| #!/bin/bash |
| # Connects 6 network namespaces through veths. |
| # Each NS may have different IPv6 global scope addresses : |
| # NS1 ---- NS2 ---- NS3 ---- NS4 ---- NS5 ---- NS6 |
| # fb00::1 fd00::1 fd00::2 fd00::3 fb00::6 |
| # fc42::1 fd00::4 |
| # |
| # All IPv6 packets going to fb00::/16 through NS2 will be encapsulated in a |
| # IPv6 header with a Segment Routing Header, with segments : |
| # fd00::1 -> fd00::2 -> fd00::3 -> fd00::4 |
| # |
| # 3 fd00::/16 IPv6 addresses are binded to seg6local End.BPF actions : |
| # - fd00::1 : add a TLV, change the flags and apply a End.X action to fc42::1 |
| # - fd00::2 : remove the TLV, change the flags, add a tag |
| # - fd00::3 : apply an End.T action to fd00::4, through routing table 117 |
| # |
| # fd00::4 is a simple Segment Routing node decapsulating the inner IPv6 packet. |
| # Each End.BPF action will validate the operations applied on the SRH by the |
| # previous BPF program in the chain, otherwise the packet is dropped. |
| # |
| # An UDP datagram is sent from fb00::1 to fb00::6. The test succeeds if this |
| # datagram can be read on NS6 when binding to fb00::6. |
| |
| TMP_FILE="/tmp/selftest_lwt_seg6local.txt" |
| |
| cleanup() |
| { |
| if [ "$?" = "0" ]; then |
| echo "selftests: test_lwt_seg6local [PASS]"; |
| else |
| echo "selftests: test_lwt_seg6local [FAILED]"; |
| fi |
| |
| set +e |
| ip netns del ns1 2> /dev/null |
| ip netns del ns2 2> /dev/null |
| ip netns del ns3 2> /dev/null |
| ip netns del ns4 2> /dev/null |
| ip netns del ns5 2> /dev/null |
| ip netns del ns6 2> /dev/null |
| rm -f $TMP_FILE |
| } |
| |
| set -e |
| |
| ip netns add ns1 |
| ip netns add ns2 |
| ip netns add ns3 |
| ip netns add ns4 |
| ip netns add ns5 |
| ip netns add ns6 |
| |
| trap cleanup 0 2 3 6 9 |
| |
| ip link add veth1 type veth peer name veth2 |
| ip link add veth3 type veth peer name veth4 |
| ip link add veth5 type veth peer name veth6 |
| ip link add veth7 type veth peer name veth8 |
| ip link add veth9 type veth peer name veth10 |
| |
| ip link set veth1 netns ns1 |
| ip link set veth2 netns ns2 |
| ip link set veth3 netns ns2 |
| ip link set veth4 netns ns3 |
| ip link set veth5 netns ns3 |
| ip link set veth6 netns ns4 |
| ip link set veth7 netns ns4 |
| ip link set veth8 netns ns5 |
| ip link set veth9 netns ns5 |
| ip link set veth10 netns ns6 |
| |
| ip netns exec ns1 ip link set dev veth1 up |
| ip netns exec ns2 ip link set dev veth2 up |
| ip netns exec ns2 ip link set dev veth3 up |
| ip netns exec ns3 ip link set dev veth4 up |
| ip netns exec ns3 ip link set dev veth5 up |
| ip netns exec ns4 ip link set dev veth6 up |
| ip netns exec ns4 ip link set dev veth7 up |
| ip netns exec ns5 ip link set dev veth8 up |
| ip netns exec ns5 ip link set dev veth9 up |
| ip netns exec ns6 ip link set dev veth10 up |
| ip netns exec ns6 ip link set dev lo up |
| |
| # All link scope addresses and routes required between veths |
| ip netns exec ns1 ip -6 addr add fb00::12/16 dev veth1 scope link |
| ip netns exec ns1 ip -6 route add fb00::21 dev veth1 scope link |
| ip netns exec ns2 ip -6 addr add fb00::21/16 dev veth2 scope link |
| ip netns exec ns2 ip -6 addr add fb00::34/16 dev veth3 scope link |
| ip netns exec ns2 ip -6 route add fb00::43 dev veth3 scope link |
| ip netns exec ns3 ip -6 route add fb00::65 dev veth5 scope link |
| ip netns exec ns3 ip -6 addr add fb00::43/16 dev veth4 scope link |
| ip netns exec ns3 ip -6 addr add fb00::56/16 dev veth5 scope link |
| ip netns exec ns4 ip -6 addr add fb00::65/16 dev veth6 scope link |
| ip netns exec ns4 ip -6 addr add fb00::78/16 dev veth7 scope link |
| ip netns exec ns4 ip -6 route add fb00::87 dev veth7 scope link |
| ip netns exec ns5 ip -6 addr add fb00::87/16 dev veth8 scope link |
| ip netns exec ns5 ip -6 addr add fb00::910/16 dev veth9 scope link |
| ip netns exec ns5 ip -6 route add fb00::109 dev veth9 scope link |
| ip netns exec ns5 ip -6 route add fb00::109 table 117 dev veth9 scope link |
| ip netns exec ns6 ip -6 addr add fb00::109/16 dev veth10 scope link |
| |
| ip netns exec ns1 ip -6 addr add fb00::1/16 dev lo |
| ip netns exec ns1 ip -6 route add fb00::6 dev veth1 via fb00::21 |
| |
| ip netns exec ns2 ip -6 route add fb00::6 encap bpf in obj test_lwt_seg6local.o sec encap_srh dev veth2 |
| ip netns exec ns2 ip -6 route add fd00::1 dev veth3 via fb00::43 scope link |
| |
| ip netns exec ns3 ip -6 route add fc42::1 dev veth5 via fb00::65 |
| ip netns exec ns3 ip -6 route add fd00::1 encap seg6local action End.BPF obj test_lwt_seg6local.o sec add_egr_x dev veth4 |
| |
| ip netns exec ns4 ip -6 route add fd00::2 encap seg6local action End.BPF obj test_lwt_seg6local.o sec pop_egr dev veth6 |
| ip netns exec ns4 ip -6 addr add fc42::1 dev lo |
| ip netns exec ns4 ip -6 route add fd00::3 dev veth7 via fb00::87 |
| |
| ip netns exec ns5 ip -6 route add fd00::4 table 117 dev veth9 via fb00::109 |
| ip netns exec ns5 ip -6 route add fd00::3 encap seg6local action End.BPF obj test_lwt_seg6local.o sec inspect_t dev veth8 |
| |
| ip netns exec ns6 ip -6 addr add fb00::6/16 dev lo |
| ip netns exec ns6 ip -6 addr add fd00::4/16 dev lo |
| |
| ip netns exec ns1 sysctl net.ipv6.conf.all.forwarding=1 > /dev/null |
| ip netns exec ns2 sysctl net.ipv6.conf.all.forwarding=1 > /dev/null |
| ip netns exec ns3 sysctl net.ipv6.conf.all.forwarding=1 > /dev/null |
| ip netns exec ns4 sysctl net.ipv6.conf.all.forwarding=1 > /dev/null |
| ip netns exec ns5 sysctl net.ipv6.conf.all.forwarding=1 > /dev/null |
| |
| ip netns exec ns6 sysctl net.ipv6.conf.all.seg6_enabled=1 > /dev/null |
| ip netns exec ns6 sysctl net.ipv6.conf.lo.seg6_enabled=1 > /dev/null |
| ip netns exec ns6 sysctl net.ipv6.conf.veth10.seg6_enabled=1 > /dev/null |
| |
| ip netns exec ns6 nc -l -6 -u -d 7330 > $TMP_FILE & |
| ip netns exec ns1 bash -c "echo 'foobar' | nc -w0 -6 -u -p 2121 -s fb00::1 fb00::6 7330" |
| sleep 5 # wait enough time to ensure the UDP datagram arrived to the last segment |
| kill -INT $! |
| |
| if [[ $(< $TMP_FILE) != "foobar" ]]; then |
| exit 1 |
| fi |
| |
| exit 0 |