blob: a7db0064cb7d60a844c843bb5332f3f5cc24cb91 [file] [log] [blame]
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
// Copyright (C) 2024 FUJITA Tomonori <>
//! PHY register interfaces.
//! This module provides support for accessing PHY registers in the
//! Ethernet management interface clauses 22 and 45 register namespaces, as
//! defined in IEEE 802.3.
use super::Device;
use crate::build_assert;
use crate::error::*;
use crate::uapi;
mod private {
/// Marker that a trait cannot be implemented outside of this crate
pub trait Sealed {}
/// Accesses PHY registers.
/// This trait is used to implement the unified interface to access
/// C22 and C45 PHY registers.
/// # Examples
/// ```ignore
/// fn link_change_notify(dev: &mut Device) {
/// // read C22 BMCR register
/// // read C45 PMA/PMD control 1 register
///, 0));
/// // Checks the link status as reported by registers in the C22 namespace
/// // and updates current link state.
/// dev.genphy_read_status::<phy::C22>();
/// // Checks the link status as reported by registers in the C45 namespace
/// // and updates current link state.
/// dev.genphy_read_status::<phy::C45>();
/// }
/// ```
pub trait Register: private::Sealed {
/// Reads a PHY register.
fn read(&self, dev: &mut Device) -> Result<u16>;
/// Writes a PHY register.
fn write(&self, dev: &mut Device, val: u16) -> Result;
/// Checks the link status and updates current link state.
fn read_status(dev: &mut Device) -> Result<u16>;
/// A single MDIO clause 22 register address (5 bits).
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)]
pub struct C22(u8);
impl C22 {
/// Basic mode control.
pub const BMCR: Self = C22(0x00);
/// Basic mode status.
pub const BMSR: Self = C22(0x01);
/// PHY identifier 1.
pub const PHYSID1: Self = C22(0x02);
/// PHY identifier 2.
pub const PHYSID2: Self = C22(0x03);
/// Auto-negotiation advertisement.
pub const ADVERTISE: Self = C22(0x04);
/// Auto-negotiation link partner base page ability.
pub const LPA: Self = C22(0x05);
/// Auto-negotiation expansion.
pub const EXPANSION: Self = C22(0x06);
/// Auto-negotiation next page transmit.
pub const NEXT_PAGE_TRANSMIT: Self = C22(0x07);
/// Auto-negotiation link partner received next page.
pub const LP_RECEIVED_NEXT_PAGE: Self = C22(0x08);
/// Master-slave control.
pub const MASTER_SLAVE_CONTROL: Self = C22(0x09);
/// Master-slave status.
pub const MASTER_SLAVE_STATUS: Self = C22(0x0a);
/// PSE Control.
pub const PSE_CONTROL: Self = C22(0x0b);
/// PSE Status.
pub const PSE_STATUS: Self = C22(0x0c);
/// MMD Register control.
pub const MMD_CONTROL: Self = C22(0x0d);
/// MMD Register address data.
pub const MMD_DATA: Self = C22(0x0e);
/// Extended status.
pub const EXTENDED_STATUS: Self = C22(0x0f);
/// Creates a new instance of `C22` with a vendor specific register.
pub const fn vendor_specific<const N: u8>() -> Self {
N > 0x0f && N < 0x20,
"Vendor-specific register address must be between 16 and 31"
impl private::Sealed for C22 {}
impl Register for C22 {
fn read(&self, dev: &mut Device) -> Result<u16> {
let phydev = dev.0.get();
// SAFETY: `phydev` is pointing to a valid object by the type invariant of `Device`.
// So it's just an FFI call, open code of `phy_read()` with a valid `phy_device` pointer
// `phydev`.
let ret = unsafe {
bindings::mdiobus_read((*phydev).mdio.bus, (*phydev).mdio.addr, self.0.into())
Ok(ret as u16)
fn write(&self, dev: &mut Device, val: u16) -> Result {
let phydev = dev.0.get();
// SAFETY: `phydev` is pointing to a valid object by the type invariant of `Device`.
// So it's just an FFI call, open code of `phy_write()` with a valid `phy_device` pointer
// `phydev`.
to_result(unsafe {
bindings::mdiobus_write((*phydev).mdio.bus, (*phydev).mdio.addr, self.0.into(), val)
fn read_status(dev: &mut Device) -> Result<u16> {
let phydev = dev.0.get();
// SAFETY: `phydev` is pointing to a valid object by the type invariant of `Self`.
// So it's just an FFI call.
let ret = unsafe { bindings::genphy_read_status(phydev) };
Ok(ret as u16)
/// A single MDIO clause 45 register device and address.
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)]
pub struct Mmd(u8);
impl Mmd {
/// Physical Medium Attachment/Dependent.
pub const PMAPMD: Self = Mmd(uapi::MDIO_MMD_PMAPMD as u8);
/// WAN interface sublayer.
pub const WIS: Self = Mmd(uapi::MDIO_MMD_WIS as u8);
/// Physical coding sublayer.
pub const PCS: Self = Mmd(uapi::MDIO_MMD_PCS as u8);
/// PHY Extender sublayer.
pub const PHYXS: Self = Mmd(uapi::MDIO_MMD_PHYXS as u8);
/// DTE Extender sublayer.
pub const DTEXS: Self = Mmd(uapi::MDIO_MMD_DTEXS as u8);
/// Transmission convergence.
pub const TC: Self = Mmd(uapi::MDIO_MMD_TC as u8);
/// Auto negotiation.
pub const AN: Self = Mmd(uapi::MDIO_MMD_AN as u8);
/// Separated PMA (1).
pub const SEPARATED_PMA1: Self = Mmd(8);
/// Separated PMA (2).
pub const SEPARATED_PMA2: Self = Mmd(9);
/// Separated PMA (3).
pub const SEPARATED_PMA3: Self = Mmd(10);
/// Separated PMA (4).
pub const SEPARATED_PMA4: Self = Mmd(11);
pub const OFDM_PMAPMD: Self = Mmd(12);
/// Power unit.
pub const POWER_UNIT: Self = Mmd(13);
/// Clause 22 extension.
pub const C22_EXT: Self = Mmd(uapi::MDIO_MMD_C22EXT as u8);
/// Vendor specific 1.
pub const VEND1: Self = Mmd(uapi::MDIO_MMD_VEND1 as u8);
/// Vendor specific 2.
pub const VEND2: Self = Mmd(uapi::MDIO_MMD_VEND2 as u8);
/// A single MDIO clause 45 register device and address.
/// Clause 45 uses a 5-bit device address to access a specific MMD within
/// a port, then a 16-bit register address to access a location within
/// that device. `C45` represents this by storing a [`Mmd`] and
/// a register number.
pub struct C45 {
devad: Mmd,
regnum: u16,
impl C45 {
/// Creates a new instance of `C45`.
pub fn new(devad: Mmd, regnum: u16) -> Self {
Self { devad, regnum }
impl private::Sealed for C45 {}
impl Register for C45 {
fn read(&self, dev: &mut Device) -> Result<u16> {
let phydev = dev.0.get();
// SAFETY: `phydev` is pointing to a valid object by the type invariant of `Device`.
// So it's just an FFI call.
let ret =
unsafe { bindings::phy_read_mmd(phydev, self.devad.0.into(), self.regnum.into()) };
Ok(ret as u16)
fn write(&self, dev: &mut Device, val: u16) -> Result {
let phydev = dev.0.get();
// SAFETY: `phydev` is pointing to a valid object by the type invariant of `Device`.
// So it's just an FFI call.
to_result(unsafe {
bindings::phy_write_mmd(phydev, self.devad.0.into(), self.regnum.into(), val)
fn read_status(dev: &mut Device) -> Result<u16> {
let phydev = dev.0.get();
// SAFETY: `phydev` is pointing to a valid object by the type invariant of `Self`.
// So it's just an FFI call.
let ret = unsafe { bindings::genphy_c45_read_status(phydev) };
Ok(ret as u16)