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<title>STABS: Nested Procedures</title>
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<a name="Nested-Procedures-1"></a>
<h3 class="section">2.6 Nested Procedures</h3>
<p>For any of the symbol descriptors representing procedures, after the
symbol descriptor and the type information is optionally a scope
specifier. This consists of a comma, the name of the procedure, another
comma, and the name of the enclosing procedure. The first name is local
to the scope specified, and seems to be redundant with the name of the
symbol (before the &lsquo;<samp>:</samp>&rsquo;). This feature is used by GCC, and
presumably Pascal, Modula-2, etc., compilers, for nested functions.
<p>If procedures are nested more than one level deep, only the immediately
containing scope is specified. For example, this code:
<div class="example">
<pre class="example">int
foo (int x)
int bar (int y)
int baz (int z)
return x + y + z;
return baz (x + 2 * y);
return x + bar (3 * x);
<p>produces the stabs:
<div class="example">
<pre class="example">.stabs &quot;baz:f1,baz,bar&quot;,36,0,0,_baz.15 # <span class="roman">36 is N_FUN</span>
.stabs &quot;bar:f1,bar,foo&quot;,36,0,0,_bar.12
.stabs &quot;foo:F1&quot;,36,0,0,_foo