blob: 820d0bcfc474d9b399ab6d1371e999fc70a5a8de [file] [log] [blame]
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
/* Copyright (c) 2023 Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates. */
#define _GNU_SOURCE
#include <limits.h>
#include <test_progs.h>
#include <linux/filter.h>
#include <linux/bpf.h>
/* =================================
* =================================
#define U64_MAX ((u64)UINT64_MAX)
#define U32_MAX ((u32)UINT_MAX)
#define U16_MAX ((u32)UINT_MAX)
#define S64_MIN ((s64)INT64_MIN)
#define S64_MAX ((s64)INT64_MAX)
#define S32_MIN ((s32)INT_MIN)
#define S32_MAX ((s32)INT_MAX)
#define S16_MIN ((s16)0x80000000)
#define S16_MAX ((s16)0x7fffffff)
typedef unsigned long long ___u64;
typedef unsigned int ___u32;
typedef long long ___s64;
typedef int ___s32;
/* avoid conflicts with already defined types in kernel headers */
#define u64 ___u64
#define u32 ___u32
#define s64 ___s64
#define s32 ___s32
/* ==================================
* ==================================
struct strbuf {
size_t buf_sz;
int pos;
char buf[0];
#define DEFINE_STRBUF(name, N) \
struct { struct strbuf buf; char data[(N)]; } ___##name; \
struct strbuf *name = (___##name.buf.buf_sz = (N), ___##name.buf.pos = 0, &___##name.buf)
__printf(2, 3)
static inline void snappendf(struct strbuf *s, const char *fmt, ...)
va_list args;
va_start(args, fmt);
s->pos += vsnprintf(s->buf + s->pos,
s->pos < s->buf_sz ? s->buf_sz - s->pos : 0,
fmt, args);
/* ==================================
* ==================================
enum num_t { U64, first_t = U64, U32, S64, S32, last_t = S32 };
static __always_inline u64 min_t(enum num_t t, u64 x, u64 y)
switch (t) {
case U64: return (u64)x < (u64)y ? (u64)x : (u64)y;
case U32: return (u32)x < (u32)y ? (u32)x : (u32)y;
case S64: return (s64)x < (s64)y ? (s64)x : (s64)y;
case S32: return (s32)x < (s32)y ? (s32)x : (s32)y;
default: printf("min_t!\n"); exit(1);
static __always_inline u64 max_t(enum num_t t, u64 x, u64 y)
switch (t) {
case U64: return (u64)x > (u64)y ? (u64)x : (u64)y;
case U32: return (u32)x > (u32)y ? (u32)x : (u32)y;
case S64: return (s64)x > (s64)y ? (s64)x : (s64)y;
case S32: return (s32)x > (s32)y ? (u32)(s32)x : (u32)(s32)y;
default: printf("max_t!\n"); exit(1);
static __always_inline u64 cast_t(enum num_t t, u64 x)
switch (t) {
case U64: return (u64)x;
case U32: return (u32)x;
case S64: return (s64)x;
case S32: return (u32)(s32)x;
default: printf("cast_t!\n"); exit(1);
static const char *t_str(enum num_t t)
switch (t) {
case U64: return "u64";
case U32: return "u32";
case S64: return "s64";
case S32: return "s32";
default: printf("t_str!\n"); exit(1);
static enum num_t t_is_32(enum num_t t)
switch (t) {
case U64: return false;
case U32: return true;
case S64: return false;
case S32: return true;
default: printf("t_is_32!\n"); exit(1);
static enum num_t t_signed(enum num_t t)
switch (t) {
case U64: return S64;
case U32: return S32;
case S64: return S64;
case S32: return S32;
default: printf("t_signed!\n"); exit(1);
static enum num_t t_unsigned(enum num_t t)
switch (t) {
case U64: return U64;
case U32: return U32;
case S64: return U64;
case S32: return U32;
default: printf("t_unsigned!\n"); exit(1);
static bool num_is_small(enum num_t t, u64 x)
switch (t) {
case U64: return (u64)x <= UNUM_MAX_DECIMAL;
case U32: return (u32)x <= UNUM_MAX_DECIMAL;
case S64: return (s64)x >= SNUM_MIN_DECIMAL && (s64)x <= SNUM_MAX_DECIMAL;
case S32: return (s32)x >= SNUM_MIN_DECIMAL && (s32)x <= SNUM_MAX_DECIMAL;
default: printf("num_is_small!\n"); exit(1);
static void snprintf_num(enum num_t t, struct strbuf *sb, u64 x)
bool is_small = num_is_small(t, x);
if (is_small) {
switch (t) {
case U64: return snappendf(sb, "%llu", (u64)x);
case U32: return snappendf(sb, "%u", (u32)x);
case S64: return snappendf(sb, "%lld", (s64)x);
case S32: return snappendf(sb, "%d", (s32)x);
default: printf("snprintf_num!\n"); exit(1);
} else {
switch (t) {
case U64:
if (x == U64_MAX)
return snappendf(sb, "U64_MAX");
else if (x >= U64_MAX - 256)
return snappendf(sb, "U64_MAX-%llu", U64_MAX - x);
return snappendf(sb, "%#llx", (u64)x);
case U32:
if ((u32)x == U32_MAX)
return snappendf(sb, "U32_MAX");
else if ((u32)x >= U32_MAX - 256)
return snappendf(sb, "U32_MAX-%u", U32_MAX - (u32)x);
return snappendf(sb, "%#x", (u32)x);
case S64:
if ((s64)x == S64_MAX)
return snappendf(sb, "S64_MAX");
else if ((s64)x >= S64_MAX - 256)
return snappendf(sb, "S64_MAX-%lld", S64_MAX - (s64)x);
else if ((s64)x == S64_MIN)
return snappendf(sb, "S64_MIN");
else if ((s64)x <= S64_MIN + 256)
return snappendf(sb, "S64_MIN+%lld", (s64)x - S64_MIN);
return snappendf(sb, "%#llx", (s64)x);
case S32:
if ((s32)x == S32_MAX)
return snappendf(sb, "S32_MAX");
else if ((s32)x >= S32_MAX - 256)
return snappendf(sb, "S32_MAX-%d", S32_MAX - (s32)x);
else if ((s32)x == S32_MIN)
return snappendf(sb, "S32_MIN");
else if ((s32)x <= S32_MIN + 256)
return snappendf(sb, "S32_MIN+%d", (s32)x - S32_MIN);
return snappendf(sb, "%#x", (s32)x);
default: printf("snprintf_num!\n"); exit(1);
/* ===================================
* ===================================
struct range {
u64 a, b;
static void snprintf_range(enum num_t t, struct strbuf *sb, struct range x)
if (x.a == x.b)
return snprintf_num(t, sb, x.a);
snappendf(sb, "[");
snprintf_num(t, sb, x.a);
snappendf(sb, "; ");
snprintf_num(t, sb, x.b);
snappendf(sb, "]");
static void print_range(enum num_t t, struct range x, const char *sfx)
snprintf_range(t, sb, x);
printf("%s%s", sb->buf, sfx);
static const struct range unkn[] = {
[U64] = { 0, U64_MAX },
[U32] = { 0, U32_MAX },
[S64] = { (u64)S64_MIN, (u64)S64_MAX },
[S32] = { (u64)(u32)S32_MIN, (u64)(u32)S32_MAX },
static struct range unkn_subreg(enum num_t t)
switch (t) {
case U64: return unkn[U32];
case U32: return unkn[U32];
case S64: return unkn[U32];
case S32: return unkn[S32];
default: printf("unkn_subreg!\n"); exit(1);
static struct range range(enum num_t t, u64 a, u64 b)
switch (t) {
case U64: return (struct range){ (u64)a, (u64)b };
case U32: return (struct range){ (u32)a, (u32)b };
case S64: return (struct range){ (s64)a, (s64)b };
case S32: return (struct range){ (u32)(s32)a, (u32)(s32)b };
default: printf("range!\n"); exit(1);
static __always_inline u32 sign64(u64 x) { return (x >> 63) & 1; }
static __always_inline u32 sign32(u64 x) { return ((u32)x >> 31) & 1; }
static __always_inline u32 upper32(u64 x) { return (u32)(x >> 32); }
static __always_inline u64 swap_low32(u64 x, u32 y) { return (x & 0xffffffff00000000ULL) | y; }
static bool range_eq(struct range x, struct range y)
return x.a == y.a && x.b == y.b;
static struct range range_cast_to_s32(struct range x)
u64 a = x.a, b = x.b;
/* if upper 32 bits are constant, lower 32 bits should form a proper
* s32 range to be correct
if (upper32(a) == upper32(b) && (s32)a <= (s32)b)
return range(S32, a, b);
/* Special case where upper bits form a small sequence of two
* sequential numbers (in 32-bit unsigned space, so 0xffffffff to
* 0x00000000 is also valid), while lower bits form a proper s32 range
* going from negative numbers to positive numbers.
* E.g.: [0xfffffff0ffffff00; 0xfffffff100000010]. Iterating
* over full 64-bit numbers range will form a proper [-16, 16]
* ([0xffffff00; 0x00000010]) range in its lower 32 bits.
if (upper32(a) + 1 == upper32(b) && (s32)a < 0 && (s32)b >= 0)
return range(S32, a, b);
/* otherwise we can't derive much meaningful information */
return unkn[S32];
static struct range range_cast_u64(enum num_t to_t, struct range x)
u64 a = (u64)x.a, b = (u64)x.b;
switch (to_t) {
case U64:
return x;
case U32:
if (upper32(a) != upper32(b))
return unkn[U32];
return range(U32, a, b);
case S64:
if (sign64(a) != sign64(b))
return unkn[S64];
return range(S64, a, b);
case S32:
return range_cast_to_s32(x);
default: printf("range_cast_u64!\n"); exit(1);
static struct range range_cast_s64(enum num_t to_t, struct range x)
s64 a = (s64)x.a, b = (s64)x.b;
switch (to_t) {
case U64:
/* equivalent to (s64)a <= (s64)b check */
if (sign64(a) != sign64(b))
return unkn[U64];
return range(U64, a, b);
case U32:
if (upper32(a) != upper32(b) || sign32(a) != sign32(b))
return unkn[U32];
return range(U32, a, b);
case S64:
return x;
case S32:
return range_cast_to_s32(x);
default: printf("range_cast_s64!\n"); exit(1);
static struct range range_cast_u32(enum num_t to_t, struct range x)
u32 a = (u32)x.a, b = (u32)x.b;
switch (to_t) {
case U64:
case S64:
/* u32 is always a valid zero-extended u64/s64 */
return range(to_t, a, b);
case U32:
return x;
case S32:
return range_cast_to_s32(range(U32, a, b));
default: printf("range_cast_u32!\n"); exit(1);
static struct range range_cast_s32(enum num_t to_t, struct range x)
s32 a = (s32)x.a, b = (s32)x.b;
switch (to_t) {
case U64:
case U32:
case S64:
if (sign32(a) != sign32(b))
return unkn[to_t];
return range(to_t, a, b);
case S32:
return x;
default: printf("range_cast_s32!\n"); exit(1);
/* Reinterpret range in *from_t* domain as a range in *to_t* domain preserving
* all possible information. Worst case, it will be unknown range within
* *to_t* domain, if nothing more specific can be guaranteed during the
* conversion
static struct range range_cast(enum num_t from_t, enum num_t to_t, struct range from)
switch (from_t) {
case U64: return range_cast_u64(to_t, from);
case U32: return range_cast_u32(to_t, from);
case S64: return range_cast_s64(to_t, from);
case S32: return range_cast_s32(to_t, from);
default: printf("range_cast!\n"); exit(1);
static bool is_valid_num(enum num_t t, u64 x)
switch (t) {
case U64: return true;
case U32: return upper32(x) == 0;
case S64: return true;
case S32: return upper32(x) == 0;
default: printf("is_valid_num!\n"); exit(1);
static bool is_valid_range(enum num_t t, struct range x)
if (!is_valid_num(t, x.a) || !is_valid_num(t, x.b))
return false;
switch (t) {
case U64: return (u64)x.a <= (u64)x.b;
case U32: return (u32)x.a <= (u32)x.b;
case S64: return (s64)x.a <= (s64)x.b;
case S32: return (s32)x.a <= (s32)x.b;
default: printf("is_valid_range!\n"); exit(1);
static struct range range_improve(enum num_t t, struct range old, struct range new)
return range(t, max_t(t, old.a, new.a), min_t(t, old.b, new.b));
static struct range range_refine(enum num_t x_t, struct range x, enum num_t y_t, struct range y)
struct range y_cast;
y_cast = range_cast(y_t, x_t, y);
/* the case when new range knowledge, *y*, is a 32-bit subregister
* range, while previous range knowledge, *x*, is a full register
* 64-bit range, needs special treatment to take into account upper 32
* bits of full register range
if (t_is_32(y_t) && !t_is_32(x_t)) {
struct range x_swap;
/* some combinations of upper 32 bits and sign bit can lead to
* invalid ranges, in such cases it's easier to detect them
* after cast/swap than try to enumerate all the conditions
* under which transformation and knowledge transfer is valid
x_swap = range(x_t, swap_low32(x.a, y_cast.a), swap_low32(x.b, y_cast.b));
if (!is_valid_range(x_t, x_swap))
return x;
return range_improve(x_t, x, x_swap);
/* otherwise, plain range cast and intersection works */
return range_improve(x_t, x, y_cast);
/* =======================
* =======================
enum op { OP_LT, OP_LE, OP_GT, OP_GE, OP_EQ, OP_NE, first_op = OP_LT, last_op = OP_NE };
static enum op complement_op(enum op op)
switch (op) {
case OP_LT: return OP_GE;
case OP_LE: return OP_GT;
case OP_GT: return OP_LE;
case OP_GE: return OP_LT;
case OP_EQ: return OP_NE;
case OP_NE: return OP_EQ;
default: printf("complement_op!\n"); exit(1);
static const char *op_str(enum op op)
switch (op) {
case OP_LT: return "<";
case OP_LE: return "<=";
case OP_GT: return ">";
case OP_GE: return ">=";
case OP_EQ: return "==";
case OP_NE: return "!=";
default: printf("op_str!\n"); exit(1);
/* Can register with range [x.a, x.b] *EVER* satisfy
* OP (<, <=, >, >=, ==, !=) relation to
* a regsiter with range [y.a, y.b]
* _in *num_t* domain_
static bool range_canbe_op(enum num_t t, struct range x, struct range y, enum op op)
#define range_canbe(T) do { \
switch (op) { \
case OP_LT: return (T)x.a < (T)y.b; \
case OP_LE: return (T)x.a <= (T)y.b; \
case OP_GT: return (T)x.b > (T)y.a; \
case OP_GE: return (T)x.b >= (T)y.a; \
case OP_EQ: return (T)max_t(t, x.a, y.a) <= (T)min_t(t, x.b, y.b); \
case OP_NE: return !((T)x.a == (T)x.b && (T)y.a == (T)y.b && (T)x.a == (T)y.a); \
default: printf("range_canbe op %d\n", op); exit(1); \
} \
} while (0)
switch (t) {
case U64: { range_canbe(u64); }
case U32: { range_canbe(u32); }
case S64: { range_canbe(s64); }
case S32: { range_canbe(s32); }
default: printf("range_canbe!\n"); exit(1);
#undef range_canbe
/* Does register with range [x.a, x.b] *ALWAYS* satisfy
* OP (<, <=, >, >=, ==, !=) relation to
* a regsiter with range [y.a, y.b]
* _in *num_t* domain_
static bool range_always_op(enum num_t t, struct range x, struct range y, enum op op)
/* always op <=> ! canbe complement(op) */
return !range_canbe_op(t, x, y, complement_op(op));
/* Does register with range [x.a, x.b] *NEVER* satisfy
* OP (<, <=, >, >=, ==, !=) relation to
* a regsiter with range [y.a, y.b]
* _in *num_t* domain_
static bool range_never_op(enum num_t t, struct range x, struct range y, enum op op)
return !range_canbe_op(t, x, y, op);
/* similar to verifier's is_branch_taken():
* 1 - always taken;
* 0 - never taken,
* -1 - unsure.
static int range_branch_taken_op(enum num_t t, struct range x, struct range y, enum op op)
if (range_always_op(t, x, y, op))
return 1;
if (range_never_op(t, x, y, op))
return 0;
return -1;
/* What would be the new estimates for register x and y ranges assuming truthful
* OP comparison between them. I.e., (x OP y == true) => x <- newx, y <- newy.
* We assume "interesting" cases where ranges overlap. Cases where it's
* obvious that (x OP y) is either always true or false should be filtered with
* range_never and range_always checks.
static void range_cond(enum num_t t, struct range x, struct range y,
enum op op, struct range *newx, struct range *newy)
if (!range_canbe_op(t, x, y, op)) {
/* nothing to adjust, can't happen, return original values */
*newx = x;
*newy = y;
switch (op) {
case OP_LT:
*newx = range(t, x.a, min_t(t, x.b, y.b - 1));
*newy = range(t, max_t(t, x.a + 1, y.a), y.b);
case OP_LE:
*newx = range(t, x.a, min_t(t, x.b, y.b));
*newy = range(t, max_t(t, x.a, y.a), y.b);
case OP_GT:
*newx = range(t, max_t(t, x.a, y.a + 1), x.b);
*newy = range(t, y.a, min_t(t, x.b - 1, y.b));
case OP_GE:
*newx = range(t, max_t(t, x.a, y.a), x.b);
*newy = range(t, y.a, min_t(t, x.b, y.b));
case OP_EQ:
*newx = range(t, max_t(t, x.a, y.a), min_t(t, x.b, y.b));
*newy = range(t, max_t(t, x.a, y.a), min_t(t, x.b, y.b));
case OP_NE:
/* below logic is supported by the verifier now */
if (x.a == x.b && x.a == y.a) {
/* X is a constant matching left side of Y */
*newx = range(t, x.a, x.b);
*newy = range(t, y.a + 1, y.b);
} else if (x.a == x.b && x.b == y.b) {
/* X is a constant matching rigth side of Y */
*newx = range(t, x.a, x.b);
*newy = range(t, y.a, y.b - 1);
} else if (y.a == y.b && x.a == y.a) {
/* Y is a constant matching left side of X */
*newx = range(t, x.a + 1, x.b);
*newy = range(t, y.a, y.b);
} else if (y.a == y.b && x.b == y.b) {
/* Y is a constant matching rigth side of X */
*newx = range(t, x.a, x.b - 1);
*newy = range(t, y.a, y.b);
} else {
/* generic case, can't derive more information */
*newx = range(t, x.a, x.b);
*newy = range(t, y.a, y.b);
/* =======================
* =======================
struct reg_state {
struct range r[4]; /* indexed by enum num_t: U64, U32, S64, S32 */
bool valid;
static void print_reg_state(struct reg_state *r, const char *sfx)
enum num_t t;
int cnt = 0;
if (!r->valid) {
printf("<not found>%s", sfx);
snappendf(sb, "scalar(");
for (t = first_t; t <= last_t; t++) {
snappendf(sb, "%s%s=", cnt++ ? "," : "", t_str(t));
snprintf_range(t, sb, r->r[t]);
snappendf(sb, ")");
printf("%s%s", sb->buf, sfx);
static void print_refinement(enum num_t s_t, struct range src,
enum num_t d_t, struct range old, struct range new,
const char *ctx)
printf("REFINING (%s) (%s)SRC=", ctx, t_str(s_t));
print_range(s_t, src, "");
printf(" (%s)DST_OLD=", t_str(d_t));
print_range(d_t, old, "");
printf(" (%s)DST_NEW=", t_str(d_t));
print_range(d_t, new, "\n");
static void reg_state_refine(struct reg_state *r, enum num_t t, struct range x, const char *ctx)
enum num_t d_t, s_t;
struct range old;
bool keep_going = false;
/* try to derive new knowledge from just learned range x of type t */
for (d_t = first_t; d_t <= last_t; d_t++) {
old = r->r[d_t];
r->r[d_t] = range_refine(d_t, r->r[d_t], t, x);
if (!range_eq(r->r[d_t], old)) {
keep_going = true;
if (env.verbosity >= VERBOSE_VERY)
print_refinement(t, x, d_t, old, r->r[d_t], ctx);
/* now see if we can derive anything new from updated reg_state's ranges */
for (s_t = first_t; s_t <= last_t; s_t++) {
for (d_t = first_t; d_t <= last_t; d_t++) {
old = r->r[d_t];
r->r[d_t] = range_refine(d_t, r->r[d_t], s_t, r->r[s_t]);
if (!range_eq(r->r[d_t], old)) {
keep_going = true;
if (env.verbosity >= VERBOSE_VERY)
print_refinement(s_t, r->r[s_t], d_t, old, r->r[d_t], ctx);
/* keep refining until we converge */
if (keep_going) {
keep_going = false;
goto again;
static void reg_state_set_const(struct reg_state *rs, enum num_t t, u64 val)
enum num_t tt;
rs->valid = true;
for (tt = first_t; tt <= last_t; tt++)
rs->r[tt] = tt == t ? range(t, val, val) : unkn[tt];
reg_state_refine(rs, t, rs->r[t], "CONST");
static void reg_state_cond(enum num_t t, struct reg_state *x, struct reg_state *y, enum op op,
struct reg_state *newx, struct reg_state *newy, const char *ctx)
char buf[32];
enum num_t ts[2];
struct reg_state xx = *x, yy = *y;
int i, t_cnt;
struct range z1, z2;
if (op == OP_EQ || op == OP_NE) {
/* OP_EQ and OP_NE are sign-agnostic, so we need to process
* both signed and unsigned domains at the same time
ts[0] = t_unsigned(t);
ts[1] = t_signed(t);
t_cnt = 2;
} else {
ts[0] = t;
t_cnt = 1;
for (i = 0; i < t_cnt; i++) {
t = ts[i];
z1 = x->r[t];
z2 = y->r[t];
range_cond(t, z1, z2, op, &z1, &z2);
if (newx) {
snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s R1", ctx);
reg_state_refine(&xx, t, z1, buf);
if (newy) {
snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s R2", ctx);
reg_state_refine(&yy, t, z2, buf);
if (newx)
*newx = xx;
if (newy)
*newy = yy;
static int reg_state_branch_taken_op(enum num_t t, struct reg_state *x, struct reg_state *y,
enum op op)
if (op == OP_EQ || op == OP_NE) {
/* OP_EQ and OP_NE are sign-agnostic */
enum num_t tu = t_unsigned(t);
enum num_t ts = t_signed(t);
int br_u, br_s, br;
br_u = range_branch_taken_op(tu, x->r[tu], y->r[tu], op);
br_s = range_branch_taken_op(ts, x->r[ts], y->r[ts], op);
if (br_u >= 0 && br_s >= 0 && br_u != br_s)
ASSERT_FALSE(true, "branch taken inconsistency!\n");
/* if 64-bit ranges are indecisive, use 32-bit subranges to
* eliminate always/never taken branches, if possible
if (br_u == -1 && (t == U64 || t == S64)) {
br = range_branch_taken_op(U32, x->r[U32], y->r[U32], op);
/* we can only reject for OP_EQ, never take branch
* based on lower 32 bits
if (op == OP_EQ && br == 0)
return 0;
/* for OP_NEQ we can be conclusive only if lower 32 bits
* differ and thus inequality branch is always taken
if (op == OP_NE && br == 1)
return 1;
br = range_branch_taken_op(S32, x->r[S32], y->r[S32], op);
if (op == OP_EQ && br == 0)
return 0;
if (op == OP_NE && br == 1)
return 1;
return br_u >= 0 ? br_u : br_s;
return range_branch_taken_op(t, x->r[t], y->r[t], op);
/* =====================================
* =====================================
struct case_spec {
/* whether to init full register (r1) or sub-register (w1) */
bool init_subregs;
/* whether to establish initial value range on full register (r1) or
* sub-register (w1)
bool setup_subregs;
/* whether to establish initial value range using signed or unsigned
* comparisons (i.e., initialize umin/umax or smin/smax directly)
bool setup_signed;
/* whether to perform comparison on full registers or sub-registers */
bool compare_subregs;
/* whether to perform comparison using signed or unsigned operations */
bool compare_signed;
/* Generate test BPF program based on provided test ranges, operation, and
* specifications about register bitness and signedness.
static int load_range_cmp_prog(struct range x, struct range y, enum op op,
int branch_taken, struct case_spec spec,
char *log_buf, size_t log_sz,
int *false_pos, int *true_pos)
#define emit(insn) ({ \
struct bpf_insn __insns[] = { insn }; \
int __i; \
for (__i = 0; __i < ARRAY_SIZE(__insns); __i++) \
insns[cur_pos + __i] = __insns[__i]; \
cur_pos += __i; \
#define JMP_TO(target) (target - cur_pos - 1)
int cur_pos = 0, exit_pos, fd, op_code;
struct bpf_insn insns[64];
LIBBPF_OPTS(bpf_prog_load_opts, opts,
.log_level = 2,
.log_buf = log_buf,
.log_size = log_sz,
/* ; skip exit block below
* goto +2;
exit_pos = cur_pos;
/* ; exit block for all the preparatory conditionals
* out:
* r0 = 0;
* exit;
emit(BPF_MOV64_IMM(BPF_REG_0, 0));
* ; assign r6/w6 and r7/w7 unpredictable u64/u32 value
* call bpf_get_current_pid_tgid;
* r6 = r0; | w6 = w0;
* call bpf_get_current_pid_tgid;
* r7 = r0; | w7 = w0;
if (spec.init_subregs)
emit(BPF_MOV32_REG(BPF_REG_6, BPF_REG_0));
emit(BPF_MOV64_REG(BPF_REG_6, BPF_REG_0));
if (spec.init_subregs)
emit(BPF_MOV32_REG(BPF_REG_7, BPF_REG_0));
emit(BPF_MOV64_REG(BPF_REG_7, BPF_REG_0));
/* ; setup initial r6/w6 possible value range ([x.a, x.b])
* r1 = %[x.a] ll; | w1 = %[x.a];
* r2 = %[x.b] ll; | w2 = %[x.b];
* if r6 < r1 goto out; | if w6 < w1 goto out;
* if r6 > r2 goto out; | if w6 > w2 goto out;
if (spec.setup_subregs) {
emit(BPF_MOV32_IMM(BPF_REG_1, (s32)x.a));
emit(BPF_MOV32_IMM(BPF_REG_2, (s32)x.b));
emit(BPF_JMP32_REG(spec.setup_signed ? BPF_JSLT : BPF_JLT,
BPF_REG_6, BPF_REG_1, JMP_TO(exit_pos)));
emit(BPF_JMP32_REG(spec.setup_signed ? BPF_JSGT : BPF_JGT,
BPF_REG_6, BPF_REG_2, JMP_TO(exit_pos)));
} else {
emit(BPF_LD_IMM64(BPF_REG_1, x.a));
emit(BPF_LD_IMM64(BPF_REG_2, x.b));
emit(BPF_JMP_REG(spec.setup_signed ? BPF_JSLT : BPF_JLT,
BPF_REG_6, BPF_REG_1, JMP_TO(exit_pos)));
emit(BPF_JMP_REG(spec.setup_signed ? BPF_JSGT : BPF_JGT,
BPF_REG_6, BPF_REG_2, JMP_TO(exit_pos)));
/* ; setup initial r7/w7 possible value range ([y.a, y.b])
* r1 = %[y.a] ll; | w1 = %[y.a];
* r2 = %[y.b] ll; | w2 = %[y.b];
* if r7 < r1 goto out; | if w7 < w1 goto out;
* if r7 > r2 goto out; | if w7 > w2 goto out;
if (spec.setup_subregs) {
emit(BPF_MOV32_IMM(BPF_REG_1, (s32)y.a));
emit(BPF_MOV32_IMM(BPF_REG_2, (s32)y.b));
emit(BPF_JMP32_REG(spec.setup_signed ? BPF_JSLT : BPF_JLT,
BPF_REG_7, BPF_REG_1, JMP_TO(exit_pos)));
emit(BPF_JMP32_REG(spec.setup_signed ? BPF_JSGT : BPF_JGT,
BPF_REG_7, BPF_REG_2, JMP_TO(exit_pos)));
} else {
emit(BPF_LD_IMM64(BPF_REG_1, y.a));
emit(BPF_LD_IMM64(BPF_REG_2, y.b));
emit(BPF_JMP_REG(spec.setup_signed ? BPF_JSLT : BPF_JLT,
BPF_REG_7, BPF_REG_1, JMP_TO(exit_pos)));
emit(BPF_JMP_REG(spec.setup_signed ? BPF_JSGT : BPF_JGT,
BPF_REG_7, BPF_REG_2, JMP_TO(exit_pos)));
/* ; range test instruction
* if r6 <op> r7 goto +3; | if w6 <op> w7 goto +3;
switch (op) {
case OP_LT: op_code = spec.compare_signed ? BPF_JSLT : BPF_JLT; break;
case OP_LE: op_code = spec.compare_signed ? BPF_JSLE : BPF_JLE; break;
case OP_GT: op_code = spec.compare_signed ? BPF_JSGT : BPF_JGT; break;
case OP_GE: op_code = spec.compare_signed ? BPF_JSGE : BPF_JGE; break;
case OP_EQ: op_code = BPF_JEQ; break;
case OP_NE: op_code = BPF_JNE; break;
printf("unrecognized op %d\n", op);
return -ENOTSUP;
/* ; BEFORE conditional, r0/w0 = {r6/w6,r7/w7} is to extract verifier state reliably
* ; this is used for debugging, as verifier doesn't always print
* ; registers states as of condition jump instruction (e.g., when
* ; precision marking happens)
* r0 = r6; | w0 = w6;
* r0 = r7; | w0 = w7;
if (spec.compare_subregs) {
emit(BPF_MOV32_REG(BPF_REG_0, BPF_REG_6));
emit(BPF_MOV32_REG(BPF_REG_0, BPF_REG_7));
} else {
emit(BPF_MOV64_REG(BPF_REG_0, BPF_REG_6));
emit(BPF_MOV64_REG(BPF_REG_0, BPF_REG_7));
if (spec.compare_subregs)
emit(BPF_JMP32_REG(op_code, BPF_REG_6, BPF_REG_7, 3));
emit(BPF_JMP_REG(op_code, BPF_REG_6, BPF_REG_7, 3));
/* ; FALSE branch, r0/w0 = {r6/w6,r7/w7} is to extract verifier state reliably
* r0 = r6; | w0 = w6;
* r0 = r7; | w0 = w7;
* exit;
*false_pos = cur_pos;
if (spec.compare_subregs) {
emit(BPF_MOV32_REG(BPF_REG_0, BPF_REG_6));
emit(BPF_MOV32_REG(BPF_REG_0, BPF_REG_7));
} else {
emit(BPF_MOV64_REG(BPF_REG_0, BPF_REG_6));
emit(BPF_MOV64_REG(BPF_REG_0, BPF_REG_7));
if (branch_taken == 1) /* false branch is never taken */
emit(BPF_EMIT_CALL(0xDEAD)); /* poison this branch */
/* ; TRUE branch, r0/w0 = {r6/w6,r7/w7} is to extract verifier state reliably
* r0 = r6; | w0 = w6;
* r0 = r7; | w0 = w7;
* exit;
*true_pos = cur_pos;
if (spec.compare_subregs) {
emit(BPF_MOV32_REG(BPF_REG_0, BPF_REG_6));
emit(BPF_MOV32_REG(BPF_REG_0, BPF_REG_7));
} else {
emit(BPF_MOV64_REG(BPF_REG_0, BPF_REG_6));
emit(BPF_MOV64_REG(BPF_REG_0, BPF_REG_7));
if (branch_taken == 0) /* true branch is never taken */
emit(BPF_EMIT_CALL(0xDEAD)); /* poison this branch */
emit(BPF_EXIT_INSN()); /* last instruction has to be exit */
fd = bpf_prog_load(BPF_PROG_TYPE_RAW_TRACEPOINT, "reg_bounds_test",
"GPL", insns, cur_pos, &opts);
if (fd < 0)
return fd;
return 0;
#undef emit
#undef JMP_TO
#define str_has_pfx(str, pfx) (strncmp(str, pfx, strlen(pfx)) == 0)
/* Parse register state from verifier log.
* `s` should point to the start of "Rx = ..." substring in the verifier log.
static int parse_reg_state(const char *s, struct reg_state *reg)
/* There are two generic forms for SCALAR register:
* - known constant: R6_rwD=P%lld
* - range: R6_rwD=scalar(id=1,...), where "..." is a comma-separated
* list of optional range specifiers:
* - umin=%llu, if missing, assumed 0;
* - umax=%llu, if missing, assumed U64_MAX;
* - smin=%lld, if missing, assumed S64_MIN;
* - smax=%lld, if missing, assummed S64_MAX;
* - umin32=%d, if missing, assumed 0;
* - umax32=%d, if missing, assumed U32_MAX;
* - smin32=%d, if missing, assumed S32_MIN;
* - smax32=%d, if missing, assummed S32_MAX;
* - var_off=(%#llx; %#llx), tnum part, we don't care about it.
* If some of the values are equal, they will be grouped (but min/max
* are not mixed together, and similarly negative values are not
* grouped with non-negative ones). E.g.:
* R6_w=Pscalar(smin=smin32=0, smax=umax=umax32=1000)
* _rwD part is optional (and any of the letters can be missing).
* P (precision mark) is optional as well.
* Anything inside scalar() is optional, including id, of course.
struct {
const char *pfx;
u64 *dst, def;
bool is_32, is_set;
} *f, fields[8] = {
{"smin=", &reg->r[S64].a, S64_MIN},
{"smax=", &reg->r[S64].b, S64_MAX},
{"umin=", &reg->r[U64].a, 0},
{"umax=", &reg->r[U64].b, U64_MAX},
{"smin32=", &reg->r[S32].a, (u32)S32_MIN, true},
{"smax32=", &reg->r[S32].b, (u32)S32_MAX, true},
{"umin32=", &reg->r[U32].a, 0, true},
{"umax32=", &reg->r[U32].b, U32_MAX, true},
const char *p;
int i;
p = strchr(s, '=');
if (!p)
return -EINVAL;
if (*p == 'P')
if (!str_has_pfx(p, "scalar(")) {
long long sval;
enum num_t t;
if (p[0] == '0' && p[1] == 'x') {
if (sscanf(p, "%llx", &sval) != 1)
return -EINVAL;
} else {
if (sscanf(p, "%lld", &sval) != 1)
return -EINVAL;
reg->valid = true;
for (t = first_t; t <= last_t; t++) {
reg->r[t] = range(t, sval, sval);
return 0;
p += sizeof("scalar");
while (p) {
int midxs[ARRAY_SIZE(fields)], mcnt = 0;
u64 val;
for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(fields); i++) {
f = &fields[i];
if (!str_has_pfx(p, f->pfx))
midxs[mcnt++] = i;
p += strlen(f->pfx);
if (mcnt) {
/* populate all matched fields */
if (p[0] == '0' && p[1] == 'x') {
if (sscanf(p, "%llx", &val) != 1)
return -EINVAL;
} else {
if (sscanf(p, "%lld", &val) != 1)
return -EINVAL;
for (i = 0; i < mcnt; i++) {
f = &fields[midxs[i]];
f->is_set = true;
*f->dst = f->is_32 ? (u64)(u32)val : val;
} else if (str_has_pfx(p, "var_off")) {
/* skip "var_off=(0x0; 0x3f)" part completely */
p = strchr(p, ')');
if (!p)
return -EINVAL;
p = strpbrk(p, ",)");
if (*p == ')')
if (p)
reg->valid = true;
for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(fields); i++) {
f = &fields[i];
if (!f->is_set)
*f->dst = f->def;
return 0;
/* Parse all register states (TRUE/FALSE branches and DST/SRC registers)
* out of the verifier log for a corresponding test case BPF program.
static int parse_range_cmp_log(const char *log_buf, struct case_spec spec,
int false_pos, int true_pos,
struct reg_state *false1_reg, struct reg_state *false2_reg,
struct reg_state *true1_reg, struct reg_state *true2_reg)
struct {
int insn_idx;
int reg_idx;
const char *reg_upper;
struct reg_state *state;
} specs[] = {
{false_pos, 6, "R6=", false1_reg},
{false_pos + 1, 7, "R7=", false2_reg},
{true_pos, 6, "R6=", true1_reg},
{true_pos + 1, 7, "R7=", true2_reg},
char buf[32];
const char *p = log_buf, *q;
int i, err;
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
sprintf(buf, "%d: (%s) %s = %s%d", specs[i].insn_idx,
spec.compare_subregs ? "bc" : "bf",
spec.compare_subregs ? "w0" : "r0",
spec.compare_subregs ? "w" : "r", specs[i].reg_idx);
q = strstr(p, buf);
if (!q) {
*specs[i].state = (struct reg_state){.valid = false};
p = strstr(q, specs[i].reg_upper);
if (!p)
return -EINVAL;
err = parse_reg_state(p, specs[i].state);
if (err)
return -EINVAL;
return 0;
/* Validate ranges match, and print details if they don't */
static bool assert_range_eq(enum num_t t, struct range x, struct range y,
const char *ctx1, const char *ctx2)
if (range_eq(x, y))
return true;
snappendf(sb, "MISMATCH %s.%s: ", ctx1, ctx2);
snprintf_range(t, sb, x);
snappendf(sb, " != ");
snprintf_range(t, sb, y);
printf("%s\n", sb->buf);
return false;
/* Validate that register states match, and print details if they don't */
static bool assert_reg_state_eq(struct reg_state *r, struct reg_state *e, const char *ctx)
bool ok = true;
enum num_t t;
if (r->valid != e->valid) {
printf("MISMATCH %s: actual %s != expected %s\n", ctx,
r->valid ? "<valid>" : "<invalid>",
e->valid ? "<valid>" : "<invalid>");
return false;
if (!r->valid)
return true;
for (t = first_t; t <= last_t; t++) {
if (!assert_range_eq(t, r->r[t], e->r[t], ctx, t_str(t)))
ok = false;
return ok;
/* Printf verifier log, filtering out irrelevant noise */
static void print_verifier_log(const char *buf)
const char *p;
while (buf[0]) {
p = strchrnul(buf, '\n');
/* filter out irrelevant precision backtracking logs */
if (str_has_pfx(buf, "mark_precise: "))
goto skip_line;
printf("%.*s\n", (int)(p - buf), buf);
buf = *p == '\0' ? p : p + 1;
/* Simulate provided test case purely with our own range-based logic.
* This is done to set up expectations for verifier's branch_taken logic and
* verifier's register states in the verifier log.
static void sim_case(enum num_t init_t, enum num_t cond_t,
struct range x, struct range y, enum op op,
struct reg_state *fr1, struct reg_state *fr2,
struct reg_state *tr1, struct reg_state *tr2,
int *branch_taken)
const u64 A = x.a;
const u64 B = x.b;
const u64 C = y.a;
const u64 D = y.b;
struct reg_state rc;
enum op rev_op = complement_op(op);
enum num_t t;
fr1->valid = fr2->valid = true;
tr1->valid = tr2->valid = true;
for (t = first_t; t <= last_t; t++) {
/* if we are initializing using 32-bit subregisters,
* full registers get upper 32 bits zeroed automatically
struct range z = t_is_32(init_t) ? unkn_subreg(t) : unkn[t];
fr1->r[t] = fr2->r[t] = tr1->r[t] = tr2->r[t] = z;
/* step 1: r1 >= A, r2 >= C */
reg_state_set_const(&rc, init_t, A);
reg_state_cond(init_t, fr1, &rc, OP_GE, fr1, NULL, "r1>=A");
reg_state_set_const(&rc, init_t, C);
reg_state_cond(init_t, fr2, &rc, OP_GE, fr2, NULL, "r2>=C");
*tr1 = *fr1;
*tr2 = *fr2;
if (env.verbosity >= VERBOSE_VERY) {
printf("STEP1 (%s) R1: ", t_str(init_t)); print_reg_state(fr1, "\n");
printf("STEP1 (%s) R2: ", t_str(init_t)); print_reg_state(fr2, "\n");
/* step 2: r1 <= B, r2 <= D */
reg_state_set_const(&rc, init_t, B);
reg_state_cond(init_t, fr1, &rc, OP_LE, fr1, NULL, "r1<=B");
reg_state_set_const(&rc, init_t, D);
reg_state_cond(init_t, fr2, &rc, OP_LE, fr2, NULL, "r2<=D");
*tr1 = *fr1;
*tr2 = *fr2;
if (env.verbosity >= VERBOSE_VERY) {
printf("STEP2 (%s) R1: ", t_str(init_t)); print_reg_state(fr1, "\n");
printf("STEP2 (%s) R2: ", t_str(init_t)); print_reg_state(fr2, "\n");
/* step 3: r1 <op> r2 */
*branch_taken = reg_state_branch_taken_op(cond_t, fr1, fr2, op);
fr1->valid = fr2->valid = false;
tr1->valid = tr2->valid = false;
if (*branch_taken != 1) { /* FALSE is possible */
fr1->valid = fr2->valid = true;
reg_state_cond(cond_t, fr1, fr2, rev_op, fr1, fr2, "FALSE");
if (*branch_taken != 0) { /* TRUE is possible */
tr1->valid = tr2->valid = true;
reg_state_cond(cond_t, tr1, tr2, op, tr1, tr2, "TRUE");
if (env.verbosity >= VERBOSE_VERY) {
printf("STEP3 (%s) FALSE R1:", t_str(cond_t)); print_reg_state(fr1, "\n");
printf("STEP3 (%s) FALSE R2:", t_str(cond_t)); print_reg_state(fr2, "\n");
printf("STEP3 (%s) TRUE R1:", t_str(cond_t)); print_reg_state(tr1, "\n");
printf("STEP3 (%s) TRUE R2:", t_str(cond_t)); print_reg_state(tr2, "\n");
/* ===============================
* ===============================
static u32 upper_seeds[] = {
U32_MAX - 1,
static u32 lower_seeds[] = {
2, (u32)-2,
255, (u32)-255,
struct ctx {
int val_cnt, subval_cnt, range_cnt, subrange_cnt;
u64 uvals[ARRAY_SIZE(upper_seeds) * ARRAY_SIZE(lower_seeds)];
s64 svals[ARRAY_SIZE(upper_seeds) * ARRAY_SIZE(lower_seeds)];
u32 usubvals[ARRAY_SIZE(lower_seeds)];
s32 ssubvals[ARRAY_SIZE(lower_seeds)];
struct range *uranges, *sranges;
struct range *usubranges, *ssubranges;
int max_failure_cnt, cur_failure_cnt;
int total_case_cnt, case_cnt;
int rand_case_cnt;
unsigned rand_seed;
__u64 start_ns;
char progress_ctx[64];
static void cleanup_ctx(struct ctx *ctx)
struct subtest_case {
enum num_t init_t;
enum num_t cond_t;
struct range x;
struct range y;
enum op op;
static void subtest_case_str(struct strbuf *sb, struct subtest_case *t, bool use_op)
snappendf(sb, "(%s)", t_str(t->init_t));
snprintf_range(t->init_t, sb, t->x);
snappendf(sb, " (%s)%s ", t_str(t->cond_t), use_op ? op_str(t->op) : "<op>");
snprintf_range(t->init_t, sb, t->y);
/* Generate and validate test case based on specific combination of setup
* register ranges (including their expected num_t domain), and conditional
* operation to perform (including num_t domain in which it has to be
* performed)
static int verify_case_op(enum num_t init_t, enum num_t cond_t,
struct range x, struct range y, enum op op)
char log_buf[256 * 1024];
size_t log_sz = sizeof(log_buf);
int err, false_pos = 0, true_pos = 0, branch_taken;
struct reg_state fr1, fr2, tr1, tr2;
struct reg_state fe1, fe2, te1, te2;
bool failed = false;
struct case_spec spec = {
.init_subregs = (init_t == U32 || init_t == S32),
.setup_subregs = (init_t == U32 || init_t == S32),
.setup_signed = (init_t == S64 || init_t == S32),
.compare_subregs = (cond_t == U32 || cond_t == S32),
.compare_signed = (cond_t == S64 || cond_t == S32),
log_buf[0] = '\0';
sim_case(init_t, cond_t, x, y, op, &fe1, &fe2, &te1, &te2, &branch_taken);
err = load_range_cmp_prog(x, y, op, branch_taken, spec,
log_buf, log_sz, &false_pos, &true_pos);
if (err) {
ASSERT_OK(err, "load_range_cmp_prog");
failed = true;
err = parse_range_cmp_log(log_buf, spec, false_pos, true_pos,
&fr1, &fr2, &tr1, &tr2);
if (err) {
ASSERT_OK(err, "parse_range_cmp_log");
failed = true;
if (!assert_reg_state_eq(&fr1, &fe1, "false_reg1") ||
!assert_reg_state_eq(&fr2, &fe2, "false_reg2") ||
!assert_reg_state_eq(&tr1, &te1, "true_reg1") ||
!assert_reg_state_eq(&tr2, &te2, "true_reg2")) {
failed = true;
if (failed || env.verbosity >= VERBOSE_NORMAL) {
if (failed || env.verbosity >= VERBOSE_VERY) {
printf("VERIFIER LOG:\n========================\n");
printf("ACTUAL FALSE1: "); print_reg_state(&fr1, "\n");
printf("EXPECTED FALSE1: "); print_reg_state(&fe1, "\n");
printf("ACTUAL FALSE2: "); print_reg_state(&fr2, "\n");
printf("EXPECTED FALSE2: "); print_reg_state(&fe2, "\n");
printf("ACTUAL TRUE1: "); print_reg_state(&tr1, "\n");
printf("EXPECTED TRUE1: "); print_reg_state(&te1, "\n");
printf("ACTUAL TRUE2: "); print_reg_state(&tr2, "\n");
printf("EXPECTED TRUE2: "); print_reg_state(&te2, "\n");
return failed ? -EINVAL : 0;
return 0;
/* Given setup ranges and number types, go over all supported operations,
* generating individual subtest for each allowed combination
static int verify_case_opt(struct ctx *ctx, enum num_t init_t, enum num_t cond_t,
struct range x, struct range y, bool is_subtest)
int err;
struct subtest_case sub = {
.init_t = init_t,
.cond_t = cond_t,
.x = x,
.y = y,
sb->pos = 0; /* reset position in strbuf */
subtest_case_str(sb, &sub, false /* ignore op */);
if (is_subtest && !test__start_subtest(sb->buf))
return 0;
for (sub.op = first_op; sub.op <= last_op; sub.op++) {
sb->pos = 0; /* reset position in strbuf */
subtest_case_str(sb, &sub, true /* print op */);
if (env.verbosity >= VERBOSE_NORMAL) /* this speeds up debugging */
printf("TEST CASE: %s\n", sb->buf);
err = verify_case_op(init_t, cond_t, x, y, sub.op);
if (err || env.verbosity >= VERBOSE_NORMAL)
ASSERT_OK(err, sb->buf);
if (err) {
if (ctx->cur_failure_cnt > ctx->max_failure_cnt)
return err;
return 0; /* keep testing other cases */
if ((ctx->case_cnt % 10000) == 0) {
double progress = (ctx->case_cnt + 0.0) / ctx->total_case_cnt;
u64 elapsed_ns = get_time_ns() - ctx->start_ns;
double remain_ns = elapsed_ns / progress * (1 - progress);
fprintf(env.stderr, "PROGRESS (%s): %d/%d (%.2lf%%), "
"elapsed %llu mins (%.2lf hrs), "
"ETA %.0lf mins (%.2lf hrs)\n",
ctx->case_cnt, ctx->total_case_cnt, 100.0 * progress,
elapsed_ns / 1000000000 / 60,
elapsed_ns / 1000000000.0 / 3600,
remain_ns / 1000000000.0 / 60,
remain_ns / 1000000000.0 / 3600);
return 0;
static int verify_case(struct ctx *ctx, enum num_t init_t, enum num_t cond_t,
struct range x, struct range y)
return verify_case_opt(ctx, init_t, cond_t, x, y, true /* is_subtest */);
/* ================================
* ================================
static int u64_cmp(const void *p1, const void *p2)
u64 x1 = *(const u64 *)p1, x2 = *(const u64 *)p2;
return x1 != x2 ? (x1 < x2 ? -1 : 1) : 0;
static int u32_cmp(const void *p1, const void *p2)
u32 x1 = *(const u32 *)p1, x2 = *(const u32 *)p2;
return x1 != x2 ? (x1 < x2 ? -1 : 1) : 0;
static int s64_cmp(const void *p1, const void *p2)
s64 x1 = *(const s64 *)p1, x2 = *(const s64 *)p2;
return x1 != x2 ? (x1 < x2 ? -1 : 1) : 0;
static int s32_cmp(const void *p1, const void *p2)
s32 x1 = *(const s32 *)p1, x2 = *(const s32 *)p2;
return x1 != x2 ? (x1 < x2 ? -1 : 1) : 0;
/* Generate valid unique constants from seeds, both signed and unsigned */
static void gen_vals(struct ctx *ctx)
int i, j, cnt = 0;
for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(upper_seeds); i++) {
for (j = 0; j < ARRAY_SIZE(lower_seeds); j++) {
ctx->uvals[cnt++] = (((u64)upper_seeds[i]) << 32) | lower_seeds[j];
/* sort and compact uvals (i.e., it's `sort | uniq`) */
qsort(ctx->uvals, cnt, sizeof(*ctx->uvals), u64_cmp);
for (i = 1, j = 0; i < cnt; i++) {
if (ctx->uvals[j] == ctx->uvals[i])
ctx->uvals[j] = ctx->uvals[i];
ctx->val_cnt = j + 1;
/* we have exactly the same number of s64 values, they are just in
* a different order than u64s, so just sort them differently
for (i = 0; i < ctx->val_cnt; i++)
ctx->svals[i] = ctx->uvals[i];
qsort(ctx->svals, ctx->val_cnt, sizeof(*ctx->svals), s64_cmp);
if (env.verbosity >= VERBOSE_SUPER) {
DEFINE_STRBUF(sb1, 256);
DEFINE_STRBUF(sb2, 256);
for (i = 0; i < ctx->val_cnt; i++) {
sb1->pos = sb2->pos = 0;
snprintf_num(U64, sb1, ctx->uvals[i]);
snprintf_num(S64, sb2, ctx->svals[i]);
printf("SEED #%d: u64=%-20s s64=%-20s\n", i, sb1->buf, sb2->buf);
/* 32-bit values are generated separately */
cnt = 0;
for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(lower_seeds); i++) {
ctx->usubvals[cnt++] = lower_seeds[i];
/* sort and compact usubvals (i.e., it's `sort | uniq`) */
qsort(ctx->usubvals, cnt, sizeof(*ctx->usubvals), u32_cmp);
for (i = 1, j = 0; i < cnt; i++) {
if (ctx->usubvals[j] == ctx->usubvals[i])
ctx->usubvals[j] = ctx->usubvals[i];
ctx->subval_cnt = j + 1;
for (i = 0; i < ctx->subval_cnt; i++)
ctx->ssubvals[i] = ctx->usubvals[i];
qsort(ctx->ssubvals, ctx->subval_cnt, sizeof(*ctx->ssubvals), s32_cmp);
if (env.verbosity >= VERBOSE_SUPER) {
DEFINE_STRBUF(sb1, 256);
DEFINE_STRBUF(sb2, 256);
for (i = 0; i < ctx->subval_cnt; i++) {
sb1->pos = sb2->pos = 0;
snprintf_num(U32, sb1, ctx->usubvals[i]);
snprintf_num(S32, sb2, ctx->ssubvals[i]);
printf("SUBSEED #%d: u32=%-10s s32=%-10s\n", i, sb1->buf, sb2->buf);
/* Generate valid ranges from upper/lower seeds */
static int gen_ranges(struct ctx *ctx)
int i, j, cnt = 0;
for (i = 0; i < ctx->val_cnt; i++) {
for (j = i; j < ctx->val_cnt; j++) {
if (env.verbosity >= VERBOSE_SUPER) {
DEFINE_STRBUF(sb1, 256);
DEFINE_STRBUF(sb2, 256);
sb1->pos = sb2->pos = 0;
snprintf_range(U64, sb1, range(U64, ctx->uvals[i], ctx->uvals[j]));
snprintf_range(S64, sb2, range(S64, ctx->svals[i], ctx->svals[j]));
printf("RANGE #%d: u64=%-40s s64=%-40s\n", cnt, sb1->buf, sb2->buf);
ctx->range_cnt = cnt;
ctx->uranges = calloc(ctx->range_cnt, sizeof(*ctx->uranges));
if (!ASSERT_OK_PTR(ctx->uranges, "uranges_calloc"))
return -EINVAL;
ctx->sranges = calloc(ctx->range_cnt, sizeof(*ctx->sranges));
if (!ASSERT_OK_PTR(ctx->sranges, "sranges_calloc"))
return -EINVAL;
cnt = 0;
for (i = 0; i < ctx->val_cnt; i++) {
for (j = i; j < ctx->val_cnt; j++) {
ctx->uranges[cnt] = range(U64, ctx->uvals[i], ctx->uvals[j]);
ctx->sranges[cnt] = range(S64, ctx->svals[i], ctx->svals[j]);
cnt = 0;
for (i = 0; i < ctx->subval_cnt; i++) {
for (j = i; j < ctx->subval_cnt; j++) {
if (env.verbosity >= VERBOSE_SUPER) {
DEFINE_STRBUF(sb1, 256);
DEFINE_STRBUF(sb2, 256);
sb1->pos = sb2->pos = 0;
snprintf_range(U32, sb1, range(U32, ctx->usubvals[i], ctx->usubvals[j]));
snprintf_range(S32, sb2, range(S32, ctx->ssubvals[i], ctx->ssubvals[j]));
printf("SUBRANGE #%d: u32=%-20s s32=%-20s\n", cnt, sb1->buf, sb2->buf);
ctx->subrange_cnt = cnt;
ctx->usubranges = calloc(ctx->subrange_cnt, sizeof(*ctx->usubranges));
if (!ASSERT_OK_PTR(ctx->usubranges, "usubranges_calloc"))
return -EINVAL;
ctx->ssubranges = calloc(ctx->subrange_cnt, sizeof(*ctx->ssubranges));
if (!ASSERT_OK_PTR(ctx->ssubranges, "ssubranges_calloc"))
return -EINVAL;
cnt = 0;
for (i = 0; i < ctx->subval_cnt; i++) {
for (j = i; j < ctx->subval_cnt; j++) {
ctx->usubranges[cnt] = range(U32, ctx->usubvals[i], ctx->usubvals[j]);
ctx->ssubranges[cnt] = range(S32, ctx->ssubvals[i], ctx->ssubvals[j]);
return 0;
static int parse_env_vars(struct ctx *ctx)
const char *s;
if ((s = getenv("REG_BOUNDS_MAX_FAILURE_CNT"))) {
errno = 0;
ctx->max_failure_cnt = strtol(s, NULL, 10);
if (errno || ctx->max_failure_cnt < 0) {
return -EINVAL;
if ((s = getenv("REG_BOUNDS_RAND_CASE_CNT"))) {
errno = 0;
ctx->rand_case_cnt = strtol(s, NULL, 10);
if (errno || ctx->rand_case_cnt < 0) {
return -EINVAL;
if ((s = getenv("REG_BOUNDS_RAND_SEED"))) {
errno = 0;
ctx->rand_seed = strtoul(s, NULL, 10);
if (errno) {
return -EINVAL;
return 0;
static int prepare_gen_tests(struct ctx *ctx)
const char *s;
int err;
if (!(s = getenv("SLOW_TESTS")) || strcmp(s, "1") != 0) {
return -ENOTSUP;
err = parse_env_vars(ctx);
if (err)
return err;
err = gen_ranges(ctx);
if (err) {
ASSERT_OK(err, "gen_ranges");
return err;
return 0;
/* Go over generated constants and ranges and validate various supported
* combinations of them
static void validate_gen_range_vs_const_64(enum num_t init_t, enum num_t cond_t)
struct ctx ctx;
struct range rconst;
const struct range *ranges;
const u64 *vals;
int i, j;
memset(&ctx, 0, sizeof(ctx));
if (prepare_gen_tests(&ctx))
goto cleanup;
ranges = init_t == U64 ? ctx.uranges : ctx.sranges;
vals = init_t == U64 ? ctx.uvals : (const u64 *)ctx.svals;
ctx.total_case_cnt = (last_op - first_op + 1) * (2 * ctx.range_cnt * ctx.val_cnt);
ctx.start_ns = get_time_ns();
snprintf(ctx.progress_ctx, sizeof(ctx.progress_ctx),
"RANGE x CONST, %s -> %s",
t_str(init_t), t_str(cond_t));
for (i = 0; i < ctx.val_cnt; i++) {
for (j = 0; j < ctx.range_cnt; j++) {
rconst = range(init_t, vals[i], vals[i]);
/* (u64|s64)(<range> x <const>) */
if (verify_case(&ctx, init_t, cond_t, ranges[j], rconst))
goto cleanup;
/* (u64|s64)(<const> x <range>) */
if (verify_case(&ctx, init_t, cond_t, rconst, ranges[j]))
goto cleanup;
static void validate_gen_range_vs_const_32(enum num_t init_t, enum num_t cond_t)
struct ctx ctx;
struct range rconst;
const struct range *ranges;
const u32 *vals;
int i, j;
memset(&ctx, 0, sizeof(ctx));
if (prepare_gen_tests(&ctx))
goto cleanup;
ranges = init_t == U32 ? ctx.usubranges : ctx.ssubranges;
vals = init_t == U32 ? ctx.usubvals : (const u32 *)ctx.ssubvals;
ctx.total_case_cnt = (last_op - first_op + 1) * (2 * ctx.subrange_cnt * ctx.subval_cnt);
ctx.start_ns = get_time_ns();
snprintf(ctx.progress_ctx, sizeof(ctx.progress_ctx),
"RANGE x CONST, %s -> %s",
t_str(init_t), t_str(cond_t));
for (i = 0; i < ctx.subval_cnt; i++) {
for (j = 0; j < ctx.subrange_cnt; j++) {
rconst = range(init_t, vals[i], vals[i]);
/* (u32|s32)(<range> x <const>) */
if (verify_case(&ctx, init_t, cond_t, ranges[j], rconst))
goto cleanup;
/* (u32|s32)(<const> x <range>) */
if (verify_case(&ctx, init_t, cond_t, rconst, ranges[j]))
goto cleanup;
static void validate_gen_range_vs_range(enum num_t init_t, enum num_t cond_t)
struct ctx ctx;
const struct range *ranges;
int i, j, rcnt;
memset(&ctx, 0, sizeof(ctx));
if (prepare_gen_tests(&ctx))
goto cleanup;
switch (init_t)
case U64:
ranges = ctx.uranges;
rcnt = ctx.range_cnt;
case U32:
ranges = ctx.usubranges;
rcnt = ctx.subrange_cnt;
case S64:
ranges = ctx.sranges;
rcnt = ctx.range_cnt;
case S32:
ranges = ctx.ssubranges;
rcnt = ctx.subrange_cnt;
ctx.total_case_cnt = (last_op - first_op + 1) * (2 * rcnt * (rcnt + 1) / 2);
ctx.start_ns = get_time_ns();
snprintf(ctx.progress_ctx, sizeof(ctx.progress_ctx),
"RANGE x RANGE, %s -> %s",
t_str(init_t), t_str(cond_t));
for (i = 0; i < rcnt; i++) {
for (j = i; j < rcnt; j++) {
/* (<range> x <range>) */
if (verify_case(&ctx, init_t, cond_t, ranges[i], ranges[j]))
goto cleanup;
if (verify_case(&ctx, init_t, cond_t, ranges[j], ranges[i]))
goto cleanup;
/* Go over thousands of test cases generated from initial seed values.
* Given this take a long time, guard this begind SLOW_TESTS=1 envvar. If
* envvar is not set, this test is skipped during test_progs testing.
* We split this up into smaller subsets based on initialization and
* conditiona numeric domains to get an easy parallelization with test_progs'
* -j argument.
/* RANGE x CONST, U64 initial range */
void test_reg_bounds_gen_consts_u64_u64(void) { validate_gen_range_vs_const_64(U64, U64); }
void test_reg_bounds_gen_consts_u64_s64(void) { validate_gen_range_vs_const_64(U64, S64); }
void test_reg_bounds_gen_consts_u64_u32(void) { validate_gen_range_vs_const_64(U64, U32); }
void test_reg_bounds_gen_consts_u64_s32(void) { validate_gen_range_vs_const_64(U64, S32); }
/* RANGE x CONST, S64 initial range */
void test_reg_bounds_gen_consts_s64_u64(void) { validate_gen_range_vs_const_64(S64, U64); }
void test_reg_bounds_gen_consts_s64_s64(void) { validate_gen_range_vs_const_64(S64, S64); }
void test_reg_bounds_gen_consts_s64_u32(void) { validate_gen_range_vs_const_64(S64, U32); }
void test_reg_bounds_gen_consts_s64_s32(void) { validate_gen_range_vs_const_64(S64, S32); }
/* RANGE x CONST, U32 initial range */
void test_reg_bounds_gen_consts_u32_u64(void) { validate_gen_range_vs_const_32(U32, U64); }
void test_reg_bounds_gen_consts_u32_s64(void) { validate_gen_range_vs_const_32(U32, S64); }
void test_reg_bounds_gen_consts_u32_u32(void) { validate_gen_range_vs_const_32(U32, U32); }
void test_reg_bounds_gen_consts_u32_s32(void) { validate_gen_range_vs_const_32(U32, S32); }
/* RANGE x CONST, S32 initial range */
void test_reg_bounds_gen_consts_s32_u64(void) { validate_gen_range_vs_const_32(S32, U64); }
void test_reg_bounds_gen_consts_s32_s64(void) { validate_gen_range_vs_const_32(S32, S64); }
void test_reg_bounds_gen_consts_s32_u32(void) { validate_gen_range_vs_const_32(S32, U32); }
void test_reg_bounds_gen_consts_s32_s32(void) { validate_gen_range_vs_const_32(S32, S32); }
/* RANGE x RANGE, U64 initial range */
void test_reg_bounds_gen_ranges_u64_u64(void) { validate_gen_range_vs_range(U64, U64); }
void test_reg_bounds_gen_ranges_u64_s64(void) { validate_gen_range_vs_range(U64, S64); }
void test_reg_bounds_gen_ranges_u64_u32(void) { validate_gen_range_vs_range(U64, U32); }
void test_reg_bounds_gen_ranges_u64_s32(void) { validate_gen_range_vs_range(U64, S32); }
/* RANGE x RANGE, S64 initial range */
void test_reg_bounds_gen_ranges_s64_u64(void) { validate_gen_range_vs_range(S64, U64); }
void test_reg_bounds_gen_ranges_s64_s64(void) { validate_gen_range_vs_range(S64, S64); }
void test_reg_bounds_gen_ranges_s64_u32(void) { validate_gen_range_vs_range(S64, U32); }
void test_reg_bounds_gen_ranges_s64_s32(void) { validate_gen_range_vs_range(S64, S32); }
/* RANGE x RANGE, U32 initial range */
void test_reg_bounds_gen_ranges_u32_u64(void) { validate_gen_range_vs_range(U32, U64); }
void test_reg_bounds_gen_ranges_u32_s64(void) { validate_gen_range_vs_range(U32, S64); }
void test_reg_bounds_gen_ranges_u32_u32(void) { validate_gen_range_vs_range(U32, U32); }
void test_reg_bounds_gen_ranges_u32_s32(void) { validate_gen_range_vs_range(U32, S32); }
/* RANGE x RANGE, S32 initial range */
void test_reg_bounds_gen_ranges_s32_u64(void) { validate_gen_range_vs_range(S32, U64); }
void test_reg_bounds_gen_ranges_s32_s64(void) { validate_gen_range_vs_range(S32, S64); }
void test_reg_bounds_gen_ranges_s32_u32(void) { validate_gen_range_vs_range(S32, U32); }
void test_reg_bounds_gen_ranges_s32_s32(void) { validate_gen_range_vs_range(S32, S32); }
#define RAND_21BIT_MASK ((1 << 22) - 1)
static u64 rand_u64()
/* RAND_MAX is guaranteed to be at least 1<<15, but in practice it
* seems to be 1<<31, so we need to call it thrice to get full u64;
* we'll use rougly equal split: 22 + 21 + 21 bits
return ((u64)random() << 42) |
(((u64)random() & RAND_21BIT_MASK) << 21) |
(random() & RAND_21BIT_MASK);
static u64 rand_const(enum num_t t)
return cast_t(t, rand_u64());
static struct range rand_range(enum num_t t)
u64 x = rand_const(t), y = rand_const(t);
return range(t, min_t(t, x, y), max_t(t, x, y));
static void validate_rand_ranges(enum num_t init_t, enum num_t cond_t, bool const_range)
struct ctx ctx;
struct range range1, range2;
int err, i;
u64 t;
memset(&ctx, 0, sizeof(ctx));
err = parse_env_vars(&ctx);
if (err) {
ASSERT_OK(err, "parse_env_vars");
if (ctx.rand_case_cnt == 0)
ctx.rand_case_cnt = DEFAULT_RAND_CASE_CNT;
if (ctx.rand_seed == 0)
ctx.rand_seed = (unsigned)get_time_ns();
ctx.total_case_cnt = (last_op - first_op + 1) * (2 * ctx.rand_case_cnt);
ctx.start_ns = get_time_ns();
snprintf(ctx.progress_ctx, sizeof(ctx.progress_ctx),
"[RANDOM SEED %u] RANGE x %s, %s -> %s",
ctx.rand_seed, const_range ? "CONST" : "RANGE",
t_str(init_t), t_str(cond_t));
for (i = 0; i < ctx.rand_case_cnt; i++) {
range1 = rand_range(init_t);
if (const_range) {
t = rand_const(init_t);
range2 = range(init_t, t, t);
} else {
range2 = rand_range(init_t);
/* <range1> x <range2> */
if (verify_case_opt(&ctx, init_t, cond_t, range1, range2, false /* !is_subtest */))
goto cleanup;
/* <range2> x <range1> */
if (verify_case_opt(&ctx, init_t, cond_t, range2, range1, false /* !is_subtest */))
goto cleanup;
/* make sure we report random seed for reproducing */
ASSERT_TRUE(true, ctx.progress_ctx);
/* [RANDOM] RANGE x CONST, U64 initial range */
void test_reg_bounds_rand_consts_u64_u64(void) { validate_rand_ranges(U64, U64, true /* const */); }
void test_reg_bounds_rand_consts_u64_s64(void) { validate_rand_ranges(U64, S64, true /* const */); }
void test_reg_bounds_rand_consts_u64_u32(void) { validate_rand_ranges(U64, U32, true /* const */); }
void test_reg_bounds_rand_consts_u64_s32(void) { validate_rand_ranges(U64, S32, true /* const */); }
/* [RANDOM] RANGE x CONST, S64 initial range */
void test_reg_bounds_rand_consts_s64_u64(void) { validate_rand_ranges(S64, U64, true /* const */); }
void test_reg_bounds_rand_consts_s64_s64(void) { validate_rand_ranges(S64, S64, true /* const */); }
void test_reg_bounds_rand_consts_s64_u32(void) { validate_rand_ranges(S64, U32, true /* const */); }
void test_reg_bounds_rand_consts_s64_s32(void) { validate_rand_ranges(S64, S32, true /* const */); }
/* [RANDOM] RANGE x CONST, U32 initial range */
void test_reg_bounds_rand_consts_u32_u64(void) { validate_rand_ranges(U32, U64, true /* const */); }
void test_reg_bounds_rand_consts_u32_s64(void) { validate_rand_ranges(U32, S64, true /* const */); }
void test_reg_bounds_rand_consts_u32_u32(void) { validate_rand_ranges(U32, U32, true /* const */); }
void test_reg_bounds_rand_consts_u32_s32(void) { validate_rand_ranges(U32, S32, true /* const */); }
/* [RANDOM] RANGE x CONST, S32 initial range */
void test_reg_bounds_rand_consts_s32_u64(void) { validate_rand_ranges(S32, U64, true /* const */); }
void test_reg_bounds_rand_consts_s32_s64(void) { validate_rand_ranges(S32, S64, true /* const */); }
void test_reg_bounds_rand_consts_s32_u32(void) { validate_rand_ranges(S32, U32, true /* const */); }
void test_reg_bounds_rand_consts_s32_s32(void) { validate_rand_ranges(S32, S32, true /* const */); }
/* [RANDOM] RANGE x RANGE, U64 initial range */
void test_reg_bounds_rand_ranges_u64_u64(void) { validate_rand_ranges(U64, U64, false /* range */); }
void test_reg_bounds_rand_ranges_u64_s64(void) { validate_rand_ranges(U64, S64, false /* range */); }
void test_reg_bounds_rand_ranges_u64_u32(void) { validate_rand_ranges(U64, U32, false /* range */); }
void test_reg_bounds_rand_ranges_u64_s32(void) { validate_rand_ranges(U64, S32, false /* range */); }
/* [RANDOM] RANGE x RANGE, S64 initial range */
void test_reg_bounds_rand_ranges_s64_u64(void) { validate_rand_ranges(S64, U64, false /* range */); }
void test_reg_bounds_rand_ranges_s64_s64(void) { validate_rand_ranges(S64, S64, false /* range */); }
void test_reg_bounds_rand_ranges_s64_u32(void) { validate_rand_ranges(S64, U32, false /* range */); }
void test_reg_bounds_rand_ranges_s64_s32(void) { validate_rand_ranges(S64, S32, false /* range */); }
/* [RANDOM] RANGE x RANGE, U32 initial range */
void test_reg_bounds_rand_ranges_u32_u64(void) { validate_rand_ranges(U32, U64, false /* range */); }
void test_reg_bounds_rand_ranges_u32_s64(void) { validate_rand_ranges(U32, S64, false /* range */); }
void test_reg_bounds_rand_ranges_u32_u32(void) { validate_rand_ranges(U32, U32, false /* range */); }
void test_reg_bounds_rand_ranges_u32_s32(void) { validate_rand_ranges(U32, S32, false /* range */); }
/* [RANDOM] RANGE x RANGE, S32 initial range */
void test_reg_bounds_rand_ranges_s32_u64(void) { validate_rand_ranges(S32, U64, false /* range */); }
void test_reg_bounds_rand_ranges_s32_s64(void) { validate_rand_ranges(S32, S64, false /* range */); }
void test_reg_bounds_rand_ranges_s32_u32(void) { validate_rand_ranges(S32, U32, false /* range */); }
void test_reg_bounds_rand_ranges_s32_s32(void) { validate_rand_ranges(S32, S32, false /* range */); }
/* A set of hard-coded "interesting" cases to validate as part of normal
* test_progs test runs
static struct subtest_case crafted_cases[] = {
{U64, U64, {0, 0xffffffff}, {0, 0}},
{U64, U64, {0, 0x80000000}, {0, 0}},
{U64, U64, {0x100000000ULL, 0x100000100ULL}, {0, 0}},
{U64, U64, {0x100000000ULL, 0x180000000ULL}, {0, 0}},
{U64, U64, {0x100000000ULL, 0x1ffffff00ULL}, {0, 0}},
{U64, U64, {0x100000000ULL, 0x1ffffff01ULL}, {0, 0}},
{U64, U64, {0x100000000ULL, 0x1fffffffeULL}, {0, 0}},
{U64, U64, {0x100000001ULL, 0x1000000ffULL}, {0, 0}},
/* single point overlap, interesting BPF_EQ and BPF_NE interactions */
{U64, U64, {0, 1}, {1, 0x80000000}},
{U64, S64, {0, 1}, {1, 0x80000000}},
{U64, U32, {0, 1}, {1, 0x80000000}},
{U64, S32, {0, 1}, {1, 0x80000000}},
{U64, S64, {0, 0xffffffff00000000ULL}, {0, 0}},
{U64, S64, {0x7fffffffffffffffULL, 0xffffffff00000000ULL}, {0, 0}},
{U64, S64, {0x7fffffff00000001ULL, 0xffffffff00000000ULL}, {0, 0}},
{U64, S64, {0, 0xffffffffULL}, {1, 1}},
{U64, S64, {0, 0xffffffffULL}, {0x7fffffff, 0x7fffffff}},
{U64, U32, {0, 0x100000000}, {0, 0}},
{U64, U32, {0xfffffffe, 0x100000000}, {0x80000000, 0x80000000}},
{U64, S32, {0, 0xffffffff00000000ULL}, {0, 0}},
/* these are tricky cases where lower 32 bits allow to tighten 64
* bit boundaries based on tightened lower 32 bit boundaries
{U64, S32, {0, 0x0ffffffffULL}, {0, 0}},
{U64, S32, {0, 0x100000000ULL}, {0, 0}},
{U64, S32, {0, 0x100000001ULL}, {0, 0}},
{U64, S32, {0, 0x180000000ULL}, {0, 0}},
{U64, S32, {0, 0x17fffffffULL}, {0, 0}},
{U64, S32, {0, 0x180000001ULL}, {0, 0}},
/* verifier knows about [-1, 0] range for s32 for this case already */
{S64, S64, {0xffffffffffffffffULL, 0}, {0xffffffff00000000ULL, 0xffffffff00000000ULL}},
/* but didn't know about these cases initially */
{U64, U64, {0xffffffff, 0x100000000ULL}, {0, 0}}, /* s32: [-1, 0] */
{U64, U64, {0xffffffff, 0x100000001ULL}, {0, 0}}, /* s32: [-1, 1] */
/* longer convergence case: learning from u64 -> s64 -> u64 -> u32,
* arriving at u32: [1, U32_MAX] (instead of more pessimistic [0, U32_MAX])
{S64, U64, {0xffffffff00000001ULL, 0}, {0xffffffff00000000ULL, 0xffffffff00000000ULL}},
{U32, U32, {1, U32_MAX}, {0, 0}},
{U32, S32, {0, U32_MAX}, {U32_MAX, U32_MAX}},
{S32, U64, {(u32)S32_MIN, (u32)S32_MIN}, {(u32)(s32)-255, 0}},
{S32, S64, {(u32)S32_MIN, (u32)(s32)-255}, {(u32)(s32)-2, 0}},
{S32, S64, {0, 1}, {(u32)S32_MIN, (u32)S32_MIN}},
{S32, U32, {(u32)S32_MIN, (u32)S32_MIN}, {(u32)S32_MIN, (u32)S32_MIN}},
/* edge overlap testings for BPF_NE */
{U64, U64, {0, U64_MAX}, {U64_MAX, U64_MAX}},
{U64, U64, {0, U64_MAX}, {0, 0}},
{S64, U64, {S64_MIN, 0}, {S64_MIN, S64_MIN}},
{S64, U64, {S64_MIN, 0}, {0, 0}},
{S64, U64, {S64_MIN, S64_MAX}, {S64_MAX, S64_MAX}},
{U32, U32, {0, U32_MAX}, {0, 0}},
{U32, U32, {0, U32_MAX}, {U32_MAX, U32_MAX}},
{S32, U32, {(u32)S32_MIN, 0}, {0, 0}},
{S32, U32, {(u32)S32_MIN, 0}, {(u32)S32_MIN, (u32)S32_MIN}},
{S32, U32, {(u32)S32_MIN, S32_MAX}, {S32_MAX, S32_MAX}},
/* Go over crafted hard-coded cases. This is fast, so we do it as part of
* normal test_progs run.
void test_reg_bounds_crafted(void)
struct ctx ctx;
int i;
memset(&ctx, 0, sizeof(ctx));
for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(crafted_cases); i++) {
struct subtest_case *c = &crafted_cases[i];
verify_case(&ctx, c->init_t, c->cond_t, c->x, c->y);
verify_case(&ctx, c->init_t, c->cond_t, c->y, c->x);