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<title>Debugging with GDB: Other Misc Settings</title>
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<a name="Other-Misc-Settings"></a>
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<a name="Other-Miscellaneous-Settings"></a>
<h3 class="section">22.10 Other Miscellaneous Settings</h3>
<a name="index-miscellaneous-settings"></a>
<dl compact="compact">
<dd><a name="index-set-interactive_002dmode"></a>
<dt><code>set interactive-mode</code></dt>
<dd><p>If <code>on</code>, forces <small>GDB</small> to assume that GDB was started
in a terminal. In practice, this means that <small>GDB</small> should wait
for the user to answer queries generated by commands entered at
the command prompt. If <code>off</code>, forces <small>GDB</small> to operate
in the opposite mode, and it uses the default answers to all queries.
If <code>auto</code> (the default), <small>GDB</small> tries to determine whether
its standard input is a terminal, and works in interactive-mode if it
is, non-interactively otherwise.
<p>In the vast majority of cases, the debugger should be able to guess
correctly which mode should be used. But this setting can be useful
in certain specific cases, such as running a MinGW <small>GDB</small>
inside a cygwin window.
<a name="index-show-interactive_002dmode"></a>
<dt><code>show interactive-mode</code></dt>
<dd><p>Displays whether the debugger is operating in interactive mode or not.