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<a name="GDB_002fMI-Development-and-Front-Ends"></a>
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<a name="GDB_002fMI-Development-and-Front-Ends-1"></a>
<h3 class="section">27.4 <small>GDB/MI</small> Development and Front Ends</h3>
<a name="index-GDB_002fMI-development"></a>
<p>The application which takes the MI output and presents the state of the
program being debugged to the user is called a <em>front end</em>.
<p>Although <small>GDB/MI</small> is still incomplete, it is currently being used
by a variety of front ends to <small>GDB</small>. This makes it difficult
to introduce new functionality without breaking existing usage. This
section tries to minimize the problems by describing how the protocol
might change.
<p>Some changes in MI need not break a carefully designed front end, and
for these the MI version will remain unchanged. The following is a
list of changes that may occur within one level, so front ends should
parse MI output in a way that can handle them:
<li> New MI commands may be added.
</li><li> New fields may be added to the output of any MI command.
</li><li> The range of values for fields with specified values, e.g.,
<code>in_scope</code> (see <a href="GDB_002fMI-Variable-Objects.html#g_t_002dvar_002dupdate">-var-update</a>) may be extended.
<p>If the changes are likely to break front ends, the MI version level
will be increased by one. This will allow the front end to parse the
output according to the MI version. Apart from mi0, new versions of
<small>GDB</small> will not support old versions of MI and it will be the
responsibility of the front end to work with the new one.
<p>The best way to avoid unexpected changes in MI that might break your front
end is to make your project known to <small>GDB</small> developers and
follow development on <a href=""></a> and
<a href=""></a>.
<a name="index-mailing-lists"></a>
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