| .. -*- coding: utf-8; mode: rst -*- |
| .. _v4l2-selection-flags: |
| .. tabularcolumns:: |p{5.2cm}|p{2.0cm}|p{6.5cm}|p{1.2cm}|p{1.6cm}| |
| .. _v4l2-selection-flags-table: |
| .. flat-table:: Selection flag definitions |
| - Suggest the driver it should choose greater or equal rectangle (in |
| size) than was requested. Albeit the driver may choose a lesser |
| size, it will only do so due to hardware limitations. Without this |
| flag (and ``V4L2_SEL_FLAG_LE``) the behaviour is to choose the |
| closest possible rectangle. |
| - Suggest the driver it should choose lesser or equal rectangle (in |
| size) than was requested. Albeit the driver may choose a greater |
| size, it will only do so due to hardware limitations. |
| - The configuration must not be propagated to any further processing |
| steps. If this flag is not given, the configuration is propagated |
| inside the subdevice to all further processing steps. |