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<h4 class="subsection">13.1.7 Listing Tracepoints</h4>
<a name="index-info-tracepoints-_0040r_007b_005b_007d_0040var_007bn_007d_0040dots_007b_007d_0040r_007b_005d_007d-899"></a>
<a name="index-info-tp-_0040r_007b_005b_007d_0040var_007bn_007d_0040dots_007b_007d_0040r_007b_005d_007d-900"></a>
<a name="index-information-about-tracepoints-901"></a>
<dl><dt><code>info tracepoints </code><span class="roman">[</span><var>num</var><code>...</code><span class="roman">]</span><dd>Display information about the tracepoint <var>num</var>. If you don't
specify a tracepoint number, displays information about all the
tracepoints defined so far. The format is similar to that used for
<code>info breakpoints</code>; in fact, <code>info tracepoints</code> is the same
command, simply restricting itself to tracepoints.
<p>A tracepoint's listing may include additional information specific to
<li>its passcount as given by the <code>passcount </code><var>n</var> command
<li>the state about installed on target of each location
<pre class="smallexample"> (gdb) <b>info trace</b>
Num Type Disp Enb Address What
1 tracepoint keep y 0x0804ab57 in foo() at main.cxx:7
while-stepping 20
collect globfoo, $regs
collect globfoo2
pass count 1200
2 tracepoint keep y &lt;MULTIPLE&gt;
collect $eip
2.1 y 0x0804859c in func4 at change-loc.h:35
installed on target
2.2 y 0xb7ffc480 in func4 at change-loc.h:35
installed on target
2.3 y &lt;PENDING&gt; set_tracepoint
3 tracepoint keep y 0x080485b1 in foo at change-loc.c:29
not installed on target
<p class="noindent">This command can be abbreviated <code>info tp</code>.