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<a name="Floating-Point"></a>
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<a name="Cross-Compilation-and-Floating-Point"></a>
<h3 class="section">17.22 Cross Compilation and Floating Point</h3>
<a name="index-cross-compilation-and-floating-point"></a>
<a name="index-floating-point-and-cross-compilation"></a>
<p>While all modern machines use twos-complement representation for integers,
there are a variety of representations for floating point numbers. This
means that in a cross-compiler the representation of floating point numbers
in the compiled program may be different from that used in the machine
doing the compilation.
<p>Because different representation systems may offer different amounts of
range and precision, all floating point constants must be represented in
the target machine&rsquo;s format. Therefore, the cross compiler cannot
safely use the host machine&rsquo;s floating point arithmetic; it must emulate
the target&rsquo;s arithmetic. To ensure consistency, GCC always uses
emulation to work with floating point values, even when the host and
target floating point formats are identical.
<p>The following macros are provided by <samp>real.h</samp> for the compiler to
use. All parts of the compiler which generate or optimize
floating-point calculations must use these macros. They may evaluate
their operands more than once, so operands must not have side effects.
<dt><a name="index-REAL_005fVALUE_005fTYPE"></a>Macro: <strong>REAL_VALUE_TYPE</strong></dt>
<dd><p>The C data type to be used to hold a floating point value in the target
machine&rsquo;s format. Typically this is a <code>struct</code> containing an
array of <code>HOST_WIDE_INT</code>, but all code should treat it as an opaque
<dt><a name="index-REAL_005fVALUES_005fEQUAL"></a>Macro: <em>int</em> <strong>REAL_VALUES_EQUAL</strong> <em>(REAL_VALUE_TYPE <var>x</var>, REAL_VALUE_TYPE <var>y</var>)</em></dt>
<dd><p>Compares for equality the two values, <var>x</var> and <var>y</var>. If the target
floating point format supports negative zeroes and/or NaNs,
&lsquo;<samp>REAL_VALUES_EQUAL (-0.0, 0.0)</samp>&rsquo; is true, and
&lsquo;<samp>REAL_VALUES_EQUAL (NaN, NaN)</samp>&rsquo; is false.
<dt><a name="index-REAL_005fVALUES_005fLESS"></a>Macro: <em>int</em> <strong>REAL_VALUES_LESS</strong> <em>(REAL_VALUE_TYPE <var>x</var>, REAL_VALUE_TYPE <var>y</var>)</em></dt>
<dd><p>Tests whether <var>x</var> is less than <var>y</var>.
<dt><a name="index-REAL_005fVALUE_005fFIX"></a>Macro: <em>HOST_WIDE_INT</em> <strong>REAL_VALUE_FIX</strong> <em>(REAL_VALUE_TYPE <var>x</var>)</em></dt>
<dd><p>Truncates <var>x</var> to a signed integer, rounding toward zero.
<dt><a name="index-REAL_005fVALUE_005fUNSIGNED_005fFIX"></a>Macro: <em>unsigned HOST_WIDE_INT</em> <strong>REAL_VALUE_UNSIGNED_FIX</strong> <em>(REAL_VALUE_TYPE <var>x</var>)</em></dt>
<dd><p>Truncates <var>x</var> to an unsigned integer, rounding toward zero. If
<var>x</var> is negative, returns zero.
<dt><a name="index-REAL_005fVALUE_005fATOF"></a>Macro: <em>REAL_VALUE_TYPE</em> <strong>REAL_VALUE_ATOF</strong> <em>(const char *<var>string</var>, machine_mode <var>mode</var>)</em></dt>
<dd><p>Converts <var>string</var> into a floating point number in the target machine&rsquo;s
representation for mode <var>mode</var>. This routine can handle both
decimal and hexadecimal floating point constants, using the syntax
defined by the C language for both.
<dt><a name="index-REAL_005fVALUE_005fNEGATIVE"></a>Macro: <em>int</em> <strong>REAL_VALUE_NEGATIVE</strong> <em>(REAL_VALUE_TYPE <var>x</var>)</em></dt>
<dd><p>Returns 1 if <var>x</var> is negative (including negative zero), 0 otherwise.
<dt><a name="index-REAL_005fVALUE_005fISINF"></a>Macro: <em>int</em> <strong>REAL_VALUE_ISINF</strong> <em>(REAL_VALUE_TYPE <var>x</var>)</em></dt>
<dd><p>Determines whether <var>x</var> represents infinity (positive or negative).
<dt><a name="index-REAL_005fVALUE_005fISNAN"></a>Macro: <em>int</em> <strong>REAL_VALUE_ISNAN</strong> <em>(REAL_VALUE_TYPE <var>x</var>)</em></dt>
<dd><p>Determines whether <var>x</var> represents a &ldquo;NaN&rdquo; (not-a-number).
<dt><a name="index-REAL_005fARITHMETIC"></a>Macro: <em>void</em> <strong>REAL_ARITHMETIC</strong> <em>(REAL_VALUE_TYPE <var>output</var>, enum tree_code <var>code</var>, REAL_VALUE_TYPE <var>x</var>, REAL_VALUE_TYPE <var>y</var>)</em></dt>
<dd><p>Calculates an arithmetic operation on the two floating point values
<var>x</var> and <var>y</var>, storing the result in <var>output</var> (which must be a
<p>The operation to be performed is specified by <var>code</var>. Only the
following codes are supported: <code>PLUS_EXPR</code>, <code>MINUS_EXPR</code>,
<code>MULT_EXPR</code>, <code>RDIV_EXPR</code>, <code>MAX_EXPR</code>, <code>MIN_EXPR</code>.
<p>If <code>REAL_ARITHMETIC</code> is asked to evaluate division by zero and the
target&rsquo;s floating point format cannot represent infinity, it will call
<code>abort</code>. Callers should check for this situation first, using
<code>MODE_HAS_INFINITIES</code>. See <a href="Storage-Layout.html#Storage-Layout">Storage Layout</a>.
<dt><a name="index-REAL_005fVALUE_005fNEGATE"></a>Macro: <em>REAL_VALUE_TYPE</em> <strong>REAL_VALUE_NEGATE</strong> <em>(REAL_VALUE_TYPE <var>x</var>)</em></dt>
<dd><p>Returns the negative of the floating point value <var>x</var>.
<dt><a name="index-REAL_005fVALUE_005fABS"></a>Macro: <em>REAL_VALUE_TYPE</em> <strong>REAL_VALUE_ABS</strong> <em>(REAL_VALUE_TYPE <var>x</var>)</em></dt>
<dd><p>Returns the absolute value of <var>x</var>.
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