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<a name="x86-Architecture_002dspecific-Issues"></a>
<h4 class="subsection">21.4.2 x86 Architecture-specific Issues</h4>
<dl compact="compact">
<dt><code>set struct-convention <var>mode</var></code></dt>
<dd><a name="index-set-struct_002dconvention"></a>
<a name="index-struct-return-convention"></a>
<a name="index-struct_002funion-returned-in-registers"></a>
<p>Set the convention used by the inferior to return <code>struct</code>s and
<code>union</code>s from functions to <var>mode</var>. Possible values of
<var>mode</var> are <code>&quot;pcc&quot;</code>, <code>&quot;reg&quot;</code>, and <code>&quot;default&quot;</code> (the
default). <code>&quot;default&quot;</code> or <code>&quot;pcc&quot;</code> means that <code>struct</code>s
are returned on the stack, while <code>&quot;reg&quot;</code> means that a
<code>struct</code> or a <code>union</code> whose size is 1, 2, 4, or 8 bytes will
be returned in a register.
<dt><code>show struct-convention</code></dt>
<dd><a name="index-show-struct_002dconvention"></a>
<p>Show the current setting of the convention to return <code>struct</code>s
from functions.
<a name="Intel_0028R_0029-Memory-Protection-Extensions-_0028MPX_0029_002e"></a>
<h4 class="subsubsection"> Intel(R) <em>Memory Protection Extensions</em> (MPX).</h4>
<a name="index-Intel_0028R_0029-Memory-Protection-Extensions-_0028MPX_0029_002e"></a>
<p>Memory Protection Extension (MPX) adds the bound registers &lsquo;<samp>BND0</samp>&rsquo;
<a name="DOCF16" href="#FOOT16"><sup>16</sup></a> through &lsquo;<samp>BND3</samp>&rsquo;. Bound registers store a pair of 64-bit values
which are the lower bound and upper bound. Bounds are effective addresses or
memory locations. The upper bounds are architecturally represented in 1&rsquo;s
complement form. A bound having lower bound = 0, and upper bound = 0
(1&rsquo;s complement of all bits set) will allow access to the entire address space.
<p>&lsquo;<samp>BND0</samp>&rsquo; through &lsquo;<samp>BND3</samp>&rsquo; are represented in <small>GDB</small> as &lsquo;<samp>bnd0raw</samp>&rsquo;
through &lsquo;<samp>bnd3raw</samp>&rsquo;. Pseudo registers &lsquo;<samp>bnd0</samp>&rsquo; through &lsquo;<samp>bnd3</samp>&rsquo;
display the upper bound performing the complement of one operation on the
upper bound value, i.e.&nbsp;when upper bound in &lsquo;<samp>bnd0raw</samp>&rsquo; is 0 in the
<small>GDB</small> &lsquo;<samp>bnd0</samp>&rsquo; it will be <code>0xfff&hellip;</code>. In this sense it
can also be noted that the upper bounds are inclusive.
<p>As an example, assume that the register BND0 holds bounds for a pointer having
access allowed for the range between 0x32 and 0x71. The values present on
bnd0raw and bnd registers are presented as follows:
<div class="smallexample">
<pre class="smallexample"> bnd0raw = {0x32, 0xffffffff8e}
bnd0 = {lbound = 0x32, ubound = 0x71} : size 64
<p>This way the raw value can be accessed via bnd0raw&hellip;bnd3raw. Any
change on bnd0&hellip;bnd3 or bnd0raw&hellip;bnd3raw is reflect on its
counterpart. When the bnd0&hellip;bnd3 registers are displayed via
Python, the display includes the memory size, in bits, accessible to
the pointer.
<p>Bounds can also be stored in bounds tables, which are stored in
application memory. These tables store bounds for pointers by specifying
the bounds pointer&rsquo;s value along with its bounds. Evaluating and changing
bounds located in bound tables is therefore interesting while investigating
bugs on MPX context. <small>GDB</small> provides commands for this purpose:
<dl compact="compact">
<dt><code>show mpx bound <var>pointer</var></code></dt>
<dd><a name="index-show-mpx-bound"></a>
<p>Display bounds of the given <var>pointer</var>.
<dt><code>set mpx bound <var>pointer</var>, <var>lbound</var>, <var>ubound</var></code></dt>
<dd><a name="index-set-mpx-bound"></a>
<p>Set the bounds of a pointer in the bound table.
This command takes three parameters: <var>pointer</var> is the pointers
whose bounds are to be changed, <var>lbound</var> and <var>ubound</var> are new values
for lower and upper bounds respectively.
<div class="footnote">
<h4 class="footnotes-heading">Footnotes</h4>
<h3><a name="FOOT16" href="#DOCF16">(16)</a></h3>
<p>The register named with capital letters represent the architecture
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