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<a name="i386_002dOptions"></a>
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<a name="Options-10"></a>
<h4 class="subsection">9.15.1 Options</h4>
<a name="index-options-for-i386"></a>
<a name="index-options-for-x86_002d64"></a>
<a name="index-i386-options"></a>
<a name="index-x86_002d64-options"></a>
<p>The i386 version of <code>as</code> has a few machine
dependent options:
<dl compact="compact">
<dd><a name="index-_002d_002d32-option_002c-i386"></a>
<a name="index-_002d_002d32-option_002c-x86_002d64"></a>
<a name="index-_002d_002dx32-option_002c-i386"></a>
<a name="index-_002d_002dx32-option_002c-x86_002d64"></a>
<a name="index-_002d_002d64-option_002c-i386"></a>
<a name="index-_002d_002d64-option_002c-x86_002d64"></a>
<dt><code>--32 | --x32 | --64</code></dt>
<dd><p>Select the word size, either 32 bits or 64 bits. &lsquo;<samp>--32</samp>&rsquo;
implies Intel i386 architecture, while &lsquo;<samp>--x32</samp>&rsquo; and &lsquo;<samp>--64</samp>&rsquo;
imply AMD x86-64 architecture with 32-bit or 64-bit word-size
<p>These options are only available with the ELF object file format, and
require that the necessary BFD support has been included (on a 32-bit
platform you have to add &ndash;enable-64-bit-bfd to configure enable 64-bit
usage and use x86-64 as target platform).
<dd><p>By default, x86 GAS replaces multiple nop instructions used for
alignment within code sections with multi-byte nop instructions such
as leal 0(%esi,1),%esi. This switch disables the optimization.
<a name="index-_002d_002ddivide-option_002c-i386"></a>
<dd><p>On SVR4-derived platforms, the character &lsquo;<samp>/</samp>&rsquo; is treated as a comment
character, which means that it cannot be used in expressions. The
&lsquo;<samp>--divide</samp>&rsquo; option turns &lsquo;<samp>/</samp>&rsquo; into a normal character. This does
not disable &lsquo;<samp>/</samp>&rsquo; at the beginning of a line starting a comment, or
affect using &lsquo;<samp>#</samp>&rsquo; for starting a comment.
<a name="index-_002dmarch_003d-option_002c-i386"></a>
<a name="index-_002dmarch_003d-option_002c-x86_002d64"></a>
<dd><p>This option specifies the target processor. The assembler will
issue an error message if an attempt is made to assemble an instruction
which will not execute on the target processor. The following
processor names are recognized:
<code>generic32</code> and
<p>In addition to the basic instruction set, the assembler can be told to
accept various extension mnemonics. For example,
<code>-march=i686+sse4+vmx</code> extends <var>i686</var> with <var>sse4</var> and
<var>vmx</var>. The following extensions are currently supported:
<code>abm</code> and
Note that rather than extending a basic instruction set, the extension
mnemonics starting with <code>no</code> revoke the respective functionality.
<p>When the <code>.arch</code> directive is used with <samp>-march</samp>, the
<code>.arch</code> directive will take precedent.
<a name="index-_002dmtune_003d-option_002c-i386"></a>
<a name="index-_002dmtune_003d-option_002c-x86_002d64"></a>
<dd><p>This option specifies a processor to optimize for. When used in
conjunction with the <samp>-march</samp> option, only instructions
of the processor specified by the <samp>-march</samp> option will be
<p>Valid <var>CPU</var> values are identical to the processor list of
<a name="index-_002dmsse2avx-option_002c-i386"></a>
<a name="index-_002dmsse2avx-option_002c-x86_002d64"></a>
<dd><p>This option specifies that the assembler should encode SSE instructions
with VEX prefix.
<a name="index-_002dmsse_002dcheck_003d-option_002c-i386"></a>
<a name="index-_002dmsse_002dcheck_003d-option_002c-x86_002d64"></a>
<dd><p>These options control if the assembler should check SSE instructions.
<samp>-msse-check=<var>none</var></samp> will make the assembler not to check SSE
instructions, which is the default. <samp>-msse-check=<var>warning</var></samp>
will make the assembler issue a warning for any SSE instruction.
<samp>-msse-check=<var>error</var></samp> will make the assembler issue an error
for any SSE instruction.
<a name="index-_002dmavxscalar_003d-option_002c-i386"></a>
<a name="index-_002dmavxscalar_003d-option_002c-x86_002d64"></a>
<dd><p>These options control how the assembler should encode scalar AVX
instructions. <samp>-mavxscalar=<var>128</var></samp> will encode scalar
AVX instructions with 128bit vector length, which is the default.
<samp>-mavxscalar=<var>256</var></samp> will encode scalar AVX instructions
with 256bit vector length.
<a name="index-_002dmevexlig_003d-option_002c-i386"></a>
<a name="index-_002dmevexlig_003d-option_002c-x86_002d64"></a>
<dd><p>These options control how the assembler should encode length-ignored
(LIG) EVEX instructions. <samp>-mevexlig=<var>128</var></samp> will encode LIG
EVEX instructions with 128bit vector length, which is the default.
<samp>-mevexlig=<var>256</var></samp> and <samp>-mevexlig=<var>512</var></samp> will
encode LIG EVEX instructions with 256bit and 512bit vector length,
<a name="index-_002dmevexwig_003d-option_002c-i386"></a>
<a name="index-_002dmevexwig_003d-option_002c-x86_002d64"></a>
<dd><p>These options control how the assembler should encode w-ignored (WIG)
EVEX instructions. <samp>-mevexwig=<var>0</var></samp> will encode WIG
EVEX instructions with evex.w = 0, which is the default.
<samp>-mevexwig=<var>1</var></samp> will encode WIG EVEX instructions with
evex.w = 1.
<a name="index-_002dmmnemonic_003d-option_002c-i386"></a>
<a name="index-_002dmmnemonic_003d-option_002c-x86_002d64"></a>
<dd><p>This option specifies instruction mnemonic for matching instructions.
The <code>.att_mnemonic</code> and <code>.intel_mnemonic</code> directives will
take precedent.
<a name="index-_002dmsyntax_003d-option_002c-i386"></a>
<a name="index-_002dmsyntax_003d-option_002c-x86_002d64"></a>
<dd><p>This option specifies instruction syntax when processing instructions.
The <code>.att_syntax</code> and <code>.intel_syntax</code> directives will
take precedent.
<a name="index-_002dmnaked_002dreg-option_002c-i386"></a>
<a name="index-_002dmnaked_002dreg-option_002c-x86_002d64"></a>
<dd><p>This opetion specifies that registers don&rsquo;t require a &lsquo;<samp>%</samp>&rsquo; prefix.
The <code>.att_syntax</code> and <code>.intel_syntax</code> directives will take precedent.
<a name="index-_002dmadd_002dbnd_002dprefix-option_002c-i386"></a>
<a name="index-_002dmadd_002dbnd_002dprefix-option_002c-x86_002d64"></a>
<dd><p>This option forces the assembler to add BND prefix to all branches, even
if such prefix was not explicitly specified in the source code.
<a name="index-_002dmbig_002dobj-option_002c-x86_002d64"></a>
<dd><p>On x86-64 PE/COFF target this option forces the use of big object file
format, which allows more than 32768 sections.
<a name="index-_002dmomit_002dlock_002dprefix_003d-option_002c-i386"></a>
<a name="index-_002dmomit_002dlock_002dprefix_003d-option_002c-x86_002d64"></a>
<dd><p>These options control how the assembler should encode lock prefix.
This option is intended as a workaround for processors, that fail on
lock prefix. This option can only be safely used with single-core,
single-thread computers
<samp>-momit-lock-prefix=<var>yes</var></samp> will omit all lock prefixes.
<samp>-momit-lock-prefix=<var>no</var></samp> will encode lock prefix as usual,
which is the default.
<a name="index-_002dmevexrcig_003d-option_002c-i386"></a>
<a name="index-_002dmevexrcig_003d-option_002c-x86_002d64"></a>
<dd><p>These options control how the assembler should encode SAE-only
EVEX instructions. <samp>-mevexrcig=<var>rne</var></samp> will encode RC bits
of EVEX instruction with 00, which is the default.
<samp>-mevexrcig=<var>rd</var></samp>, <samp>-mevexrcig=<var>ru</var></samp>
and <samp>-mevexrcig=<var>rz</var></samp> will encode SAE-only EVEX instructions
with 01, 10 and 11 RC bits, respectively.
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