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<a name="Connecting"></a>
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<a name="Connecting-to-a-Remote-Target"></a>
<h3 class="section">20.1 Connecting to a Remote Target</h3>
<p><small>GDB</small> needs an unstripped copy of your program to access symbol
and debugging information. Some remote targets (see <a href="General-Query-Packets.html#qXfer-executable-filename-read">qXfer executable filename read</a>, and see <a href="Host-I_002fO-Packets.html#Host-I_002fO-Packets">Host I/O Packets</a>) allow
<small>GDB</small> to access program files over the same connection used to
communicate with <small>GDB</small>. With such a target, if the remote
program is unstripped, the only command you need is <code>target
remote</code>. Otherwise, start up <small>GDB</small> using the name of the local
unstripped copy of your program as the first argument, or use the
<code>file</code> command.
<a name="index-target-remote"></a>
<p><small>GDB</small> can communicate with the target over a serial line, or
over an <acronym>IP</acronym> network using <acronym>TCP</acronym> or <acronym>UDP</acronym>. In
each case, <small>GDB</small> uses the same protocol for debugging your
program; only the medium carrying the debugging packets varies. The
<code>target remote</code> command establishes a connection to the target.
Its arguments indicate which medium to use:
<dl compact="compact">
<dt><code>target remote <var>serial-device</var></code></dt>
<dd><a name="index-serial-line_002c-target-remote"></a>
<p>Use <var>serial-device</var> to communicate with the target. For example,
to use a serial line connected to the device named <samp>/dev/ttyb</samp>:
<div class="smallexample">
<pre class="smallexample">target remote /dev/ttyb
<p>If you&rsquo;re using a serial line, you may want to give <small>GDB</small> the
&lsquo;<samp>--baud</samp>&rsquo; option, or use the <code>set serial baud</code> command
(see <a href="Remote-Configuration.html#Remote-Configuration">set serial baud</a>) before the
<code>target</code> command.
<dt><code>target remote <code><var>host</var>:<var>port</var></code></code></dt>
<dt><code>target remote <code>tcp:<var>host</var>:<var>port</var></code></code></dt>
<dd><a name="index-TCP-port_002c-target-remote"></a>
<p>Debug using a <acronym>TCP</acronym> connection to <var>port</var> on <var>host</var>.
The <var>host</var> may be either a host name or a numeric <acronym>IP</acronym>
address; <var>port</var> must be a decimal number. The <var>host</var> could be
the target machine itself, if it is directly connected to the net, or
it might be a terminal server which in turn has a serial line to the
<p>For example, to connect to port 2828 on a terminal server named
<div class="smallexample">
<pre class="smallexample">target remote manyfarms:2828
<p>If your remote target is actually running on the same machine as your
debugger session (e.g. a simulator for your target running on the
same host), you can omit the hostname. For example, to connect to
port 1234 on your local machine:
<div class="smallexample">
<pre class="smallexample">target remote :1234
<p>Note that the colon is still required here.
<dt><code>target remote <code>udp:<var>host</var>:<var>port</var></code></code></dt>
<dd><a name="index-UDP-port_002c-target-remote"></a>
<p>Debug using <acronym>UDP</acronym> packets to <var>port</var> on <var>host</var>. For example, to
connect to <acronym>UDP</acronym> port 2828 on a terminal server named <code>manyfarms</code>:
<div class="smallexample">
<pre class="smallexample">target remote udp:manyfarms:2828
<p>When using a <acronym>UDP</acronym> connection for remote debugging, you should
keep in mind that the &lsquo;U&rsquo; stands for &ldquo;Unreliable&rdquo;. <acronym>UDP</acronym>
can silently drop packets on busy or unreliable networks, which will
cause havoc with your debugging session.
<dt><code>target remote | <var>command</var></code></dt>
<dd><a name="index-pipe_002c-target-remote-to"></a>
<p>Run <var>command</var> in the background and communicate with it using a
pipe. The <var>command</var> is a shell command, to be parsed and expanded
by the system&rsquo;s command shell, <code>/bin/sh</code>; it should expect remote
protocol packets on its standard input, and send replies on its
standard output. You could use this to run a stand-alone simulator
that speaks the remote debugging protocol, to make net connections
using programs like <code>ssh</code>, or for other similar tricks.
<p>If <var>command</var> closes its standard output (perhaps by exiting),
<small>GDB</small> will try to send it a <code>SIGTERM</code> signal. (If the
program has already exited, this will have no effect.)
<p>Once the connection has been established, you can use all the usual
commands to examine and change data. The remote program is already
running; you can use <kbd>step</kbd> and <kbd>continue</kbd>, and you do not
need to use <kbd>run</kbd>.
<a name="index-interrupting-remote-programs"></a>
<a name="index-remote-programs_002c-interrupting"></a>
<p>Whenever <small>GDB</small> is waiting for the remote program, if you type the
interrupt character (often <kbd>Ctrl-c</kbd>), <small>GDB</small> attempts to stop the
program. This may or may not succeed, depending in part on the hardware
and the serial drivers the remote system uses. If you type the
interrupt character once again, <small>GDB</small> displays this prompt:
<div class="smallexample">
<pre class="smallexample">Interrupted while waiting for the program.
Give up (and stop debugging it)? (y or n)
<p>If you type <kbd>y</kbd>, <small>GDB</small> abandons the remote debugging session.
(If you decide you want to try again later, you can use &lsquo;<samp>target
remote</samp>&rsquo; again to connect once more.) If you type <kbd>n</kbd>, <small>GDB</small>
goes back to waiting.
<dl compact="compact">
<dd><a name="index-detach-_0028remote_0029"></a>
<dd><p>When you have finished debugging the remote program, you can use the
<code>detach</code> command to release it from <small>GDB</small> control.
Detaching from the target normally resumes its execution, but the results
will depend on your particular remote stub. After the <code>detach</code>
command, <small>GDB</small> is free to connect to another target.
<a name="index-disconnect"></a>
<dd><p>The <code>disconnect</code> command behaves like <code>detach</code>, except that
the target is generally not resumed. It will wait for <small>GDB</small>
(this instance or another one) to connect and continue debugging. After
the <code>disconnect</code> command, <small>GDB</small> is again free to connect to
another target.
<a name="index-send-command-to-remote-monitor"></a>
<a name="index-extend-GDB-for-remote-targets"></a>
<a name="index-add-new-commands-for-external-monitor"></a>
<a name="index-monitor"></a>
<dt><code>monitor <var>cmd</var></code></dt>
<dd><p>This command allows you to send arbitrary commands directly to the
remote monitor. Since <small>GDB</small> doesn&rsquo;t care about the commands it
sends like this, this command is the way to extend <small>GDB</small>&mdash;you
can add new commands that only the external monitor will understand
and implement.
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