| /* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later */ |
| /* |
| * zr36057.h - zr36057 register offsets |
| * |
| * Copyright (C) 1998 Dave Perks <dperks@ibm.net> |
| */ |
| |
| #ifndef _ZR36057_H_ |
| #define _ZR36057_H_ |
| |
| /* Zoran ZR36057 registers */ |
| |
| #define ZR36057_VFEHCR 0x000 /* Video Front End, Horizontal Configuration Register */ |
| #define ZR36057_VFEHCR_HS_POL BIT(30) |
| #define ZR36057_VFEHCR_H_START 10 |
| #define ZR36057_VFEHCR_H_END 0 |
| #define ZR36057_VFEHCR_HMASK 0x3ff |
| |
| #define ZR36057_VFEVCR 0x004 /* Video Front End, Vertical Configuration Register */ |
| #define ZR36057_VFEVCR_VS_POL BIT(30) |
| #define ZR36057_VFEVCR_V_START 10 |
| #define ZR36057_VFEVCR_V_END 0 |
| #define ZR36057_VFEVCR_VMASK 0x3ff |
| |
| #define ZR36057_VFESPFR 0x008 /* Video Front End, Scaler and Pixel Format Register */ |
| #define ZR36057_VFESPFR_EXT_FL BIT(26) |
| #define ZR36057_VFESPFR_TOP_FIELD BIT(25) |
| #define ZR36057_VFESPFR_VCLK_POL BIT(24) |
| #define ZR36057_VFESPFR_H_FILTER 21 |
| #define ZR36057_VFESPFR_HOR_DCM 14 |
| #define ZR36057_VFESPFR_VER_DCM 8 |
| #define ZR36057_VFESPFR_DISP_MODE 6 |
| #define ZR36057_VFESPFR_YUV422 (0 << 3) |
| #define ZR36057_VFESPFR_RGB888 (1 << 3) |
| #define ZR36057_VFESPFR_RGB565 (2 << 3) |
| #define ZR36057_VFESPFR_RGB555 (3 << 3) |
| #define ZR36057_VFESPFR_ERR_DIF (1 << 2) |
| #define ZR36057_VFESPFR_PACK24 (1 << 1) |
| #define ZR36057_VFESPFR_LITTLE_ENDIAN (1 << 0) |
| |
| #define ZR36057_VDTR 0x00c /* Video Display "Top" Register */ |
| |
| #define ZR36057_VDBR 0x010 /* Video Display "Bottom" Register */ |
| |
| #define ZR36057_VSSFGR 0x014 /* Video Stride, Status, and Frame Grab Register */ |
| #define ZR36057_VSSFGR_DISP_STRIDE 16 |
| #define ZR36057_VSSFGR_VID_OVF BIT(8) |
| #define ZR36057_VSSFGR_SNAP_SHOT BIT(1) |
| #define ZR36057_VSSFGR_FRAME_GRAB BIT(0) |
| |
| #define ZR36057_VDCR 0x018 /* Video Display Configuration Register */ |
| #define ZR36057_VDCR_VID_EN BIT(31) |
| #define ZR36057_VDCR_MIN_PIX 24 |
| #define ZR36057_VDCR_TRITON BIT(24) |
| #define ZR36057_VDCR_VID_WIN_HT 12 |
| #define ZR36057_VDCR_VID_WIN_WID 0 |
| |
| #define ZR36057_MMTR 0x01c /* Masking Map "Top" Register */ |
| |
| #define ZR36057_MMBR 0x020 /* Masking Map "Bottom" Register */ |
| |
| #define ZR36057_OCR 0x024 /* Overlay Control Register */ |
| #define ZR36057_OCR_OVL_ENABLE BIT(15) |
| #define ZR36057_OCR_MASK_STRIDE 0 |
| |
| #define ZR36057_SPGPPCR 0x028 /* System, PCI, and General Purpose Pins Control Register */ |
| #define ZR36057_SPGPPCR_SOFT_RESET BIT(24) |
| |
| #define ZR36057_GPPGCR1 0x02c /* General Purpose Pins and GuestBus Control Register (1) */ |
| |
| #define ZR36057_MCSAR 0x030 /* MPEG Code Source Address Register */ |
| |
| #define ZR36057_MCTCR 0x034 /* MPEG Code Transfer Control Register */ |
| #define ZR36057_MCTCR_COD_TIME BIT(30) |
| #define ZR36057_MCTCR_C_EMPTY BIT(29) |
| #define ZR36057_MCTCR_C_FLUSH BIT(28) |
| #define ZR36057_MCTCR_COD_GUEST_ID 20 |
| #define ZR36057_MCTCR_COD_GUEST_REG 16 |
| |
| #define ZR36057_MCMPR 0x038 /* MPEG Code Memory Pointer Register */ |
| |
| #define ZR36057_ISR 0x03c /* Interrupt Status Register */ |
| #define ZR36057_ISR_GIRQ1 BIT(30) |
| #define ZR36057_ISR_GIRQ0 BIT(29) |
| #define ZR36057_ISR_COD_REP_IRQ BIT(28) |
| #define ZR36057_ISR_JPEG_REP_IRQ BIT(27) |
| |
| #define ZR36057_ICR 0x040 /* Interrupt Control Register */ |
| #define ZR36057_ICR_GIRQ1 BIT(30) |
| #define ZR36057_ICR_GIRQ0 BIT(29) |
| #define ZR36057_ICR_COD_REP_IRQ BIT(28) |
| #define ZR36057_ICR_JPEG_REP_IRQ BIT(27) |
| #define ZR36057_ICR_INT_PIN_EN BIT(24) |
| |
| #define ZR36057_I2CBR 0x044 /* I2C Bus Register */ |
| #define ZR36057_I2CBR_SDA BIT(1) |
| #define ZR36057_I2CBR_SCL BIT(0) |
| |
| #define ZR36057_JMC 0x100 /* JPEG Mode and Control */ |
| #define ZR36057_JMC_JPG BIT(31) |
| #define ZR36057_JMC_JPG_EXP_MODE (0 << 29) |
| #define ZR36057_JMC_JPG_CMP_MODE BIT(29) |
| #define ZR36057_JMC_MJPG_EXP_MODE (2 << 29) |
| #define ZR36057_JMC_MJPG_CMP_MODE (3 << 29) |
| #define ZR36057_JMC_RTBUSY_FB BIT(6) |
| #define ZR36057_JMC_GO_EN BIT(5) |
| #define ZR36057_JMC_SYNC_MSTR BIT(4) |
| #define ZR36057_JMC_FLD_PER_BUFF BIT(3) |
| #define ZR36057_JMC_VFIFO_FB BIT(2) |
| #define ZR36057_JMC_CFIFO_FB BIT(1) |
| #define ZR36057_JMC_STLL_LIT_ENDIAN BIT(0) |
| |
| #define ZR36057_JPC 0x104 /* JPEG Process Control */ |
| #define ZR36057_JPC_P_RESET BIT(7) |
| #define ZR36057_JPC_COD_TRNS_EN BIT(5) |
| #define ZR36057_JPC_ACTIVE BIT(0) |
| |
| #define ZR36057_VSP 0x108 /* Vertical Sync Parameters */ |
| #define ZR36057_VSP_VSYNC_SIZE 16 |
| #define ZR36057_VSP_FRM_TOT 0 |
| |
| #define ZR36057_HSP 0x10c /* Horizontal Sync Parameters */ |
| #define ZR36057_HSP_HSYNC_START 16 |
| #define ZR36057_HSP_LINE_TOT 0 |
| |
| #define ZR36057_FHAP 0x110 /* Field Horizontal Active Portion */ |
| #define ZR36057_FHAP_NAX 16 |
| #define ZR36057_FHAP_PAX 0 |
| |
| #define ZR36057_FVAP 0x114 /* Field Vertical Active Portion */ |
| #define ZR36057_FVAP_NAY 16 |
| #define ZR36057_FVAP_PAY 0 |
| |
| #define ZR36057_FPP 0x118 /* Field Process Parameters */ |
| #define ZR36057_FPP_ODD_EVEN BIT(0) |
| |
| #define ZR36057_JCBA 0x11c /* JPEG Code Base Address */ |
| |
| #define ZR36057_JCFT 0x120 /* JPEG Code FIFO Threshold */ |
| |
| #define ZR36057_JCGI 0x124 /* JPEG Codec Guest ID */ |
| #define ZR36057_JCGI_JPE_GUEST_ID 4 |
| #define ZR36057_JCGI_JPE_GUEST_REG 0 |
| |
| #define ZR36057_GCR2 0x12c /* GuestBus Control Register (2) */ |
| |
| #define ZR36057_POR 0x200 /* Post Office Register */ |
| #define ZR36057_POR_PO_PEN BIT(25) |
| #define ZR36057_POR_PO_TIME BIT(24) |
| #define ZR36057_POR_PO_DIR BIT(23) |
| |
| #define ZR36057_STR 0x300 /* "Still" Transfer Register */ |
| |
| #endif |