blob: 2744f21b5a6b360c25758a48abf12ac609949fc1 [file] [log] [blame]
what: /sys/kernel/mm/damon/
Date: Mar 2022
Contact: SeongJae Park <>
Description: Interface for Data Access MONitoring (DAMON). Contains files
for controlling DAMON. For more details on DAMON itself,
please refer to Documentation/admin-guide/mm/damon/index.rst.
What: /sys/kernel/mm/damon/admin/
Date: Mar 2022
Contact: SeongJae Park <>
Description: Interface for privileged users of DAMON. Contains files for
controlling DAMON that aimed to be used by privileged users.
What: /sys/kernel/mm/damon/admin/kdamonds/nr_kdamonds
Date: Mar 2022
Contact: SeongJae Park <>
Description: Writing a number 'N' to this file creates the number of
directories for controlling each DAMON worker thread (kdamond)
named '0' to 'N-1' under the kdamonds/ directory.
What: /sys/kernel/mm/damon/admin/kdamonds/<K>/state
Date: Mar 2022
Contact: SeongJae Park <>
Description: Writing 'on' or 'off' to this file makes the kdamond starts or
stops, respectively. Reading the file returns the keywords
based on the current status. Writing 'commit' to this file
makes the kdamond reads the user inputs in the sysfs files
except 'state' again. Writing 'update_schemes_stats' to the
file updates contents of schemes stats files of the kdamond.
Writing 'update_schemes_tried_regions' to the file updates
contents of 'tried_regions' directory of every scheme directory
of this kdamond. Writing 'clear_schemes_tried_regions' to the
file removes contents of the 'tried_regions' directory.
What: /sys/kernel/mm/damon/admin/kdamonds/<K>/pid
Date: Mar 2022
Contact: SeongJae Park <>
Description: Reading this file returns the pid of the kdamond if it is
What: /sys/kernel/mm/damon/admin/kdamonds/<K>/contexts/nr_contexts
Date: Mar 2022
Contact: SeongJae Park <>
Description: Writing a number 'N' to this file creates the number of
directories for controlling each DAMON context named '0' to
'N-1' under the contexts/ directory.
What: /sys/kernel/mm/damon/admin/kdamonds/<K>/contexts/<C>/avail_operations
Date: Apr 2022
Contact: SeongJae Park <>
Description: Reading this file returns the available monitoring operations
sets on the currently running kernel.
What: /sys/kernel/mm/damon/admin/kdamonds/<K>/contexts/<C>/operations
Date: Mar 2022
Contact: SeongJae Park <>
Description: Writing a keyword for a monitoring operations set ('vaddr' for
virtual address spaces monitoring, 'fvaddr' for fixed virtual
address ranges monitoring, and 'paddr' for the physical address
space monitoring) to this file makes the context to use the
operations set. Reading the file returns the keyword for the
operations set the context is set to use.
Note that only the operations sets that listed in
'avail_operations' file are valid inputs.
What: /sys/kernel/mm/damon/admin/kdamonds/<K>/contexts/<C>/monitoring_attrs/intervals/sample_us
Date: Mar 2022
Contact: SeongJae Park <>
Description: Writing a value to this file sets the sampling interval of the
DAMON context in microseconds as the value. Reading this file
returns the value.
What: /sys/kernel/mm/damon/admin/kdamonds/<K>/contexts/<C>/monitoring_attrs/intervals/aggr_us
Date: Mar 2022
Contact: SeongJae Park <>
Description: Writing a value to this file sets the aggregation interval of
the DAMON context in microseconds as the value. Reading this
file returns the value.
What: /sys/kernel/mm/damon/admin/kdamonds/<K>/contexts/<C>/monitoring_attrs/intervals/update_us
Date: Mar 2022
Contact: SeongJae Park <>
Description: Writing a value to this file sets the update interval of the
DAMON context in microseconds as the value. Reading this file
returns the value.
What: /sys/kernel/mm/damon/admin/kdamonds/<K>/contexts/<C>/monitoring_attrs/nr_regions/min
WDate: Mar 2022
Contact: SeongJae Park <>
Description: Writing a value to this file sets the minimum number of
monitoring regions of the DAMON context as the value. Reading
this file returns the value.
What: /sys/kernel/mm/damon/admin/kdamonds/<K>/contexts/<C>/monitoring_attrs/nr_regions/max
Date: Mar 2022
Contact: SeongJae Park <>
Description: Writing a value to this file sets the maximum number of
monitoring regions of the DAMON context as the value. Reading
this file returns the value.
What: /sys/kernel/mm/damon/admin/kdamonds/<K>/contexts/<C>/targets/nr_targets
Date: Mar 2022
Contact: SeongJae Park <>
Description: Writing a number 'N' to this file creates the number of
directories for controlling each DAMON target of the context
named '0' to 'N-1' under the contexts/ directory.
What: /sys/kernel/mm/damon/admin/kdamonds/<K>/contexts/<C>/targets/<T>/pid_target
Date: Mar 2022
Contact: SeongJae Park <>
Description: Writing to and reading from this file sets and gets the pid of
the target process if the context is for virtual address spaces
monitoring, respectively.
What: /sys/kernel/mm/damon/admin/kdamonds/<K>/contexts/<C>/targets/<T>/regions/nr_regions
Date: Mar 2022
Contact: SeongJae Park <>
Description: Writing a number 'N' to this file creates the number of
directories for setting each DAMON target memory region of the
context named '0' to 'N-1' under the regions/ directory. In
case of the virtual address space monitoring, DAMON
automatically sets the target memory region based on the target
processes' mappings.
What: /sys/kernel/mm/damon/admin/kdamonds/<K>/contexts/<C>/targets/<T>/regions/<R>/start
Date: Mar 2022
Contact: SeongJae Park <>
Description: Writing to and reading from this file sets and gets the start
address of the monitoring region.
What: /sys/kernel/mm/damon/admin/kdamonds/<K>/contexts/<C>/targets/<T>/regions/<R>/end
Date: Mar 2022
Contact: SeongJae Park <>
Description: Writing to and reading from this file sets and gets the end
address of the monitoring region.
What: /sys/kernel/mm/damon/admin/kdamonds/<K>/contexts/<C>/schemes/nr_schemes
Date: Mar 2022
Contact: SeongJae Park <>
Description: Writing a number 'N' to this file creates the number of
directories for controlling each DAMON-based operation scheme
of the context named '0' to 'N-1' under the schemes/ directory.
What: /sys/kernel/mm/damon/admin/kdamonds/<K>/contexts/<C>/schemes/<S>/action
Date: Mar 2022
Contact: SeongJae Park <>
Description: Writing to and reading from this file sets and gets the action
of the scheme.
What: /sys/kernel/mm/damon/admin/kdamonds/<K>/contexts/<C>/schemes/<S>/access_pattern/sz/min
Date: Mar 2022
Contact: SeongJae Park <>
Description: Writing to and reading from this file sets and gets the mimimum
size of the scheme's target regions in bytes.
What: /sys/kernel/mm/damon/admin/kdamonds/<K>/contexts/<C>/schemes/<S>/access_pattern/sz/max
Date: Mar 2022
Contact: SeongJae Park <>
Description: Writing to and reading from this file sets and gets the maximum
size of the scheme's target regions in bytes.
What: /sys/kernel/mm/damon/admin/kdamonds/<K>/contexts/<C>/schemes/<S>/access_pattern/nr_accesses/min
Date: Mar 2022
Contact: SeongJae Park <>
Description: Writing to and reading from this file sets and gets the manimum
'nr_accesses' of the scheme's target regions.
What: /sys/kernel/mm/damon/admin/kdamonds/<K>/contexts/<C>/schemes/<S>/access_pattern/nr_accesses/max
Date: Mar 2022
Contact: SeongJae Park <>
Description: Writing to and reading from this file sets and gets the maximum
'nr_accesses' of the scheme's target regions.
What: /sys/kernel/mm/damon/admin/kdamonds/<K>/contexts/<C>/schemes/<S>/access_pattern/age/min
Date: Mar 2022
Contact: SeongJae Park <>
Description: Writing to and reading from this file sets and gets the minimum
'age' of the scheme's target regions.
What: /sys/kernel/mm/damon/admin/kdamonds/<K>/contexts/<C>/schemes/<S>/access_pattern/age/max
Date: Mar 2022
Contact: SeongJae Park <>
Description: Writing to and reading from this file sets and gets the maximum
'age' of the scheme's target regions.
What: /sys/kernel/mm/damon/admin/kdamonds/<K>/contexts/<C>/schemes/<S>/quotas/ms
Date: Mar 2022
Contact: SeongJae Park <>
Description: Writing to and reading from this file sets and gets the time
quota of the scheme in milliseconds.
What: /sys/kernel/mm/damon/admin/kdamonds/<K>/contexts/<C>/schemes/<S>/quotas/bytes
Date: Mar 2022
Contact: SeongJae Park <>
Description: Writing to and reading from this file sets and gets the size
quota of the scheme in bytes.
What: /sys/kernel/mm/damon/admin/kdamonds/<K>/contexts/<C>/schemes/<S>/quotas/reset_interval_ms
Date: Mar 2022
Contact: SeongJae Park <>
Description: Writing to and reading from this file sets and gets the quotas
charge reset interval of the scheme in milliseconds.
What: /sys/kernel/mm/damon/admin/kdamonds/<K>/contexts/<C>/schemes/<S>/quotas/weights/sz_permil
Date: Mar 2022
Contact: SeongJae Park <>
Description: Writing to and reading from this file sets and gets the
under-quota limit regions prioritization weight for 'size' in
What: /sys/kernel/mm/damon/admin/kdamonds/<K>/contexts/<C>/schemes/<S>/quotas/weights/nr_accesses_permil
Date: Mar 2022
Contact: SeongJae Park <>
Description: Writing to and reading from this file sets and gets the
under-quota limit regions prioritization weight for
'nr_accesses' in permil.
What: /sys/kernel/mm/damon/admin/kdamonds/<K>/contexts/<C>/schemes/<S>/quotas/weights/age_permil
Date: Mar 2022
Contact: SeongJae Park <>
Description: Writing to and reading from this file sets and gets the
under-quota limit regions prioritization weight for 'age' in
What: /sys/kernel/mm/damon/admin/kdamonds/<K>/contexts/<C>/schemes/<S>/watermarks/metric
Date: Mar 2022
Contact: SeongJae Park <>
Description: Writing to and reading from this file sets and gets the metric
of the watermarks for the scheme. The writable/readable
keywords for this file are 'none' for disabling the watermarks
feature, or 'free_mem_rate' for the system's global free memory
rate in permil.
What: /sys/kernel/mm/damon/admin/kdamonds/<K>/contexts/<C>/schemes/<S>/watermarks/interval_us
Date: Mar 2022
Contact: SeongJae Park <>
Description: Writing to and reading from this file sets and gets the metric
check interval of the watermarks for the scheme in
What: /sys/kernel/mm/damon/admin/kdamonds/<K>/contexts/<C>/schemes/<S>/watermarks/high
Date: Mar 2022
Contact: SeongJae Park <>
Description: Writing to and reading from this file sets and gets the high
watermark of the scheme in permil.
What: /sys/kernel/mm/damon/admin/kdamonds/<K>/contexts/<C>/schemes/<S>/watermarks/mid
Date: Mar 2022
Contact: SeongJae Park <>
Description: Writing to and reading from this file sets and gets the mid
watermark of the scheme in permil.
What: /sys/kernel/mm/damon/admin/kdamonds/<K>/contexts/<C>/schemes/<S>/watermarks/low
Date: Mar 2022
Contact: SeongJae Park <>
Description: Writing to and reading from this file sets and gets the low
watermark of the scheme in permil.
What: /sys/kernel/mm/damon/admin/kdamonds/<K>/contexts/<C>/schemes/<S>/filters/nr_filters
Date: Dec 2022
Contact: SeongJae Park <>
Description: Writing a number 'N' to this file creates the number of
directories for setting filters of the scheme named '0' to
'N-1' under the filters/ directory.
What: /sys/kernel/mm/damon/admin/kdamonds/<K>/contexts/<C>/schemes/<S>/filters/<F>/type
Date: Dec 2022
Contact: SeongJae Park <>
Description: Writing to and reading from this file sets and gets the type of
the memory of the interest. 'anon' for anonymous pages, or
'memcg' for specific memory cgroup can be written and read.
What: /sys/kernel/mm/damon/admin/kdamonds/<K>/contexts/<C>/schemes/<S>/filters/<F>/memcg_path
Date: Dec 2022
Contact: SeongJae Park <>
Description: If 'memcg' is written to the 'type' file, writing to and
reading from this file sets and gets the path to the memory
cgroup of the interest.
What: /sys/kernel/mm/damon/admin/kdamonds/<K>/contexts/<C>/schemes/<S>/filters/<F>/matching
Date: Dec 2022
Contact: SeongJae Park <>
Description: Writing 'Y' or 'N' to this file sets whether to filter out
pages that do or do not match to the 'type' and 'memcg_path',
respectively. Filter out means the action of the scheme will
not be applied to.
What: /sys/kernel/mm/damon/admin/kdamonds/<K>/contexts/<C>/schemes/<S>/stats/nr_tried
Date: Mar 2022
Contact: SeongJae Park <>
Description: Reading this file returns the number of regions that the action
of the scheme has tried to be applied.
What: /sys/kernel/mm/damon/admin/kdamonds/<K>/contexts/<C>/schemes/<S>/stats/sz_tried
Date: Mar 2022
Contact: SeongJae Park <>
Description: Reading this file returns the total size of regions that the
action of the scheme has tried to be applied in bytes.
What: /sys/kernel/mm/damon/admin/kdamonds/<K>/contexts/<C>/schemes/<S>/stats/nr_applied
Date: Mar 2022
Contact: SeongJae Park <>
Description: Reading this file returns the number of regions that the action
of the scheme has successfully applied.
What: /sys/kernel/mm/damon/admin/kdamonds/<K>/contexts/<C>/schemes/<S>/stats/sz_applied
Date: Mar 2022
Contact: SeongJae Park <>
Description: Reading this file returns the total size of regions that the
action of the scheme has successfully applied in bytes.
What: /sys/kernel/mm/damon/admin/kdamonds/<K>/contexts/<C>/schemes/<S>/stats/qt_exceeds
Date: Mar 2022
Contact: SeongJae Park <>
Description: Reading this file returns the number of the exceed events of
the scheme's quotas.
What: /sys/kernel/mm/damon/admin/kdamonds/<K>/contexts/<C>/schemes/<S>/tried_regions/<R>/start
Date: Oct 2022
Contact: SeongJae Park <>
Description: Reading this file returns the start address of a memory region
that corresponding DAMON-based Operation Scheme's action has
tried to be applied.
What: /sys/kernel/mm/damon/admin/kdamonds/<K>/contexts/<C>/schemes/<S>/tried_regions/<R>/end
Date: Oct 2022
Contact: SeongJae Park <>
Description: Reading this file returns the end address of a memory region
that corresponding DAMON-based Operation Scheme's action has
tried to be applied.
What: /sys/kernel/mm/damon/admin/kdamonds/<K>/contexts/<C>/schemes/<S>/tried_regions/<R>/nr_accesses
Date: Oct 2022
Contact: SeongJae Park <>
Description: Reading this file returns the 'nr_accesses' of a memory region
that corresponding DAMON-based Operation Scheme's action has
tried to be applied.
What: /sys/kernel/mm/damon/admin/kdamonds/<K>/contexts/<C>/schemes/<S>/tried_regions/<R>/age
Date: Oct 2022
Contact: SeongJae Park <>
Description: Reading this file returns the 'age' of a memory region that
corresponding DAMON-based Operation Scheme's action has tried
to be applied.