| /* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only */ |
| /* Copyright (c) 2014-2018, The Linux Foundation. All rights reserved. |
| */ |
| |
| #if !defined(_DPU_TRACE_H_) || defined(TRACE_HEADER_MULTI_READ) |
| #define _DPU_TRACE_H_ |
| |
| #include <linux/stringify.h> |
| #include <linux/types.h> |
| #include <linux/tracepoint.h> |
| |
| #include <drm/drm_rect.h> |
| #include "dpu_crtc.h" |
| #include "dpu_encoder_phys.h" |
| #include "dpu_hw_mdss.h" |
| #include "dpu_hw_vbif.h" |
| #include "dpu_plane.h" |
| |
| #undef TRACE_SYSTEM |
| #define TRACE_SYSTEM dpu |
| #define TRACE_INCLUDE_FILE dpu_trace |
| |
| TRACE_EVENT(dpu_perf_set_qos_luts, |
| TP_PROTO(u32 pnum, u32 fmt, bool rt, u32 fl, |
| u32 lut, u32 lut_usage), |
| TP_ARGS(pnum, fmt, rt, fl, lut, lut_usage), |
| TP_STRUCT__entry( |
| __field(u32, pnum) |
| __field(u32, fmt) |
| __field(bool, rt) |
| __field(u32, fl) |
| __field(u64, lut) |
| __field(u32, lut_usage) |
| ), |
| TP_fast_assign( |
| __entry->pnum = pnum; |
| __entry->fmt = fmt; |
| __entry->rt = rt; |
| __entry->fl = fl; |
| __entry->lut = lut; |
| __entry->lut_usage = lut_usage; |
| ), |
| TP_printk("pnum=%d fmt=%x rt=%d fl=%d lut=0x%llx lut_usage=%d", |
| __entry->pnum, __entry->fmt, |
| __entry->rt, __entry->fl, |
| __entry->lut, __entry->lut_usage) |
| ); |
| |
| TRACE_EVENT(dpu_perf_set_danger_luts, |
| TP_PROTO(u32 pnum, u32 fmt, u32 mode, u32 danger_lut, |
| u32 safe_lut), |
| TP_ARGS(pnum, fmt, mode, danger_lut, safe_lut), |
| TP_STRUCT__entry( |
| __field(u32, pnum) |
| __field(u32, fmt) |
| __field(u32, mode) |
| __field(u32, danger_lut) |
| __field(u32, safe_lut) |
| ), |
| TP_fast_assign( |
| __entry->pnum = pnum; |
| __entry->fmt = fmt; |
| __entry->mode = mode; |
| __entry->danger_lut = danger_lut; |
| __entry->safe_lut = safe_lut; |
| ), |
| TP_printk("pnum=%d fmt=%x mode=%d luts[0x%x, 0x%x]", |
| __entry->pnum, __entry->fmt, |
| __entry->mode, __entry->danger_lut, |
| __entry->safe_lut) |
| ); |
| |
| TRACE_EVENT(dpu_perf_set_ot, |
| TP_PROTO(u32 pnum, u32 xin_id, u32 rd_lim, u32 vbif_idx), |
| TP_ARGS(pnum, xin_id, rd_lim, vbif_idx), |
| TP_STRUCT__entry( |
| __field(u32, pnum) |
| __field(u32, xin_id) |
| __field(u32, rd_lim) |
| __field(u32, vbif_idx) |
| ), |
| TP_fast_assign( |
| __entry->pnum = pnum; |
| __entry->xin_id = xin_id; |
| __entry->rd_lim = rd_lim; |
| __entry->vbif_idx = vbif_idx; |
| ), |
| TP_printk("pnum:%d xin_id:%d ot:%d vbif:%d", |
| __entry->pnum, __entry->xin_id, __entry->rd_lim, |
| __entry->vbif_idx) |
| ) |
| |
| TRACE_EVENT(dpu_cmd_release_bw, |
| TP_PROTO(u32 crtc_id), |
| TP_ARGS(crtc_id), |
| TP_STRUCT__entry( |
| __field(u32, crtc_id) |
| ), |
| TP_fast_assign( |
| __entry->crtc_id = crtc_id; |
| ), |
| TP_printk("crtc:%d", __entry->crtc_id) |
| ); |
| |
| TRACE_EVENT(tracing_mark_write, |
| TP_PROTO(int pid, const char *name, bool trace_begin), |
| TP_ARGS(pid, name, trace_begin), |
| TP_STRUCT__entry( |
| __field(int, pid) |
| __string(trace_name, name) |
| __field(bool, trace_begin) |
| ), |
| TP_fast_assign( |
| __entry->pid = pid; |
| __assign_str(trace_name, name); |
| __entry->trace_begin = trace_begin; |
| ), |
| TP_printk("%s|%d|%s", __entry->trace_begin ? "B" : "E", |
| __entry->pid, __get_str(trace_name)) |
| ) |
| |
| TRACE_EVENT(dpu_trace_counter, |
| TP_PROTO(int pid, char *name, int value), |
| TP_ARGS(pid, name, value), |
| TP_STRUCT__entry( |
| __field(int, pid) |
| __string(counter_name, name) |
| __field(int, value) |
| ), |
| TP_fast_assign( |
| __entry->pid = current->tgid; |
| __assign_str(counter_name, name); |
| __entry->value = value; |
| ), |
| TP_printk("%d|%s|%d", __entry->pid, |
| __get_str(counter_name), __entry->value) |
| ) |
| |
| TRACE_EVENT(dpu_perf_crtc_update, |
| TP_PROTO(u32 crtc, u64 bw_ctl, u32 core_clk_rate, |
| bool stop_req, bool update_bus, bool update_clk), |
| TP_ARGS(crtc, bw_ctl, core_clk_rate, stop_req, update_bus, update_clk), |
| TP_STRUCT__entry( |
| __field(u32, crtc) |
| __field(u64, bw_ctl) |
| __field(u32, core_clk_rate) |
| __field(bool, stop_req) |
| __field(u32, update_bus) |
| __field(u32, update_clk) |
| ), |
| TP_fast_assign( |
| __entry->crtc = crtc; |
| __entry->bw_ctl = bw_ctl; |
| __entry->core_clk_rate = core_clk_rate; |
| __entry->stop_req = stop_req; |
| __entry->update_bus = update_bus; |
| __entry->update_clk = update_clk; |
| ), |
| TP_printk( |
| "crtc=%d bw_ctl=%llu clk_rate=%u stop_req=%d u_bus=%d u_clk=%d", |
| __entry->crtc, |
| __entry->bw_ctl, |
| __entry->core_clk_rate, |
| __entry->stop_req, |
| __entry->update_bus, |
| __entry->update_clk) |
| ); |
| |
| DECLARE_EVENT_CLASS(dpu_irq_template, |
| TP_PROTO(int irq_idx), |
| TP_ARGS(irq_idx), |
| TP_STRUCT__entry( |
| __field( int, irq_idx ) |
| ), |
| TP_fast_assign( |
| __entry->irq_idx = irq_idx; |
| ), |
| TP_printk("irq=%d", __entry->irq_idx) |
| ); |
| DEFINE_EVENT(dpu_irq_template, dpu_irq_register_success, |
| TP_PROTO(int irq_idx), |
| TP_ARGS(irq_idx) |
| ); |
| DEFINE_EVENT(dpu_irq_template, dpu_irq_unregister_success, |
| TP_PROTO(int irq_idx), |
| TP_ARGS(irq_idx) |
| ); |
| |
| TRACE_EVENT(dpu_enc_irq_wait_success, |
| TP_PROTO(uint32_t drm_id, void *func, |
| int irq_idx, enum dpu_pingpong pp_idx, int atomic_cnt), |
| TP_ARGS(drm_id, func, irq_idx, pp_idx, atomic_cnt), |
| TP_STRUCT__entry( |
| __field( uint32_t, drm_id ) |
| __field( void *, func ) |
| __field( int, irq_idx ) |
| __field( enum dpu_pingpong, pp_idx ) |
| __field( int, atomic_cnt ) |
| ), |
| TP_fast_assign( |
| __entry->drm_id = drm_id; |
| __entry->func = func; |
| __entry->irq_idx = irq_idx; |
| __entry->pp_idx = pp_idx; |
| __entry->atomic_cnt = atomic_cnt; |
| ), |
| TP_printk("id=%u, callback=%ps, irq=%d, pp=%d, atomic_cnt=%d", |
| __entry->drm_id, __entry->func, |
| __entry->irq_idx, __entry->pp_idx, __entry->atomic_cnt) |
| ); |
| |
| DECLARE_EVENT_CLASS(dpu_drm_obj_template, |
| TP_PROTO(uint32_t drm_id), |
| TP_ARGS(drm_id), |
| TP_STRUCT__entry( |
| __field( uint32_t, drm_id ) |
| ), |
| TP_fast_assign( |
| __entry->drm_id = drm_id; |
| ), |
| TP_printk("id=%u", __entry->drm_id) |
| ); |
| DEFINE_EVENT(dpu_drm_obj_template, dpu_enc_atomic_check, |
| TP_PROTO(uint32_t drm_id), |
| TP_ARGS(drm_id) |
| ); |
| DEFINE_EVENT(dpu_drm_obj_template, dpu_enc_mode_set, |
| TP_PROTO(uint32_t drm_id), |
| TP_ARGS(drm_id) |
| ); |
| DEFINE_EVENT(dpu_drm_obj_template, dpu_enc_disable, |
| TP_PROTO(uint32_t drm_id), |
| TP_ARGS(drm_id) |
| ); |
| DEFINE_EVENT(dpu_drm_obj_template, dpu_enc_kickoff, |
| TP_PROTO(uint32_t drm_id), |
| TP_ARGS(drm_id) |
| ); |
| DEFINE_EVENT(dpu_drm_obj_template, dpu_enc_prepare_kickoff, |
| TP_PROTO(uint32_t drm_id), |
| TP_ARGS(drm_id) |
| ); |
| DEFINE_EVENT(dpu_drm_obj_template, dpu_enc_prepare_kickoff_reset, |
| TP_PROTO(uint32_t drm_id), |
| TP_ARGS(drm_id) |
| ); |
| DEFINE_EVENT(dpu_drm_obj_template, dpu_crtc_complete_flip, |
| TP_PROTO(uint32_t drm_id), |
| TP_ARGS(drm_id) |
| ); |
| DEFINE_EVENT(dpu_drm_obj_template, dpu_crtc_vblank_cb, |
| TP_PROTO(uint32_t drm_id), |
| TP_ARGS(drm_id) |
| ); |
| DEFINE_EVENT(dpu_drm_obj_template, dpu_crtc_complete_commit, |
| TP_PROTO(uint32_t drm_id), |
| TP_ARGS(drm_id) |
| ); |
| DEFINE_EVENT(dpu_drm_obj_template, dpu_kms_commit, |
| TP_PROTO(uint32_t drm_id), |
| TP_ARGS(drm_id) |
| ); |
| DEFINE_EVENT(dpu_drm_obj_template, dpu_kms_wait_for_commit_done, |
| TP_PROTO(uint32_t drm_id), |
| TP_ARGS(drm_id) |
| ); |
| DEFINE_EVENT(dpu_drm_obj_template, dpu_crtc_runtime_resume, |
| TP_PROTO(uint32_t drm_id), |
| TP_ARGS(drm_id) |
| ); |
| |
| TRACE_EVENT(dpu_enc_enable, |
| TP_PROTO(uint32_t drm_id, int hdisplay, int vdisplay), |
| TP_ARGS(drm_id, hdisplay, vdisplay), |
| TP_STRUCT__entry( |
| __field( uint32_t, drm_id ) |
| __field( int, hdisplay ) |
| __field( int, vdisplay ) |
| ), |
| TP_fast_assign( |
| __entry->drm_id = drm_id; |
| __entry->hdisplay = hdisplay; |
| __entry->vdisplay = vdisplay; |
| ), |
| TP_printk("id=%u, mode=%dx%d", |
| __entry->drm_id, __entry->hdisplay, __entry->vdisplay) |
| ); |
| |
| DECLARE_EVENT_CLASS(dpu_enc_keyval_template, |
| TP_PROTO(uint32_t drm_id, int val), |
| TP_ARGS(drm_id, val), |
| TP_STRUCT__entry( |
| __field( uint32_t, drm_id ) |
| __field( int, val ) |
| ), |
| TP_fast_assign( |
| __entry->drm_id = drm_id; |
| __entry->val = val; |
| ), |
| TP_printk("id=%u, val=%d", __entry->drm_id, __entry->val) |
| ); |
| DEFINE_EVENT(dpu_enc_keyval_template, dpu_enc_underrun_cb, |
| TP_PROTO(uint32_t drm_id, int count), |
| TP_ARGS(drm_id, count) |
| ); |
| DEFINE_EVENT(dpu_enc_keyval_template, dpu_enc_trigger_start, |
| TP_PROTO(uint32_t drm_id, int ctl_idx), |
| TP_ARGS(drm_id, ctl_idx) |
| ); |
| |
| TRACE_EVENT(dpu_enc_atomic_check_flags, |
| TP_PROTO(uint32_t drm_id, unsigned int flags), |
| TP_ARGS(drm_id, flags), |
| TP_STRUCT__entry( |
| __field( uint32_t, drm_id ) |
| __field( unsigned int, flags ) |
| ), |
| TP_fast_assign( |
| __entry->drm_id = drm_id; |
| __entry->flags = flags; |
| ), |
| TP_printk("id=%u, flags=%u", |
| __entry->drm_id, __entry->flags) |
| ); |
| |
| DECLARE_EVENT_CLASS(dpu_enc_id_enable_template, |
| TP_PROTO(uint32_t drm_id, bool enable), |
| TP_ARGS(drm_id, enable), |
| TP_STRUCT__entry( |
| __field( uint32_t, drm_id ) |
| __field( bool, enable ) |
| ), |
| TP_fast_assign( |
| __entry->drm_id = drm_id; |
| __entry->enable = enable; |
| ), |
| TP_printk("id=%u, enable=%s", |
| __entry->drm_id, __entry->enable ? "true" : "false") |
| ); |
| DEFINE_EVENT(dpu_enc_id_enable_template, dpu_enc_rc_helper, |
| TP_PROTO(uint32_t drm_id, bool enable), |
| TP_ARGS(drm_id, enable) |
| ); |
| DEFINE_EVENT(dpu_enc_id_enable_template, dpu_enc_vblank_cb, |
| TP_PROTO(uint32_t drm_id, bool enable), |
| TP_ARGS(drm_id, enable) |
| ); |
| DEFINE_EVENT(dpu_enc_id_enable_template, dpu_enc_frame_event_cb, |
| TP_PROTO(uint32_t drm_id, bool enable), |
| TP_ARGS(drm_id, enable) |
| ); |
| DEFINE_EVENT(dpu_enc_id_enable_template, dpu_enc_phys_cmd_connect_te, |
| TP_PROTO(uint32_t drm_id, bool enable), |
| TP_ARGS(drm_id, enable) |
| ); |
| |
| TRACE_EVENT(dpu_enc_rc, |
| TP_PROTO(uint32_t drm_id, u32 sw_event, bool idle_pc_supported, |
| int rc_state, const char *stage), |
| TP_ARGS(drm_id, sw_event, idle_pc_supported, rc_state, stage), |
| TP_STRUCT__entry( |
| __field( uint32_t, drm_id ) |
| __field( u32, sw_event ) |
| __field( bool, idle_pc_supported ) |
| __field( int, rc_state ) |
| __string( stage_str, stage ) |
| ), |
| TP_fast_assign( |
| __entry->drm_id = drm_id; |
| __entry->sw_event = sw_event; |
| __entry->idle_pc_supported = idle_pc_supported; |
| __entry->rc_state = rc_state; |
| __assign_str(stage_str, stage); |
| ), |
| TP_printk("%s: id:%u, sw_event:%d, idle_pc_supported:%s, rc_state:%d", |
| __get_str(stage_str), __entry->drm_id, __entry->sw_event, |
| __entry->idle_pc_supported ? "true" : "false", |
| __entry->rc_state) |
| ); |
| |
| TRACE_EVENT(dpu_enc_frame_done_cb_not_busy, |
| TP_PROTO(uint32_t drm_id, u32 event, char *intf_mode, enum dpu_intf intf_idx, |
| enum dpu_wb wb_idx), |
| TP_ARGS(drm_id, event, intf_mode, intf_idx, wb_idx), |
| TP_STRUCT__entry( |
| __field( uint32_t, drm_id ) |
| __field( u32, event ) |
| __string( intf_mode_str, intf_mode ) |
| __field( enum dpu_intf, intf_idx ) |
| __field( enum dpu_wb, wb_idx ) |
| ), |
| TP_fast_assign( |
| __entry->drm_id = drm_id; |
| __entry->event = event; |
| __assign_str(intf_mode_str, intf_mode); |
| __entry->intf_idx = intf_idx; |
| __entry->wb_idx = wb_idx; |
| ), |
| TP_printk("id=%u, event=%u, intf_mode=%s intf=%d wb=%d", __entry->drm_id, |
| __entry->event, __get_str(intf_mode_str), |
| __entry->intf_idx, __entry->wb_idx) |
| ); |
| |
| TRACE_EVENT(dpu_enc_frame_done_cb, |
| TP_PROTO(uint32_t drm_id, unsigned int idx, |
| unsigned long frame_busy_mask), |
| TP_ARGS(drm_id, idx, frame_busy_mask), |
| TP_STRUCT__entry( |
| __field( uint32_t, drm_id ) |
| __field( unsigned int, idx ) |
| __field( unsigned long, frame_busy_mask ) |
| ), |
| TP_fast_assign( |
| __entry->drm_id = drm_id; |
| __entry->idx = idx; |
| __entry->frame_busy_mask = frame_busy_mask; |
| ), |
| TP_printk("id=%u, idx=%u, frame_busy_mask=%lx", __entry->drm_id, |
| __entry->idx, __entry->frame_busy_mask) |
| ); |
| |
| TRACE_EVENT(dpu_enc_trigger_flush, |
| TP_PROTO(uint32_t drm_id, char *intf_mode, enum dpu_intf intf_idx, enum dpu_wb wb_idx, |
| int pending_kickoff_cnt, int ctl_idx, u32 extra_flush_bits, |
| u32 pending_flush_ret), |
| TP_ARGS(drm_id, intf_mode, intf_idx, wb_idx, pending_kickoff_cnt, ctl_idx, |
| extra_flush_bits, pending_flush_ret), |
| TP_STRUCT__entry( |
| __field( uint32_t, drm_id ) |
| __string( intf_mode_str, intf_mode ) |
| __field( enum dpu_intf, intf_idx ) |
| __field( enum dpu_wb, wb_idx ) |
| __field( int, pending_kickoff_cnt ) |
| __field( int, ctl_idx ) |
| __field( u32, extra_flush_bits ) |
| __field( u32, pending_flush_ret ) |
| ), |
| TP_fast_assign( |
| __entry->drm_id = drm_id; |
| __assign_str(intf_mode_str, intf_mode); |
| __entry->intf_idx = intf_idx; |
| __entry->wb_idx = wb_idx; |
| __entry->pending_kickoff_cnt = pending_kickoff_cnt; |
| __entry->ctl_idx = ctl_idx; |
| __entry->extra_flush_bits = extra_flush_bits; |
| __entry->pending_flush_ret = pending_flush_ret; |
| ), |
| TP_printk("id=%u, intf_mode=%s, intf_idx=%d, wb_idx=%d, pending_kickoff_cnt=%d ctl_idx=%d " |
| "extra_flush_bits=0x%x pending_flush_ret=0x%x", |
| __entry->drm_id, __get_str(intf_mode_str), __entry->intf_idx, __entry->wb_idx, |
| __entry->pending_kickoff_cnt, __entry->ctl_idx, |
| __entry->extra_flush_bits, __entry->pending_flush_ret) |
| ); |
| |
| DECLARE_EVENT_CLASS(dpu_enc_ktime_template, |
| TP_PROTO(uint32_t drm_id, ktime_t time), |
| TP_ARGS(drm_id, time), |
| TP_STRUCT__entry( |
| __field( uint32_t, drm_id ) |
| __field( ktime_t, time ) |
| ), |
| TP_fast_assign( |
| __entry->drm_id = drm_id; |
| __entry->time = time; |
| ), |
| TP_printk("id=%u, time=%lld", __entry->drm_id, |
| ktime_to_ms(__entry->time)) |
| ); |
| DEFINE_EVENT(dpu_enc_ktime_template, dpu_enc_vsync_event_work, |
| TP_PROTO(uint32_t drm_id, ktime_t time), |
| TP_ARGS(drm_id, time) |
| ); |
| DEFINE_EVENT(dpu_enc_ktime_template, dpu_enc_early_kickoff, |
| TP_PROTO(uint32_t drm_id, ktime_t time), |
| TP_ARGS(drm_id, time) |
| ); |
| |
| DECLARE_EVENT_CLASS(dpu_id_event_template, |
| TP_PROTO(uint32_t drm_id, u32 event), |
| TP_ARGS(drm_id, event), |
| TP_STRUCT__entry( |
| __field( uint32_t, drm_id ) |
| __field( u32, event ) |
| ), |
| TP_fast_assign( |
| __entry->drm_id = drm_id; |
| __entry->event = event; |
| ), |
| TP_printk("id=%u, event=%u", __entry->drm_id, __entry->event) |
| ); |
| DEFINE_EVENT(dpu_id_event_template, dpu_enc_frame_done_timeout, |
| TP_PROTO(uint32_t drm_id, u32 event), |
| TP_ARGS(drm_id, event) |
| ); |
| DEFINE_EVENT(dpu_id_event_template, dpu_crtc_frame_event_cb, |
| TP_PROTO(uint32_t drm_id, u32 event), |
| TP_ARGS(drm_id, event) |
| ); |
| DEFINE_EVENT(dpu_id_event_template, dpu_crtc_frame_event_done, |
| TP_PROTO(uint32_t drm_id, u32 event), |
| TP_ARGS(drm_id, event) |
| ); |
| DEFINE_EVENT(dpu_id_event_template, dpu_crtc_frame_event_more_pending, |
| TP_PROTO(uint32_t drm_id, u32 event), |
| TP_ARGS(drm_id, event) |
| ); |
| |
| TRACE_EVENT(dpu_enc_wait_event_timeout, |
| TP_PROTO(uint32_t drm_id, int irq_idx, int rc, s64 time, |
| s64 expected_time, int atomic_cnt), |
| TP_ARGS(drm_id, irq_idx, rc, time, expected_time, atomic_cnt), |
| TP_STRUCT__entry( |
| __field( uint32_t, drm_id ) |
| __field( int, irq_idx ) |
| __field( int, rc ) |
| __field( s64, time ) |
| __field( s64, expected_time ) |
| __field( int, atomic_cnt ) |
| ), |
| TP_fast_assign( |
| __entry->drm_id = drm_id; |
| __entry->irq_idx = irq_idx; |
| __entry->rc = rc; |
| __entry->time = time; |
| __entry->expected_time = expected_time; |
| __entry->atomic_cnt = atomic_cnt; |
| ), |
| TP_printk("id=%u, irq_idx=%d, rc=%d, time=%lld, expected=%lld cnt=%d", |
| __entry->drm_id, __entry->irq_idx, __entry->rc, __entry->time, |
| __entry->expected_time, __entry->atomic_cnt) |
| ); |
| |
| TRACE_EVENT(dpu_enc_phys_cmd_irq_ctrl, |
| TP_PROTO(uint32_t drm_id, enum dpu_pingpong pp, bool enable, |
| int refcnt), |
| TP_ARGS(drm_id, pp, enable, refcnt), |
| TP_STRUCT__entry( |
| __field( uint32_t, drm_id ) |
| __field( enum dpu_pingpong, pp ) |
| __field( bool, enable ) |
| __field( int, refcnt ) |
| ), |
| TP_fast_assign( |
| __entry->drm_id = drm_id; |
| __entry->pp = pp; |
| __entry->enable = enable; |
| __entry->refcnt = refcnt; |
| ), |
| TP_printk("id=%u, pp=%d, enable=%s, refcnt=%d", __entry->drm_id, |
| __entry->pp, __entry->enable ? "true" : "false", |
| __entry->refcnt) |
| ); |
| |
| TRACE_EVENT(dpu_enc_phys_cmd_pp_tx_done, |
| TP_PROTO(uint32_t drm_id, enum dpu_pingpong pp, int new_count, |
| u32 event), |
| TP_ARGS(drm_id, pp, new_count, event), |
| TP_STRUCT__entry( |
| __field( uint32_t, drm_id ) |
| __field( enum dpu_pingpong, pp ) |
| __field( int, new_count ) |
| __field( u32, event ) |
| ), |
| TP_fast_assign( |
| __entry->drm_id = drm_id; |
| __entry->pp = pp; |
| __entry->new_count = new_count; |
| __entry->event = event; |
| ), |
| TP_printk("id=%u, pp=%d, new_count=%d, event=%u", __entry->drm_id, |
| __entry->pp, __entry->new_count, __entry->event) |
| ); |
| |
| TRACE_EVENT(dpu_enc_phys_cmd_pdone_timeout, |
| TP_PROTO(uint32_t drm_id, enum dpu_pingpong pp, int timeout_count, |
| int kickoff_count, u32 event), |
| TP_ARGS(drm_id, pp, timeout_count, kickoff_count, event), |
| TP_STRUCT__entry( |
| __field( uint32_t, drm_id ) |
| __field( enum dpu_pingpong, pp ) |
| __field( int, timeout_count ) |
| __field( int, kickoff_count ) |
| __field( u32, event ) |
| ), |
| TP_fast_assign( |
| __entry->drm_id = drm_id; |
| __entry->pp = pp; |
| __entry->timeout_count = timeout_count; |
| __entry->kickoff_count = kickoff_count; |
| __entry->event = event; |
| ), |
| TP_printk("id=%u, pp=%d, timeout_count=%d, kickoff_count=%d, event=%u", |
| __entry->drm_id, __entry->pp, __entry->timeout_count, |
| __entry->kickoff_count, __entry->event) |
| ); |
| |
| TRACE_EVENT(dpu_enc_phys_vid_post_kickoff, |
| TP_PROTO(uint32_t drm_id, enum dpu_intf intf_idx), |
| TP_ARGS(drm_id, intf_idx), |
| TP_STRUCT__entry( |
| __field( uint32_t, drm_id ) |
| __field( enum dpu_intf, intf_idx ) |
| ), |
| TP_fast_assign( |
| __entry->drm_id = drm_id; |
| __entry->intf_idx = intf_idx; |
| ), |
| TP_printk("id=%u, intf_idx=%d", __entry->drm_id, __entry->intf_idx) |
| ); |
| |
| TRACE_EVENT(dpu_enc_phys_vid_irq_ctrl, |
| TP_PROTO(uint32_t drm_id, enum dpu_intf intf_idx, bool enable, |
| int refcnt), |
| TP_ARGS(drm_id, intf_idx, enable, refcnt), |
| TP_STRUCT__entry( |
| __field( uint32_t, drm_id ) |
| __field( enum dpu_intf, intf_idx ) |
| __field( bool, enable ) |
| __field( int, refcnt ) |
| ), |
| TP_fast_assign( |
| __entry->drm_id = drm_id; |
| __entry->intf_idx = intf_idx; |
| __entry->enable = enable; |
| __entry->refcnt = refcnt; |
| ), |
| TP_printk("id=%u, intf_idx=%d enable=%s refcnt=%d", __entry->drm_id, |
| __entry->intf_idx, __entry->enable ? "true" : "false", |
| __entry->drm_id) |
| ); |
| |
| TRACE_EVENT(dpu_crtc_setup_mixer, |
| TP_PROTO(uint32_t crtc_id, uint32_t plane_id, |
| struct drm_plane_state *state, struct dpu_plane_state *pstate, |
| uint32_t stage_idx, uint32_t pixel_format, |
| uint64_t modifier), |
| TP_ARGS(crtc_id, plane_id, state, pstate, stage_idx, |
| pixel_format, modifier), |
| TP_STRUCT__entry( |
| __field( uint32_t, crtc_id ) |
| __field( uint32_t, plane_id ) |
| __field( uint32_t, fb_id ) |
| __field_struct( struct drm_rect, src_rect ) |
| __field_struct( struct drm_rect, dst_rect ) |
| __field( uint32_t, stage_idx ) |
| __field( enum dpu_stage, stage ) |
| __field( enum dpu_sspp, sspp ) |
| __field( uint32_t, multirect_idx ) |
| __field( uint32_t, multirect_mode ) |
| __field( uint32_t, pixel_format ) |
| __field( uint64_t, modifier ) |
| ), |
| TP_fast_assign( |
| __entry->crtc_id = crtc_id; |
| __entry->plane_id = plane_id; |
| __entry->fb_id = state ? state->fb->base.id : 0; |
| __entry->src_rect = drm_plane_state_src(state); |
| __entry->dst_rect = drm_plane_state_dest(state); |
| __entry->stage_idx = stage_idx; |
| __entry->stage = pstate->stage; |
| __entry->sspp = pstate->pipe.sspp->idx; |
| __entry->multirect_idx = pstate->pipe.multirect_index; |
| __entry->multirect_mode = pstate->pipe.multirect_mode; |
| __entry->pixel_format = pixel_format; |
| __entry->modifier = modifier; |
| ), |
| TP_printk("crtc_id:%u plane_id:%u fb_id:%u src:" DRM_RECT_FP_FMT |
| " dst:" DRM_RECT_FMT " stage_idx:%u stage:%d, sspp:%d " |
| "multirect_index:%d multirect_mode:%u pix_format:%u " |
| "modifier:%llu", |
| __entry->crtc_id, __entry->plane_id, __entry->fb_id, |
| DRM_RECT_FP_ARG(&__entry->src_rect), |
| DRM_RECT_ARG(&__entry->dst_rect), |
| __entry->stage_idx, __entry->stage, __entry->sspp, |
| __entry->multirect_idx, __entry->multirect_mode, |
| __entry->pixel_format, __entry->modifier) |
| ); |
| |
| TRACE_EVENT(dpu_crtc_setup_lm_bounds, |
| TP_PROTO(uint32_t drm_id, int mixer, struct drm_rect *bounds), |
| TP_ARGS(drm_id, mixer, bounds), |
| TP_STRUCT__entry( |
| __field( uint32_t, drm_id ) |
| __field( int, mixer ) |
| __field_struct( struct drm_rect, bounds ) |
| ), |
| TP_fast_assign( |
| __entry->drm_id = drm_id; |
| __entry->mixer = mixer; |
| __entry->bounds = *bounds; |
| ), |
| TP_printk("id:%u mixer:%d bounds:" DRM_RECT_FMT, __entry->drm_id, |
| __entry->mixer, DRM_RECT_ARG(&__entry->bounds)) |
| ); |
| |
| TRACE_EVENT(dpu_crtc_vblank_enable, |
| TP_PROTO(uint32_t drm_id, uint32_t enc_id, bool enable, |
| struct dpu_crtc *crtc), |
| TP_ARGS(drm_id, enc_id, enable, crtc), |
| TP_STRUCT__entry( |
| __field( uint32_t, drm_id ) |
| __field( uint32_t, enc_id ) |
| __field( bool, enable ) |
| __field( bool, enabled ) |
| ), |
| TP_fast_assign( |
| __entry->drm_id = drm_id; |
| __entry->enc_id = enc_id; |
| __entry->enable = enable; |
| __entry->enabled = crtc->enabled; |
| ), |
| TP_printk("id:%u encoder:%u enable:%s state{enabled:%s}", |
| __entry->drm_id, __entry->enc_id, |
| __entry->enable ? "true" : "false", |
| __entry->enabled ? "true" : "false") |
| ); |
| |
| DECLARE_EVENT_CLASS(dpu_crtc_enable_template, |
| TP_PROTO(uint32_t drm_id, bool enable, struct dpu_crtc *crtc), |
| TP_ARGS(drm_id, enable, crtc), |
| TP_STRUCT__entry( |
| __field( uint32_t, drm_id ) |
| __field( bool, enable ) |
| __field( bool, enabled ) |
| ), |
| TP_fast_assign( |
| __entry->drm_id = drm_id; |
| __entry->enable = enable; |
| __entry->enabled = crtc->enabled; |
| ), |
| TP_printk("id:%u enable:%s state{enabled:%s}", |
| __entry->drm_id, __entry->enable ? "true" : "false", |
| __entry->enabled ? "true" : "false") |
| ); |
| DEFINE_EVENT(dpu_crtc_enable_template, dpu_crtc_enable, |
| TP_PROTO(uint32_t drm_id, bool enable, struct dpu_crtc *crtc), |
| TP_ARGS(drm_id, enable, crtc) |
| ); |
| DEFINE_EVENT(dpu_crtc_enable_template, dpu_crtc_disable, |
| TP_PROTO(uint32_t drm_id, bool enable, struct dpu_crtc *crtc), |
| TP_ARGS(drm_id, enable, crtc) |
| ); |
| DEFINE_EVENT(dpu_crtc_enable_template, dpu_crtc_vblank, |
| TP_PROTO(uint32_t drm_id, bool enable, struct dpu_crtc *crtc), |
| TP_ARGS(drm_id, enable, crtc) |
| ); |
| |
| TRACE_EVENT(dpu_crtc_disable_frame_pending, |
| TP_PROTO(uint32_t drm_id, int frame_pending), |
| TP_ARGS(drm_id, frame_pending), |
| TP_STRUCT__entry( |
| __field( uint32_t, drm_id ) |
| __field( int, frame_pending ) |
| ), |
| TP_fast_assign( |
| __entry->drm_id = drm_id; |
| __entry->frame_pending = frame_pending; |
| ), |
| TP_printk("id:%u frame_pending:%d", __entry->drm_id, |
| __entry->frame_pending) |
| ); |
| |
| TRACE_EVENT(dpu_plane_set_scanout, |
| TP_PROTO(struct dpu_sw_pipe *pipe, struct dpu_hw_fmt_layout *layout), |
| TP_ARGS(pipe, layout), |
| TP_STRUCT__entry( |
| __field( enum dpu_sspp, index ) |
| __field_struct( struct dpu_hw_fmt_layout, layout ) |
| __field( enum dpu_sspp_multirect_index, multirect_index) |
| ), |
| TP_fast_assign( |
| __entry->index = pipe->sspp->idx; |
| __entry->layout = *layout; |
| __entry->multirect_index = pipe->multirect_index; |
| ), |
| TP_printk("index:%d layout:{%ux%u @ [%u/%u, %u/%u, %u/%u, %u/%u]} " |
| "multirect_index:%d", __entry->index, __entry->layout.width, |
| __entry->layout.height, __entry->layout.plane_addr[0], |
| __entry->layout.plane_size[0], |
| __entry->layout.plane_addr[1], |
| __entry->layout.plane_size[1], |
| __entry->layout.plane_addr[2], |
| __entry->layout.plane_size[2], |
| __entry->layout.plane_addr[3], |
| __entry->layout.plane_size[3], __entry->multirect_index) |
| ); |
| |
| TRACE_EVENT(dpu_plane_disable, |
| TP_PROTO(uint32_t drm_id, bool is_virtual, uint32_t multirect_mode), |
| TP_ARGS(drm_id, is_virtual, multirect_mode), |
| TP_STRUCT__entry( |
| __field( uint32_t, drm_id ) |
| __field( bool, is_virtual ) |
| __field( uint32_t, multirect_mode ) |
| ), |
| TP_fast_assign( |
| __entry->drm_id = drm_id; |
| __entry->is_virtual = is_virtual; |
| __entry->multirect_mode = multirect_mode; |
| ), |
| TP_printk("id:%u is_virtual:%s multirect_mode:%u", __entry->drm_id, |
| __entry->is_virtual ? "true" : "false", |
| __entry->multirect_mode) |
| ); |
| |
| DECLARE_EVENT_CLASS(dpu_rm_iter_template, |
| TP_PROTO(uint32_t id, uint32_t enc_id), |
| TP_ARGS(id, enc_id), |
| TP_STRUCT__entry( |
| __field( uint32_t, id ) |
| __field( uint32_t, enc_id ) |
| ), |
| TP_fast_assign( |
| __entry->id = id; |
| __entry->enc_id = enc_id; |
| ), |
| TP_printk("id:%d enc_id:%u", __entry->id, __entry->enc_id) |
| ); |
| DEFINE_EVENT(dpu_rm_iter_template, dpu_rm_reserve_intf, |
| TP_PROTO(uint32_t id, uint32_t enc_id), |
| TP_ARGS(id, enc_id) |
| ); |
| DEFINE_EVENT(dpu_rm_iter_template, dpu_rm_reserve_ctls, |
| TP_PROTO(uint32_t id, uint32_t enc_id), |
| TP_ARGS(id, enc_id) |
| ); |
| |
| TRACE_EVENT(dpu_rm_reserve_lms, |
| TP_PROTO(uint32_t id, uint32_t enc_id, uint32_t pp_id), |
| TP_ARGS(id, enc_id, pp_id), |
| TP_STRUCT__entry( |
| __field( uint32_t, id ) |
| __field( uint32_t, enc_id ) |
| __field( uint32_t, pp_id ) |
| ), |
| TP_fast_assign( |
| __entry->id = id; |
| __entry->enc_id = enc_id; |
| __entry->pp_id = pp_id; |
| ), |
| TP_printk("id:%d enc_id:%u pp_id:%u", __entry->id, |
| __entry->enc_id, __entry->pp_id) |
| ); |
| |
| TRACE_EVENT(dpu_vbif_wait_xin_halt_fail, |
| TP_PROTO(enum dpu_vbif index, u32 xin_id), |
| TP_ARGS(index, xin_id), |
| TP_STRUCT__entry( |
| __field( enum dpu_vbif, index ) |
| __field( u32, xin_id ) |
| ), |
| TP_fast_assign( |
| __entry->index = index; |
| __entry->xin_id = xin_id; |
| ), |
| TP_printk("index:%d xin_id:%u", __entry->index, __entry->xin_id) |
| ); |
| |
| TRACE_EVENT(dpu_pp_connect_ext_te, |
| TP_PROTO(enum dpu_pingpong pp, u32 cfg), |
| TP_ARGS(pp, cfg), |
| TP_STRUCT__entry( |
| __field( enum dpu_pingpong, pp ) |
| __field( u32, cfg ) |
| ), |
| TP_fast_assign( |
| __entry->pp = pp; |
| __entry->cfg = cfg; |
| ), |
| TP_printk("pp:%d cfg:%u", __entry->pp, __entry->cfg) |
| ); |
| |
| TRACE_EVENT(dpu_core_irq_register_callback, |
| TP_PROTO(int irq_idx, void *callback), |
| TP_ARGS(irq_idx, callback), |
| TP_STRUCT__entry( |
| __field( int, irq_idx ) |
| __field( void *, callback) |
| ), |
| TP_fast_assign( |
| __entry->irq_idx = irq_idx; |
| __entry->callback = callback; |
| ), |
| TP_printk("irq_idx:%d callback:%ps", __entry->irq_idx, |
| __entry->callback) |
| ); |
| |
| TRACE_EVENT(dpu_core_irq_unregister_callback, |
| TP_PROTO(int irq_idx), |
| TP_ARGS(irq_idx), |
| TP_STRUCT__entry( |
| __field( int, irq_idx ) |
| ), |
| TP_fast_assign( |
| __entry->irq_idx = irq_idx; |
| ), |
| TP_printk("irq_idx:%d", __entry->irq_idx) |
| ); |
| |
| TRACE_EVENT(dpu_core_perf_update_clk, |
| TP_PROTO(struct drm_device *dev, bool stop_req, u64 clk_rate), |
| TP_ARGS(dev, stop_req, clk_rate), |
| TP_STRUCT__entry( |
| __string( dev_name, dev->unique ) |
| __field( bool, stop_req ) |
| __field( u64, clk_rate ) |
| ), |
| TP_fast_assign( |
| __assign_str(dev_name, dev->unique); |
| __entry->stop_req = stop_req; |
| __entry->clk_rate = clk_rate; |
| ), |
| TP_printk("dev:%s stop_req:%s clk_rate:%llu", __get_str(dev_name), |
| __entry->stop_req ? "true" : "false", __entry->clk_rate) |
| ); |
| |
| TRACE_EVENT(dpu_hw_ctl_update_pending_flush, |
| TP_PROTO(u32 new_bits, u32 pending_mask), |
| TP_ARGS(new_bits, pending_mask), |
| TP_STRUCT__entry( |
| __field( u32, new_bits ) |
| __field( u32, pending_mask ) |
| ), |
| TP_fast_assign( |
| __entry->new_bits = new_bits; |
| __entry->pending_mask = pending_mask; |
| ), |
| TP_printk("new=%x existing=%x", __entry->new_bits, |
| __entry->pending_mask) |
| ); |
| |
| DECLARE_EVENT_CLASS(dpu_hw_ctl_pending_flush_template, |
| TP_PROTO(u32 pending_mask, u32 ctl_flush), |
| TP_ARGS(pending_mask, ctl_flush), |
| TP_STRUCT__entry( |
| __field( u32, pending_mask ) |
| __field( u32, ctl_flush ) |
| ), |
| TP_fast_assign( |
| __entry->pending_mask = pending_mask; |
| __entry->ctl_flush = ctl_flush; |
| ), |
| TP_printk("pending_mask=%x CTL_FLUSH=%x", __entry->pending_mask, |
| __entry->ctl_flush) |
| ); |
| DEFINE_EVENT(dpu_hw_ctl_pending_flush_template, dpu_hw_ctl_clear_pending_flush, |
| TP_PROTO(u32 pending_mask, u32 ctl_flush), |
| TP_ARGS(pending_mask, ctl_flush) |
| ); |
| DEFINE_EVENT(dpu_hw_ctl_pending_flush_template, |
| dpu_hw_ctl_trigger_pending_flush, |
| TP_PROTO(u32 pending_mask, u32 ctl_flush), |
| TP_ARGS(pending_mask, ctl_flush) |
| ); |
| DEFINE_EVENT(dpu_hw_ctl_pending_flush_template, dpu_hw_ctl_trigger_prepare, |
| TP_PROTO(u32 pending_mask, u32 ctl_flush), |
| TP_ARGS(pending_mask, ctl_flush) |
| ); |
| DEFINE_EVENT(dpu_hw_ctl_pending_flush_template, dpu_hw_ctl_trigger_start, |
| TP_PROTO(u32 pending_mask, u32 ctl_flush), |
| TP_ARGS(pending_mask, ctl_flush) |
| ); |
| |
| #define DPU_ATRACE_END(name) trace_tracing_mark_write(current->tgid, name, 0) |
| #define DPU_ATRACE_BEGIN(name) trace_tracing_mark_write(current->tgid, name, 1) |
| #define DPU_ATRACE_FUNC() DPU_ATRACE_BEGIN(__func__) |
| |
| #define DPU_ATRACE_INT(name, value) \ |
| trace_dpu_trace_counter(current->tgid, name, value) |
| |
| #endif /* _DPU_TRACE_H_ */ |
| |
| /* This part must be outside protection */ |
| #define TRACE_INCLUDE_PATH . |
| #include <trace/define_trace.h> |