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<title>GNU Compiler Collection (GCC) Internals: Function Properties</title>
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<a name="Function-Properties"></a>
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<a name="Function-Properties-1"></a>
<h4 class="subsection">10.8.2 Function Properties</h4>
<a name="index-function-properties"></a>
<a name="index-statements"></a>
<p>To determine the scope of a function, you can use the
<code>DECL_CONTEXT</code> macro. This macro will return the class
(either a <code>RECORD_TYPE</code> or a <code>UNION_TYPE</code>) or namespace (a
<code>NAMESPACE_DECL</code>) of which the function is a member. For a virtual
function, this macro returns the class in which the function was
actually defined, not the base class in which the virtual declaration
<p>In C, the <code>DECL_CONTEXT</code> for a function maybe another function.
This representation indicates that the GNU nested function extension
is in use. For details on the semantics of nested functions, see the
GCC Manual. The nested function can refer to local variables in its
containing function. Such references are not explicitly marked in the
tree structure; back ends must look at the <code>DECL_CONTEXT</code> for the
referenced <code>VAR_DECL</code>. If the <code>DECL_CONTEXT</code> for the
referenced <code>VAR_DECL</code> is not the same as the function currently
being processed, and neither <code>DECL_EXTERNAL</code> nor
<code>TREE_STATIC</code> hold, then the reference is to a local variable in
a containing function, and the back end must take appropriate action.
<dl compact="compact">
<a name="index-DECL_005fEXTERNAL-1"></a>
<dd><p>This predicate holds if the function is undefined.
<a name="index-TREE_005fPUBLIC-1"></a>
<dd><p>This predicate holds if the function has external linkage.
<a name="index-TREE_005fSTATIC"></a>
<dd><p>This predicate holds if the function has been defined.
<a name="index-TREE_005fTHIS_005fVOLATILE"></a>
<dd><p>This predicate holds if the function does not return normally.
<a name="index-TREE_005fREADONLY"></a>
<dd><p>This predicate holds if the function can only read its arguments.
<a name="index-DECL_005fPURE_005fP"></a>
<dd><p>This predicate holds if the function can only read its arguments, but
may also read global memory.
<a name="index-DECL_005fVIRTUAL_005fP"></a>
<dd><p>This predicate holds if the function is virtual.
<a name="index-DECL_005fARTIFICIAL-2"></a>
<dd><p>This macro holds if the function was implicitly generated by the
compiler, rather than explicitly declared. In addition to implicitly
generated class member functions, this macro holds for the special
functions created to implement static initialization and destruction, to
compute run-time type information, and so forth.
<a name="index-DECL_005fFUNCTION_005fSPECIFIC_005fTARGET-1"></a>
<dd><p>This macro returns a tree node that holds the target options that are
to be used to compile this particular function or <code>NULL_TREE</code> if
the function is to be compiled with the target options specified on
the command line.
<a name="index-DECL_005fFUNCTION_005fSPECIFIC_005fOPTIMIZATION-1"></a>
<dd><p>This macro returns a tree node that holds the optimization options
that are to be used to compile this particular function or
<code>NULL_TREE</code> if the function is to be compiled with the
optimization options specified on the command line.
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