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<a name="Incompatibilities-with-Unix-gprof"></a>
<h2 class="chapter">8 Incompatibilities with Unix <code>gprof</code></h2>
<p><small>GNU</small> <code>gprof</code> and Berkeley Unix <code>gprof</code> use the same data
file <samp>gmon.out</samp>, and provide essentially the same information. But
there are a few differences.
<li> <small>GNU</small> <code>gprof</code> uses a new, generalized file format with support
for basic-block execution counts and non-realtime histograms. A magic
cookie and version number allows <code>gprof</code> to easily identify
new style files. Old BSD-style files can still be read.
See <a href="File-Format.html#File-Format">Profiling Data File Format</a>.
</li><li> For a recursive function, Unix <code>gprof</code> lists the function as a
parent and as a child, with a <code>calls</code> field that lists the number
of recursive calls. <small>GNU</small> <code>gprof</code> omits these lines and puts
the number of recursive calls in the primary line.
</li><li> When a function is suppressed from the call graph with &lsquo;<samp>-e</samp>&rsquo;, <small>GNU</small>
<code>gprof</code> still lists it as a subroutine of functions that call it.
</li><li> <small>GNU</small> <code>gprof</code> accepts the &lsquo;<samp>-k</samp>&rsquo; with its argument
in the form &lsquo;<samp>from/to</samp>&rsquo;, instead of &lsquo;<samp>from to</samp>&rsquo;.
</li><li> In the annotated source listing,
if there are multiple basic blocks on the same line,
<small>GNU</small> <code>gprof</code> prints all of their counts, separated by commas.
</li><li> The blurbs, field widths, and output formats are different. <small>GNU</small>
<code>gprof</code> prints blurbs after the tables, so that you can see the
tables without skipping the blurbs.