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<a name="struct-stat"></a>
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<a name="struct-stat-1"></a>
<h4 class="unnumberedsubsubsec">struct stat</h4>
<a name="index-struct-stat_002c-in-file_002di_002fo-protocol"></a>
<p>The buffer of type <code>struct stat</code> used by the target and <small>GDB</small>
is defined as follows:
<div class="smallexample">
<pre class="smallexample">struct stat {
unsigned int st_dev; /* device */
unsigned int st_ino; /* inode */
mode_t st_mode; /* protection */
unsigned int st_nlink; /* number of hard links */
unsigned int st_uid; /* user ID of owner */
unsigned int st_gid; /* group ID of owner */
unsigned int st_rdev; /* device type (if inode device) */
unsigned long st_size; /* total size, in bytes */
unsigned long st_blksize; /* blocksize for filesystem I/O */
unsigned long st_blocks; /* number of blocks allocated */
time_t st_atime; /* time of last access */
time_t st_mtime; /* time of last modification */
time_t st_ctime; /* time of last change */
<p>The integral datatypes conform to the definitions given in the
appropriate section (see <a href="Integral-Datatypes.html#Integral-Datatypes">Integral Datatypes</a>, for details) so this
structure is of size 64 bytes.
<p>The values of several fields have a restricted meaning and/or
range of values.
<dl compact="compact">
<dd><p>A value of 0 represents a file, 1 the console.
<dd><p>No valid meaning for the target. Transmitted unchanged.
<dd><p>Valid mode bits are described in <a href="Constants.html#Constants">Constants</a>. Any other
bits have currently no meaning for the target.
<dd><p>No valid meaning for the target. Transmitted unchanged.
<dd><p>These values have a host and file system dependent
accuracy. Especially on Windows hosts, the file system may not
support exact timing values.
<p>The target gets a <code>struct stat</code> of the above representation and is
responsible for coercing it to the target representation before
<p>Note that due to size differences between the host, target, and protocol
representations of <code>struct stat</code> members, these members could eventually
get truncated on the target.
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