blob: 66dfdfdad553f4c6b580e928d8b870840b831269 [file] [log] [blame]
# Check Arm64 callgraphs are complete in fp mode
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
lscpu | grep -q "aarch64" || exit 2
PERF_DATA=$(mktemp /tmp/
TEST_PROGRAM="perf test -w leafloop"
rm -f "$PERF_DATA"
trap cleanup_files EXIT TERM INT
# Add a 1 second delay to skip samples that are not in the leaf() function
# shellcheck disable=SC2086
perf record -o "$PERF_DATA" --call-graph fp -e cycles//u -D 1000 --user-callchains -- $TEST_PROGRAM 2> /dev/null &
echo " + Recording (PID=$PID)..."
sleep 2
echo " + Stopping perf-record..."
kill $PID
wait $PID
# expected perf-script output:
# program
# 728 leaf
# 753 parent
# 76c leafloop
# ...
perf script -i "$PERF_DATA" -F comm,ip,sym | head -n4
perf script -i "$PERF_DATA" -F comm,ip,sym | head -n4 | \
awk '{ if ($2 != "") sym[i++] = $2 } END { if (sym[0] != "leaf" ||
sym[1] != "parent" ||
sym[2] != "leafloop") exit 1 }'