel_x_roc_rising_en |
| What: /sys/.../iio:deviceX/events/in_accel_x_roc_falling_en |
| What: /sys/.../iio:deviceX/events/in_accel_y_roc_rising_en |
| What: /sys/.../iio:deviceX/events/in_accel_y_roc_falling_en |
| What: /sys/.../iio:deviceX/events/in_accel_z_roc_rising_en |
| What: /sys/.../iio:deviceX/events/in_accel_z_roc_falling_en |
| What: /sys/.../iio:deviceX/events/in_anglvel_x_roc_rising_en |
| What: /sys/.../iio:deviceX/events/in_anglvel_x_roc_falling_en |
| What: /sys/.../iio:deviceX/events/in_anglvel_y_roc_rising_en |
| What: /sys/.../iio:deviceX/events/in_anglvel_y_roc_falling_en |
| What: /sys/.../iio:deviceX/events/in_anglvel_z_roc_rising_en |
| What: /sys/.../iio:deviceX/events/in_anglvel_z_roc_falling_en |
| What: /sys/.../iio:deviceX/events/in_magn_x_roc_rising_en |
| What: /sys/.../iio:deviceX/events/in_magn_x_roc_falling_en |
| What: /sys/.../iio:deviceX/events/in_magn_y_roc_rising_en |
| What: /sys/.../iio:deviceX/events/in_magn_y_roc_falling_en |
| What: /sys/.../iio:deviceX/events/in_magn_z_roc_rising_en |
| What: /sys/.../iio:deviceX/events/in_magn_z_roc_falling_en |
| What: /sys/.../iio:deviceX/events/in_rot_from_north_magnetic_roc_rising_en |
| What: /sys/.../iio:deviceX/events/in_rot_from_north_magnetic_roc_falling_en |
| What: /sys/.../iio:deviceX/events/in_rot_from_north_true_roc_rising_en |
| What: /sys/.../iio:deviceX/events/in_rot_from_north_true_roc_falling_en |
| What: /sys/.../iio:deviceX/events/in_rot_from_north_magnetic_tilt_comp_roc_rising_en |
| What: /sys/.../iio:deviceX/events/in_rot_from_north_magnetic_tilt_comp_roc_falling_en |
| What: /sys/.../iio:deviceX/events/in_rot_from_north_true_tilt_comp_roc_rising_en |
| What: /sys/.../iio:deviceX/events/in_rot_from_north_true_tilt_comp_roc_falling_en |
| What: /sys/.../iio:deviceX/events/in_voltageY_supply_roc_rising_en |
| What: /sys/.../iio:deviceX/events/in_voltageY_supply_roc_falling_en |
| What: /sys/.../iio:deviceX/events/in_voltageY_roc_rising_en |
| What: /sys/.../iio:deviceX/events/in_voltageY_roc_falling_en |
| What: /sys/.../iio:deviceX/events/in_tempY_roc_rising_en |
| What: /sys/.../iio:deviceX/events/in_tempY_roc_falling_en |
| KernelVersion: 2.6.37 |
| Contact: linux-iio@vger.kernel.org |
| Description: |
| Event generated when channel passes a threshold on the rate of |
| change (1st differential) in the specified (_rising|_falling) |
| direction. If the direction is not specified, then either the |
| device will report an event which ever direction a single |
| threshold value is passed in (e.g. |
| <type>[Y][_name]_<raw|input>_roc_value) or |
| <type>[Y][_name]_<raw|input>_roc_rising_value and |
| <type>[Y][_name]_<raw|input>_roc_falling_value may take |
| different values, but the device can only enable both rate of |
| change thresholds or neither. |
| Note the driver will assume the last p events requested are |
| to be enabled where p is however many it supports (which may |
| vary depending on the exact set requested. So if you want to be |
| sure you have set what you think you have, check the contents of |
| these attributes after everything is configured. Drivers may |
| have to buffer any parameters so that they are consistent when |
| a given event type is enabled a future point (and not those for |
| whatever event was previously enabled). |
| |
| What: /sys/.../events/in_accel_x_raw_thresh_rising_value |
| What: /sys/.../events/in_accel_x_raw_thresh_falling_value |
| What: /sys/.../events/in_accel_y_raw_thresh_rising_value |
| What: /sys/.../events/in_accel_y_raw_thresh_falling_value |
| What: /sys/.../events/in_accel_z_raw_thresh_rising_value |
| What: /sys/.../events/in_accel_z_raw_thresh_falling_value |
| What: /sys/.../events/in_anglvel_x_raw_thresh_rising_value |
| What: /sys/.../events/in_anglvel_x_raw_thresh_falling_value |
| What: /sys/.../events/in_anglvel_y_raw_thresh_rising_value |
| What: /sys/.../events/in_anglvel_y_raw_thresh_falling_value |
| What: /sys/.../events/in_anglvel_z_raw_thresh_rising_value |
| What: /sys/.../events/in_anglvel_z_raw_thresh_falling_value |
| What: /sys/.../events/in_magn_x_raw_thresh_rising_value |
| What: /sys/.../events/in_magn_x_raw_thresh_falling_value |
| What: /sys/.../events/in_magn_y_raw_thresh_rising_value |
| What: /sys/.../events/in_magn_y_raw_thresh_falling_value |
| What: /sys/.../events/in_magn_z_raw_thresh_rising_value |
| What: /sys/.../events/in_magn_z_raw_thresh_falling_value |
| What: /sys/.../events/in_rot_from_north_magnetic_raw_thresh_rising_value |
| What: /sys/.../events/in_rot_from_north_magnetic_raw_thresh_falling_value |
| What: /sys/.../events/in_rot_from_north_true_raw_thresh_rising_value |
| What: /sys/.../events/in_rot_from_north_true_raw_thresh_falling_value |
| What: /sys/.../events/in_rot_from_north_magnetic_tilt_comp_raw_thresh_rising_value |
| What: /sys/.../events/in_rot_from_north_magnetic_tilt_comp_raw_thresh_falling_value |
| What: /sys/.../events/in_rot_from_north_true_tilt_comp_raw_thresh_rising_value |
| What: /sys/.../events/in_rot_from_north_true_tilt_comp_raw_thresh_falling_value |
| What: /sys/.../events/in_voltageY_supply_raw_thresh_rising_value |
| What: /sys/.../events/in_voltageY_supply_raw_thresh_falling_value |
| What: /sys/.../events/in_voltageY_raw_thresh_rising_value |
| What: /sys/.../events/in_voltageY_raw_thresh_falling_value |
| What: /sys/.../events/in_tempY_raw_thresh_rising_value |
| What: /sys/.../events/in_tempY_raw_thresh_falling_value |
| What: /sys/.../events/in_illuminance0_thresh_falling_value |
| what: /sys/.../events/in_illuminance0_thresh_rising_value |
| what: /sys/.../events/in_proximity0_thresh_falling_value |
| what: /sys/.../events/in_proximity0_thresh_rising_value |
| KernelVersion: 2.6.37 |
| Contact: linux-iio@vger.kernel.org |
| Description: |
| Specifies the value of threshold that the device is comparing |
| against for the events enabled by |
| <type>Y[_name]_thresh[_rising|falling]_en. |
| If separate attributes exist for the two directions, but |
| direction is not specified for this attribute, then a single |
| threshold value applies to both directions. |
| The raw or input element of the name indicates whether the |
| value is in raw device units or in processed units (as _raw |
| and _input do on sysfs direct channel read attributes). |
| |
| What: /sys/.../events/in_accel_x_thresh_rising_hysteresis |
| What: /sys/.../events/in_accel_x_thresh_falling_hysteresis |
| What: /sys/.../events/in_accel_x_thresh_either_hysteresis |
| What: /sys/.../events/in_accel_y_thresh_rising_hysteresis |
| What: /sys/.../events/in_accel_y_thresh_falling_hysteresis |
| What: /sys/.../events/in_accel_y_thresh_either_hysteresis |
| What: /sys/.../events/in_accel_z_thresh_rising_hysteresis |
| What: /sys/.../events/in_accel_z_thresh_falling_hysteresis |
| What: /sys/.../events/in_accel_z_thresh_either_hysteresis |
| What: /sys/.../events/in_anglvel_x_thresh_rising_hysteresis |
| What: /sys/.../events/in_anglvel_x_thresh_falling_hysteresis |
| What: /sys/.../events/in_anglvel_x_thresh_either_hysteresis |
| What: /sys/.../events/in_anglvel_y_thresh_rising_hysteresis |
| What: /sys/.../events/in_anglvel_y_thresh_falling_hysteresis |
| What: /sys/.../events/in_anglvel_y_thresh_either_hysteresis |
| What: /sys/.../events/in_anglvel_z_thresh_rising_hysteresis |
| What: /sys/.../events/in_anglvel_z_thresh_falling_hysteresis |
| What: /sys/.../events/in_anglvel_z_thresh_either_hysteresis |
| What: /sys/.../events/in_magn_x_thresh_rising_hysteresis |
| What: /sys/.../events/in_magn_x_thresh_falling_hysteresis |
| What: /sys/.../events/in_magn_x_thresh_either_hysteresis |
| What: /sys/.../events/in_magn_y_thresh_rising_hysteresis |
| What: /sys/.../events/in_magn_y_thresh_falling_hysteresis |
| What: /sys/.../events/in_magn_y_thresh_either_hysteresis |
| What: /sys/.../events/in_magn_z_thresh_rising_hysteresis |
| What: /sys/.../events/in_magn_z_thresh_falling_hysteresis |
| What: /sys/.../events/in_magn_z_thresh_either_hysteresis |
| What: /sys/.../events/in_rot_from_north_magnetic_thresh_rising_hysteresis |
| What: /sys/.../events/in_rot_from_north_magnetic_thresh_falling_hysteresis |
| What: /sys/.../events/in_rot_from_north_magnetic_thresh_either_hysteresis |
| What: /sys/.../events/in_rot_from_north_true_thresh_rising_hysteresis |
| What: /sys/.../events/in_rot_from_north_true_thresh_falling_hysteresis |
| What: /sys/.../events/in_rot_from_north_true_thresh_either_hysteresis |
| What: /sys/.../events/in_rot_from_north_magnetic_tilt_comp_thresh_rising_hysteresis |
| What: /sys/.../events/in_rot_from_north_magnetic_tilt_comp_thresh_falling_hysteresis |
| What: /sys/.../events/in_rot_from_north_magnetic_tilt_comp_thresh_either_hysteresis |
| What: /sys/.../events/in_rot_from_north_true_tilt_comp_thresh_rising_hysteresis |
| What: /sys/.../events/in_rot_from_north_true_tilt_comp_thresh_falling_hysteresis |
| What: /sys/.../events/in_rot_from_north_true_tilt_comp_thresh_either_hysteresis |
| What: /sys/.../events/in_voltageY_thresh_rising_hysteresis |
| What: /sys/.../events/in_voltageY_thresh_falling_hysteresis |
| What: /sys/.../events/in_voltageY_thresh_either_hysteresis |
| What: /sys/.../events/in_tempY_thresh_rising_hysteresis |
| What: /sys/.../events/in_tempY_thresh_falling_hysteresis |
| What: /sys/.../events/in_tempY_thresh_either_hysteresis |
| What: /sys/.../events/in_illuminance0_thresh_falling_hysteresis |
| what: /sys/.../events/in_illuminance0_thresh_rising_hysteresis |
| what: /sys/.../events/in_illuminance0_thresh_either_hysteresis |
| what: /sys/.../events/in_proximity0_thresh_falling_hysteresis |
| what: /sys/.../events/in_proximity0_thresh_rising_hysteresis |
| what: /sys/.../events/in_proximity0_thresh_either_hysteresis |
| KernelVersion: 3.13 |
| Contact: linux-iio@vger.kernel.org |
| Description: |
| Specifies the hysteresis of threshold that the device is comparing |
| against for the events enabled by |
| <type>Y[_name]_thresh[_(rising|falling)]_hysteresis. |
| If separate attributes exist for the two directions, but |
| direction is not specified for this attribute, then a single |
| hysteresis value applies to both directions. |
| For falling events the hysteresis is added to the _value attribute for |
| this event to get the upper threshold for when the event goes back to |
| normal, for rising events the hysteresis is subtracted from the _value |
| attribute. E.g. if in_voltage0_raw_thresh_rising_value is set to 1200 |
| and in_voltage0_raw_thresh_rising_hysteresis is set to 50. The event |
| will get activated once in_voltage0_raw goes above 1200 and will become |
| deactived again once the value falls below 1150. |
| |
| What: /sys/.../events/in_accel_x_raw_roc_rising_value |
| What: /sys/.../events/in_accel_x_raw_roc_falling_value |
| What: /sys/.../events/in_accel_y_raw_roc_rising_value |
| What: /sys/.../events/in_accel_y_raw_roc_falling_value |
| What: /sys/.../events/in_accel_z_raw_roc_rising_value |
| What: /sys/.../events/in_accel_z_raw_roc_falling_value |
| What: /sys/.../events/in_anglvel_x_raw_roc_rising_value |
| What: /sys/.../events/in_anglvel_x_raw_roc_falling_value |
| What: /sys/.../events/in_anglvel_y_raw_roc_rising_value |
| What: /sys/.../events/in_anglvel_y_raw_roc_falling_value |
| What: /sys/.../events/in_anglvel_z_raw_roc_rising_value |
| What: /sys/.../events/in_anglvel_z_raw_roc_falling_value |
| What: /sys/.../events/in_magn_x_raw_roc_rising_value |
| What: /sys/.../events/in_magn_x_raw_roc_falling_value |
| What: /sys/.../events/in_magn_y_raw_roc_rising_value |
| What: /sys/.../events/in_magn_y_raw_roc_falling_value |
| What: /sys/.../events/in_magn_z_raw_roc_rising_value |
| What: /sys/.../events/in_magn_z_raw_roc_falling_value |
| What: /sys/.../events/in_rot_from_north_magnetic_raw_roc_rising_value |
| What: /sys/.../events/in_rot_from_north_magnetic_raw_roc_falling_value |
| What: /sys/.../events/in_rot_from_north_true_raw_roc_rising_value |
| What: /sys/.../events/in_rot_from_north_true_raw_roc_falling_value |
| What: /sys/.../events/in_rot_from_north_magnetic_tilt_comp_raw_roc_rising_value |
| What: /sys/.../events/in_rot_from_north_magnetic_tilt_comp_raw_roc_falling_value |
| What: /sys/.../events/in_rot_from_north_true_tilt_comp_raw_roc_rising_value |
| What: /sys/.../events/in_rot_from_north_true_tilt_comp_raw_roc_falling_value |
| What: /sys/.../events/in_voltageY_supply_raw_roc_rising_value |
| What: /sys/.../events/in_voltageY_supply_raw_roc_falling_value |
| What: /sys/.../events/in_voltageY_raw_roc_rising_value |
| What: /sys/.../events/in_voltageY_raw_roc_falling_value |
| What: /sys/.../events/in_tempY_raw_roc_rising_value |
| What: /sys/.../events/in_tempY_raw_roc_falling_value |
| KernelVersion: 2.6.37 |
| Contact: linux-iio@vger.kernel.org |
| Description: |
| Specifies the value of rate of change threshold that the |
| device is comparing against for the events enabled by |
| <type>[Y][_name]_roc[_rising|falling]_en. |
| If separate attributes exist for the two directions, |
| but direction is not specified for this attribute, |
| then a single threshold value applies to both directions. |
| The raw or input element of the name indicates whether the |
| value is in raw device units or in processed units (as _raw |
| and _input do on sysfs direct channel read attributes). |
| |
| What: /sys/.../events/in_accel_x_thresh_rising_period |
| What: /sys/.../events/in_accel_x_thresh_falling_period |
| hat: /sys/.../events/in_accel_x_roc_rising_period |
| What: /sys/.../events/in_accel_x_roc_falling_period |
| What: /sys/.../events/in_accel_y_thresh_rising_period |
| What: /sys/.../events/in_accel_y_thresh_falling_period |
| What: /sys/.../events/in_accel_y_roc_rising_period |
| What: /sys/.../events/in_accel_y_roc_falling_period |
| What: /sys/.../events/in_accel_z_thresh_rising_period |
| What: /sys/.../events/in_accel_z_thresh_falling_period |
| What: /sys/.../events/in_accel_z_roc_rising_period |
| What: /sys/.../events/in_accel_z_roc_falling_period |
| What: /sys/.../events/in_anglvel_x_thresh_rising_period |
| What: /sys/.../events/in_anglvel_x_thresh_falling_period |
| What: /sys/.../events/in_anglvel_x_roc_rising_period |
| What: /sys/.../events/in_anglvel_x_roc_falling_period |
| What: /sys/.../events/in_anglvel_y_thresh_rising_period |
| What: /sys/.../events/in_anglvel_y_thresh_falling_period |
| What: /sys/.../events/in_anglvel_y_roc_rising_period |
| What: /sys/.../events/in_anglvel_y_roc_falling_period |
| What: /sys/.../events/in_anglvel_z_thresh_rising_period |
| What: /sys/.../events/in_anglvel_z_thresh_falling_period |
| What: /sys/.../events/in_anglvel_z_roc_rising_period |
| What: /sys/.../events/in_anglvel_z_roc_falling_period |
| What: /sys/.../events/in_magn_x_thresh_rising_period |
| What: /sys/.../events/in_magn_x_thresh_falling_period |
| What: /sys/.../events/in_magn_x_roc_rising_period |
| What: /sys/.../events/in_magn_x_roc_falling_period |
| What: /sys/.../events/in_magn_y_thresh_rising_period |
| What: /sys/.../events/in_magn_y_thresh_falling_period |
| What: /sys/.../events/in_magn_y_roc_rising_period |
| What: /sys/.../events/in_magn_y_roc_falling_period |
| What: /sys/.../events/in_magn_z_thresh_rising_period |
| What: /sys/.../events/in_magn_z_thresh_falling_period |
| What: /sys/.../events/in_magn_z_roc_rising_period |
| What: /sys/.../events/in_magn_z_roc_falling_period |
| What: /sys/.../events/in_rot_from_north_magnetic_thresh_rising_period |
| What: /sys/.../events/in_rot_from_north_magnetic_thresh_falling_period |
| What: /sys/.../events/in_rot_from_north_magnetic_roc_rising_period |
| What: /sys/.../events/in_rot_from_north_magnetic_roc_falling_period |
| What: /sys/.../events/in_rot_from_north_true_thresh_rising_period |
| What: /sys/.../events/in_rot_from_north_true_thresh_falling_period |
| What: /sys/.../events/in_rot_from_north_true_roc_rising_period |
| What: /sys/.../events/in_rot_from_north_true_roc_falling_period |
| What: /sys/.../events/in_rot_from_north_magnetic_tilt_comp_thresh_rising_period |
| What: /sys/.../events/in_rot_from_north_magnetic_tilt_comp_thresh_falling_period |
| What: /sys/.../events/in_rot_from_north_magnetic_tilt_comp_roc_rising_period |
| What: /sys/.../events/in_rot_from_north_magnetic_tilt_comp_roc_falling_period |
| What: /sys/.../events/in_rot_from_north_true_tilt_comp_thresh_rising_period |
| What: /sys/.../events/in_rot_from_north_true_tilt_comp_thresh_falling_period |
| What: /sys/.../events/in_rot_from_north_true_tilt_comp_roc_rising_period |
| What: /sys/.../events/in_rot_from_north_true_tilt_comp_roc_falling_period |
| What: /sys/.../events/in_voltageY_supply_thresh_rising_period |
| What: /sys/.../events/in_voltageY_supply_thresh_falling_period |
| What: /sys/.../events/in_voltageY_supply_roc_rising_period |
| What: /sys/.../events/in_voltageY_supply_roc_falling_period |
| What: /sys/.../events/in_voltageY_thresh_rising_period |
| What: /sys/.../events/in_voltageY_thresh_falling_period |
| What: /sys/.../events/in_voltageY_roc_rising_period |
| What: /sys/.../events/in_voltageY_roc_falling_period |
| What: /sys/.../events/in_tempY_thresh_rising_period |
| What: /sys/.../events/in_tempY_thresh_falling_period |
| What: /sys/.../events/in_tempY_roc_rising_period |
| What: /sys/.../events/in_tempY_roc_falling_period |
| What: /sys/.../events/in_accel_x&y&z_mag_falling_period |
| What: /sys/.../events/in_intensity0_thresh_period |
| What: /sys/.../events/in_proximity0_thresh_period |
| KernelVersion: 2.6.37 |
| Contact: linux-iio@vger.kernel.org |
| Description: |
| Period of time (in seconds) for which the condition must be |
| met before an event is generated. If direction is not |
| specified then this period applies to both directions. |
| |
| What: /sys/.../events/in_activity_still_thresh_rising_en |
| What: /sys/.../events/in_activity_still_thresh_falling_en |
| What: /sys/.../events/in_activity_walking_thresh_rising_en |
| What: /sys/.../events/in_activity_walking_thresh_falling_en |
| What: /sys/.../events/in_activity_jogging_thresh_rising_en |
| What: /sys/.../events/in_activity_jogging_thresh_falling_en |
| What: /sys/.../events/in_activity_running_thresh_rising_en |
| What: /sys/.../events/in_activity_running_thresh_falling_en |
| KernelVersion: 3.19 |
| Contact: linux-iio@vger.kernel.org |
| Description: |
| Enables or disables activitity events. Depending on direction |
| an event is generated when sensor ENTERS or LEAVES a given state. |
| |
| What: /sys/.../events/in_activity_still_thresh_rising_value |
| What: /sys/.../events/in_activity_still_thresh_falling_value |
| What: /sys/.../events/in_activity_walking_thresh_rising_value |
| What: /sys/.../events/in_activity_walking_thresh_falling_value |
| What: /sys/.../events/in_activity_jogging_thresh_rising_value |
| What: /sys/.../events/in_activity_jogging_thresh_falling_value |
| What: /sys/.../events/in_activity_running_thresh_rising_value |
| What: /sys/.../events/in_activity_running_thresh_falling_value |
| KernelVersion: 3.19 |
| Contact: linux-iio@vger.kernel.org |
| Description: |
| Confidence value (in units as percentage) to be used |
| for deciding when an event should be generated. E.g for |
| running: If the confidence value reported by the sensor |
| is greater than in_activity_running_thresh_rising_value |
| then the sensor ENTERS running state. Conversely, if the |
| confidence value reported by the sensor is lower than |
| in_activity_running_thresh_falling_value then the sensor |
| is LEAVING running state. |
| |
| What: /sys/.../iio:deviceX/events/in_accel_mag_en |
| What: /sys/.../iio:deviceX/events/in_accel_mag_rising_en |
| What: /sys/.../iio:deviceX/events/in_accel_mag_falling_en |
| What: /sys/.../iio:deviceX/events/in_accel_x_mag_en |
| What: /sys/.../iio:deviceX/events/in_accel_x_mag_rising_en |
| What: /sys/.../iio:deviceX/events/in_accel_x_mag_falling_en |
| What: /sys/.../iio:deviceX/events/in_accel_y_mag_en |
| What: /sys/.../iio:deviceX/events/in_accel_y_mag_rising_en |
| What: /sys/.../iio:deviceX/events/in_accel_y_mag_falling_en |
| What: /sys/.../iio:deviceX/events/in_accel_z_mag_en |
| What: /sys/.../iio:deviceX/events/in_accel_z_mag_rising_en |
| What: /sys/.../iio:deviceX/events/in_accel_z_mag_falling_en |
| What: /sys/.../iio:deviceX/events/in_accel_x&y&z_mag_rising_en |
| What: /sys/.../iio:deviceX/events/in_accel_x&y&z_mag_falling_en |
| KernelVersion: 2.6.37 |
| Contact: linux-iio@vger.kernel.org |
| Description: |
| Similar to in_accel_x_thresh[_rising|_falling]_en, but here the |
| magnitude of the channel is compared to the threshold, not its |
| signed value. |
| |
| What: /sys/.../events/in_accel_raw_mag_value |
| What: /sys/.../events/in_accel_x_raw_mag_rising_value |
| What: /sys/.../events/in_accel_y_raw_mag_rising_value |
| What: /sys/.../events/in_accel_z_raw_mag_rising_value |
| KernelVersion: 2.6.37 |
| Contact: linux-iio@vger.kernel.org |
| Description: |
| The value to which the magnitude of the channel is compared. If |
| number or direction is not specified, applies to all channels of |
| this type. |
| |
| What: /sys/.../events/in_steps_change_en |
| KernelVersion: 3.20 |
| Contact: linux-iio@vger.kernel.org |
| Description: |
| Event generated when channel passes a threshold on the absolute |
| change in value. E.g. for steps: a step change event is |
| generated each time the user takes N steps, where N is set using |
| in_steps_change_value. |
| |
| What: /sys/.../events/in_steps_change_value |
| KernelVersion: 3.20 |
| Contact: linux-iio@vger.kernel.org |
| Description: |
| Specifies the value of change threshold that the |
| device is comparing against for the events enabled by |
| <type>[Y][_name]_roc[_rising|falling|]_en. E.g. for steps: |
| if set to 3, a step change event will be generated every 3 |
| steps. |
| |
| What: /sys/bus/iio/devices/iio:deviceX/trigger/current_trigger |
| KernelVersion: 2.6.35 |
| Contact: linux-iio@vger.kernel.org |
| Description: |
| The name of the trigger source being used, as per string given |
| in /sys/class/iio/triggerY/name. |
| |
| What: /sys/bus/iio/devices/iio:deviceX/buffer/length |
| KernelVersion: 2.6.35 |
| Contact: linux-iio@vger.kernel.org |
| Description: |
| Number of scans contained by the buffer. |
| |
| What: /sys/bus/iio/devices/iio:deviceX/buffer/bytes_per_datum |
| KernelVersion: 2.6.37 |
| Contact: linux-iio@vger.kernel.org |
| Description: |
| Bytes per scan. Due to alignment fun, the scan may be larger |
| than implied directly by the scan_element parameters. |
| |
| What: /sys/bus/iio/devices/iio:deviceX/buffer/enable |
| KernelVersion: 2.6.35 |
| Contact: linux-iio@vger.kernel.org |
| Description: |
| Actually start the buffer capture up. Will start trigger |
| if first device and appropriate. |
| |
| What: /sys/bus/iio/devices/iio:deviceX/scan_elements |
| KernelVersion: 2.6.37 |
| Contact: linux-iio@vger.kernel.org |
| Description: |
| Directory containing interfaces for elements that will be |
| captured for a single triggered sample set in the buffer. |
| |
| What: /sys/.../iio:deviceX/scan_elements/in_accel_x_en |
| What: /sys/.../iio:deviceX/scan_elements/in_accel_y_en |
| What: /sys/.../iio:deviceX/scan_elements/in_accel_z_en |
| What: /sys/.../iio:deviceX/scan_elements/in_anglvel_x_en |
| What: /sys/.../iio:deviceX/scan_elements/in_anglvel_y_en |
| What: /sys/.../iio:deviceX/scan_elements/in_anglvel_z_en |
| What: /sys/.../iio:deviceX/scan_elements/in_magn_x_en |
| What: /sys/.../iio:deviceX/scan_elements/in_magn_y_en |
| What: /sys/.../iio:deviceX/scan_elements/in_magn_z_en |
| What: /sys/.../iio:deviceX/scan_elements/in_rot_from_north_magnetic_en |
| What: /sys/.../iio:deviceX/scan_elements/in_rot_from_north_true_en |
| What: /sys/.../iio:deviceX/scan_elements/in_rot_from_north_magnetic_tilt_comp_en |
| What: /sys/.../iio:deviceX/scan_elements/in_rot_from_north_true_tilt_comp_en |
| What: /sys/.../iio:deviceX/scan_elements/in_timestamp_en |
| What: /sys/.../iio:deviceX/scan_elements/in_voltageY_supply_en |
| What: /sys/.../iio:deviceX/scan_elements/in_voltageY_en |
| What: /sys/.../iio:deviceX/scan_elements/in_voltageY-voltageZ_en |
| What: /sys/.../iio:deviceX/scan_elements/in_incli_x_en |
| What: /sys/.../iio:deviceX/scan_elements/in_incli_y_en |
| What: /sys/.../iio:deviceX/scan_elements/in_pressureY_en |
| What: /sys/.../iio:deviceX/scan_elements/in_pressure_en |
| What: /sys/.../iio:deviceX/scan_elements/in_rot_quaternion_en |
| KernelVersion: 2.6.37 |
| Contact: linux-iio@vger.kernel.org |
| Description: |
| Scan element control for triggered data capture. |
| |
| What: /sys/.../iio:deviceX/scan_elements/in_accel_type |
| What: /sys/.../iio:deviceX/scan_elements/in_anglvel_type |
| What: /sys/.../iio:deviceX/scan_elements/in_magn_type |
| What: /sys/.../iio:deviceX/scan_elements/in_incli_type |
| What: /sys/.../iio:deviceX/scan_elements/in_voltageY_type |
| What: /sys/.../iio:deviceX/scan_elements/in_voltage_type |
| What: /sys/.../iio:deviceX/scan_elements/in_voltageY_supply_type |
| What: /sys/.../iio:deviceX/scan_elements/in_timestamp_type |
| What: /sys/.../iio:deviceX/scan_elements/in_pressureY_type |
| What: /sys/.../iio:deviceX/scan_elements/in_pressure_type |
| What: /sys/.../iio:deviceX/scan_elements/in_rot_quaternion_type |
| KernelVersion: 2.6.37 |
| Contact: linux-iio@vger.kernel.org |
| Description: |
| Description of the scan element data storage within the buffer |
| and hence the form in which it is read from user-space. |
| Form is [be|le]:[s|u]bits/storagebits[>>shift]. |
| be or le specifies big or little endian. s or u specifies if |
| signed (2's complement) or unsigned. bits is the number of bits |
| of data and storagebits is the space (after padding) that it |
| occupies in the buffer. shift if specified, is the shift that |
| needs to be applied prior to masking out unused bits. Some |
| devices put their data in the middle of the transferred elements |
| with additional information on both sides. Note that some |
| devices will have additional information in the unused bits |
| so to get a clean value, the bits value must be used to mask |
| the buffer output value appropriately. The storagebits value |
| also specifies the data alignment. So s48/64>>2 will be a |
| signed 48 bit integer stored in a 64 bit location aligned to |
| a 64 bit boundary. To obtain the clean value, shift right 2 |
| and apply a mask to zero the top 16 bits of the result. |
| For other storage combinations this attribute will be extended |
| appropriately. |
| |
| What: /sys/.../iio:deviceX/scan_elements/in_accel_type_available |
| KernelVersion: 2.6.37 |
| Contact: linux-iio@vger.kernel.org |
| Description: |
| If the type parameter can take one of a small set of values, |
| this attribute lists them. |
| |
| What: /sys/.../iio:deviceX/scan_elements/in_voltageY_index |
| What: /sys/.../iio:deviceX/scan_elements/in_voltageY_supply_index |
| What: /sys/.../iio:deviceX/scan_elements/in_accel_x_index |
| What: /sys/.../iio:deviceX/scan_elements/in_accel_y_index |
| What: /sys/.../iio:deviceX/scan_elements/in_accel_z_index |
| What: /sys/.../iio:deviceX/scan_elements/in_anglvel_x_index |
| What: /sys/.../iio:deviceX/scan_elements/in_anglvel_y_index |
| What: /sys/.../iio:deviceX/scan_elements/in_anglvel_z_index |
| What: /sys/.../iio:deviceX/scan_elements/in_magn_x_index |
| What: /sys/.../iio:deviceX/scan_elements/in_magn_y_index |
| What: /sys/.../iio:deviceX/scan_elements/in_magn_z_index |
| What: /sys/.../iio:deviceX/scan_elements/in_rot_from_north_magnetic_index |
| What: /sys/.../iio:deviceX/scan_elements/in_rot_from_north_true_index |
| What: /sys/.../iio:deviceX/scan_elements/in_rot_from_north_magnetic_tilt_comp_index |
| What: /sys/.../iio:deviceX/scan_elements/in_rot_from_north_true_tilt_comp_index |
| What: /sys/.../iio:deviceX/scan_elements/in_incli_x_index |
| What: /sys/.../iio:deviceX/scan_elements/in_incli_y_index |
| What: /sys/.../iio:deviceX/scan_elements/in_timestamp_index |
| What: /sys/.../iio:deviceX/scan_elements/in_pressureY_index |
| What: /sys/.../iio:deviceX/scan_elements/in_pressure_index |
| What: /sys/.../iio:deviceX/scan_elements/in_rot_quaternion_index |
| KernelVersion: 2.6.37 |
| Contact: linux-iio@vger.kernel.org |
| Description: |
| A single positive integer specifying the position of this |
| scan element in the buffer. Note these are not dependent on |
| what is enabled and may not be contiguous. Thus for user-space |
| to establish the full layout these must be used in conjunction |
| with all _en attributes to establish which channels are present, |
| and the relevant _type attributes to establish the data storage |
| format. |
| |
| What: /sys/.../iio:deviceX/in_activity_still_input |
| What: /sys/.../iio:deviceX/in_activity_walking_input |
| What: /sys/.../iio:deviceX/in_activity_jogging_input |
| What: /sys/.../iio:deviceX/in_activity_running_input |
| KernelVersion: 3.19 |
| Contact: linux-iio@vger.kernel.org |
| Description: |
| This attribute is used to read the confidence for an activity |
| expressed in units as percentage. |
| |
| What: /sys/.../iio:deviceX/in_anglvel_z_quadrature_correction_raw |
| KernelVersion: 2.6.38 |
| Contact: linux-iio@vger.kernel.org |
| Description: |
| This attribute is used to read the amount of quadrature error |
| present in the device at a given time. |
| |
| What: /sys/.../iio:deviceX/in_accelX_power_mode |
| KernelVersion: 3.11 |
| Contact: linux-iio@vger.kernel.org |
| Description: |
| Specifies the chip power mode. |
| low_noise: reduce noise level from ADC, |
| low_power: enable low current consumption. |
| For a list of available output power modes read |
| in_accel_power_mode_available. |
| |
| What: /sys/.../iio:deviceX/in_energy_input |
| What: /sys/.../iio:deviceX/in_energy_raw |
| KernelVersion: 3.20 |
| Contact: linux-iio@vger.kernel.org |
| Description: |
| This attribute is used to read the energy value reported by the |
| device (e.g.: human activity sensors report energy burnt by the |
| user). Units after application of scale are Joules. |
| |
| What: /sys/.../iio:deviceX/in_distance_input |
| What: /sys/.../iio:deviceX/in_distance_raw |
| KernelVersion: 3.20 |
| Contact: linux-iio@vger.kernel.org |
| Description: |
| This attribute is used to read the distance covered by the user |
| since the last reboot while activated. Units after application |
| of scale are meters. |
| |
| What: /sys/bus/iio/devices/iio:deviceX/store_eeprom |
| KernelVersion: 3.4.0 |
| Contact: linux-iio@vger.kernel.org |
| Description: |
| Writing '1' stores the current device configuration into |
| on-chip EEPROM. After power-up or chip reset the device will |
| automatically load the saved configuration. |
| |
| What: /sys/.../iio:deviceX/in_proximity_raw |
| What: /sys/.../iio:deviceX/in_proximity_input |
| What: /sys/.../iio:deviceX/in_proximityY_raw |
| KernelVersion: 3.4 |
| Contact: linux-iio@vger.kernel.org |
| Description: |
| Proximity measurement indicating that some |
| object is near the sensor, usually be observing |
| reflectivity of infrared or ultrasound emitted. |
| Often these sensors are unit less and as such conversion |
| to SI units is not possible. Where it is, the units should |
| be meters. If such a conversion is not possible, the reported |
| values should behave in the same way as a distance, i.e. lower |
| values indicate something is closer to the sensor. |
| |
| What: /sys/.../iio:deviceX/in_illuminanceY_input |
| What: /sys/.../iio:deviceX/in_illuminanceY_raw |
| What: /sys/.../iio:deviceX/in_illuminanceY_mean_raw |
| KernelVersion: 3.4 |
| Contact: linux-iio@vger.kernel.org |
| Description: |
| Illuminance measurement, units after application of scale |
| and offset are lux. |
| |
| What: /sys/.../iio:deviceX/in_intensityY_raw |
| What: /sys/.../iio:deviceX/in_intensityY_ir_raw |
| What: /sys/.../iio:deviceX/in_intensityY_both_raw |
| KernelVersion: 3.4 |
| Contact: linux-iio@vger.kernel.org |
| Description: |
| Unit-less light intensity. Modifiers both and ir indicate |
| that measurements contains visible and infrared light |
| components or just infrared light, respectively. |
| |
| What: /sys/.../iio:deviceX/in_intensity_red_integration_time |
| What: /sys/.../iio:deviceX/in_intensity_green_integration_time |
| What: /sys/.../iio:deviceX/in_intensity_blue_integration_time |
| What: /sys/.../iio:deviceX/in_intensity_clear_integration_time |
| What: /sys/.../iio:deviceX/in_illuminance_integration_time |
| KernelVersion: 3.12 |
| Contact: linux-iio@vger.kernel.org |
| Description: |
| This attribute is used to get/set the integration time in |
| seconds. |
| |
| What: /sys/bus/iio/devices/iio:deviceX/in_rot_quaternion_raw |
| KernelVersion: 3.15 |
| Contact: linux-iio@vger.kernel.org |
| Description: |
| Raw value of quaternion components using a format |
| x y z w. Here x, y, and z component represents the axis about |
| which a rotation will occur and w component represents the |
| amount of rotation. |
| |
| What: /sys/bus/iio/devices/iio:deviceX/in_rot_from_north_magnetic_tilt_comp_raw |
| What: /sys/bus/iio/devices/iio:deviceX/in_rot_from_north_true_tilt_comp_raw |
| What: /sys/bus/iio/devices/iio:deviceX/in_rot_from_north_magnetic_raw |
| What: /sys/bus/iio/devices/iio:deviceX/in_rot_from_north_true_raw |
| KernelVersion: 3.15 |
| Contact: linux-iio@vger.kernel.org |
| Description: |
| Raw value of rotation from true/magnetic north measured with |
| or without compensation from tilt sensors. |
| |
| What: /sys/bus/iio/devices/iio:deviceX/in_currentX_raw |
| KernelVersion: 3.18 |
| Contact: linux-iio@vger.kernel.org |
| Description: |
| Raw current measurement from channel X. Units are in milliamps |
| after application of scale and offset. If no offset or scale is |
| present, output should be considered as processed with the |
| unit in milliamps. |
| |
| What: /sys/.../iio:deviceX/in_steps_en |
| KernelVersion: 3.19 |
| Contact: linux-iio@vger.kernel.org |
| Description: |
| Activates the step counter. After activation, the number of steps |
| taken by the user will be counted in hardware and exported through |
| in_steps_input. |
| |
| What: /sys/.../iio:deviceX/in_steps_input |
| KernelVersion: 3.19 |
| Contact: linux-iio@vger.kernel.org |
| Description: |
| This attribute is used to read the number of steps taken by the user |
| since the last reboot while activated. |
| |
| What: /sys/.../iio:deviceX/in_velocity_sqrt(x^2+y^2+z^2)_input |
| What: /sys/.../iio:deviceX/in_velocity_sqrt(x^2+y^2+z^2)_raw |
| KernelVersion: 3.19 |
| Contact: linux-iio@vger.kernel.org |
| Description: |
| This attribute is used to read the current speed value of the |
| user (which is the norm or magnitude of the velocity vector). |
| Units after application of scale are m/s. |
| |
| What: /sys/.../iio:deviceX/in_steps_debounce_count |
| KernelVersion: 3.20 |
| Contact: linux-iio@vger.kernel.org |
| Description: |
| Specifies the number of steps that must occur within |
| in_steps_filter_debounce_time for the pedometer to decide the |
| consumer is making steps. |
| |
| What: /sys/.../iio:deviceX/in_steps_debounce_time |
| KernelVersion: 3.20 |
| Contact: linux-iio@vger.kernel.org |
| Description: |
| Specifies number of seconds in which we compute the steps |
| that occur in order to decide if the consumer is making steps. |