blob: 29d01fff32bd22accb56c579f09fade05ceba7fa [file] [log] [blame]
// SPDX-License-Identifier: (LGPL-2.1 OR BSD-2-Clause)
* BTF-to-C dumper test for majority of C syntax quirks.
* Copyright (c) 2019 Facebook
/* ----- START-EXPECTED-OUTPUT ----- */
enum e1 {
A = 0,
B = 1,
enum e2 {
C = 100,
D = 4294967295,
E = 0,
typedef enum e2 e2_t;
typedef enum {
F = 0,
G = 1,
H = 2,
} e3_t;
/* ----- START-EXPECTED-OUTPUT ----- */
*enum e_byte {
* EBYTE_1 = 0,
* EBYTE_2 = 1,
*} __attribute__((mode(byte)));
/* ----- END-EXPECTED-OUTPUT ----- */
enum e_byte {
} __attribute__((mode(byte)));
/* ----- START-EXPECTED-OUTPUT ----- */
*enum e_word {
* EWORD_1 = 0LL,
* EWORD_2 = 1LL,
*} __attribute__((mode(word)));
/* ----- END-EXPECTED-OUTPUT ----- */
enum e_word {
} __attribute__((mode(word))); /* force to use 8-byte backing for this enum */
/* ----- START-EXPECTED-OUTPUT ----- */
enum e_big {
EBIG_1 = 1000000000000ULL,
typedef int int_t;
typedef volatile const int * volatile const crazy_ptr_t;
typedef int *****we_need_to_go_deeper_ptr_t;
typedef volatile const we_need_to_go_deeper_ptr_t * restrict * volatile * const * restrict volatile * restrict const * volatile const * restrict volatile const how_about_this_ptr_t;
typedef int *ptr_arr_t[10];
typedef void (*fn_ptr1_t)(int);
typedef void (*printf_fn_t)(const char *, ...);
/* ------ END-EXPECTED-OUTPUT ------ */
* While previous function pointers are pretty trivial (C-syntax-level
* trivial), the following are deciphered here for future generations:
* - `fn_ptr2_t`: function, taking anonymous struct as a first arg and pointer
* to a function, that takes int and returns int, as a second arg; returning
* a pointer to a const pointer to a char. Equivalent to:
* typedef struct { int a; } s_t;
* typedef int (*fn_t)(int);
* typedef char * const * (*fn_ptr2_t)(s_t, fn_t);
* - `fn_complex_t`: pointer to a function returning struct and accepting
* union and struct. All structs and enum are anonymous and defined inline.
* - `signal_t: pointer to a function accepting a pointer to a function as an
* argument and returning pointer to a function as a result. Sane equivalent:
* typedef void (*signal_handler_t)(int);
* typedef signal_handler_t (*signal_ptr_t)(int, signal_handler_t);
* - fn_ptr_arr1_t: array of pointers to a function accepting pointer to
* a pointer to an int and returning pointer to a char. Easy.
* - fn_ptr_arr2_t: array of const pointers to a function taking no arguments
* and returning a const pointer to a function, that takes pointer to a
* `int -> char *` function and returns pointer to a char. Equivalent:
* typedef char * (*fn_input_t)(int);
* typedef char * (*fn_output_outer_t)(fn_input_t);
* typedef const fn_output_outer_t (* fn_output_inner_t)(void);
* typedef const fn_output_inner_t fn_ptr_arr2_t[5];
/* ----- START-EXPECTED-OUTPUT ----- */
typedef char * const * (*fn_ptr2_t)(struct {
int a;
}, int (*)(int));
typedef struct {
int a;
void (*b)(int, struct {
int c;
}, union {
char d;
int e[5];
} (*fn_complex_t)(union {
void *f;
char g[16];
}, struct {
int h;
typedef void (* (*signal_t)(int, void (*)(int)))(int);
typedef char * (*fn_ptr_arr1_t[10])(int **);
typedef char * (* (* const fn_ptr_arr2_t[5])(void))(char * (*)(int));
struct struct_w_typedefs {
int_t a;
crazy_ptr_t b;
we_need_to_go_deeper_ptr_t c;
how_about_this_ptr_t d;
ptr_arr_t e;
fn_ptr1_t f;
printf_fn_t g;
fn_ptr2_t h;
fn_complex_t i;
signal_t j;
fn_ptr_arr1_t k;
fn_ptr_arr2_t l;
typedef struct {
int x;
int y;
int z;
} anon_struct_t;
struct struct_fwd;
typedef struct struct_fwd struct_fwd_t;
typedef struct struct_fwd *struct_fwd_ptr_t;
union union_fwd;
typedef union union_fwd union_fwd_t;
typedef union union_fwd *union_fwd_ptr_t;
struct struct_empty {};
struct struct_simple {
int a;
char b;
const int_t *p;
struct struct_empty s;
enum e2 e;
enum {
ANON_VAL1 = 1,
ANON_VAL2 = 2,
} f;
int arr1[13];
enum e2 arr2[5];
union union_empty {};
union union_simple {
void *ptr;
int num;
int_t num2;
union union_empty u;
struct struct_in_struct {
struct struct_simple simple;
union union_simple also_simple;
struct {
int a;
} not_so_hard_as_well;
union {
int b;
int c;
} anon_union_is_good;
struct {
int d;
int e;
union {
int f;
int g;
struct struct_in_array {};
struct struct_in_array_typed {};
typedef struct struct_in_array_typed struct_in_array_t[2];
struct struct_with_embedded_stuff {
int a;
struct {
int b;
struct {
struct struct_with_embedded_stuff *c;
const char *d;
} e;
union {
volatile long f;
void * restrict g;
union {
const int_t *h;
void (*i)(char, int, void *);
} j;
enum {
K = 100,
L = 200,
} m;
char n[16];
struct {
char o;
int p;
void (*q)(int);
} r[5];
struct struct_in_struct s[10];
int t[11];
struct struct_in_array (*u)[2];
struct_in_array_t *v;
struct float_struct {
float f;
const double *d;
volatile long double *ld;
struct root_struct {
enum e1 _1;
enum e2 _2;
e2_t _2_1;
e3_t _2_2;
enum e_byte _100;
enum e_word _101;
enum e_big _102;
struct struct_w_typedefs _3;
anon_struct_t _7;
struct struct_fwd *_8;
struct_fwd_t *_9;
struct_fwd_ptr_t _10;
union union_fwd *_11;
union_fwd_t *_12;
union_fwd_ptr_t _13;
struct struct_with_embedded_stuff _14;
struct float_struct _15;
/* ------ END-EXPECTED-OUTPUT ------ */
int f(struct root_struct *s)
return 0;