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<a name="Type"></a>
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<a name="g_t_002etype"></a>
<h3 class="section">7.115 <code>.type</code></h3>
<p>This directive is used to set the type of a symbol.
<a name="COFF-Version-2"></a>
<h4 class="subheading">COFF Version</h4>
<a name="index-COFF-symbol-type"></a>
<a name="index-symbol-type_002c-COFF"></a>
<a name="index-type-directive-_0028COFF-version_0029"></a>
<p>For COFF targets, this directive is permitted only within
<code>.def</code>/<code>.endef</code> pairs. It is used like this:
<div class="smallexample">
<pre class="smallexample">.type <var>int</var>
<p>This records the integer <var>int</var> as the type attribute of a symbol table
<a name="ELF-Version-2"></a>
<h4 class="subheading">ELF Version</h4>
<a name="index-ELF-symbol-type"></a>
<a name="index-symbol-type_002c-ELF"></a>
<a name="index-type-directive-_0028ELF-version_0029"></a>
<p>For ELF targets, the <code>.type</code> directive is used like this:
<div class="smallexample">
<pre class="smallexample">.type <var>name</var> , <var>type description</var>
<p>This sets the type of symbol <var>name</var> to be either a
function symbol or an object symbol. There are five different syntaxes
supported for the <var>type description</var> field, in order to provide
compatibility with various other assemblers.
<p>Because some of the characters used in these syntaxes (such as &lsquo;<samp>@</samp>&rsquo; and
&lsquo;<samp>#</samp>&rsquo;) are comment characters for some architectures, some of the syntaxes
below do not work on all architectures. The first variant will be accepted by
the GNU assembler on all architectures so that variant should be used for
maximum portability, if you do not need to assemble your code with other
<p>The syntaxes supported are:
<div class="smallexample">
<pre class="smallexample"> .type &lt;name&gt; STT_&lt;TYPE_IN_UPPER_CASE&gt;
.type &lt;name&gt;,#&lt;type&gt;
.type &lt;name&gt;,@&lt;type&gt;
.type &lt;name&gt;,%&lt;type&gt;
.type &lt;name&gt;,&quot;&lt;type&gt;&quot;
<p>The types supported are:
<dl compact="compact">
<dd><p>Mark the symbol as being a function name.
<dd><p>Mark the symbol as an indirect function when evaluated during reloc
processing. (This is only supported on assemblers targeting GNU systems).
<dd><p>Mark the symbol as being a data object.
<dd><p>Mark the symbol as being a thead-local data object.
<dd><p>Mark the symbol as being a common data object.
<dd><p>Does not mark the symbol in any way. It is supported just for completeness.
<dd><p>Marks the symbol as being a globally unique data object. The dynamic linker
will make sure that in the entire process there is just one symbol with this
name and type in use. (This is only supported on assemblers targeting GNU
<p>Note: Some targets support extra types in addition to those listed above.
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