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<title>The GNU Fortran Compiler: LTIME</title>
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<a name="LTIME-_002d_002d_002d-Convert-time-to-local-time-info"></a>
<h3 class="section">9.174 <code>LTIME</code> &mdash; Convert time to local time info</h3>
<a name="index-LTIME"></a>
<a name="index-time_002c-conversion-to-local-time-info"></a>
<dl compact="compact">
<dd><p>Given a system time value <var>TIME</var> (as provided by the <code>TIME8</code>
intrinsic), fills <var>VALUES</var> with values extracted from it appropriate
to the local time zone using <code>localtime(3)</code>.
<dd><p>GNU extension
<dd><p><code>CALL LTIME(TIME, VALUES)</code>
<tr><td width="15%"><var>TIME</var></td><td width="70%">An <code>INTEGER</code> scalar expression
corresponding to a system time, with <code>INTENT(IN)</code>.</td></tr>
<tr><td width="15%"><var>VALUES</var></td><td width="70%">A default <code>INTEGER</code> array with 9 elements,
with <code>INTENT(OUT)</code>.</td></tr>
<dt><em>Return value</em>:</dt>
<dd><p>The elements of <var>VALUES</var> are assigned as follows:
<li> Seconds after the minute, range 0&ndash;59 or 0&ndash;61 to allow for leap
</li><li> Minutes after the hour, range 0&ndash;59
</li><li> Hours past midnight, range 0&ndash;23
</li><li> Day of month, range 0&ndash;31
</li><li> Number of months since January, range 0&ndash;12
</li><li> Years since 1900
</li><li> Number of days since Sunday, range 0&ndash;6
</li><li> Days since January 1
</li><li> Daylight savings indicator: positive if daylight savings is in
effect, zero if not, and negative if the information is not available.
<dt><em>See also</em>:</dt>
<dd><p><a href="CTIME.html#CTIME">CTIME</a>, <a href="GMTIME.html#GMTIME">GMTIME</a>, <a href="TIME.html#TIME">TIME</a>, <a href="TIME8.html#TIME8">TIME8</a>