blob: a924e595cfd8b868c43025a01853de6b82f4ab2d [file] [log] [blame]
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
# 14:35:47.655279 IP CLIENT_IP.PORT > SERVER_IP.PORT: sctp (1) [INIT] [init tag: 2017837359]
# 14:35:48.353250 IP SERVER_IP.PORT > CLIENT_IP.PORT: sctp (1) [INIT] [init tag: 1187206187]
# 14:35:48.353275 IP CLIENT_IP.PORT > SERVER_IP.PORT: sctp (1) [INIT ACK] [init tag: 2017837359]
# 14:35:48.353283 IP SERVER_IP.PORT > CLIENT_IP.PORT: sctp (1) [COOKIE ECHO]
# 14:35:48.353977 IP CLIENT_IP.PORT > SERVER_IP.PORT: sctp (1) [COOKIE ACK]
# 14:35:48.855335 IP SERVER_IP.PORT > CLIENT_IP.PORT: sctp (1) [INIT ACK] [init tag: 164579970]
# TOPO: SERVER_NS (link0)<--->(link1) ROUTER_NS (link2)<--->(link3) CLIENT_NS
CLIENT_NS=$(mktemp -u client-XXXXXXXX)
SERVER_NS=$(mktemp -u server-XXXXXXXX)
ROUTER_NS=$(mktemp -u router-XXXXXXXX)
# setup the topo
setup() {
ip net add $CLIENT_NS
ip net add $SERVER_NS
ip net add $ROUTER_NS
ip -n $SERVER_NS link add link0 type veth peer name link1 netns $ROUTER_NS
ip -n $CLIENT_NS link add link3 type veth peer name link2 netns $ROUTER_NS
ip -n $SERVER_NS link set link0 up
ip -n $SERVER_NS addr add $SERVER_IP/24 dev link0
ip -n $SERVER_NS route add $CLIENT_IP dev link0 via $SERVER_GW
ip -n $ROUTER_NS link set link1 up
ip -n $ROUTER_NS link set link2 up
ip -n $ROUTER_NS addr add $SERVER_GW/24 dev link1
ip -n $ROUTER_NS addr add $CLIENT_GW/24 dev link2
ip net exec $ROUTER_NS sysctl -wq net.ipv4.ip_forward=1
ip -n $CLIENT_NS link set link3 up
ip -n $CLIENT_NS addr add $CLIENT_IP/24 dev link3
ip -n $CLIENT_NS route add $SERVER_IP dev link3 via $CLIENT_GW
# simulate the delay on OVS upcall by setting up a delay for INIT_ACK with
# tc on $SERVER_NS side
tc -n $SERVER_NS qdisc add dev link0 root handle 1: htb
tc -n $SERVER_NS class add dev link0 parent 1: classid 1:1 htb rate 100mbit
tc -n $SERVER_NS filter add dev link0 parent 1: protocol ip u32 match ip protocol 132 \
0xff match u8 2 0xff at 32 flowid 1:1
tc -n $SERVER_NS qdisc add dev link0 parent 1:1 handle 10: netem delay 1200ms
# simulate the ctstate check on OVS nf_conntrack
ip net exec $ROUTER_NS iptables -A FORWARD -m state --state INVALID,UNTRACKED -j DROP
ip net exec $ROUTER_NS iptables -A INPUT -p sctp -j DROP
# use a smaller number for assoc's max_retrans to reproduce the issue
modprobe sctp
ip net exec $CLIENT_NS sysctl -wq net.sctp.association_max_retrans=3
cleanup() {
ip net exec $CLIENT_NS pkill sctp_collision 2>&1 >/dev/null
ip net exec $SERVER_NS pkill sctp_collision 2>&1 >/dev/null
ip net del "$CLIENT_NS"
ip net del "$SERVER_NS"
ip net del "$ROUTER_NS"
do_test() {
ip net exec $SERVER_NS ./sctp_collision server \
ip net exec $CLIENT_NS ./sctp_collision client \
# NOTE: one way to work around the issue is set a smaller hb_interval
# ip net exec $CLIENT_NS sysctl -wq net.sctp.hb_interval=3500
# run the test case
trap cleanup EXIT
setup && \
echo "Test for SCTP Collision in nf_conntrack:" && \
do_test && echo "PASS!"
exit $?