blob: e84e51ec97167d9f18ca225a9a9bc5f43e853ad3 [file] [log] [blame]
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
//! Kernel types.
use core::{cell::UnsafeCell, mem::MaybeUninit};
/// Stores an opaque value.
/// This is meant to be used with FFI objects that are never interpreted by Rust code.
pub struct Opaque<T>(MaybeUninit<UnsafeCell<T>>);
impl<T> Opaque<T> {
/// Creates a new opaque value.
pub const fn new(value: T) -> Self {
/// Creates an uninitialised value.
pub const fn uninit() -> Self {
/// Returns a raw pointer to the opaque data.
pub fn get(&self) -> *mut T {
/// A sum type that always holds either a value of type `L` or `R`.
pub enum Either<L, R> {
/// Constructs an instance of [`Either`] containing a value of type `L`.
/// Constructs an instance of [`Either`] containing a value of type `R`.