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<a name="Blocks-In-Python"></a>
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<a name="Accessing-blocks-from-Python_002e"></a>
<h4 class="subsubsection"> Accessing blocks from Python.</h4>
<a name="index-blocks-in-python"></a>
<a name="index-gdb_002eBlock"></a>
<p>In <small>GDB</small>, symbols are stored in blocks. A block corresponds
roughly to a scope in the source code. Blocks are organized
hierarchically, and are represented individually in Python as a
<code>gdb.Block</code>. Blocks rely on debugging information being
<p>A frame has a block. Please see <a href="Frames-In-Python.html#Frames-In-Python">Frames In Python</a>, for a more
in-depth discussion of frames.
<p>The outermost block is known as the <em>global block</em>. The global
block typically holds public global variables and functions.
<p>The block nested just inside the global block is the <em>static
block</em>. The static block typically holds file-scoped variables and
<p><small>GDB</small> provides a method to get a block&rsquo;s superblock, but there
is currently no way to examine the sub-blocks of a block, or to
iterate over all the blocks in a symbol table (see <a href="Symbol-Tables-In-Python.html#Symbol-Tables-In-Python">Symbol Tables In Python</a>).
<p>Here is a short example that should help explain blocks:
<div class="smallexample">
<pre class="smallexample">/* This is in the global block. */
int global;
/* This is in the static block. */
static int file_scope;
/* 'function' is in the global block, and 'argument' is
in a block nested inside of 'function'. */
int function (int argument)
/* 'local' is in a block inside 'function'. It may or may
not be in the same block as 'argument'. */
int local;
/* 'inner' is in a block whose superblock is the one holding
'local'. */
int inner;
/* If this call is expanded by the compiler, you may see
a nested block here whose function is 'inline_function'
and whose superblock is the one holding 'inner'. */
inline_function ();
<p>A <code>gdb.Block</code> is iterable. The iterator returns the symbols
(see <a href="Symbols-In-Python.html#Symbols-In-Python">Symbols In Python</a>) local to the block. Python programs
should not assume that a specific block object will always contain a
given symbol, since changes in <small>GDB</small> features and
infrastructure may cause symbols move across blocks in a symbol
<p>The following block-related functions are available in the <code>gdb</code>
<a name="index-gdb_002eblock_005ffor_005fpc"></a>
<dt><a name="index-gdb_002eblock_005ffor_005fpc-1"></a>Function: <strong>gdb.block_for_pc</strong> <em>(pc)</em></dt>
<dd><p>Return the innermost <code>gdb.Block</code> containing the given <var>pc</var>
value. If the block cannot be found for the <var>pc</var> value specified,
the function will return <code>None</code>.
<p>A <code>gdb.Block</code> object has the following methods:
<dt><a name="index-Block_002eis_005fvalid"></a>Function: <strong>Block.is_valid</strong> <em>()</em></dt>
<dd><p>Returns <code>True</code> if the <code>gdb.Block</code> object is valid,
<code>False</code> if not. A block object can become invalid if the block it
refers to doesn&rsquo;t exist anymore in the inferior. All other
<code>gdb.Block</code> methods will throw an exception if it is invalid at
the time the method is called. The block&rsquo;s validity is also checked
during iteration over symbols of the block.
<p>A <code>gdb.Block</code> object has the following attributes:
<dt><a name="index-Block_002estart"></a>Variable: <strong>Block.start</strong></dt>
<dd><p>The start address of the block. This attribute is not writable.
<dt><a name="index-Block_002eend"></a>Variable: <strong>Block.end</strong></dt>
<dd><p>The end address of the block. This attribute is not writable.
<dt><a name="index-Block_002efunction"></a>Variable: <strong>Block.function</strong></dt>
<dd><p>The name of the block represented as a <code>gdb.Symbol</code>. If the
block is not named, then this attribute holds <code>None</code>. This
attribute is not writable.
<p>For ordinary function blocks, the superblock is the static block.
However, you should note that it is possible for a function block to
have a superblock that is not the static block &ndash; for instance this
happens for an inlined function.
<dt><a name="index-Block_002esuperblock"></a>Variable: <strong>Block.superblock</strong></dt>
<dd><p>The block containing this block. If this parent block does not exist,
this attribute holds <code>None</code>. This attribute is not writable.
<dt><a name="index-Block_002eglobal_005fblock"></a>Variable: <strong>Block.global_block</strong></dt>
<dd><p>The global block associated with this block. This attribute is not
<dt><a name="index-Block_002estatic_005fblock"></a>Variable: <strong>Block.static_block</strong></dt>
<dd><p>The static block associated with this block. This attribute is not
<dt><a name="index-Block_002eis_005fglobal"></a>Variable: <strong>Block.is_global</strong></dt>
<dd><p><code>True</code> if the <code>gdb.Block</code> object is a global block,
<code>False</code> if not. This attribute is not
<dt><a name="index-Block_002eis_005fstatic"></a>Variable: <strong>Block.is_static</strong></dt>
<dd><p><code>True</code> if the <code>gdb.Block</code> object is a static block,
<code>False</code> if not. This attribute is not writable.
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