blob: a9b071e1354bbb4b5ecb92863495670c507d10d3 [file] [log] [blame]
"id": "901f",
"name": "Add fw filter with prio at 32-bit maxixum",
"category": [
"plugins": {
"requires": "nsPlugin"
"setup": [
"$TC qdisc add dev $DEV1 ingress"
"cmdUnderTest": "$TC filter add dev $DEV1 parent ffff: handle 1 prio 65535 fw action ok",
"expExitCode": "0",
"verifyCmd": "$TC filter get dev $DEV1 parent ffff: handle 1 prio 65535 protocol all fw",
"matchPattern": "pref 65535 fw.*handle 0x1.*gact action pass",
"matchCount": "1",
"teardown": [
"$TC qdisc del dev $DEV1 ingress"
"id": "51e2",
"name": "Add fw filter with prio exceeding 32-bit maxixum",
"category": [
"plugins": {
"requires": "nsPlugin"
"setup": [
"$TC qdisc add dev $DEV1 ingress"
"cmdUnderTest": "$TC filter add dev $DEV1 parent ffff: handle 1 prio 65536 fw action ok",
"expExitCode": "255",
"verifyCmd": "$TC filter get dev $DEV1 parent ffff: handle 1 prio 65536 protocol all fw",
"matchPattern": "pref 65536 fw.*handle 0x1.*gact action pass",
"matchCount": "0",
"teardown": [
"$TC qdisc del dev $DEV1 ingress"
"id": "d987",
"name": "Add fw filter with action ok",
"category": [
"plugins": {
"requires": "nsPlugin"
"setup": [
"$TC qdisc add dev $DEV1 ingress"
"cmdUnderTest": "$TC filter add dev $DEV1 parent ffff: handle 1 prio 1 fw action ok",
"expExitCode": "0",
"verifyCmd": "$TC filter get dev $DEV1 parent ffff: handle 1 prio 1 protocol all fw",
"matchPattern": "handle 0x1.*gact action pass",
"matchCount": "1",
"teardown": [
"$TC qdisc del dev $DEV1 ingress"
"id": "c591",
"name": "Add fw filter with action ok by reference",
"category": [
"plugins": {
"requires": "nsPlugin"
"setup": [
"$TC qdisc add dev $DEV1 ingress",
"$TC actions add action gact ok index 1"
"cmdUnderTest": "$TC filter add dev $DEV1 parent ffff: handle 1 prio 1 fw action gact index 1",
"expExitCode": "0",
"verifyCmd": "$TC filter get dev $DEV1 parent ffff: handle 1 prio 1 protocol all fw",
"matchPattern": "handle 0x1.*gact action pass.*index 1 ref 2 bind 1",
"matchCount": "1",
"teardown": [
"$TC qdisc del dev $DEV1 ingress"
"id": "affe",
"name": "Add fw filter with action continue",
"category": [
"plugins": {
"requires": "nsPlugin"
"setup": [
"$TC qdisc add dev $DEV1 ingress"
"cmdUnderTest": "$TC filter add dev $DEV1 parent ffff: handle 1 prio 1 fw action continue",
"expExitCode": "0",
"verifyCmd": "$TC filter get dev $DEV1 parent ffff: handle 1 prio 1 protocol all fw",
"matchPattern": "handle 0x1.*gact action continue",
"matchCount": "1",
"teardown": [
"$TC qdisc del dev $DEV1 ingress"
"id": "38b3",
"name": "Add fw filter with action continue by reference",
"category": [
"plugins": {
"requires": "nsPlugin"
"setup": [
"$TC qdisc add dev $DEV1 ingress",
"$TC actions add action gact continue index 1"
"cmdUnderTest": "$TC filter add dev $DEV1 parent ffff: handle 1 prio 1 fw action gact index 1",
"expExitCode": "0",
"verifyCmd": "$TC filter get dev $DEV1 parent ffff: handle 1 prio 1 protocol all fw",
"matchPattern": "handle 0x1.*gact action continue.*index 1 ref 2 bind 1",
"matchCount": "1",
"teardown": [
"$TC qdisc del dev $DEV1 ingress"
"id": "28bc",
"name": "Add fw filter with action pipe",
"category": [
"plugins": {
"requires": "nsPlugin"
"setup": [
"$TC qdisc add dev $DEV1 ingress"
"cmdUnderTest": "$TC filter add dev $DEV1 parent ffff: handle 1 prio 1 fw action pipe",
"expExitCode": "0",
"verifyCmd": "$TC filter get dev $DEV1 parent ffff: handle 1 prio 1 protocol all fw",
"matchPattern": "handle 0x1.*gact action pipe",
"matchCount": "1",
"teardown": [
"$TC qdisc del dev $DEV1 ingress"
"id": "6753",
"name": "Add fw filter with action pipe by reference",
"category": [
"plugins": {
"requires": "nsPlugin"
"setup": [
"$TC qdisc add dev $DEV1 ingress",
"$TC actions add action gact pipe index 1"
"cmdUnderTest": "$TC filter add dev $DEV1 parent ffff: handle 1 prio 1 fw action gact index 1",
"expExitCode": "0",
"verifyCmd": "$TC filter get dev $DEV1 parent ffff: handle 1 prio 1 protocol all fw",
"matchPattern": "handle 0x1.*gact action pipe.*index 1 ref 2 bind 1",
"matchCount": "1",
"teardown": [
"$TC qdisc del dev $DEV1 ingress"
"id": "8da2",
"name": "Add fw filter with action drop",
"category": [
"plugins": {
"requires": "nsPlugin"
"setup": [
"$TC qdisc add dev $DEV1 ingress"
"cmdUnderTest": "$TC filter add dev $DEV1 parent ffff: handle 1 prio 1 fw action drop",
"expExitCode": "0",
"verifyCmd": "$TC filter get dev $DEV1 parent ffff: handle 1 protocol all prio 1 fw",
"matchPattern": "handle 0x1.*gact action drop",
"matchCount": "1",
"teardown": [
"$TC qdisc del dev $DEV1 ingress"
"id": "6dc6",
"name": "Add fw filter with action drop by reference",
"category": [
"plugins": {
"requires": "nsPlugin"
"setup": [
"$TC qdisc add dev $DEV1 ingress",
"$TC actions add action gact drop index 1"
"cmdUnderTest": "$TC filter add dev $DEV1 parent ffff: handle 1 prio 1 fw action gact index 1",
"expExitCode": "0",
"verifyCmd": "$TC filter get dev $DEV1 parent ffff: handle 1 prio 1 protocol all fw",
"matchPattern": "handle 0x1.*gact action drop.*index 1 ref 2 bind 1",
"matchCount": "1",
"teardown": [
"$TC qdisc del dev $DEV1 ingress"
"id": "9436",
"name": "Add fw filter with action reclassify",
"category": [
"plugins": {
"requires": "nsPlugin"
"setup": [
"$TC qdisc add dev $DEV1 ingress"
"cmdUnderTest": "$TC filter add dev $DEV1 parent ffff: handle 1 prio 1 fw action reclassify",
"expExitCode": "0",
"verifyCmd": "$TC filter get dev $DEV1 parent ffff: handle 1 prio 1 protocol all fw",
"matchPattern": "handle 0x1.*gact action reclassify",
"matchCount": "1",
"teardown": [
"$TC qdisc del dev $DEV1 ingress"
"id": "3bc2",
"name": "Add fw filter with action reclassify by reference",
"category": [
"plugins": {
"requires": "nsPlugin"
"setup": [
"$TC qdisc add dev $DEV1 ingress",
"$TC actions add action gact reclassify index 1"
"cmdUnderTest": "$TC filter add dev $DEV1 parent ffff: handle 1 prio 1 fw action gact index 1",
"expExitCode": "0",
"verifyCmd": "$TC filter get dev $DEV1 parent ffff: handle 1 prio 1 protocol all fw",
"matchPattern": "handle 0x1.*gact action reclassify.*index 1 ref 2 bind 1",
"matchCount": "1",
"teardown": [
"$TC qdisc del dev $DEV1 ingress"
"id": "95bb",
"name": "Add fw filter with action jump 10",
"category": [
"plugins": {
"requires": "nsPlugin"
"setup": [
"$TC qdisc add dev $DEV1 ingress"
"cmdUnderTest": "$TC filter add dev $DEV1 parent ffff: handle 1 prio 1 fw action jump 10",
"expExitCode": "0",
"verifyCmd": "$TC filter get dev $DEV1 parent ffff: handle 1 prio 1 protocol all fw",
"matchPattern": "handle 0x1.*gact action jump 10",
"matchCount": "1",
"teardown": [
"$TC qdisc del dev $DEV1 ingress"
"id": "36f7",
"name": "Add fw filter with action jump 10 by reference",
"category": [
"plugins": {
"requires": "nsPlugin"
"setup": [
"$TC qdisc add dev $DEV1 ingress",
"$TC actions add action gact jump 10 index 1"
"cmdUnderTest": "$TC filter add dev $DEV1 parent ffff: handle 1 prio 1 fw action gact index 1",
"expExitCode": "0",
"verifyCmd": "$TC filter get dev $DEV1 parent ffff: handle 1 prio 1 protocol all fw",
"matchPattern": "handle 0x1.*gact action jump 10.*index 1 ref 2 bind 1",
"matchCount": "1",
"teardown": [
"$TC qdisc del dev $DEV1 ingress"
"id": "3d74",
"name": "Add fw filter with action goto chain 5",
"category": [
"plugins": {
"requires": "nsPlugin"
"setup": [
"$TC qdisc add dev $DEV1 ingress"
"cmdUnderTest": "$TC filter add dev $DEV1 parent ffff: handle 1 prio 1 fw action goto chain 5",
"expExitCode": "0",
"verifyCmd": "$TC filter get dev $DEV1 parent ffff: handle 1 prio 1 protocol all fw",
"matchPattern": "handle 0x1.*gact action goto chain 5",
"matchCount": "1",
"teardown": [
"$TC qdisc del dev $DEV1 ingress"
"id": "eb8f",
"name": "Add fw filter with invalid action",
"category": [
"plugins": {
"requires": "nsPlugin"
"setup": [
"$TC qdisc add dev $DEV1 ingress"
"cmdUnderTest": "$TC filter add dev $DEV1 parent ffff: handle 1 prio 1 fw action pump",
"expExitCode": "255",
"verifyCmd": "$TC filter get dev $DEV1 parent ffff: handle 1 prio 1 protocol all fw",
"matchPattern": "handle 0x1.*gact action pump",
"matchCount": "0",
"teardown": [
"$TC qdisc del dev $DEV1 ingress"
"id": "6a79",
"name": "Add fw filter with missing mandatory action",
"category": [
"plugins": {
"requires": "nsPlugin"
"setup": [
"$TC qdisc add dev $DEV1 ingress"
"cmdUnderTest": "$TC filter add dev $DEV1 parent ffff: handle 1 prio 1 fw",
"expExitCode": "2",
"verifyCmd": "$TC filter get dev $DEV1 parent ffff: handle 1 prio 1 protocol all fw",
"matchPattern": "filter protocol all pref [0-9]+ fw.*handle 0x1",
"matchCount": "0",
"teardown": [
"$TC qdisc del dev $DEV1 ingress"
"id": "8298",
"name": "Add fw filter with cookie",
"category": [
"plugins": {
"requires": "nsPlugin"
"setup": [
"$TC qdisc add dev $DEV1 ingress"
"cmdUnderTest": "$TC filter add dev $DEV1 parent ffff: handle 1 prio 2 fw action pipe cookie aa11bb22cc33dd44ee55ff66aa11b1b2",
"expExitCode": "0",
"verifyCmd": "$TC filter get dev $DEV1 parent ffff: handle 1 prio 2 protocol all fw",
"matchPattern": "pref 2 fw.*handle 0x1.*gact action pipe.*cookie aa11bb22cc33dd44ee55ff66aa11b1b2",
"matchCount": "1",
"teardown": [
"$TC qdisc del dev $DEV1 ingress"
"id": "a88c",
"name": "Add fw filter with invalid cookie",
"category": [
"plugins": {
"requires": "nsPlugin"
"setup": [
"$TC qdisc add dev $DEV1 ingress"
"cmdUnderTest": "$TC filter add dev $DEV1 parent ffff: handle 1 prio 2 fw action continue cookie aa11bb22cc33dd44ee55ff66aa11b1b2777888",
"expExitCode": "255",
"verifyCmd": "$TC filter get dev $DEV1 parent ffff: handle 1 prio 2 protocol all fw",
"matchPattern": "pref 2 fw.*handle 0x1.*gact action continue.*cookie aa11bb22cc33dd44ee55ff66aa11b1b2777888",
"matchCount": "0",
"teardown": [
"$TC qdisc del dev $DEV1 ingress"
"id": "10f6",
"name": "Add fw filter with handle in hex",
"category": [
"plugins": {
"requires": "nsPlugin"
"setup": [
"$TC qdisc add dev $DEV1 ingress"
"cmdUnderTest": "$TC filter add dev $DEV1 parent ffff: handle 0xa1b2ff prio 1 fw action ok",
"expExitCode": "0",
"verifyCmd": "$TC filter get dev $DEV1 parent ffff: handle 0xa1b2ff prio 1 protocol all fw",
"matchPattern": "fw.*handle 0xa1b2ff.*gact action pass",
"matchCount": "1",
"teardown": [
"$TC qdisc del dev $DEV1 ingress"
"id": "9d51",
"name": "Add fw filter with handle at 32-bit maximum",
"category": [
"plugins": {
"requires": "nsPlugin"
"setup": [
"$TC qdisc add dev $DEV1 ingress"
"cmdUnderTest": "$TC filter add dev $DEV1 parent ffff: handle 4294967295 prio 1 fw action ok",
"expExitCode": "0",
"verifyCmd": "$TC filter get dev $DEV1 parent ffff: handle 4294967295 prio 1 protocol all fw",
"matchPattern": "fw.*handle 0xffffffff.*gact action pass",
"matchCount": "1",
"teardown": [
"$TC qdisc del dev $DEV1 ingress"
"id": "d939",
"name": "Add fw filter with handle exceeding 32-bit maximum",
"category": [
"plugins": {
"requires": "nsPlugin"
"setup": [
"$TC qdisc add dev $DEV1 ingress"
"cmdUnderTest": "$TC filter add dev $DEV1 parent ffff: handle 4294967296 prio 1 fw action ok",
"expExitCode": "1",
"verifyCmd": "$TC filter get dev $DEV1 parent ffff: handle 4294967296 prio 1 protocol all fw",
"matchPattern": "fw.*handle 0x.*gact action pass",
"matchCount": "0",
"teardown": [
"$TC qdisc del dev $DEV1 ingress"
"id": "658c",
"name": "Add fw filter with mask in hex",
"category": [
"plugins": {
"requires": "nsPlugin"
"setup": [
"$TC qdisc add dev $DEV1 ingress"
"cmdUnderTest": "$TC filter add dev $DEV1 parent ffff: handle 10/0xa1b2f prio 1 fw action ok",
"expExitCode": "0",
"verifyCmd": "$TC filter get dev $DEV1 parent ffff: handle 10 prio 1 protocol all fw",
"matchPattern": "fw.*handle 0xa/0xa1b2f",
"matchCount": "1",
"teardown": [
"$TC qdisc del dev $DEV1 ingress"
"id": "86be",
"name": "Add fw filter with mask at 32-bit maximum",
"category": [
"plugins": {
"requires": "nsPlugin"
"setup": [
"$TC qdisc add dev $DEV1 ingress"
"cmdUnderTest": "$TC filter add dev $DEV1 parent ffff: handle 10/4294967295 prio 1 fw action ok",
"expExitCode": "0",
"verifyCmd": "$TC filter get dev $DEV1 parent ffff: handle 10 prio 1 protocol all fw",
"matchPattern": "fw.*handle 0xa[^/]",
"matchCount": "1",
"teardown": [
"$TC qdisc del dev $DEV1 ingress"
"id": "e635",
"name": "Add fw filter with mask exceeding 32-bit maximum",
"category": [
"plugins": {
"requires": "nsPlugin"
"setup": [
"$TC qdisc add dev $DEV1 ingress"
"cmdUnderTest": "$TC filter add dev $DEV1 parent ffff: handle 10/4294967296 prio 1 fw action ok",
"expExitCode": "1",
"verifyCmd": "$TC filter get dev $DEV1 parent ffff: handle 10 prio 1 protocol all fw",
"matchPattern": "fw.*handle 0xa",
"matchCount": "0",
"teardown": [
"$TC qdisc del dev $DEV1 ingress"
"id": "6cab",
"name": "Add fw filter with handle/mask in hex",
"category": [
"plugins": {
"requires": "nsPlugin"
"setup": [
"$TC qdisc add dev $DEV1 ingress"
"cmdUnderTest": "$TC filter add dev $DEV1 parent ffff: handle 0xa1b2cdff/0x1a2bffdc prio 1 fw action ok",
"expExitCode": "0",
"verifyCmd": "$TC filter get dev $DEV1 parent ffff: handle 0xa1b2cdff prio 1 protocol all fw",
"matchPattern": "fw.*handle 0xa1b2cdff/0x1a2bffdc",
"matchCount": "1",
"teardown": [
"$TC qdisc del dev $DEV1 ingress"
"id": "8700",
"name": "Add fw filter with handle/mask at 32-bit maximum",
"category": [
"plugins": {
"requires": "nsPlugin"
"setup": [
"$TC qdisc add dev $DEV1 ingress"
"cmdUnderTest": "$TC filter add dev $DEV1 parent ffff: handle 4294967295/4294967295 prio 1 fw action ok",
"expExitCode": "0",
"verifyCmd": "$TC filter get dev $DEV1 parent ffff: handle 0xffffffff prio 1 protocol all fw",
"matchPattern": "fw.*handle 0xffffffff[^/]",
"matchCount": "1",
"teardown": [
"$TC qdisc del dev $DEV1 ingress"
"id": "7d62",
"name": "Add fw filter with handle/mask exceeding 32-bit maximum",
"category": [
"plugins": {
"requires": "nsPlugin"
"setup": [
"$TC qdisc add dev $DEV1 ingress"
"cmdUnderTest": "$TC filter add dev $DEV1 parent ffff: handle 4294967296/4294967296 prio 1 fw action ok",
"expExitCode": "1",
"verifyCmd": "$TC filter get dev $DEV1 parent ffff: handle 10 prio 1 protocol all fw",
"matchPattern": "fw.*handle",
"matchCount": "0",
"teardown": [
"$TC qdisc del dev $DEV1 ingress"
"id": "7b69",
"name": "Add fw filter with missing mandatory handle",
"category": [
"plugins": {
"requires": "nsPlugin"
"setup": [
"$TC qdisc add dev $DEV1 ingress"
"cmdUnderTest": "$TC filter add dev $DEV1 parent ffff: prio 1 fw action ok",
"expExitCode": "2",
"verifyCmd": "$TC filter show dev $DEV1 parent ffff:",
"matchPattern": "filter protocol all.*fw.*handle.*gact action pass",
"matchCount": "0",
"teardown": [
"$TC qdisc del dev $DEV1 ingress"
"id": "d68b",
"name": "Add fw filter with invalid parent",
"category": [
"plugins": {
"requires": "nsPlugin"
"setup": [
"$TC qdisc add dev $DEV1 ingress"
"cmdUnderTest": "$TC filter add dev $DEV1 parent aa11b1b2: handle 1 prio 1 fw action ok",
"expExitCode": "255",
"verifyCmd": "$TC filter dev $DEV1 parent aa11b1b2: handle 1 prio 1 protocol all fw",
"matchPattern": "filter protocol all pref 1 fw.*handle 0x1.*gact action pass",
"matchCount": "0",
"teardown": [
"$TC qdisc del dev $DEV1 ingress"
"id": "66e0",
"name": "Add fw filter with missing mandatory parent id",
"category": [
"plugins": {
"requires": "nsPlugin"
"setup": [
"$TC qdisc add dev $DEV1 ingress"
"cmdUnderTest": "$TC filter add dev $DEV1 handle 1 prio 1 fw action ok",
"expExitCode": "2",
"verifyCmd": "$TC filter get dev $DEV1 parent ffff: handle 1 prio 1 protocol all fw",
"matchPattern": "pref [0-9]+ fw.*handle 0x1.*gact action pass",
"matchCount": "0",
"teardown": [
"$TC qdisc del dev $DEV1 ingress"
"id": "0ff3",
"name": "Add fw filter with classid",
"category": [
"plugins": {
"requires": "nsPlugin"
"setup": [
"$TC qdisc add dev $DEV1 ingress"
"cmdUnderTest": "$TC filter add dev $DEV1 parent ffff: handle 1 prio 1 fw classid 3 action ok",
"expExitCode": "0",
"verifyCmd": "$TC filter get dev $DEV1 parent ffff: handle 1 prio 1 protocol all fw",
"matchPattern": "fw.*handle 0x1 classid :3.*gact action pass",
"matchCount": "1",
"teardown": [
"$TC qdisc del dev $DEV1 ingress"
"id": "9849",
"name": "Add fw filter with classid at root",
"category": [
"plugins": {
"requires": "nsPlugin"
"setup": [
"$TC qdisc add dev $DEV1 ingress"
"cmdUnderTest": "$TC filter add dev $DEV1 parent ffff: handle 1 prio 1 fw classid ffff:ffff action ok",
"expExitCode": "0",
"verifyCmd": "$TC filter get dev $DEV1 parent ffff: handle 1 prio 1 protocol all fw",
"matchPattern": "pref 1 fw.*handle 0x1 classid root.*gact action pass",
"matchCount": "1",
"teardown": [
"$TC qdisc del dev $DEV1 ingress"
"id": "b7ff",
"name": "Add fw filter with classid - keeps last 8 (hex) digits",
"category": [
"plugins": {
"requires": "nsPlugin"
"setup": [
"$TC qdisc add dev $DEV1 ingress"
"cmdUnderTest": "$TC filter add dev $DEV1 parent ffff: handle 1 prio 1 fw classid 98765fedcb action ok",
"expExitCode": "0",
"verifyCmd": "$TC filter get dev $DEV1 parent ffff: handle 1 prio 1 protocol all fw",
"matchPattern": "fw.*handle 0x1 classid 765f:edcb.*gact action pass",
"matchCount": "1",
"teardown": [
"$TC qdisc del dev $DEV1 ingress"
"id": "2b18",
"name": "Add fw filter with invalid classid",
"category": [
"plugins": {
"requires": "nsPlugin"
"setup": [
"$TC qdisc add dev $DEV1 ingress"
"cmdUnderTest": "$TC filter add dev $DEV1 parent ffff: handle 1 prio 1 fw classid 6789defg action ok",
"expExitCode": "1",
"verifyCmd": "$TC filter get dev $DEV1 parent ffff: handle 1 prio 1 protocol all fw",
"matchPattern": "fw.*handle 0x1 classid 6789:defg.*gact action pass",
"matchCount": "0",
"teardown": [
"$TC qdisc del dev $DEV1 ingress"
"id": "fade",
"name": "Add fw filter with flowid",
"category": [
"plugins": {
"requires": "nsPlugin"
"setup": [
"$TC qdisc add dev $DEV1 ingress"
"cmdUnderTest": "$TC filter add dev $DEV1 parent ffff: handle 10 prio 1 fw flowid 1:10 action ok",
"expExitCode": "0",
"verifyCmd": "$TC filter get dev $DEV1 parent ffff: handle 10 prio 1 protocol all fw",
"matchPattern": "filter parent ffff: protocol all pref 1 fw.*handle 0xa classid 1:10.*gact action pass",
"matchCount": "1",
"teardown": [
"$TC qdisc del dev $DEV1 ingress"
"id": "33af",
"name": "Add fw filter with flowid then classid (same arg, takes second)",
"category": [
"plugins": {
"requires": "nsPlugin"
"setup": [
"$TC qdisc add dev $DEV1 ingress"
"cmdUnderTest": "$TC filter add dev $DEV1 parent ffff: handle 11 prio 1 fw flowid 10 classid 4 action ok",
"expExitCode": "0",
"verifyCmd": "$TC filter get dev $DEV1 parent ffff: handle 11 prio 1 protocol all fw",
"matchPattern": "filter parent ffff: protocol all pref 1 fw.*handle 0xb classid :4.*gact action pass",
"matchCount": "1",
"teardown": [
"$TC qdisc del dev $DEV1 ingress"
"id": "8a8c",
"name": "Add fw filter with classid then flowid (same arg, takes second)",
"category": [
"plugins": {
"requires": "nsPlugin"
"setup": [
"$TC qdisc add dev $DEV1 ingress"
"cmdUnderTest": "$TC filter add dev $DEV1 parent ffff: handle 11 prio 1 fw classid 4 flowid 10 action ok",
"expExitCode": "0",
"verifyCmd": "$TC filter get dev $DEV1 parent ffff: handle 11 prio 1 protocol all fw",
"matchPattern": "filter parent ffff: protocol all pref 1 fw.*handle 0xb classid :10.*gact action pass",
"matchCount": "1",
"teardown": [
"$TC qdisc del dev $DEV1 ingress"
"id": "b50d",
"name": "Add fw filter with handle val/mask and flowid 10:1000",
"category": [
"plugins": {
"requires": "nsPlugin"
"setup": [
"$TC qdisc add dev $DEV1 ingress"
"cmdUnderTest": "$TC filter add dev $DEV1 parent ffff: prio 3 handle 10/0xff fw flowid 10:1000 action ok",
"expExitCode": "0",
"verifyCmd": "$TC filter get dev $DEV1 parent ffff: handle 10 prio 3 protocol all fw",
"matchPattern": "filter parent ffff: protocol all pref 3 fw.*handle 0xa/0xff classid 10:1000.*gact action pass",
"matchCount": "1",
"teardown": [
"$TC qdisc del dev $DEV1 ingress"
"id": "7207",
"name": "Add fw filter with protocol ip",
"category": [
"plugins": {
"requires": "nsPlugin"
"setup": [
"$TC qdisc add dev $DEV1 ingress"
"cmdUnderTest": "$TC filter add dev $DEV1 parent ffff: protocol ip prio 1 handle 3 fw action ok",
"expExitCode": "0",
"verifyCmd": "$TC filter get dev $DEV1 parent ffff: handle 3 prio 1 protocol ip fw",
"matchPattern": "filter parent ffff: protocol ip pref 1 fw.*handle 0x3.*gact action pass.*index [0-9]+ ref [0-9]+ bind [0-9]+",
"matchCount": "1",
"teardown": [
"$TC qdisc del dev $DEV1 ingress"
"id": "306d",
"name": "Add fw filter with protocol ipv6",
"category": [
"plugins": {
"requires": "nsPlugin"
"setup": [
"$TC qdisc add dev $DEV1 ingress"
"cmdUnderTest": "$TC filter add dev $DEV1 parent ffff: protocol ipv6 prio 2 handle 4 fw action ok",
"expExitCode": "0",
"verifyCmd": "$TC filter get dev $DEV1 parent ffff: handle 4 prio 2 protocol ipv6 fw",
"matchPattern": "filter parent ffff: protocol ipv6 pref 2 fw.*handle 0x4.*gact action pass.*index [0-9]+ ref [0-9]+ bind [0-9]+",
"matchCount": "1",
"teardown": [
"$TC qdisc del dev $DEV1 ingress"
"id": "9a78",
"name": "Add fw filter with protocol arp",
"category": [
"plugins": {
"requires": "nsPlugin"
"setup": [
"$TC qdisc add dev $DEV1 ingress"
"cmdUnderTest": "$TC filter add dev $DEV1 parent ffff: protocol arp prio 5 handle 7 fw action drop",
"expExitCode": "0",
"verifyCmd": "$TC filter get dev $DEV1 parent ffff: handle 7 prio 5 protocol arp fw",
"matchPattern": "filter parent ffff: protocol arp pref 5 fw.*handle 0x7.*gact action drop.*index [0-9]+ ref [0-9]+ bind [0-9]+",
"matchCount": "1",
"teardown": [
"$TC qdisc del dev $DEV1 ingress"
"id": "1821",
"name": "Add fw filter with protocol 802_3",
"category": [
"plugins": {
"requires": "nsPlugin"
"setup": [
"$TC qdisc add dev $DEV1 ingress"
"cmdUnderTest": "$TC filter add dev $DEV1 parent ffff: protocol 802_3 handle 1 prio 1 fw action ok",
"expExitCode": "0",
"verifyCmd": "$TC filter get dev $DEV1 parent ffff: handle 1 prio 1 protocol 802_3 fw",
"matchPattern": "filter parent ffff: protocol 802_3 pref 1 fw.*handle 0x1.*gact action pass",
"matchCount": "1",
"teardown": [
"$TC qdisc del dev $DEV1 ingress"
"id": "2260",
"name": "Add fw filter with invalid protocol",
"category": [
"plugins": {
"requires": "nsPlugin"
"setup": [
"$TC qdisc add dev $DEV1 ingress"
"cmdUnderTest": "$TC filter add dev $DEV1 parent ffff: protocol igmp handle 1 prio 1 fw action ok",
"expExitCode": "255",
"verifyCmd": "$TC filter get dev $DEV1 parent ffff: handle 1 prio 1 protocol igmp fw",
"matchPattern": "filter parent ffff: protocol igmp pref 1 fw.*handle 0x1.*gact action pass",
"matchCount": "0",
"teardown": [
"$TC qdisc del dev $DEV1 ingress"
"id": "09d7",
"name": "Add fw filters protocol 802_3 and ip with conflicting priorities",
"category": [
"plugins": {
"requires": "nsPlugin"
"setup": [
"$TC qdisc add dev $DEV1 ingress",
"$TC filter add dev $DEV1 parent ffff: protocol 802_3 prio 3 handle 7 fw action ok"
"cmdUnderTest": "$TC filter add dev $DEV1 parent ffff: protocol ip prio 3 handle 8 fw action ok",
"expExitCode": "2",
"verifyCmd": "$TC filter get dev $DEV1 parent ffff: handle 8 prio 3 protocol ip fw",
"matchPattern": "filter parent ffff: protocol ip pref 3 fw.*handle 0x8",
"matchCount": "0",
"teardown": [
"$TC qdisc del dev $DEV1 ingress"
"id": "6973",
"name": "Add fw filters with same index, same action",
"category": [
"plugins": {
"requires": "nsPlugin"
"setup": [
"$TC qdisc add dev $DEV1 ingress",
"$TC filter add dev $DEV1 parent ffff: prio 6 handle 2 fw action continue index 5"
"cmdUnderTest": "$TC filter add dev $DEV1 parent ffff: prio 8 handle 4 fw action continue index 5",
"expExitCode": "0",
"verifyCmd": "$TC filter get dev $DEV1 parent ffff: handle 4 prio 8 protocol all fw",
"matchPattern": "filter parent ffff: protocol all pref 8 fw.*handle 0x4.*gact action continue.*index 5 ref 2 bind 2",
"matchCount": "1",
"teardown": [
"$TC qdisc del dev $DEV1 ingress"
"id": "fc06",
"name": "Add fw filters with action police",
"category": [
"plugins": {
"requires": "nsPlugin"
"setup": [
"$TC qdisc add dev $DEV1 ingress"
"cmdUnderTest": "$TC filter add dev $DEV1 parent ffff: prio 3 handle 4 fw action police rate 1kbit burst 10k index 5",
"expExitCode": "0",
"verifyCmd": "$TC filter get dev $DEV1 parent ffff: handle 4 prio 3 protocol all fw",
"matchPattern": "filter parent ffff: protocol all pref 3 fw.*handle 0x4.*police 0x5 rate 1Kbit burst 10Kb mtu 2Kb action reclassify overhead 0b.*ref 1 bind 1",
"matchCount": "1",
"teardown": [
"$TC qdisc del dev $DEV1 ingress"
"id": "aac7",
"name": "Add fw filters with action police linklayer atm",
"category": [
"plugins": {
"requires": "nsPlugin"
"setup": [
"$TC qdisc add dev $DEV1 ingress"
"cmdUnderTest": "$TC filter add dev $DEV1 parent ffff: prio 3 handle 4 fw action police rate 2mbit burst 200k linklayer atm index 8",
"expExitCode": "0",
"verifyCmd": "$TC filter get dev $DEV1 parent ffff: handle 4 prio 3 protocol all fw",
"matchPattern": "filter parent ffff: protocol all pref 3 fw.*handle 0x4.*police 0x8 rate 2Mbit burst 200Kb mtu 2Kb action reclassify overhead 0b linklayer atm.*ref 1 bind 1",
"matchCount": "1",
"teardown": [
"$TC qdisc del dev $DEV1 ingress"
"id": "5339",
"name": "Del entire fw filter",
"category": [
"plugins": {
"requires": "nsPlugin"
"setup": [
"$TC qdisc add dev $DEV1 ingress",
"$TC filter add dev $DEV1 parent ffff: handle 5 prio 7 fw action pass",
"$TC filter add dev $DEV1 parent ffff: handle 3 prio 9 fw action pass"
"cmdUnderTest": "$TC filter del dev $DEV1 parent ffff:",
"expExitCode": "0",
"verifyCmd": "$TC filter show dev $DEV1 parent ffff:",
"matchPattern": "protocol all pref.*handle.*gact action pass",
"matchCount": "0",
"teardown": [
"$TC qdisc del dev $DEV1 ingress"
"id": "0e99",
"name": "Del single fw filter x1",
"category": [
"plugins": {
"requires": "nsPlugin"
"setup": [
"$TC qdisc add dev $DEV1 ingress",
"$TC filter add dev $DEV1 parent ffff: handle 5 prio 7 fw action pass",
"$TC filter add dev $DEV1 parent ffff: handle 3 prio 9 fw action pass"
"cmdUnderTest": "$TC filter del dev $DEV1 parent ffff: handle 3 prio 9 fw action pass",
"expExitCode": "0",
"verifyCmd": "$TC filter show dev $DEV1 parent ffff:",
"matchPattern": "protocol all pref 7.*handle 0x5.*gact action pass",
"matchCount": "1",
"teardown": [
"$TC qdisc del dev $DEV1 ingress"
"id": "f54c",
"name": "Del single fw filter x2",
"category": [
"plugins": {
"requires": "nsPlugin"
"setup": [
"$TC qdisc add dev $DEV1 ingress",
"$TC filter add dev $DEV1 parent ffff: handle 5 prio 7 fw action pass",
"$TC filter add dev $DEV1 parent ffff: handle 3 prio 9 fw action pass"
"cmdUnderTest": "$TC filter del dev $DEV1 parent ffff: handle 3 prio 9 fw action pass",
"expExitCode": "0",
"verifyCmd": "$TC filter show dev $DEV1 parent ffff:",
"matchPattern": "protocol all pref 9.*handle 0x3.*gact action pass",
"matchCount": "0",
"teardown": [
"$TC qdisc del dev $DEV1 ingress"
"id": "ba94",
"name": "Del fw filter by prio",
"category": [
"plugins": {
"requires": "nsPlugin"
"setup": [
"$TC qdisc add dev $DEV1 ingress",
"$TC filter add dev $DEV1 parent ffff: handle 1 prio 4 fw action ok",
"$TC filter add dev $DEV1 parent ffff: handle 2 prio 4 fw action ok"
"cmdUnderTest": "$TC filter del dev $DEV1 parent ffff: prio 4",
"expExitCode": "0",
"verifyCmd": "$TC filter show dev $DEV1 parent ffff:",
"matchPattern": "pref 4 fw.*gact action pass",
"matchCount": "0",
"teardown": [
"$TC qdisc del dev $DEV1 ingress"
"id": "4acb",
"name": "Del fw filter by chain",
"category": [
"plugins": {
"requires": "nsPlugin"
"setup": [
"$TC qdisc add dev $DEV1 ingress",
"$TC filter add dev $DEV1 parent ffff: handle 4 prio 2 chain 13 fw action pipe",
"$TC filter add dev $DEV1 parent ffff: handle 3 prio 5 chain 13 fw action pipe"
"cmdUnderTest": "$TC filter del dev $DEV1 parent ffff: chain 13",
"expExitCode": "0",
"verifyCmd": "$TC filter show dev $DEV1 parent ffff:",
"matchPattern": "fw chain 13 handle.*gact action pipe",
"matchCount": "0",
"teardown": [
"$TC qdisc del dev $DEV1 ingress"
"id": "3424",
"name": "Del fw filter by action (invalid)",
"category": [
"plugins": {
"requires": "nsPlugin"
"setup": [
"$TC qdisc add dev $DEV1 ingress",
"$TC filter add dev $DEV1 parent ffff: handle 2 prio 4 fw action drop"
"cmdUnderTest": "$TC filter del dev $DEV1 parent ffff: fw action drop",
"expExitCode": "2",
"verifyCmd": "$TC filter get dev $DEV1 parent ffff: handle 2 prio 4 protocol all fw",
"matchPattern": "handle 0x2.*gact action drop",
"matchCount": "1",
"teardown": [
"$TC qdisc del dev $DEV1 ingress"
"id": "da89",
"name": "Del fw filter by handle (invalid)",
"category": [
"plugins": {
"requires": "nsPlugin"
"setup": [
"$TC qdisc add dev $DEV1 ingress",
"$TC filter add dev $DEV1 parent ffff: handle 3 prio 4 fw action continue"
"cmdUnderTest": "$TC filter del dev $DEV1 parent ffff: handle 3 fw",
"expExitCode": "2",
"verifyCmd": "$TC filter get dev $DEV1 parent ffff: handle 3 prio 4 protocol all fw",
"matchPattern": "handle 0x3.*gact action continue",
"matchCount": "1",
"teardown": [
"$TC qdisc del dev $DEV1 ingress"
"id": "4d95",
"name": "Del fw filter by protocol (invalid)",
"category": [
"plugins": {
"requires": "nsPlugin"
"setup": [
"$TC qdisc add dev $DEV1 ingress",
"$TC filter add dev $DEV1 parent ffff: handle 4 prio 2 protocol arp fw action pipe"
"cmdUnderTest": "$TC filter del dev $DEV1 parent ffff: protocol arp fw",
"expExitCode": "2",
"verifyCmd": "$TC filter get dev $DEV1 parent ffff: handle 4 prio 2 protocol arp fw",
"matchPattern": "filter parent ffff: protocol arp.*handle 0x4.*gact action pipe",
"matchCount": "1",
"teardown": [
"$TC qdisc del dev $DEV1 ingress"
"id": "4736",
"name": "Del fw filter by flowid (invalid)",
"category": [
"plugins": {
"requires": "nsPlugin"
"setup": [
"$TC qdisc add dev $DEV1 ingress",
"$TC filter add dev $DEV1 parent ffff: handle 4 prio 2 fw action pipe flowid 45"
"cmdUnderTest": "$TC filter del dev $DEV1 parent ffff: fw flowid 45",
"expExitCode": "2",
"verifyCmd": "$TC filter show dev $DEV1 parent ffff:",
"matchPattern": "handle 0x4.*gact action pipe",
"matchCount": "1",
"teardown": [
"$TC qdisc del dev $DEV1 ingress"
"id": "3dcb",
"name": "Replace fw filter action",
"category": [
"plugins": {
"requires": "nsPlugin"
"setup": [
"$TC qdisc add dev $DEV1 ingress",
"$TC filter add dev $DEV1 parent ffff: handle 1 prio 2 fw action ok"
"cmdUnderTest": "$TC filter replace dev $DEV1 parent ffff: handle 1 prio 2 fw action pipe",
"expExitCode": "0",
"verifyCmd": "$TC filter show dev $DEV1 parent ffff:",
"matchPattern": "pref 2 fw.*handle 0x1.*gact action pipe",
"matchCount": "1",
"teardown": [
"$TC qdisc del dev $DEV1 ingress"
"id": "eb4d",
"name": "Replace fw filter classid",
"category": [
"plugins": {
"requires": "nsPlugin"
"setup": [
"$TC qdisc add dev $DEV1 ingress",
"$TC filter add dev $DEV1 parent ffff: handle 1 prio 2 fw action ok"
"cmdUnderTest": "$TC filter replace dev $DEV1 parent ffff: handle 1 prio 2 fw action pipe classid 2",
"expExitCode": "0",
"verifyCmd": "$TC filter show dev $DEV1 parent ffff:",
"matchPattern": "pref 2 fw.*handle 0x1 classid :2.*gact action pipe",
"matchCount": "1",
"teardown": [
"$TC qdisc del dev $DEV1 ingress"
"id": "67ec",
"name": "Replace fw filter index",
"category": [
"plugins": {
"requires": "nsPlugin"
"setup": [
"$TC qdisc add dev $DEV1 ingress",
"$TC filter add dev $DEV1 parent ffff: handle 1 prio 2 fw action ok index 3"
"cmdUnderTest": "$TC filter replace dev $DEV1 parent ffff: handle 1 prio 2 fw action ok index 16",
"expExitCode": "0",
"verifyCmd": "$TC filter show dev $DEV1 parent ffff:",
"matchPattern": "pref 2 fw.*handle 0x1.*gact action pass.*index 16",
"matchCount": "1",
"teardown": [
"$TC qdisc del dev $DEV1 ingress"
"id": "e470",
"name": "Try to delete class referenced by fw after a replace",
"category": [
"plugins": {
"requires": "nsPlugin"
"setup": [
"$TC qdisc add dev $DEV1 parent root handle 10: drr",
"$TC class add dev $DEV1 parent root classid 1 drr",
"$TC filter add dev $DEV1 parent 10: handle 1 prio 1 fw classid 10:1 action ok",
"$TC filter replace dev $DEV1 parent 10: handle 1 prio 1 fw classid 10:1 action drop"
"cmdUnderTest": "$TC class delete dev $DEV1 parent 10: classid 10:1",
"expExitCode": "2",
"verifyCmd": "$TC class show dev $DEV1",
"matchPattern": "class drr 10:1",
"matchCount": "1",
"teardown": [
"$TC qdisc del dev $DEV1 parent root drr"
"id": "ec1a",
"name": "Replace fw classid with nil",
"category": [
"plugins": {
"requires": "nsPlugin"
"setup": [
"$TC qdisc add dev $DEV1 parent root handle 10: drr",
"$TC class add dev $DEV1 parent root classid 1 drr",
"$TC filter add dev $DEV1 parent 10: handle 1 prio 1 fw classid 10:1 action ok"
"cmdUnderTest": "$TC filter replace dev $DEV1 parent 10: handle 1 prio 1 fw action drop",
"expExitCode": "0",
"verifyCmd": "$TC filter show dev $DEV1 parent 10:",
"matchPattern": "fw chain 0 handle 0x1",
"matchCount": "1",
"teardown": [
"$TC qdisc del dev $DEV1 parent root drr"