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<a name="SVR4-Process-Information"></a>
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<a name="SVR4-Process-Information-1"></a>
<h4 class="subsection">21.1.3 SVR4 Process Information</h4>
<a name="index-_002fproc"></a>
<a name="index-examine-process-image"></a>
<a name="index-process-info-via-_002fproc"></a>
<p>Many versions of SVR4 and compatible systems provide a facility called
&lsquo;<samp>/proc</samp>&rsquo; that can be used to examine the image of a running
process using file-system subroutines.
<p>If <small>GDB</small> is configured for an operating system with this
facility, the command <code>info proc</code> is available to report
information about the process running your program, or about any
process running on your system. This includes, as of this writing,
<small>GNU</small>/Linux and Solaris, but not HP-UX, for example.
<p>This command may also work on core files that were created on a system
that has the &lsquo;<samp>/proc</samp>&rsquo; facility.
<dl compact="compact">
<dd><a name="index-info-proc"></a>
<a name="index-process-ID"></a>
<dt><code>info proc</code></dt>
<dt><code>info proc <var>process-id</var></code></dt>
<dd><p>Summarize available information about any running process. If a
process ID is specified by <var>process-id</var>, display information about
that process; otherwise display information about the program being
debugged. The summary includes the debugged process ID, the command
line used to invoke it, its current working directory, and its
executable file&rsquo;s absolute file name.
<p>On some systems, <var>process-id</var> can be of the form
&lsquo;<samp>[<var>pid</var>]/<var>tid</var></samp>&rsquo; which specifies a certain thread ID
within a process. If the optional <var>pid</var> part is missing, it means
a thread from the process being debugged (the leading &lsquo;<samp>/</samp>&rsquo; still
needs to be present, or else <small>GDB</small> will interpret the number as
a process ID rather than a thread ID).
<dt><code>info proc cmdline</code></dt>
<dd><a name="index-info-proc-cmdline"></a>
<p>Show the original command line of the process. This command is
specific to <small>GNU</small>/Linux.
<dt><code>info proc cwd</code></dt>
<dd><a name="index-info-proc-cwd"></a>
<p>Show the current working directory of the process. This command is
specific to <small>GNU</small>/Linux.
<dt><code>info proc exe</code></dt>
<dd><a name="index-info-proc-exe"></a>
<p>Show the name of executable of the process. This command is specific
to <small>GNU</small>/Linux.
<dt><code>info proc mappings</code></dt>
<dd><a name="index-memory-address-space-mappings"></a>
<p>Report the memory address space ranges accessible in the program, with
information on whether the process has read, write, or execute access
rights to each range. On <small>GNU</small>/Linux systems, each memory range
includes the object file which is mapped to that range, instead of the
memory access rights to that range.
<dt><code>info proc stat</code></dt>
<dt><code>info proc status</code></dt>
<dd><a name="index-process-detailed-status-information"></a>
<p>These subcommands are specific to <small>GNU</small>/Linux systems. They show
the process-related information, including the user ID and group ID;
how many threads are there in the process; its virtual memory usage;
the signals that are pending, blocked, and ignored; its TTY; its
consumption of system and user time; its stack size; its &lsquo;<samp>nice</samp>&rsquo;
value; etc. For more information, see the &lsquo;<samp>proc</samp>&rsquo; man page
(type <kbd>man 5 proc</kbd> from your shell prompt).
<dt><code>info proc all</code></dt>
<dd><p>Show all the information about the process described under all of the
above <code>info proc</code> subcommands.
<dt><code>set procfs-trace</code></dt>
<dd><a name="index-set-procfs_002dtrace"></a>
<a name="index-procfs-API-calls"></a>
<p>This command enables and disables tracing of <code>procfs</code> API calls.
<dt><code>show procfs-trace</code></dt>
<dd><a name="index-show-procfs_002dtrace"></a>
<p>Show the current state of <code>procfs</code> API call tracing.
<dt><code>set procfs-file <var>file</var></code></dt>
<dd><a name="index-set-procfs_002dfile"></a>
<p>Tell <small>GDB</small> to write <code>procfs</code> API trace to the named
<var>file</var>. <small>GDB</small> appends the trace info to the previous
contents of the file. The default is to display the trace on the
standard output.
<dt><code>show procfs-file</code></dt>
<dd><a name="index-show-procfs_002dfile"></a>
<p>Show the file to which <code>procfs</code> API trace is written.
<dd><a name="index-proc_002dtrace_002dentry"></a>
<a name="index-proc_002dtrace_002dexit"></a>
<a name="index-proc_002duntrace_002dentry"></a>
<a name="index-proc_002duntrace_002dexit"></a>
<p>These commands enable and disable tracing of entries into and exits
from the <code>syscall</code> interface.
<dt><code>info pidlist</code></dt>
<dd><a name="index-info-pidlist"></a>
<a name="index-process-list_002c-QNX-Neutrino"></a>
<p>For QNX Neutrino only, this command displays the list of all the
processes and all the threads within each process.
<dt><code>info meminfo</code></dt>
<dd><a name="index-info-meminfo"></a>
<a name="index-mapinfo-list_002c-QNX-Neutrino"></a>
<p>For QNX Neutrino only, this command displays the list of all mapinfos.
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