blob: 09fc27082f7ce09b2bdaa2615f33d41cf0d79c40 [file] [log] [blame]
/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 OR BSD-3-Clause */
/* Copyright(c) 2007 - 2012 Realtek Corporation. */
For type defines and data structure defines
#ifndef __DRV_TYPES_H__
#define __DRV_TYPES_H__
#define DRV_NAME "r8188eu"
#include "osdep_service.h"
#include "wlan_bssdef.h"
#include "rtw_ht.h"
#include "rtw_cmd.h"
#include "rtw_xmit.h"
#include "rtw_recv.h"
#include "hal_intf.h"
#include "hal_com.h"
#include "rtw_security.h"
#include "rtw_pwrctrl.h"
#include "rtw_io.h"
#include "rtw_eeprom.h"
#include "sta_info.h"
#include "rtw_mlme.h"
#include "rtw_debug.h"
#include "rtw_rf.h"
#include "rtw_event.h"
#include "rtw_led.h"
#include "rtw_mlme_ext.h"
#include "rtw_p2p.h"
#include "rtw_ap.h"
#include "rtw_br_ext.h"
#include "rtl8188e_hal.h"
#define DRIVERVERSION "v4.1.4_6773.20130222"
struct registry_priv {
u8 chip_version;
u8 rfintfs;
u8 lbkmode;
u8 hci;
struct ndis_802_11_ssid ssid;
u8 network_mode; /* infra, ad-hoc, auto */
u8 channel;/* ad-hoc support requirement */
u8 wireless_mode;/* A, B, G, auto */
u8 scan_mode;/* active, passive */
u8 radio_enable;
u8 preamble;/* long, short, auto */
u8 vrtl_carrier_sense;/* Enable, Disable, Auto */
u8 vcs_type;/* RTS/CTS, CTS-to-self */
u16 rts_thresh;
u16 frag_thresh;
u8 adhoc_tx_pwr;
u8 soft_ap;
u8 power_mgnt;
u8 ips_mode;
u8 smart_ps;
u8 long_retry_lmt;
u8 short_retry_lmt;
u16 busy_thresh;
u8 ack_policy;
u8 software_encrypt;
u8 software_decrypt;
u8 acm_method;
/* UAPSD */
u8 wmm_enable;
u8 uapsd_enable;
u8 uapsd_max_sp;
u8 uapsd_acbk_en;
u8 uapsd_acbe_en;
u8 uapsd_acvi_en;
u8 uapsd_acvo_en;
u8 led_enable;
struct wlan_bssid_ex dev_network;
u8 ht_enable;
u8 cbw40_enable;
u8 ampdu_enable;/* for tx */
u8 rx_stbc;
u8 ampdu_amsdu;/* A-MPDU Supports A-MSDU is permitted */
u8 lowrate_two_xmit;
u8 low_power;
u8 wifi_spec;/* !turbo_mode */
u8 channel_plan;
bool bAcceptAddbaReq;
u8 antdiv_cfg;
u8 antdiv_type;
u8 usbss_enable;/* 0:disable,1:enable */
u8 hwpdn_mode;/* 0:disable,1:enable,2:decide by EFUSE config */
u8 hwpwrp_detect;/* 0:disable,1:enable */
u8 hw_wps_pbc;/* 0:disable,1:enable */
u8 max_roaming_times; /* the max number driver will try */
u8 fw_iol; /* enable iol without other concern */
u8 enable80211d;
u8 ifname[16];
u8 if2name[16];
u8 notch_filter;
struct rt_firmware {
u8 *data;
u32 size;
struct dvobj_priv {
struct adapter *if1;
/* For 92D, DMDP have 2 interface. */
u8 InterfaceNumber;
u8 NumInterfaces;
/* In /Out Pipe information */
int RtInPipe;
int RtOutPipe[3];
u8 Queue2Pipe[HW_QUEUE_ENTRY];/* for out pipe mapping */
struct rt_firmware firmware;
/*-------- below is for USB INTERFACE --------*/
u8 RtNumOutPipes;
struct usb_interface *pusbintf;
struct usb_device *pusbdev;
atomic_t continual_urb_error;
static inline struct device *dvobj_to_dev(struct dvobj_priv *dvobj)
/* todo: get interface type from dvobj and the return
* the dev accordingly */
return &dvobj->pusbintf->dev;
struct adapter {
int pid[3];/* process id from UI, 0:wps, 1:hostapd, 2:dhcpcd */
struct dvobj_priv *dvobj;
struct mlme_priv mlmepriv;
struct mlme_ext_priv mlmeextpriv;
struct cmd_priv cmdpriv;
struct evt_priv evtpriv;
struct io_priv iopriv;
struct xmit_priv xmitpriv;
struct recv_priv recvpriv;
struct sta_priv stapriv;
struct security_priv securitypriv;
struct registry_priv registrypriv;
struct pwrctrl_priv pwrctrlpriv;
struct eeprom_priv eeprompriv;
struct led_priv ledpriv;
struct wifidirect_info wdinfo;
struct hal_data_8188e haldata;
s32 bDriverStopped;
s32 bSurpriseRemoved;
s32 bCardDisableWOHSM;
u8 hw_init_completed;
s8 signal_strength;
void *cmdThread;
void (*intf_start)(struct adapter *adapter);
void (*intf_stop)(struct adapter *adapter);
struct net_device *pnetdev;
/* used by rtw_rereg_nd_name related function */
struct rereg_nd_name_data {
struct net_device *old_pnetdev;
char old_ifname[IFNAMSIZ];
u8 old_ips_mode;
u8 old_bRegUseLed;
} rereg_nd_name_priv;
int bup;
struct net_device_stats stats;
struct iw_statistics iwstats;
struct proc_dir_entry *dir_dev;/* for proc directory */
int net_closed;
u8 bFWReady;
u8 bReadPortCancel;
u8 bWritePortCancel;
u8 bRxRSSIDisplay;
/* The driver will show up the desired channel number
* when this flag is 1. */
u8 bNotifyChannelChange;
/* The driver will show the current P2P status when the
* upper application reads it. */
u8 bShowGetP2PState;
struct adapter *pbuddy_adapter;
struct mutex *hw_init_mutex;
spinlock_t br_ext_lock;
struct nat25_network_db_entry *nethash[NAT25_HASH_SIZE];
int pppoe_connection_in_progress;
unsigned char pppoe_addr[ETH_ALEN];
unsigned char scdb_mac[ETH_ALEN];
unsigned char scdb_ip[4];
struct nat25_network_db_entry *scdb_entry;
unsigned char br_mac[ETH_ALEN];
unsigned char br_ip[4];
struct br_ext_info ethBrExtInfo;
#define adapter_to_dvobj(adapter) (adapter->dvobj)
int rtw_handle_dualmac(struct adapter *adapter, bool init);
static inline u8 *myid(struct eeprom_priv *peepriv)
return peepriv->mac_addr;
#endif /* __DRV_TYPES_H__ */