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<title>The GNU Fortran Compiler: THIS_IMAGE</title>
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<a name="THIS_005fIMAGE"></a>
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<a name="THIS_005fIMAGE-_002d_002d_002d-Function-that-returns-the-cosubscript-index-of-this-image"></a>
<h3 class="section">9.256 <code>THIS_IMAGE</code> &mdash; Function that returns the cosubscript index of this image</h3>
<a name="index-THIS_005fIMAGE"></a>
<a name="index-coarray_002c-THIS_005fIMAGE"></a>
<a name="index-images_002c-index-of-this-image"></a>
<dl compact="compact">
<dd><p>Returns the cosubscript for this image.
<dd><p>Fortran 2008 and later. With <var>DISTANCE</var> argument,
Technical Specification (TS) 18508 or later
<dd><p>Transformational function
<tr><td width="80%"><code>RESULT = THIS_IMAGE()</code></td></tr>
<tr><td width="80%"><code>RESULT = THIS_IMAGE(DISTANCE)</code></td></tr>
<tr><td width="80%"><code>RESULT = THIS_IMAGE(COARRAY [, DIM])</code></td></tr>
<tr><td width="15%"><var>DISTANCE</var></td><td width="70%">(optional, intent(in)) Nonnegative scalar integer
(not permitted together with <var>COARRAY</var>).</td></tr>
<tr><td width="15%"><var>COARRAY</var></td><td width="70%">Coarray of any type (optional; if <var>DIM</var>
present, required).</td></tr>
<tr><td width="15%"><var>DIM</var></td><td width="70%">default integer scalar (optional). If present,
<var>DIM</var> shall be between one and the corank of <var>COARRAY</var>.</td></tr>
<dt><em>Return value</em>:</dt>
<dd><p>Default integer. If <var>COARRAY</var> is not present, it is scalar; if
<var>DISTANCE</var> is not present or has value 0, its value is the image index on
the invoking image for the current team, for values smaller or equal
distance to the initial team, it returns the image index on the ancestor team
which has a distance of <var>DISTANCE</var> from the invoking team. If
<var>DISTANCE</var> is larger than the distance to the initial team, the image
index of the initial team is returned. Otherwise when the <var>COARRAY</var> is
present, if <var>DIM</var> is not present, a rank-1 array with corank elements is
returned, containing the cosubscripts for <var>COARRAY</var> specifying the invoking
image. If <var>DIM</var> is present, a scalar is returned, with the value of
the <var>DIM</var> element of <code>THIS_IMAGE(COARRAY)</code>.
<dd><div class="smallexample">
<pre class="smallexample">INTEGER :: value[*]
value = THIS_IMAGE()
DO i = 1, NUM_IMAGES()
WRITE(*,'(2(a,i0))') 'value[', i, '] is ', value[i]
! Check whether the current image is the initial image
error stop &quot;something is rotten here&quot;
<dt><em>See also</em>:</dt>
<dd><p><a href="NUM_005fIMAGES.html#NUM_005fIMAGES">NUM_IMAGES</a>, <a href="IMAGE_005fINDEX.html#IMAGE_005fINDEX">IMAGE_INDEX</a>
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